changeset 0 2014ca87e772
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2014ca87e772
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of Image class.
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include "CIHLFileImage.h"
    22 #include "CIHLBitmap.h"
    23 #include "IHLImplementationIds.h"
    24 #include "IHLDebugPrint.h" // Debug print
    25 #include <IHLInterfaceIds.h>
    27 // Private namespace for constants and functions
    28 namespace
    29 	{
    30 	// Fixed scale factors
    31 	enum TScaleFactors
    32 		{
    33 		EFull		= 1,
    34 		EHalf		= 2,
    35 		EQuarter	= 4,
    36 		EEighth		= 8,
    37 		};
    39 	// Panic function
    40     _LIT( KIHLPanicString, "IHLImage" );
    41     void Panic( TInt aPanicCode ) { User::Panic( KIHLPanicString, aPanicCode ); }
    42 	}
    44 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    45 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 //
    47 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    48 // might leave.
    49 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 CIHLFileImage::CIHLFileImage( TInt aImageIndex )
    51 :CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ),
    52 iImageIndex( aImageIndex )
    53     {
    54 	CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    55     }
    57 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 //
    59 // Two-phased constructor.
    60 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 CIHLFileImage* CIHLFileImage::NewL( RFile& aFile, TInt aImageIndex, const TUint32 aOptions )
    62 	{
    63     CIHLFileImage* self = new (ELeave) CIHLFileImage( aImageIndex );
    64 	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    65 	self->ConstructL( aFile, aOptions );
    66 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
    67     return self;
    68 	}
    70 CIHLFileImage* CIHLFileImage::NewL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC8& aDataBuf,
    71                                     TInt aImageIndex, const TUint32 aOptions )
    72     {
    73     CIHLFileImage* self = new (ELeave) CIHLFileImage( aImageIndex );
    74 	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    75 	self->ConstructL( aFs, aDataBuf, aOptions );
    76 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
    77     return self;
    78     }
    80 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 //
    82 // Symbian constructor can leave.
    83 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 void CIHLFileImage::ConstructL( RFile& aFile, const TUint32 aOptions )
    85 	{
    86     TInt decoderOptions( CImageDecoder::EOptionNoDither | CImageDecoder::EOptionUseFrameSizeInPixels );
    88 	// Open decoder
    89     IHL_DEBUG1( KIHLDebug1, "IHL - CIHLFileImage - Start create ICL image decoder" );
    90 	if( aOptions & MIHLFileImage::EOptionNoDRMConsume )
    91 	    {
    92 	    iDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL( aFile, ContentAccess::EPeek,
    93 	                             (CImageDecoder::TOptions)decoderOptions );
    94 	    }
    95 	else
    96 	    {
    97 	    iDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL( aFile, ContentAccess::EView,
    98 	                             (CImageDecoder::TOptions)decoderOptions );
    99 	    }
   100 	ConstructCommonL();
   101     IHL_DEBUG1( KIHLDebug2, "IHL - CIHLFileImage - ICL image decoder ready!" );
   102 	}
   104 void CIHLFileImage::ConstructL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC8& aDataBuf, const TUint32 /*aOptions*/ )
   105     {
   106     TInt decoderOptions( CImageDecoder::EOptionNoDither | CImageDecoder::EOptionUseFrameSizeInPixels );
   108     IHL_DEBUG1( KIHLDebug1, "IHL - CIHLFileImage - Start create buffered ICL image decoder" );
   110     iDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL( aFs, aDataBuf, (CImageDecoder::TOptions)decoderOptions );
   111 	ConstructCommonL();
   113     IHL_DEBUG1( KIHLDebug2, "IHL - CIHLFileImage - Buffered ICL image decoder ready!" );
   114     }
   117 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   118 // CIHLFileImage::ConstructCommonL
   119 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   121 void CIHLFileImage::ConstructCommonL()
   122     {
   123 	// Check frame count and image index
   124 	iImageCount = iDecoder->FrameCount();
   125 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iImageCount > 0, User::Leave( KErrCorrupt ) );
   127 	// Get image types
   128 	iDecoder->ImageType( iImageIndex, iImageType, iImageSubType );
   130 	if( KImageTypeGIFUid == iImageType )
   131 		{
   132 		iGif = ETrue;
   133 		if( iImageCount > 1 )
   134 		    {
   135     		iAnimation = ETrue;
   136     		iAnimationFrameCount = iImageCount;
   137     		iImageCount = 1; // Handled as one animated image
   138 		    }
   139 		}
   140 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iImageIndex >= 0 && iImageIndex < iImageCount, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
   142 	// cache frame info and set scale sizes
   143 	iFrameInfo = iDecoder->FrameInfo( iImageIndex );
   144 	if( !iAnimation )
   145 		{
   146         // Animation must always be loaded 1:1
   147 		if( !iGif &&
   148 		    iFrameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::EFullyScaleable )
   149 			{
   150 			// Gif cannot be fully scaleable
   151 			iFullyScaleable = ETrue;
   152 			}
   153 		else
   154 			{
   155 			TSize size( iFrameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels );
   156 			iLoadSizeArray.AppendL( ScaledLoadSize( size, EEighth ) );
   157 			iLoadSizeArray.AppendL( ScaledLoadSize( size, EQuarter ) );
   158 			iLoadSizeArray.AppendL( ScaledLoadSize( size, EHalf ) );
   159 			}
   160 		}
   161     }
   163 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   164 // Destructor
   165 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   166 CIHLFileImage::~CIHLFileImage()
   167     {
   168 	Cancel();
   169 	delete iPrevAnimationFrame;
   170 	delete iSubFrameBitmap;
   171 	delete iDecoder;
   172 	iLoadSizeArray.Reset();
   173     }
   175 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 // CIHLFileImage::Type
   177 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 TIHLInterfaceType CIHLFileImage::Type() const
   179 	{
   180 	return TIHLInterfaceType( KIHLInterfaceIdFileImage,
   181 							  KIHLImplementationIdFileImage );
   182 	}
   184 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   185 // CIHLFileImage::ImageType
   186 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187 const TUid& CIHLFileImage::ImageType() const
   188 	{
   189 	return iImageType;
   190 	}
   192 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 // CIHLFileImage::ImageSubType
   194 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 const TUid& CIHLFileImage::ImageSubType() const
   196 	{
   197 	return iImageSubType;
   198 	}
   200 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 // CIHLFileImage::ImageIndex
   202 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 TInt CIHLFileImage::ImageIndex() const
   204 	{
   205 	return iImageIndex;
   206 	}
   208 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 // CIHLFileImage::ImageCount
   210 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   211 TInt CIHLFileImage::ImageCount() const
   212 	{
   213 	return iImageCount;
   214 	}
   216 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   217 // CIHLFileImage::Size
   218 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   219 TSize CIHLFileImage::Size() const
   220 	{
   221 	return iFrameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels;
   222 	}
   224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 // CIHLFileImage::DisplayMode
   226 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   227 TDisplayMode CIHLFileImage::DisplayMode() const
   228 	{
   229 	if( iGif )
   230 		{
   231 		// We cannot trust iFrameDisplayMode for GIF images. It always return EColor256.
   232 		// This is error because palette sure holds only 256 colors but these colors can
   233 		// be still any RGB values and so for cannot be directly put to 8 bit bitmap (EColor256).
   234 		// To decrypt image correctly and without color dithering, we must use 24 bit (EColor16M)
   235 		// destination bitmap. Note that CFbsBitmap has palette methods but they are
   236 		// not supported currently.
   237 		// Return maximum color mode to ensure best image quality.
   238 		return EColor16MU;
   239 		}
   240 	else if( iFrameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode < EColor16MU ||
   241 	         iFrameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode == EColor4K )
   242 		{
   243 		return EColor64K;
   244 		}
   245 	return EColor16MU;
   246 	}
   248 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   249 // CIHLFileImage::MaskDisplayMode
   250 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   251 TDisplayMode CIHLFileImage::MaskDisplayMode() const
   252 	{
   253 	if( iFrameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::ETransparencyPossible )
   254 		{
   255 		if( iFrameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::EAlphaChannel )
   256 			{
   257 			return EGray256;
   258 			}
   259 		return EGray2;
   260 		}
   261 	return ENone;
   262 	}
   264 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   265 // CIHLFileImage::BackgroundColor
   266 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   267 TRgb CIHLFileImage::BackgroundColor() const
   268 	{
   269 	return iFrameInfo.iBackgroundColor;
   270 	}
   272 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   273 // CIHLFileImage::CustomLoadSizeArray
   274 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   275 const RArray<TSize>& CIHLFileImage::CustomLoadSizeArray() const
   276 	{
   277 	return iLoadSizeArray;
   278 	}
   280 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   281 // CIHLFileImage::CustomLoadSizeArray
   282 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 TBool CIHLFileImage::IsFullyScaleable() const
   284 	{
   285 	return iFullyScaleable;
   286 	}
   288 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   289 // CIHLFileImage::IsAnimation
   290 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   291 TBool CIHLFileImage::IsAnimation() const
   292 	{
   293 	return iAnimation;
   294 	}
   296 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 // CIHLFileImage::AnimationFrameCount
   298 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   299 TInt CIHLFileImage::AnimationFrameCount() const
   300 	{
   301 	return iAnimationFrameCount;
   302 	}
   304 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   305 // CIHLFileImage::AnimationFrameDelay
   306 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   307 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 CIHLFileImage::AnimationFrameDelay( TInt aAnimationFrameIndex ) const
   308 	{
   309 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( aAnimationFrameIndex >= 0 &&
   310 		aAnimationFrameIndex < iAnimationFrameCount, Panic( KErrArgument ) );
   312 	return I64INT( iDecoder->FrameInfo( aAnimationFrameIndex ).iDelay.Int64() );
   313 	}
   315 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 // CIHLFileImage::Load
   317 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   319 TInt CIHLFileImage::Load( TRequestStatus& aStatus, MIHLBitmap& aDestination, TInt aFrameIndex )
   320 	{
   321 	iImageIndex = aFrameIndex;	
   322 	return LoadRequest( aStatus, aDestination, iImageIndex );
   323 	}
   325 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   326 // CIHLFileImage::LoadAnimation
   327 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   328 TInt CIHLFileImage::LoadAnimation( TRequestStatus& aStatus, MIHLBitmap& aDestination,
   329 							  TInt aAnimationFrameIndex )
   330 	{
   331 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( aAnimationFrameIndex >= 0 &&
   332 		aAnimationFrameIndex < iAnimationFrameCount, Panic( KErrArgument ) );
   334 	return LoadRequest( aStatus, aDestination, aAnimationFrameIndex );
   335 	}
   337 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   338 // CIHLFileImage::IsBusy
   339 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   340 TBool CIHLFileImage::IsBusy() const
   341 	{
   342 	return ( iImageState != EInactive );
   343 	}
   345 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   346 // CIHLFileImage::CancelLoad
   347 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   348 void CIHLFileImage::CancelLoad()
   349 	{
   350 	Cancel();
   351 	}
   353 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   354 // CIHLFileImage::SetFilter
   355 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   356 void CIHLFileImage::SetFilter( MIHLFilter* /*aFilter*/ )
   357 	{
   358 	// Not in use
   359 	}
   362 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   363 // CIHLFileImage::Decoder
   364 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 const CImageDecoder& CIHLFileImage::Decoder() const
   366 	{
   367 	return *iDecoder;
   368 	}
   370 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 // CIHLFileImage::DoCancel
   372 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   373 void CIHLFileImage::DoCancel()
   374 	{
   375 	iDecoder->Cancel();
   377 	// Delete all processed bitmaps
   378 	ErrorCleanup();
   380 	// Complete with cancel
   381 	iImageState = EInactive;
   382 	RequestComplete( KErrCancel );
   383 	}
   385 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   386 // CIHLFileImage::RunL
   387 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   388 void CIHLFileImage::RunL()
   389 	{
   390 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( iDestination, Panic( KErrGeneral ) );
   391 	User::LeaveIfError( iStatus.Int() );
   393 	switch( iImageState )
   394 		{
   395 		case EStartLoad:
   396 			{
   397 			// start loading the bitmaps
   398 			StartLoadL();
   399 			break;
   400 			}
   401 		case ECompleteLoad:
   402 			{
   403 			// complete loading the bitmaps
   404 			CompleteLoadL();
   405 			break;
   406 			}
   407 		default:
   408 			{
   409 			Panic( KErrTotalLossOfPrecision );
   410 			}
   411 		}
   412 	}
   414 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   415 // CIHLFileImage::RunError
   416 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   417 TInt CIHLFileImage::RunError( TInt aError )
   418 	{
   419     IHL_DEBUG2( KIHLDebug, "IHL - CIHLFileImage - Loading error: %d", aError );
   421 	// Delete all processed bitmaps
   422 	ErrorCleanup();
   424 	// Complete with error
   425 	iImageState = EInactive;
   426 	RequestComplete( aError );
   427 	return KErrNone;
   428 	}
   430 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   431 // CIHLFileImage::LoadRequest
   432 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   433 TInt CIHLFileImage::LoadRequest( TRequestStatus& aStatus,
   434                                  MIHLBitmap& aDestination,
   435                                  TInt aFrameIndex )
   436 	{
   437 	if( IsBusy() )
   438 		{
   439 		return KErrNotReady;
   440 		}
   442 	if( aFrameIndex < 0 || aFrameIndex >= iDecoder->FrameCount() )
   443 		{
   444 		return KErrArgument;
   445 		}
   447 	const CFbsBitmap& dstBitmap = aDestination.Bitmap();
   448 	if( !dstBitmap.Handle() )
   449 		{
   450 		return KErrArgument;
   451 		}
   453 	TSize dstSize( dstBitmap.SizeInPixels() );
   454 	if( dstSize != Size() &&
   455 		!iFullyScaleable )
   456 		{
   457 		TBool sizeFound( EFalse );
   458 		const TInt count( iLoadSizeArray.Count() );
   459 		for( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
   460 			{
   461 			if( dstSize == iLoadSizeArray[ i ] )
   462 				{
   463 				sizeFound = ETrue;
   464 				}
   465 			}
   466 		if( !sizeFound )
   467 			{
   468 			return KErrArgument;
   469 			}
   470 		}
   472     IHL_DEBUG1( KIHLDebug, "IHL - CIHLFileImage - Frame loading requested" );
   474 	iImageStatus = &aStatus;
   475 	*iImageStatus = KRequestPending;
   477 	iDestination = static_cast<CIHLBitmap*>( &aDestination ); //lint !e826
   478 	iFrameIndex = aFrameIndex;
   480 	// Start the active object
   481 	iImageState = EStartLoad;
   482 	SelfComplete();
   483 	return KErrNone;
   484 	}
   486 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   487 // CIHLFileImage::StartLoadL
   488 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   489 void CIHLFileImage::StartLoadL()
   490 	{
   491 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iSubFrameBitmap, Panic( KErrGeneral ) );
   493     IHL_DEBUG1( KIHLDebug, "IHL - CIHLFileImage - Start ICL convert" );
   495 	if( iAnimation )
   496 		{
   497 		// Start animation from first frame by default
   498 		iSubFrameIndex = 0;
   500 		// Check is animation can be continued on top of destination bitmap
   501 		if( iDestination->IsCreated() &&
   502 			iDestination->EditorPtr() == this &&
   503 			iDestination->EditorValue() < iFrameIndex )
   504 			{
   505 			// Editor value means frame index
   506 			iSubFrameIndex = iDestination->EditorValue() + 1;
   507 			}
   509 		StartLoadSubFrameL( iSubFrameIndex, ETrue );
   510 		}
   511     else if( iGif )
   512         {
   513 		StartLoadSubFrameL( iFrameIndex, EFalse );
   514         }
   515 	else
   516 		{
   517         // Frame fills the whole image -> normal load
   518 	    StartLoadNormalFrame( iFrameIndex );
   519 		}
   521 	iImageState = ECompleteLoad;
   522 	SetActive();
   523 	}
   525 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   526 // CIHLFileImage::StartLoadNormalFrame
   527 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 void CIHLFileImage::StartLoadNormalFrame( TInt aFrameIndex )
   529 	{
   530 	CFbsBitmap& dstBitmap = iDestination->BitmapModifyable();
   531 	CFbsBitmap& dstMask = iDestination->MaskModifyable();
   533 	if( MaskDisplayMode() && dstMask.Handle() )
   534 		{
   535 		iDecoder->Convert( &iStatus, dstBitmap, dstMask, aFrameIndex );
   536 		}
   537 	else
   538 		{
   539 		dstMask.Reset();
   540 		iDecoder->Convert( &iStatus, dstBitmap, aFrameIndex );
   541 		}
   542 	}
   544 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   545 // CIHLFileImage::StartLoadSubFrameL
   546 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   547 void CIHLFileImage::StartLoadSubFrameL( TInt aFrameIndex, TBool aAnimation )
   548 	{
   549 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iSubFrameBitmap, Panic( KErrGeneral ) );
   551 	// Create animation bitmap
   552 	iSubFrameBitmap = CIHLBitmap::NewL();
   553 	CFbsBitmap& subBitmap = iSubFrameBitmap->BitmapModifyable();
   554 	CFbsBitmap& subMask = iSubFrameBitmap->MaskModifyable();
   556     TSize dstSize( iDestination->Bitmap().SizeInPixels() );
   557 	TFrameInfo subFrameInfo( iDecoder->FrameInfo( aFrameIndex ) );
   559     // Check is client uses downscaling (not used in animations)
   560 	TSize loadSize( subFrameInfo.iFrameSizeInPixels );   
   561     iSubFrameScaleFactor = EFull;
   562     if( !aAnimation &&
   563         dstSize != iFrameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels )
   564         {
   565         if( dstSize == ScaledLoadSize( iFrameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, EHalf ) )
   566             {
   567             iSubFrameScaleFactor = EHalf;
   568             loadSize = ScaledLoadSize( loadSize, EHalf );
   569             }
   570         else if( dstSize == ScaledLoadSize( iFrameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, EQuarter ) )
   571             {
   572             iSubFrameScaleFactor = EQuarter;
   573             loadSize = ScaledLoadSize( loadSize, EQuarter );
   574             }
   575         else if( dstSize == ScaledLoadSize( iFrameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, EEighth ) )
   576             {
   577             iSubFrameScaleFactor = EEighth;
   578             loadSize = ScaledLoadSize( loadSize, EEighth );
   579             }
   580         }
   581     User::LeaveIfError( subBitmap.Create( loadSize, EColor16M ) );
   583 	if( subFrameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::ETransparencyPossible )
   584 		{
   585 		User::LeaveIfError( subMask.Create( loadSize,
   586 			subFrameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::EAlphaChannel ? EGray256 : EGray2 ) );
   587 		iDecoder->Convert( &iStatus, subBitmap, subMask, aFrameIndex );
   588 		}
   589 	else
   590 		{
   591 		iDecoder->Convert( &iStatus, subBitmap, aFrameIndex );
   592 		}
   593 	}
   595 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   596 // CIHLFileImage::CompleteLoadL
   597 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   598 void CIHLFileImage::CompleteLoadL()
   599 	{
   600     IHL_DEBUG1( KIHLDebug1, "IHL - CIHLFileImage - ICL convert complete!" );
   602 	if( iSubFrameBitmap )
   603 		{
   604         IHL_DEBUG1( KIHLDebug2, "IHL - CIHLFileImage - Start build animation frame" );
   606 		// Copy animation bitmap to destination
   607 		BuildSubFrameL();
   608 		delete iSubFrameBitmap;
   609 		iSubFrameBitmap = NULL;
   611         IHL_DEBUG1( KIHLDebug3, "IHL - CIHLFileImage - Animation frame complete!" );
   613 		// Save source info destination
   614 		iDestination->SetEditorPtr( this );
   615 		iDestination->SetEditorValue( iSubFrameIndex );
   617 		if( iSubFrameIndex < iFrameIndex )
   618 			{
   619 			// re-start the active object and load next subframe
   620 			iSubFrameIndex++;
   621 			iImageState = EStartLoad;
   622 			SelfComplete();
   623 			}
   624 		else
   625 			{
   626 			// Animation/subframe image ready
   627 			iDestination = NULL;
   628 			iImageState = EInactive;
   629 			RequestComplete( KErrNone );
   630 			}
   631 		}
   632 	else
   633 		{
   634 		// Save source info destination
   635 		iDestination->SetEditorPtr( this );
   636 		iDestination->SetEditorValue( iFrameIndex );
   638 		// Normal image ready
   639 		iDestination = NULL;
   640 		iImageState = EInactive;
   641 		RequestComplete( KErrNone );
   642 		}
   644     IHL_DEBUG1( KIHLDebug4, "IHL - CIHLFileImage - Frame loading request complete!" );
   645 	}
   647 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   648 // CIHLFileImage::BuildSubFrameL
   649 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   650 void CIHLFileImage::BuildSubFrameL()
   651 	{
   652 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( iSubFrameBitmap, Panic( KErrGeneral ) );
   653 	const CFbsBitmap& subBitmap = iSubFrameBitmap->Bitmap();
   654 	const CFbsBitmap& subMask = iSubFrameBitmap->Mask();
   655 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( subBitmap.Handle(), Panic( KErrGeneral ) );
   657 	if( !iAnimation ||
   658 	    ( iAnimation && iSubFrameIndex == 0 ) )
   659 		{
   660 		TFrameInfo frameInfo( iDecoder->FrameInfo( iSubFrameIndex ) );
   661         if( iDestination->Bitmap().SizeInPixels() == subBitmap.SizeInPixels() &&
   662             frameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels.iTl == TPoint(0,0) )
   663             {
   664     		// Sub frame is same size as destination image and has no offset
   665     		// -> put directly into destination
   666     		User::LeaveIfError( iDestination->Copy( subBitmap, subMask, ETrue ) );
   667             }
   668         else
   669             {
   670             // Sub frame size differs from destination image size
   671     		CFbsBitmap& desBitmap = iDestination->BitmapModifyable();
   672     		CFbsBitmap& desMask = iDestination->MaskModifyable();
   674     		// Other frames must be build on top of previous frames
   675     		__ASSERT_DEBUG( desBitmap.Handle(), Panic( KErrGeneral ) );
   677             // Fill destination using background color
   678 		    FillL( desBitmap, frameInfo.iBackgroundColor );
   680     		// Copy loaded frame on top of background
   681     		CFbsBitGc* bitGc;
   682     		CFbsBitmapDevice* bitDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( &desBitmap );
   683     		CleanupStack::PushL( bitDevice );
   684     		User::LeaveIfError( bitDevice->CreateContext( bitGc ) );
   685     		CleanupStack::PushL( bitGc );
   687             TPoint framePos( ScaledFramePosition(
   688                     frameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels.iTl, iSubFrameScaleFactor ) );
   689     		if( subMask.Handle() )
   690     			{
   691     			bitGc->BitBltMasked( framePos, &subBitmap,
   692     								 subBitmap.SizeInPixels(), &subMask, EFalse );
   693     			}
   694     		else
   695     			{
   696     			bitGc->BitBlt( framePos, &subBitmap, subBitmap.SizeInPixels() );
   697     			}
   698     		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, bitDevice ); // bitGc, bitDevice
   700             if( desMask.Handle() )
   701                 {
   702                 // Fill mask to transparent
   703     		    FillL( desMask, KRgbBlack );
   705                 // Fill bg mask with transparency (=black)
   706         		CFbsBitmapDevice* maskDev = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( &desMask );
   707         		CleanupStack::PushL( maskDev );
   708     		    CFbsBitGc* maskGc;
   709         		User::LeaveIfError( maskDev->CreateContext( maskGc ) );
   710         		CleanupStack::PushL( maskGc );
   712                 // Combine bg mask with first frame mask
   713 				maskGc->BitBlt( framePos, &subMask, subMask.SizeInPixels() );
   715     		    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, maskDev ); // maskGc, maskDev
   716                 }
   717             }
   719 		// Create "previous frame" if animation
   720 		if( iAnimation )
   721 		    {
   722     		if( !iPrevAnimationFrame )
   723     		    {
   724     		    iPrevAnimationFrame = CIHLBitmap::NewL();
   725     		    }
   726     		CFbsBitmap& desBitmap = iDestination->BitmapModifyable();
   727     		CFbsBitmap& desMask = iDestination->MaskModifyable();
   728     		if( iSubFrameBitmap->HasMask() )
   729     		    {
   730         		User::LeaveIfError(
   731         		    iPrevAnimationFrame->Create( desBitmap.SizeInPixels(),
   732         		        desBitmap.DisplayMode(), desMask.DisplayMode() ) );
   733         		FillL( iPrevAnimationFrame->BitmapModifyable(), frameInfo.iBackgroundColor );
   734     		    FillL( iPrevAnimationFrame->MaskModifyable(), KRgbBlack );
   735     		    }
   736     		else
   737     		    {
   738         		User::LeaveIfError(
   739         		    iPrevAnimationFrame->Create( desBitmap.SizeInPixels(),
   740         		                                 desBitmap.DisplayMode() ) );
   741         		FillL( iPrevAnimationFrame->BitmapModifyable(), frameInfo.iBackgroundColor );
   742     		    }
   743 		    }
   744 		}
   745 	else // same as iAnimation && iSubFrameIndex > 0
   746 		{
   747 		TFrameInfo prevFrameInfo( iDecoder->FrameInfo( iSubFrameIndex - 1 ) );
   748 	    if ( prevFrameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::ERestoreToPrevious )
   749 	        {
   750             // Restore destination to "previous frame"
   751             User::LeaveIfError( iDestination->Copy( *iPrevAnimationFrame, EFalse ) );
   752 	        }
   754 		CFbsBitmap& prevBitmap = iDestination->BitmapModifyable();
   755 		CFbsBitmap& prevMask = iDestination->MaskModifyable();
   757 		// Other frames must be build on top of previous frames
   758 		__ASSERT_DEBUG( prevBitmap.Handle(), Panic( KErrGeneral ) );
   760 		// Restore area in destination bitmap if needed
   761 		TRect restoreRect;
   762 		TBool restoreToBackground( EFalse );
   763 		if( prevFrameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::ERestoreToBackground )
   764 			{
   765 			restoreToBackground = ETrue;
   766 			restoreRect = prevFrameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels;
   767 		    FillRectL( prevBitmap, restoreRect, prevFrameInfo.iBackgroundColor );
   769 			// Cache new "previous frame"
   770 			User::LeaveIfError( iPrevAnimationFrame->Copy( *iDestination, EFalse ) );
   771 			}
   772 	    else if( prevFrameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::ELeaveInPlace )
   773 	        {
   774 			// Cache new "previous frame"
   775 			User::LeaveIfError( iPrevAnimationFrame->Copy( *iDestination, EFalse ) );
   776 	        }
   778 		// Copy animation frame to destination bitmap
   779 		TFrameInfo frameInfo( iDecoder->FrameInfo( iSubFrameIndex ) );
   780 		CFbsBitGc* bitGc;
   781 		CFbsBitmapDevice* bitDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( &prevBitmap );
   782 		CleanupStack::PushL( bitDevice );
   783 		User::LeaveIfError( bitDevice->CreateContext( bitGc ) );
   784 		CleanupStack::PushL( bitGc );
   785 		if( subMask.Handle() )
   786 			{
   787 			bitGc->BitBltMasked( frameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels.iTl, &subBitmap,
   788 									subBitmap.SizeInPixels(), &subMask, EFalse );
   789 			}
   790 		else
   791 			{
   792 			bitGc->BitBlt( frameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels.iTl, &subBitmap,
   793 									subBitmap.SizeInPixels() );
   794 			}
   795 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // bitGc, bitDevice
   797 		// Combine masks if any
   798 		if( prevMask.Handle() && subMask.Handle() )
   799 			{
   800 			//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   802 			// Current solution doesn't combine soft masks.
   803 			// Following code could be used if soft masks are enabled in animations.
   804 			// Do not delete!
   805 			//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   806 			/*
   807 			if( restoreToBackground )
   808 				{
   809 				bitDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( &prevMask );
   810 				CleanupStack::PushL( bitDevice );
   811 				User::LeaveIfError( bitDevice->CreateContext( bitGc ) );
   812 				CleanupStack::PushL( bitGc );
   814 				bitGc->SetBrushColor( KRgbBlack );
   815 				bitGc->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
   816 				bitGc->DrawRect( restoreRect );
   817 				bitGc->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush );
   819 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // bitDevice, bitGc
   820 				}
   822 			prevMask.LockHeap();
   824 			TUint8* srcAddress = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( animMask.DataAddress() );
   825 			TSize srcSize( animMask.SizeInPixels() );
   826 			TPoint srcPos( 0,0 );
   827 			TInt srcScanLen8 = CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength( srcSize.iWidth, EGray256 );
   829 			TUint8* dstAddress = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( prevMask.DataAddress() );
   830 			TSize dstSize( prevMask.SizeInPixels() );
   831 			TPoint dstPos( frameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels.iTl );
   832 			TPoint dstEndPos( frameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels.iBr );
   833 			TInt dstScanLen8 = CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength( dstSize.iWidth, EGray256 );
   835 			while( dstPos.iY < dstEndPos.iY )
   836 				{
   837 				TUint8* srcAddressCur = srcAddress + ( srcPos.iY * srcScanLen8 );
   838 				TUint8* dstAddressCur = dstAddress + ( dstPos.iY * dstScanLen8 );
   839 				while( dstPos.iX < dstEndPos.iX )
   840 					{
   841 					TUint8& srcPixel = srcAddressCur[ srcPos.iX++ ];
   842 					TUint8& dstPixel = dstAddressCur[ dstPos.iX++ ];
   843 					if( srcPixel > dstPixel )
   844 						{
   845 						dstPixel = srcPixel;
   846 						}
   847 					}
   849 				srcPos.iX = 0;
   850 				srcPos.iY++;
   851 				dstPos.iX = frameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels.iTl.iX;
   852 				dstPos.iY++;
   853 				}
   855 			animMask.UnlockHeap();
   856 			*/
   858 			if( restoreToBackground )
   859 				{
   860 		        FillRectL( prevMask, restoreRect, KRgbBlack );
   861 				}
   863 			bitDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( &prevMask );
   864 			CleanupStack::PushL( bitDevice );
   865 			User::LeaveIfError( bitDevice->CreateContext( bitGc ) );
   866 			CleanupStack::PushL( bitGc );
   868 			CFbsBitmap* tmpMask = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   869 			CleanupStack::PushL( tmpMask );
   870 			User::LeaveIfError( tmpMask->Create( prevMask.SizeInPixels(), prevMask.DisplayMode() ) );
   871 			CFbsBitmapDevice* tmpMaskDev = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( tmpMask );
   872 			CleanupStack::PushL( tmpMaskDev );
   873 			CFbsBitGc* tmpMaskGc;
   874 			User::LeaveIfError( tmpMaskDev->CreateContext( tmpMaskGc ) );
   875 			CleanupStack::PushL( tmpMaskGc );
   877 			tmpMaskGc->BitBlt( TPoint( 0, 0 ), &prevMask, frameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels );
   879 			bitGc->BitBltMasked( frameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels.iTl, &subMask,
   880 								 subMask.SizeInPixels(), tmpMask, ETrue );
   882 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 5 ); // tmpMaskGc,tmpMaskDev,tmpMask,bitGc,bitDevice
   883 			}
   884 		else
   885 			{
   886 			prevMask.Reset(); // Mask not valid anymore -> reset
   887 			}
   888 		}
   889 	}
   891 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   892 // CIHLFileImage::FillL
   893 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   894 void CIHLFileImage::FillL( CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TRgb& aColor )
   895     {
   896 	CFbsBitGc* bitGc;
   897 	CFbsBitmapDevice* bitDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( &aBitmap );
   898 	CleanupStack::PushL( bitDevice );
   899 	User::LeaveIfError( bitDevice->CreateContext( bitGc ) );
   900 	CleanupStack::PushL( bitGc );
   902 	bitGc->SetBrushColor( aColor );
   903 	bitGc->SetPenColor( aColor );
   904 	bitGc->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
   905 	bitGc->Clear();
   906 	bitGc->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush );
   908 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // bitGc, bitDevice
   909     }
   911 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   912 // CIHLFileImage::FillRectL
   913 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   914 void CIHLFileImage::FillRectL( CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TRect& aRect,
   915                                const TRgb& aColor )
   916     {
   917 	CFbsBitGc* bitGc;
   918 	CFbsBitmapDevice* bitDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( &aBitmap );
   919 	CleanupStack::PushL( bitDevice );
   920 	User::LeaveIfError( bitDevice->CreateContext( bitGc ) );
   921 	CleanupStack::PushL( bitGc );
   923 	bitGc->SetBrushColor( aColor );
   924 	bitGc->SetPenColor( aColor );
   925 	bitGc->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
   926 	bitGc->DrawRect( aRect );
   927 	bitGc->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush );
   929 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // bitGc, bitDevice
   930     }
   932 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   933 // CIHLFileImage::ErrorCleanup
   934 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   935 void CIHLFileImage::ErrorCleanup()
   936 	{
   937 	if( iSubFrameBitmap )
   938 		{
   939 		delete iSubFrameBitmap;
   940 		iSubFrameBitmap = NULL;
   941 		}
   943 	if( iDestination )
   944 		{
   945 		iDestination = NULL;
   946 		}
   947 	}
   949 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   950 // CIHLFileImage::SelfComplete
   951 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   952 void CIHLFileImage::SelfComplete()
   953 	{
   954 	SetActive();
   955 	iStatus = KRequestPending;
   956 	TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   957 	User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   958 	}
   960 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   961 // CIHLFileImage::RequestComplete
   962 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   963 void CIHLFileImage::RequestComplete( TInt aReason )
   964 	{
   965 	ASSERT( iImageStatus );
   966 	User::RequestComplete( iImageStatus, aReason );
   967 	}
   969 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   970 // CIHLFileImage::ScaledLoadSize
   971 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   972 TSize CIHLFileImage::ScaledLoadSize( const TSize& aOriginalSize, TInt aScaleFactor )
   973 	{
   974 	// Divide original size with scalefactor
   975 	// Round always up if result is not integer
   976 	return ( aScaleFactor == EFull ) ? aOriginalSize :
   977 		TSize( aOriginalSize.iWidth / aScaleFactor + ( aOriginalSize.iWidth % aScaleFactor ? 1 : 0 ),
   978 			   aOriginalSize.iHeight / aScaleFactor + ( aOriginalSize.iHeight % aScaleFactor ? 1 : 0 ) );
   979 	}
   981 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   982 // CIHLFileImage::ScaledLoadSize
   983 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   984 TPoint CIHLFileImage::ScaledFramePosition( const TPoint& aOriginalPos, TInt aScaleFactor )
   985 	{
   986 	// Divide original position with scalefactor
   987 	// Round always up if result is not integer
   988 	return ( aScaleFactor == EFull ) ? aOriginalPos :
   989 		TPoint( aOriginalPos.iX / aScaleFactor + ( aOriginalPos.iX % aScaleFactor ? 1 : 0 ),
   990 			    aOriginalPos.iY / aScaleFactor + ( aOriginalPos.iY % aScaleFactor ? 1 : 0 ) );
   991 	}
   992 //  End of File