* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: XML-Parser used to parse motion patterns.
#include <eikenv.h>
#include "C3DAudioPattern.h" // C3DAudioPatter, T3DScriptPosition
#include <xml/contenthandler.h> // Xml::MContentHandler
#include <xml/parser.h> // Xml::CParser
#include <e32property.h> // RProperty
// Maximum length for names of element and attribute and for value of attribute.
const TUint KMaxDataLength = 20;
const TUint KBufSize32 = 32;
// Enumeration to use in determining the last tag.
enum TLastTag
EInitialization = 0,
// Identifiers for reverberation presets. Used in mapping.
enum TReverbPresets
EReverbNotEnabled = 0,
EReverbPresetOne = 14, // Livingroom
EReverbPresetTwo = 5, // Cave
EReverbPresetThree = 26, // Stone Corridor
EReverbPresetFour = 8, // Forest
EReverbPresetFive = 24, // Sewerpipe
EReverbPresetSix = 28 // Underwater
class C3DPatternPS;
* XML-parser used to parse motion patterns.
* @lib RingingTone3DPlugin.dll
* @since 5.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (C3DAudioXMLParser) : public CBase, public Xml::MContentHandler
enum TPatternAttributeKeys
EKeyPatternId = 1,
EKeyDopplerUsed = 2,
EKeyVelocity = 3
* Two-phased constructor.
static C3DAudioXMLParser* NewL();
* Two-phased constructor.
static C3DAudioXMLParser* NewLC();
* Destructor.
virtual ~C3DAudioXMLParser();
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Parses the motion pattern from XML-file.
* @param aPatternNum Motion pattern to be parsed.
void ParseL( TInt aPatternId );
* Parses the motion pattern from XML-file.
* @param aPatternNum Motion pattern to be parsed.
void ParseL( const TDesC& aFileName );
* Returns single pattern attribute.
* @param Pattern attribute key.
* @return Pattern attribute value.
TInt Attribute( TInt aKey );
const T3DPosition& PositionL( TInt aIndex );
const T3DVelocity& VelocityL( TInt aIndex );
const TInt& TimeL( TInt aIndex );
TInt CountL();
* Reads 3D ringing tone pattern data from cache (PubSub)
* @param aPatternId Pattern id.
TBool ReadFromPatternCacheL( TInt aPatternId );
* Writes 3D ringing tone pattern data into cache (PubSub)
* @param aPatternId Pattern id.
void WriteToPatternCacheL( TInt aPatternId );
#ifdef _DEBUG
void AssertParseDataL( TInt aPatternId );
static void GetPatternString(TDes& aText, TInt aPattern);
static void FlogPatternsL(TInt aOldPattern, TInt aNewPattern);
static void FlogPatternL(TInt aPattern);
static void FlogPubSubL(TInt aEcho);
static void GetEchoString(TDes& aText, TInt aEcho);
public: // from MContentHandler
* From MContentHandler This method is a callback to indicate the start of the document.
* @param aDocParam Specifies the various parameters of the document.
* @param aErrorCode The error code.
void OnStartDocumentL( const Xml::RDocumentParameters& aDocParam, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a callback to indicate the end of the document.
* @param aErrorCode The error code.
void OnEndDocumentL( TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a callback to indicate an element has been parsed.
* @param aElement Handle to the element's details.
* @param aAttributes Attributes for the element.
* @param aErrorCode The error code.
void OnStartElementL( const Xml::RTagInfo& aElement, const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a callback to indicate the end of the element has been reached.
* @param aElement Handle to the element's details.
* @param aErrorCode The error code.
void OnEndElementL( const Xml::RTagInfo& aElement, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a callback that sends the content of the element.
* @param aBytes Raw content data for the element
* @param aErrorCode The error code.
void OnContentL( const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a notification of the beginning of the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping.
* @param aPrefix Namespace prefix being declared.
* @param aUri Namespace URI the prefix is mapped to.
* @param aErrorCode The error code.
void OnStartPrefixMappingL( const RString& aPrefix, const RString& aUri, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a notification of the end of the scope of a prefix-URI mapping.
* @param aPrefix Namespace prefix that was mapped.
* @param aErrorCode The error code.
void OnEndPrefixMappingL( const RString& aPrefix, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a notification of ignorable whitespace in element content.
* @since Series ?XX ?SeriesXX_version
* @param aBytes Ignored bytes from the document being parsed.
* @param aErrorCode The error code.
void OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL( const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a notification of a skipped entity.
* @param aName Name of the skipped entity.
* @param aErrorCode The error code.
void OnSkippedEntityL( const RString& aName, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a receive notification of a processing instruction.
* @param aTarget Processing instruction target.
* @param aData Processing instruction data. If empty none was supplied.
* @param aErrorCode The error code.
void OnProcessingInstructionL( const TDesC8& aTarget, const TDesC8& aData, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method indicates an error has occurred.
* @param aErrorCode The error code.
void OnError( TInt aErrorCode );
* This method obtains the interface matching the specified uid.
* @param aUid UID identifying the required interface.
TAny* GetExtendedInterface( const TInt32 aUid );
* Processes the attributes of initialization-element.
* @param aAttributes Array of attributes.
void ProcessInitAttributesL( const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes );
* Processes the attributes of loop-element.
* @param aAttributes Array of attributes.
void ProcessLoopAttributesL( const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes );
* Processes the attributes of position-element.
* @param aAttributes Array of attributes.
void ProcessPositionAttributesL( const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes );
* Processes the attributes of update-element.
* @param aAttributes Array of attributes.
void ProcessUpdateAttributesL( const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes );
* Processes the attributes of velocity-element.
* @param aAttributes Array of attributes.
void ProcessVelocityAttributesL( const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes );
* String copy with length check.
* @param aTarget.
* @param aSource.
void CopyL( TDes8& aTarget, const TDesC8& aSource );
* Panics plugin dll.
* @param aReason Panic code.
void Panic(TInt aReason);
void GetPatternFullPathL(TDes& aText, TInt aPatternId);
CBufFlat* ReadPatternFileL( const TDesC& aFullName );
CBufFlat* ReadPatternFileL( TInt aPatternId );
private: // Data
// Xml::CParser
Xml::CParser* iParser;
// file server session
RFs iFsSession;
// Parsed pattern
C3DAudioPattern* iParsedPattern;
// element name
TBuf8<KMaxDataLength> iElementName;
// attribute name
TBuf8<KMaxDataLength> iAttributeName;
// attribute value
TBuf8<KMaxDataLength> iAttributeValue;
// Currently parsed pattern update.
T3DScriptUpdate iCurrentUpdate;
// Last tag occurred.
TLastTag iLastTag;
// 3DTone file name and path
TFileName iFullPath;
// Pattern id
TInt iPatternId;
* C3DPatternPS is used for storing 3D pattern data in
* Public and Subcribe. Max pattern size is 65536 bytes.
* @lib RingingTone3DPlugin.dll
* @since 5.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (C3DPatternPS) : public CBase
enum TPatternStoreKeys
EKeyPatternId = 1,
EKeyDopplerUsed = 2,
EKeyVelocity = 3,
EKeyDataSize = 4,
EKeyPatternData = 5
static C3DPatternPS* NewLC( TInt aStoreId );
virtual ~C3DPatternPS();
C3DPatternPS( TInt aStoreId );
void ConstructL();
void SetIntL( TInt aKey, TInt aValue );
TInt IntL( TInt aKey );
CBufFlat* DataLC();
void GetDataL( TDes8& aData );
void SetDataL( const TDesC8& aData );
void TestL();
TBool DefineKeyL( TInt aKeyId, TInt aKeyType );
RProperty iProperty;
TUid iStoreUid;
////////////////////////////////////// START TEST CODE //////////////////////////
#include <eikenv.h>
const TInt KBufSize128 = 128;
const TInt KBufSize64 = 64;
class T3DPatternData
TInt iTime;
TInt iX;
TInt iY;
TInt iZ;
* C3DPatternParser
* Used to parse xml files.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (C3DPatternParser) : public CBase, public Xml::MContentHandler
static C3DPatternParser* NewL();
virtual ~C3DPatternParser();
void ConstructL();
void ParseDocumentL(const TDesC& aFullName);
void ParseDocumentL(TInt aPatternId);
TInt PositionCount();
T3DPatternData& Position(TInt aIndex);
T3DPatternData& Velocity(TInt aIndex);
void GetPatternName(TDes& aText);
void GetEchoName(TDes& aText);
TBool DopplerEnabled();
void AssertPosition(TInt aIndex, TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aZ);
void AssertVelocity(TInt aIndex, TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aZ);
void AssertTime(TInt aIndex, TInt aTime);
void Print();
void PrintCoordinates(T3DPatternData& aData, TBool aVelocity);
private: // from MContentHandler
void OnStartDocumentL(const Xml::RDocumentParameters& aDocParam, TInt aErrorCode);
void OnEndDocumentL(TInt aErrorCode);
void OnStartElementL(const Xml::RTagInfo& aElement,
const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes,
TInt aErrorCode);
void OnEndElementL(const Xml::RTagInfo& aElement, TInt aErrorCode);
void OnContentL(const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode);
void OnStartPrefixMappingL(const RString& aPrefix, const RString& aUri,
TInt aErrorCode);
void OnEndPrefixMappingL(const RString& aPrefix, TInt aErrorCode);
void OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL(const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode);
void OnSkippedEntityL(const RString& aName, TInt aErrorCode);
void OnProcessingInstructionL(const TDesC8& aTarget, const TDesC8& aData,
TInt aErrorCode);
void OnError(TInt aErrorCode);
TAny* GetExtendedInterface(const TInt32 aUid);
CBufFlat* ReadDocumentL(const TDesC& aFullName);
void ReadPositionAttributesL(const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
void ReadVelocityAttributesL(const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
void ReadInitAttributesL(const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
void ReadUpdateAttributesL(const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
void StrCopy(TDes& aTarget, const TDesC8& aSource);
void StrCopy(TDes& aTarget, const TDesC& aSource);
TInt StrToIntL(const TDesC& aText);
void Panic(TInt aReason);
void GetPatternFileNameL(TDes& aText, TInt aPatternId);
// Xml parser
Xml::CParser* iParser;
// file server session
RFs iFsSession;
TBuf<KBufSize64> iElementName;
TBuf<KBufSize64> iAttributeName;
TBuf<KBufSize64> iAttributeValue;
TBuf<KBufSize64> iEchoName;
TBuf<KBufSize64> iPatternName;
TBool iDopplerUsed;
TBool iVelocityUsed;
T3DPatternData iCurrentPosition;
T3DPatternData iCurrentVelocity;
T3DPatternData iInitPosition;
T3DPatternData iInitVelocity;
// list for parsed 3d pattern position coordinates
RArray<T3DPatternData> iPositionList;
// list for parsed 3d pattern velocity coordinates
RArray<T3DPatternData> iVelocityList;
////////////////////////////////////// END TEST CODE ////////////////////////////
// End of File