* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header file of mediafiledialog. UI control of mediafilelist
#include "mediafiledialogutils.h"
#include "mediafilepreview.h"
#include "mediafilehandler.h"
#include "mediafiledialogstate.h"
#include "mediafilewaitnote.h"
#include <e32base.h>
#include <aknlists.h>
#include <AknDialog.h>
#include <AknInfoPopupNoteController.h> // CAknInfoPopupNoteController
#include <eikedwin.h>
#include <aknsfld.h>
#include <peninputsrveventhandler.h>
#include <peninputclient.h>
class CMFDialogTest;
class CMFProtectionHandler;
class CAknInputBlock;
class CVideoPreviewDialog;
* CMFListHandlerObserver
* CMFListHandler uses CMFListHandlerObserver to get listbox item texts.
virtual TPtrC ConstructListboxItem( TInt aListIndex ) = 0;
virtual TInt ListboxItemCount() = 0;
* CMFListHandler
* This class is used as listbox model's item array. Listbox uses it to draw
* list items. CMFListHandler gets list item texts from CMediaFileHandler
* (metadata query result). This way there is no need to copy all list items
* into listbox model.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CMFListHandler) : public MDesCArray
static CMFListHandler* NewL();
void ConstructL(void);
public: // from MDesCArray
TInt MdcaCount() const;
TPtrC16 MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const;
void SetObserver( CMFListHandlerObserver* aObserver );
static void Panic( TInt aReason );
CMFListHandlerObserver* iObserver; // does not own
* CMediaFileDialog
* CMediaFileDialog provides UI for selecting/previewing media files.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CMediaFileDialog) : public CAknDialog,
public MEikListBoxObserver,
public MCoeForegroundObserver,
public CMFListHandlerObserver,
public MMediaFileHandlerObserver,
public MMFActiveCallerObserver,
public MPreviewHandlerObserver,
public MMediaFileWaitNoteObserver,
public MAdaptiveSearchTextObserver, // not used
public MPenUiActivationHandler
#ifdef _DEBUG
friend class CMFDialogTest;
enum TListOperationType
enum TDelayedOperationType
public:// Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CMediaFileDialog* NewL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CMediaFileDialog();
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
TBool ShowDialogL( TDes* aFileName, TInt* aNullItem,
TInt* aInfo, TDes* aDesInfo );
void SetAttrL( TInt aAttr, TInt aValue );
void SetAttrL( TInt aAttr, const TDesC& aValue );
void SetAttrL( TInt aAttr, TAny* aValue );
void SetNullItemL( const TDesC& aText, const TDesC& aMediaFile,
TInt aMediaFileType, TInt aIconId );
* From MEikListBoxObserver, called by framework.
* @param aListBox.
* @param aEventType.
* @return None
void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
* From the base class.
* Called by framework before the dialog is shown.
* @param None
* @return None
void PreLayoutDynInitL();
* From the base class.
* Called by framework before exiting the dialog.
* @param aButtonId Button id.
* @return ETrue to exit\ EFalse to not to exit.
TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
* From the base class.
* Called by framework for key event handling.
* @param aKeyEvent.
* @param aType.
* @return Return code.
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
* From the base class.
* Called by framework when dialog is activated.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void ActivateL();
* From the base class.
* Called by framework before menu is shown.
* @param aResourceId Menu resource id.
* @param aMenuPane Pointer to the menu.
* @return None.
void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceID, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
* From the base class.
* Handles menu events.
* @param aCommandId Command id.
* @return None.
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
* From base class.
* Called when UI layout changes.
* @param aType.
* @return None.
void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
/** SetSizeAndPosition
* From CAknDialog.
* Sets dialog's size to whole main pane.
* @param aSize ignored
void SetSizeAndPosition( const TSize &aSize );
SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL( TInt aControlType );
virtual CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
virtual TInt CountComponentControls() const;
TBool DoHandleOKL( TInt aAttr );
TBool HandleOKL( TInt aAttr );
TBool DoHandleBackL();
TBool HandleBackL();
void SearchL();
void DoSearchL();
static TInt StartRomScaning( TAny* aInstance );
void StartRomScan();
void ResetDialogL( TInt aError);
void QueryL( TInt aFolderId, TBool aDatabaseChanged = EFalse );
void GetSelectedItemFileName( TInt aListboxIndex, TDes& aFileName );
TInt CurrentItemListIndex();
void SetIconsL();
CAknSearchField* FindBox() const;
void ResetFindBoxL();
void FindBoxCursorMoveL( TInt aType );
void ShowContextMenuL( TInt aResource );
void PreviewL( TInt aMediaType );
void PreviewVideoL( const TDesC& aFileName );
void PreviewNullItemL( TInt aFolderId );
void StartPreviewWithDelay();
void CancelPreview();
void StartSearchWithDelay();
TBool IsVideoFile( TInt aCurrentIndex );
TBool IsValidVideoFileL( TInt aCurrentIndex, TInt aIntention );
TInt MediaTypeIcon( TInt aListboxIndex );
TInt StorageTypeIcon( TInt aListboxIndex );
void GetListItemText( TInt aListboxIndex, TDes& aText );
void CheckListboxIndex();
void HandleMediaFileChanged();
void UpdateListBoxL( TBool aRestFindBox = ETrue );
void DoUpdateListBoxL( TBool aRestFindBox );
void UpdateCbaL( TInt aAttr );
TInt MapAttribute( TInt aFolderId );
void ShowErrorNoteL( TInt aError );
void ShowPreviewErrorNoteL( TInt aError, TInt aMediaType );
void DeleteMenuItem( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane, TInt aCommandId );
CGulIcon* IconL(TAknsItemID aId, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aFileIndex,
TInt aFileMaskIndex);
CGulIcon* IconL(TAknsItemID aId, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aFileIndex,
TInt aFileMaskIndex, TAknsQsnIconColorsIndex colorIndex);
static TInt CloseDialog( TAny *aObj );
void CloseDialogWithDelayL();
void ShowWaitNoteL( TBool aDatabaseChanged );
void ShowPopupNoteL( const TDesC& aText );
void ShowDetailsPopupL();
void GetPopupText( CMediaFileData* aData, TDes& aText );
TBool MatchFound( const TDesC& aAttribute, const TDesC& aText );
static void Panic( TInt aReason );
private: // from CMFListHandlerObserver
TPtrC ConstructListboxItem( TInt aListboxIndex );
TInt ListboxItemCount();
private: // from MPreviewHandlerObserver
void HandlePreviewEventL( TInt aEvent, TInt aError );
private: // from MMediaFileHandlerObserver
void HandleMFEventL( TInt aEvent, TInt aError );
private: // from MMFActiveCallerObserver
void HandleActiveCallL( TInt aCallId );
private: //from MCoeControlObserver
void HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType );
private: // from MCoeForegroundObserver
void HandleGainingForeground();
void HandleLosingForeground();
private: // from MAdaptiveSearchTextObserver
void AdaptiveSearchTextChanged( CAknSearchField* aSearchField );
private: // from MPenUiActivationHandler
void OnPeninputUiDeactivated();
void OnPeninputUiActivated();
private: // MMediaFileWaitNoteObserver
void HandleWaitNoteL( TInt aButtonId );
#ifdef _DEBUG
private: // test code
CMFDialogTest* iTest;
// listbox
CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox* iListBox;
// for title and icon handling
CStatusPaneHandler* iStatusPaneHandler;
// long buffer for string handling
TBuf<KBufSize256> iBuf;
// long buffer for string handling
TBuf<KBufSize256> iPopupText;
// long buffers for listbox items
TBuf<KBufSize128> iListboxItemText1;
TBuf<KBufSize256> iListboxItemText2;
// text from search field
TBuf<KBufSize128> iSearchText;
// long buffers for icon file names
TFileName iIconFileName;
// list box model item array
CMFListHandler* iMFListHandler;
// dialog state
CMediaFileDialogState* iState;
// metadata engine wrapper
CMediaFileHandler* iMediaFileHandler;
// search box
CAknSearchField* iFindCtrl;
// for generating active object calls
CMFActiveCaller* iCaller;
CMFActiveCaller* iSearchCaller;
// for previewing video files
CMFVideoPreviewHandler* iVideoPreviewHandler;
// for previewing audio files
CMFAudioPreviewHandler* iAudioPreviewHandler;
// popup note
CAknInfoPopupNoteController* iPopupNote;
// cancel note in case database query takes more than 2 seconds
CMediaFileWaitNote* iWaitNote;
// needed for finding out whether search field is in pen input mode
RPeninputServer iPeninputServer;
// for file protection information (drm etc)
CMFProtectionHandler* iProtectionHandler;
// for closing dialog
CIdle* iIdle;
TBool ifilevalid;
// is dialog in foreground (visible)
TBool iForeGround;
// dll resource file id
TInt iResourceFileId;
// is metadata databse open
TBool iDatabaseOpen;
// is pen input active
TBool iPeninputActive;
// dialog attribute values
HBufC* iNullItemFileNameOne;
HBufC* iNullItemFileNameTwo;
TInt iNullItemFileTypeOne;
TInt iNullItemFileTypeTwo;
TBuf<KBufSize128> iDialogTitle;
CAknInputBlock* iInputBlock;
// dialog output parameters
// selected media file
TDes* iFileName;
// selected null item
// extra parameter for later use
TInt* iInfo;
// extra parameter for later use
TDes* iDesInfo;
//is double clicked the item of the listbox
TBool iIsDoubleClicked;
TBool iFileisvalid;
// Video preview dialogue, model dialog
CVideoPreviewDialog* iVideoPreviewDlg;
* CFindControl
* Search field functionality (CFindControl) is copied from
* AknSelectionLis (s60/mw/classicui/uifw/AvKon/src/AknSelectionList.cpp).
* Example code can also be found in
* s60/app/imppapplications/wvuing/wvuiave/AppSrc/CCAContactSelectionDialog.cpp
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CFindControl) : public CCoeControl
CAknSearchField *iFind;
~CFindControl() { delete iFind; }
void Draw(const TRect &) const
// this removes flicker from CEikDialog's Draw().
void SizeChanged()
TRect mainPane;
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, mainPane );
TAknLayoutRect listRect;
listRect.LayoutRect( mainPane, AknLayout::list_gen_pane(0) );
TRect r( listRect.Rect() );
iPosition = TPoint( r.iTl );
iSize.SetSize( r.Width(), r.Height() );
TSize MinimumSize()
if ( iFind )
if ( iFind->Size() != TSize( 0, 0 ) )
return iFind->Size();
return iSize;
// End of File