* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Store for thumbnails.
#include <s32mem.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include <imageconversion.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <exifread.h>
#include <iclextjpegapi.h>
#include "thumbnailstore.h"
#include "thumbnailsql.h"
#include "thumbnaillog.h"
#include "thumbnailmanageruids.hrh"
#include "thumbnailcenrep.h"
#include "thumbnailpanic.h"
#include "thumbnailmanagerconstants.h"
#include "thumbnailserver.h"
_LIT8( KThumbnailSqlConfig, "page_size=16384; cache_size=32;" );
const TInt KStreamBufferSize = 1024 * 8;
const TInt KMajor = 3;
const TInt KMinor = 2;
// Database path without drive letter
_LIT( KThumbnailDatabaseName, ":[102830AB]thumbnail_v2.db" );
// Allow access to database only for the server process
const TSecurityPolicy KThumbnailDatabaseSecurityPolicy( TSecureId(
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RThumbnailTransaction::RThumbnailTransaction::TThumbnailPersistentSize
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
RThumbnailTransaction::RThumbnailTransaction( RSqlDatabase& aDatabase ):
iDatabase( aDatabase ), iState( EClosed )
// No implementation required
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RThumbnailTransaction::BeginL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RThumbnailTransaction::BeginL()
const TInt err = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailBeginTransaction );
if ( err >= 0 )
iState = EOpen;
iState = EError;
User::Leave( err );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RThumbnailTransaction::Close()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RThumbnailTransaction::Close()
if ( iState != EClosed )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RThumbnailTransaction::CommitL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RThumbnailTransaction::CommitL()
User::LeaveIfError( iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailCommitTransaction ));
iState = EClosed;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RThumbnailTransaction::Rollback()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RThumbnailTransaction::Rollback()
const TInt err = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailRollbackTransaction );
if ( err >= 0 )
iState = EClosed;
return err;
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThumbnailStore::NewL()
// Two-phased constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CThumbnailStore* CThumbnailStore::NewL( RFs& aFs, TInt aDrive, TDesC& aImei, CThumbnailServer* aServer )
CThumbnailStore* self = new( ELeave )CThumbnailStore( aFs, aDrive, aImei, aServer );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThumbnailStore::~CThumbnailStore()
// Destructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::~CThumbnailStore()" );
delete iDiskFullNotifier;
iDiskFullNotifier = NULL;
FlushCacheTable( ETrue );
if( iAutoFlushTimer )
delete iAutoFlushTimer;
iAutoFlushTimer = NULL;
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::~CThumbnailStore() - database closed" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThumbnailStore::CThumbnailStore()
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CThumbnailStore::CThumbnailStore( RFs& aFs, TInt aDrive, TDesC& aImei, CThumbnailServer* aServer ):
iFs( aFs ), iDrive( aDrive ), iBatchItemCount(0), iImei(aImei), iServer(aServer), iDiskFull(EFalse)
// no implementation required
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThumbnailStore::ConstructL()
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::ConstructL()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::ConstructL()" );
#ifdef _DEBUG
iThumbCounter = 0;
HBufC* databasePath = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr pathPtr = databasePath->Des();
TChar driveChar = 0;
User::LeaveIfError( RFs::DriveToChar( iDrive, driveChar ));
pathPtr.Append( driveChar );
pathPtr.Append( KThumbnailDatabaseName );
//start disk space monitor
iDiskFullNotifier = CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::NewL( *this,
pathPtr );
TVolumeInfo volumeinfo;
iFs.Volume(volumeinfo, iDrive);
TUint id = volumeinfo.iUniqueID;
TBuf<50> mediaid;
TBool newDatabase(EFalse);
TInt error = KErrNone;
TInt err = iDatabase.Open( pathPtr );
if ( err == KErrNotFound )
// db not found, create new
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::ConstructL() -- 1 creating database" );
const TDesC8& config = KThumbnailSqlConfig;
RSqlSecurityPolicy securityPolicy;
CleanupClosePushL( securityPolicy );
securityPolicy.Create( KThumbnailDatabaseSecurityPolicy );
iDatabase.CreateL( pathPtr, securityPolicy, &config );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &securityPolicy );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::ConstructL() -- 1 database created ok" );
RFile64 file;
file.Create(iFs, mediaid, EFileShareReadersOrWriters );
newDatabase = ETrue;
else if ( err == KErrNone)
// db found, check version and rowids
error = CheckVersionL();
if(error == KErrNone)
error = CheckRowIDsL();
// if wrong version, corrupted database or other error opening db
if ( error == KErrNotSupported || (err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound) )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::ConstructL() -- delete databases" );
// delete db and create new
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::ConstructL() -- 2 creating database" );
const TDesC8& config = KThumbnailSqlConfig;
RSqlSecurityPolicy securityPolicy;
CleanupClosePushL( securityPolicy );
securityPolicy.Create( KThumbnailDatabaseSecurityPolicy );
iDatabase.CreateL( pathPtr, securityPolicy, &config );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &securityPolicy );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::ConstructL() -- 2 database created ok" );
RFile64 file;
file.Create(iFs, mediaid, EFileShareReadersOrWriters );
else if(!newDatabase)
//check ownership
if(CheckImeiL() != KErrNone)
//take ownership
//Touch blacklisted items
TRAP_IGNORE( PrepareBlacklistedItemsForRetry( ) );
//check is MMC known
if(CheckMediaIDL() != KErrNone )
//Touch blacklisted items
TRAP_IGNORE( PrepareBlacklistedItemsForRetry() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( databasePath );
// add tables
TRAPD(tableError, CreateTablesL() );
err = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailCreateTempInfoTable );
TN_DEBUG2("CThumbnailStore::CreateTablesL() KThumbnailCreateTempInfoTable %d", err);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailCreateTempInfoDataTable );
TN_DEBUG2("CThumbnailStore::CreateTablesL() KThumbnailCreateTempInfoDataTable %d", err);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL()
// Stores thumbnail image.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL( const TDesC& aPath, const TDes8& aData,
const TSize& aSize, const TSize& aOriginalSize, const TThumbnailFormat& aFormat, TInt aFlags,
const TThumbnailSize& aThumbnailSize, TThumbnailId aThumbnailId, const TBool aThumbFromPath )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL( const TDes8& ) in" );
#ifdef _DEBUG
TTime aStart, aStop;
//Encapsulate insert to Transaction
RThumbnailTransaction transaction( iDatabase );
CleanupClosePushL( transaction );
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
// Insert into ThumbnailInfo
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailInsertThumbnailInfoByPathAndId ));
TInt paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamWidth );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aSize.iWidth ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamHeight );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aSize.iHeight ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamOriginalWidth );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aOriginalSize.iWidth ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamOriginalHeight );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aOriginalSize.iHeight ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamFormat );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aFormat ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamFlags );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aFlags ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSize );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailSize ));
if( aThumbnailId > 0 )
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailId ));
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL( ) aThumbnailId == 0" );
// orientation temporarily to 0
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamOrientation );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, 0 ));
// thumb from associated path
TInt fromPath = aThumbFromPath;
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamThumbFromPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, fromPath ));
// try getting modification time from file
TTime timeStamp;
if (aPath.Length())
iFs.Modified(aPath, timeStamp);
// otherwise current time
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamModified );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt64( paramIndex, timeStamp.Int64() ));
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Exec());
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
RSqlStatement stmtData;
CleanupClosePushL( stmtData );
// Insert into ThumbnailInfoData
TInt err = stmtData.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailInsertTempThumbnailInfoData );
#ifdef _DEBUG
TPtrC errorMsg = iDatabase.LastErrorMessage();
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() KThumbnailInsertTempThumbnailInfoData %S" , &errorMsg);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
paramIndex = stmtData.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamData );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmtData.BindBinary( paramIndex, aData ));
User::LeaveIfError( stmtData.Exec());
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmtData );
// Commit transaction
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &transaction );
#ifdef _DEBUG
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::THUMBSTORE-COUNTER----------, Thumbs = %d", iThumbCounter );
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL() insert to table %d ms", (TInt)aStop.MicroSecondsFrom(aStart).Int64()/1000);
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL( const TDes8& ) out" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL()
// Stores thumbnail image.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL( const TDesC& aPath, CFbsBitmap*
aThumbnail, const TSize& aOriginalSize, TBool /*aCropped*/, const TThumbnailSize aThumbnailSize,
const TThumbnailId aThumbnailId, const TBool aThumbFromPath, TBool aBlackListed )
TSize thumbSize = aThumbnail->SizeInPixels();
TN_DEBUG5( "CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL( CFbsBitmap ) aThumbnailId = %d, aThumbnailSize = %d, aThumbnailSize(%d,%d) IN", aThumbnailId, aThumbnailSize, thumbSize.iWidth, thumbSize.iHeight );
__ASSERT_DEBUG(( aThumbnail ), ThumbnailPanic( EThumbnailNullPointer ));
// don't store custom/unknown sizes or zero sizes
if(aThumbnailSize == ECustomThumbnailSize || aThumbnailSize == EUnknownThumbnailSize
|| thumbSize.iWidth <= 0 || thumbSize.iHeight <= 0 )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL() not stored");
// check for duplicates
TBool exists = FindDuplicateL(aPath, aThumbnailId, aThumbnailSize);
for ( TInt i = iPersistentSizes.Count(); --i >= 0; )
TThumbnailPersistentSize & persistentSize = iPersistentSizes[i];
// don't store duplicates or zero sizes
if ( !exists )
TInt flags = 0;
if ( persistentSize.iCrop )
flags |= KThumbnailDbFlagCropped;
if( aBlackListed )
flags |= KThumbnailDbFlagBlacklisted;
if( (aThumbnailSize == EImageFullScreenThumbnailSize || aThumbnailSize == EVideoFullScreenThumbnailSize ||
aThumbnailSize == EAudioFullScreenThumbnailSize) && !aBlackListed )
HBufC8* data = NULL;
CImageEncoder* iEncoder = CImageEncoder::DataNewL( data, KJpegMime(), CImageEncoder::EOptionAlwaysThread );
TJpegImageData* imageData = new (ELeave) TJpegImageData();
// Set some format specific data
imageData->iSampleScheme = TJpegImageData::EColor444;
imageData->iQualityFactor = 75; //?
CFrameImageData* iFrameImageData = CFrameImageData::NewL();
// frameData - ownership passed to iFrameImageData after AppendImageData
#ifdef _DEBUG
TN_DEBUG4( "CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL() size %d x %d displaymode %d ",
TRequestStatus request;
iEncoder->Convert( &request, *aThumbnail, iFrameImageData);
User::WaitForRequest( request);
if(request== KErrNone)
TPtr8 ptr = data->Des();
StoreThumbnailL( aPath, ptr, aThumbnail->SizeInPixels(), aOriginalSize,
EThumbnailFormatJpeg, flags, aThumbnailSize, aThumbnailId, aThumbFromPath );
delete iFrameImageData;
iFrameImageData = NULL;
delete iEncoder;
iEncoder = NULL;
delete data;
data = NULL;
CBufFlat* buf = CBufFlat::NewL( KStreamBufferSize );
CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
RBufWriteStream stream;
stream.Open( *buf );
aThumbnail->ExternalizeL( stream );
StoreThumbnailL( aPath, buf->Ptr( 0 ), aThumbnail->SizeInPixels(),
aOriginalSize, EThumbnailFormatFbsBitmap, flags, aThumbnailSize, aThumbnailId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailL( CFbsBitmap* ) out" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finds possible existing duplicate thumbnail.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CThumbnailStore::FindDuplicateL( const TDesC& aPath, const TThumbnailId aThumbnailId,
const TThumbnailSize& aThumbnailSize )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FindDuplicateL()" );
TInt rowStatus = 0;
TInt paramIndex = 0;
TInt found = EFalse;
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KTempFindDuplicate ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailId ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSize );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailSize ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
//if not found from temp table, look from real table
if(rowStatus != KSqlAtRow)
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KFindDuplicate ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailId ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSize );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailSize ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
if(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FindDuplicateL() - duplicate in main table" );
found = ETrue;
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FindDuplicateL() - no duplicate" );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FindDuplicateL() - duplicate in temp table" );
found = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
return found;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create database tables
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::CreateTablesL()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CreateTablesL()" );
TInt err = 0;
err = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailCreateInfoTable );
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::CreateTablesL() KThumbnailCreateInfoTable err=%d", err );
err = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailCreateInfoDataTable );
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::CreateTablesL() KThumbnailCreateInfoDataTable err=%d", err );
err = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailCreateInfoTableIndex1 );
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::CreateTablesL() KThumbnailCreateInfoTableIndex1 err=%d", err );
err = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailCreateInfoTableIndex2 );
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::CreateTablesL() KThumbnailCreateInfoTableIndex2 err=%d", err );
err = iDatabase.Exec(KThumbnailVersionTable);
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::CreateTablesL() KThumbnailVersionTable err=%d", err );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get missing sizes by Path
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::GetMissingSizesAndIDsL( const TDesC& aPath, TInt aSourceType, RArray <
TThumbnailPersistentSize > & aMissingSizes, TBool& aMissingIDs )
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::GetMissingSizesAndIDsL() aSourceType == %d", aSourceType );
// define sizes to be checked
const TInt count = iPersistentSizes.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < count; i++ )
if ( iPersistentSizes[ i ].iSourceType == aSourceType && iPersistentSizes[ i ].iAutoCreate)
aMissingSizes.Append( iPersistentSizes[ i ] );
TInt missingSizeCount = aMissingSizes.Count();
aMissingIDs = EFalse;
TN_DEBUG3( "CThumbnailStore::GetMissingSizesAndIDsL() missingSizeCount == %d, missingIDs == %d", missingSizeCount, aMissingIDs );
// check temp table first
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectTempSizeByPath ));
TInt paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
TInt rowStatus = stmt.Next();
TInt round = 1;
TInt size = 0;
TInt id = 0;
while (round <= 2)
while ( rowStatus == KSqlAtRow && missingSizeCount > 0 )
size = stmt.ColumnInt( 0 );
id = stmt.ColumnInt( 1 );
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::GetMissingSizesAndIDsL() id == %d", id );
//if TNId is not valid mark that some are missing so that UpdateDb is run later
if ( id <= 0)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::GetMissingSizesAndIDsL() missing ID");
aMissingIDs = ETrue;
missingSizeCount = aMissingSizes.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < missingSizeCount; i++ )
if ( aMissingSizes[ i ].iType == size )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::GetMissingSizesL() -- thumbnail found" );
aMissingSizes.Remove( i );
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
// all found
if (missingSizeCount == 0)
else if (round == 1)
// change to real table
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectSizeByPath ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL()
// Fetches thumbnail image.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL( TThumbnailId aThumbnailId,
CFbsBitmap*& aThumbnail, TDesC8* & aData, TThumbnailSize aThumbnailSize, TSize &aThumbnailRealSize )
TN_DEBUG3( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL(%d) aThumbnailSize == %d", aThumbnailId, aThumbnailSize );
delete aThumbnail;
aThumbnail = NULL;
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TInt paramIndex = 0;
TInt found = KErrNotFound;
TInt rowStatus = 0;
TInt column = 0;
TInt count = 0;
TThumbnailSize thumbnailImage = EUnknownThumbnailSize;
TThumbnailSize thumbnailVideo = EUnknownThumbnailSize;
TThumbnailSize thumbnailAudio = EUnknownThumbnailSize;
TBool inTempTable( ETrue );
if(aThumbnailSize == EFullScreenThumbnailSize)
thumbnailImage = EImageFullScreenThumbnailSize;
thumbnailVideo = EVideoFullScreenThumbnailSize;
thumbnailAudio = EAudioFullScreenThumbnailSize;
else if(aThumbnailSize == EGridThumbnailSize)
thumbnailImage = EImageGridThumbnailSize;
thumbnailVideo = EVideoGridThumbnailSize;
thumbnailAudio = EAudioGridThumbnailSize;
else if(aThumbnailSize == EListThumbnailSize)
thumbnailImage = EImageListThumbnailSize;
thumbnailVideo = EVideoListThumbnailSize;
thumbnailAudio = EAudioListThumbnailSize;
if(aThumbnailSize == EFullScreenThumbnailSize ||
aThumbnailSize == EGridThumbnailSize ||
aThumbnailSize == EListThumbnailSize )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() -- No DataType -- TEMP TABLE lookup" );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectTempInfoByIdv2 ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailId ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSizeImage );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, thumbnailImage ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSizeVideo );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, thumbnailVideo ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSizeAudio );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, thumbnailAudio ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
//if not found from temp table, look from real table
if(rowStatus != KSqlAtRow)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() -- No DataType -- MAIN TABLE lookup" );
inTempTable = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectInfoByIdv2 ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailId ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSizeImage );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, thumbnailImage ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSizeVideo );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, thumbnailVideo ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSizeAudio );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, thumbnailAudio ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() -- TEMP TABLE lookup" );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectTempInfoById ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailId ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSize );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailSize ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
//if not found from temp table, look from real table
if(rowStatus != KSqlAtRow)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() -- MAIN TABLE lookup" );
inTempTable = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectInfoById ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailId ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSize );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailSize ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
if(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() -- thumbnail found" );
// Check whether blacklisted thumbnail entry modified.
// If thumbnail is marked as blacklisted and timestamp has
// changed, delete thumbnails from tables and leave with
// KErrNotFound to get thumbnail regenerated.
column = 4;
TInt flags = stmt.ColumnInt( column );
if( flags & KThumbnailDbFlagBlacklisted )
TBool modified = EFalse;
CheckModifiedByIdL( aThumbnailId, inTempTable, modified );
if( modified )
// Close db to get deletion of thumbnails executed.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
DeleteThumbnailsL( aThumbnailId );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
User::Leave( KErrCompletion );
found = KErrNone;
count = 0;
column = 0;
TInt format = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
if(format == 1 /*TThumbnailFormat::EThumbnailFormatJpeg */ )
TPtrC8 ptr = stmt.ColumnBinaryL( column++ );
HBufC8* data = ptr.AllocL() ;
aThumbnail = NULL;
aData = data;
} else {
TPtrC8 ptr = stmt.ColumnBinaryL( column );
RDesReadStream stream( ptr );
aThumbnail = new( ELeave )CFbsBitmap();
aThumbnail->InternalizeL( stream );
aData = NULL;
//fetch real size of TN
column = 2;
aThumbnailRealSize.iWidth = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
aThumbnailRealSize.iHeight = stmt.ColumnInt( column );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() -- thumbnail NOT found" );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( found );
return found;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL()
// Fetches thumbnail image.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL( const TDesC& aPath, CFbsBitmap* &
aThumbnail, TDesC8* & aData, const TThumbnailSize aThumbnailSize, TSize &aThumbnailRealSize )
TN_DEBUG3( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL(%S) aThumbnailSize==%d", &aPath, aThumbnailSize );
delete aThumbnail;
aThumbnail = NULL;
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TInt paramIndex = 0;
TInt found = KErrNotFound;
TInt rowStatus = 0;
TInt column = 0;
TBool inTempTable = ETrue;
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() -- TEMP TABLE lookup" );
TInt err = stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectTempInfoByPath );
#ifdef _DEBUG
TPtrC errorMsg = iDatabase.LastErrorMessage();
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() %S" , &errorMsg);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSize );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailSize ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
//if not found from temp table, look from real table
if(rowStatus != KSqlAtRow)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() -- MAIN TABLE lookup" );
inTempTable = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectInfoByPath ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSize );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailSize ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
if(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() -- thumbnail found" );
// Check whether blacklisted thumbnail entry modified.
// If thumbnail is marked as blacklisted and timestamp has
// changed, delete thumbnails from tables and leave with
// KErrNotFound to get thumbnail regenerated.
column = 4;
TInt flags = stmt.ColumnInt( column );
if( flags & KThumbnailDbFlagBlacklisted && aPath.Length() )
TBool modified = EFalse;
CheckModifiedByPathL( aPath, inTempTable, modified );
if( modified )
// Close db to get deletion of thumbnails executed.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
DeleteThumbnailsL( aPath );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
User::Leave( KErrCompletion );
else if( !(flags & KThumbnailDbFlagBlacklisted) )
found = KErrNone;
column = 0;
TInt format = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
if(format == 1 /*TThumbnailFormat::EThumbnailFormatJpeg */ )
TPtrC8 ptr = stmt.ColumnBinaryL( column++ );
HBufC8* data = ptr.AllocL() ;
aThumbnail = NULL;
aData = data;
} else {
TPtrC8 ptr = stmt.ColumnBinaryL( column++ );
RDesReadStream stream( ptr );
aThumbnail = new( ELeave )CFbsBitmap();
aThumbnail->InternalizeL( stream );
aData = NULL;
//fetch real size of TN
column = 2;
aThumbnailRealSize.iWidth = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
aThumbnailRealSize.iHeight = stmt.ColumnInt( column );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailL() -- thumbnail NOT found" );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( found );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete thumbnails for given object file by Path
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::DeleteThumbnailsL( const TDesC& aPath )
RThumbnailTransaction transaction( iDatabase );
CleanupClosePushL( transaction );
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TInt paramIndex = 0;
TInt paramIndex1 = 0;
TInt paramIndex2 = 0;
TInt rowStatus = 0;
TInt column = 0;
TInt rowid = 0;
TInt deleteCount = 0;
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::DeleteThumbnailsByPathL() -- TEMP TABLE lookup" );
TInt err = stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KTempThumbnailSqlSelectRowIDInfoByPath);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
RSqlStatement stmt_info;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt_info );
err = stmt_info.Prepare( iDatabase, KTempThumbnailSqlDeleteInfoByPath);
RSqlStatement stmt_infodata;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt_infodata );
err = stmt_infodata.Prepare( iDatabase, KTempThumbnailSqlDeleteInfoDataByPath);
while(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
rowid = stmt.ColumnInt( column );
paramIndex1 = stmt_info.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamRowID );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex1 );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt_info.BindInt( paramIndex1, rowid ));
deleteCount = stmt_info.Exec();
User::LeaveIfError( deleteCount );
paramIndex2 = stmt_infodata.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamRowID );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex2 );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt_infodata.BindInt( paramIndex2, rowid ));
deleteCount = stmt_infodata.Exec();
User::LeaveIfError( deleteCount );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::DeleteThumbnailsByPathL() -- TEMP TABLE lookup - thumbnail deleted" );
// fetch another row (temp table rowIDs are updated immediately)
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt_infodata );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt_info );
//look from real table
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::DeleteThumbnailByPathL() -- MAIN TABLE lookup" );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSqlSelectRowIDInfoByPath ));
User::LeaveIfError( err );
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
CleanupClosePushL( stmt_info );
err = stmt_info.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSqlDeleteInfoByPath);
CleanupClosePushL( stmt_infodata );
err = stmt_infodata.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSqlDeleteInfoDataByPath);
while(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
rowid = stmt.ColumnInt( column );
paramIndex1 = stmt_info.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamRowID );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex1 );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt_info.BindInt( paramIndex1, rowid ));
deleteCount = stmt_info.Exec();
User::LeaveIfError( deleteCount );
paramIndex2 = stmt_infodata.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamRowID );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex2 );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt_infodata.BindInt( paramIndex2, rowid ));
deleteCount = stmt_infodata.Exec();
User::LeaveIfError( deleteCount );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::DeleteThumbnailByPathL() -- MAIN TABLE lookup - thumbnail deleted" );
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt_infodata );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt_info );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &transaction );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete thumbnails for given object file by Id
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::DeleteThumbnailsL( const TThumbnailId& aTNId )
#ifdef _DEBUG
TTime aStart, aStop;
TInt paramIndex = 0;
TInt paramIndex1 = 0;
TInt paramIndex2 = 0;
TInt rowStatus = 0;
TInt column = 0;
TInt rowid = 0;
TInt deleteCount = 0;
RThumbnailTransaction transaction( iDatabase );
CleanupClosePushL( transaction );
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::DeleteThumbnailsByIdL() -- TEMP TABLE lookup" );
TInt err = stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KTempThumbnailSqlSelectRowIDInfoByID);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aTNId ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
RSqlStatement stmt_info;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt_info );
err = stmt_info.Prepare( iDatabase, KTempThumbnailSqlDeleteInfoByID);
RSqlStatement stmt_infodata;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt_infodata );
err = stmt_infodata.Prepare( iDatabase, KTempThumbnailSqlDeleteInfoDataByID);
while(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
rowid = stmt.ColumnInt( column );
paramIndex1 = stmt_info.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamRowID );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex1 );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt_info.BindInt( paramIndex1, rowid ));
err = stmt_info.Exec();
User::LeaveIfError( err );
paramIndex2 = stmt_infodata.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamRowID );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex2 );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt_infodata.BindInt( paramIndex2, rowid ));
err = stmt_infodata.Exec();
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::DeleteThumbnailsByIdL() -- TEMP TABLE lookup - thumbnail deleted" );
// fetch another row (temp table rowIDs are updated immediately)
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aTNId ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt_infodata );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt_info );
//look from real table
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::DeleteThumbnailByIdL() -- MAIN TABLE lookup" );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSqlSelectRowIDInfoByID ));
User::LeaveIfError( err );
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aTNId ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
CleanupClosePushL( stmt_info );
err = stmt_info.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSqlDeleteInfoByID);
CleanupClosePushL( stmt_infodata );
err = stmt_infodata.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSqlDeleteInfoDataByID);
while(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
rowid = stmt.ColumnInt( column );
paramIndex1 = stmt_info.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamRowID );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex1 );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt_info.BindInt( paramIndex1, rowid ));
err = stmt_info.Exec();
User::LeaveIfError( err );
paramIndex2 = stmt_infodata.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamRowID );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex2 );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt_infodata.BindInt( paramIndex2, rowid ));
err = stmt_infodata.Exec();
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::DeleteThumbnailByIdL() -- MAIN TABLE lookup - thumbnail deleted" );
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt_infodata );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt_info );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &transaction );
#ifdef _DEBUG
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::DeleteThumbnailsByIdL() took %d ms", (TInt)aStop.MicroSecondsFrom(aStart).Int64()/1000);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThumbnailStore::PersistentSizes()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::SetPersistentSizes(const RArray < TThumbnailPersistentSize > &aSizes)
iPersistentSizes = aSizes;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable( TBool aForce )
TN_DEBUG1("CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable() in");
if(iBatchItemCount <= 0)
// cache empty
if(iBatchItemCount < KMaxBatchItems && !aForce)
//some items in cache
//cache full, flush now
iBatchItemCount = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
TTime aStart, aStop;
// Move data from temp table to main....
TInt err_begin = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailBeginTransaction );
TN_DEBUG2("CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable() KThumbnailBeginTransaction %d", err_begin);
TInt err_tempinfo = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailMoveFromTempInfoToMainTable );
TN_DEBUG2("CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable() KThumbnailMoveFromTempInfoToMainTable %d", err_tempinfo);
TInt err_tempdata = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailMoveFromTempDataToMainTable );
TN_DEBUG2("CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable() KThumbnailMoveFromTempDataToMainTable %d", err_tempdata);
TInt err_delinfo = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailDeleteFromTempInfoTable );
TN_DEBUG2("CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable() KThumbnailDeleteFromTempInfoTable %d", err_delinfo);
TInt err_deldata = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailDeleteFromTempDataTable );
TN_DEBUG2("CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable() KThumbnailDeleteFromTempDataTable %d", err_deldata);
if( err_tempinfo < 0 || err_tempdata < 0 || err_delinfo < 0 || err_deldata < 0 )
TInt err = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailRollbackTransaction );
TN_DEBUG2("CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable() KThumbnailRollbackTransaction %d", err);
TInt err_commit = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailCommitTransaction );
TN_DEBUG2("CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable() KThumbnailCommitTransaction %d", err_commit);
#ifdef _DEBUG
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable() took %d ms", (TInt)aStop.MicroSecondsFrom(aStart).Int64()/1000);
TN_DEBUG1("CThumbnailStore::FlushCacheTable() out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find store for thumbnails by Id
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::FindStoreL(TThumbnailId aThumbnailId)
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::FindStore( %d )", aThumbnailId );
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TInt paramIndex = 0;
TInt found = KErrNotFound;
TInt rowStatus = 0;
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FindStore() -- TEMP TABLE lookup" );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KTempThumbnailSqlSelectRowIDInfoByID ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailId ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
//if not found from temp table, look from real table
if(rowStatus != KSqlAtRow)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FindStore() -- MAIN TABLE lookup" );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSqlSelectRowIDInfoByID ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnailId ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
if( rowStatus == KSqlAtRow )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FindStore() -- thumbnail found" );
found = KErrNone;
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FindStore() -- thumbnail NOT found" );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( found );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updates path in current store by Id
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CThumbnailStore::UpdateStoreL( TThumbnailId aItemId, const TDesC& aNewPath )
TN_DEBUG3( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStore( %d, %S) by ID", aItemId, &aNewPath);
TBool doUpdate(EFalse);
TPath oldPath;
TInt column = 0;
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
//check if path needs updating in temp table
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectTempPathByID ));
TInt paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aItemId ));
TInt rowStatus = stmt.Next();
//if not found from temp table, look from real table
if(rowStatus != KSqlAtRow)
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
//check if path needs updating in main table
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectPathByID ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aItemId ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
if(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStore() -- matching TN ID found" );
oldPath = stmt.ColumnTextL(column);
if(oldPath.CompareF(aNewPath) != 0)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStore() -- path no match" );
doUpdate = ETrue;
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStore() -- path match, skip..." );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStore() -- no need to update old path=%S", &oldPath );
return EFalse;
//Encapsulate update to Transaction
RThumbnailTransaction transaction( iDatabase );
CleanupClosePushL( transaction );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStore() -- do temp path update" );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KTempThumbnailSqlUpdateById ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aNewPath ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aItemId ));
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Exec());
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStore() -- do main table path update" );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSqlUpdateById ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aNewPath ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aItemId ));
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Exec());
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
// Commit transaction
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &transaction );
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update IDs by Path
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::UpdateStoreL( const TDesC& aPath, TThumbnailId aNewId )
TN_DEBUG3( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStore( %S, %d ) by Path", &aPath, aNewId);
#ifdef _DEBUG
TTime aStart, aStop;
//Encapsulate update to Transaction
RThumbnailTransaction transaction( iDatabase );
CleanupClosePushL( transaction );
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStoreL() -- do temp ID update" );
TInt err = stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KTempThumbnailUpdateIdByPath );
#ifdef _DEBUG
TPtrC errorMsg = iDatabase.LastErrorMessage();
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStoreL() KTempThumbnailUpdateIdByPath %S" , &errorMsg);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TInt paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aNewId ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
err = stmt.Exec();
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStoreL() err==%d", err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStoreL() -- do main table ID update" );
err = stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailUpdateIdByPath );
#ifdef _DEBUG
TPtrC errorMsg2 = iDatabase.LastErrorMessage();
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStoreL() KThumbnailUpdateIdByPath %S" , &errorMsg2);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aNewId ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
err = stmt.Exec();
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStoreL() err==%d", err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
// Commit transaction
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &transaction );
#ifdef _DEBUG
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateStoreL() took %d ms", (TInt)aStop.MicroSecondsFrom(aStart).Int64()/1000);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if given modification timestamp is newer than in DB
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CThumbnailStore::CheckModifiedL( const TThumbnailId aItemId, const TInt64 aModified )
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::CheckModifiedL( %d )", aItemId);
TInt column = 0;
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectTempModifiedByID ));
TInt paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aItemId ));
TInt rowStatus = stmt.Next();
TBool modified = EFalse;
TBool checkMain = EFalse;
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckModifiedL() -- temp" );
while(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow || !checkMain)
if(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
TInt64 oldModified = stmt.ColumnInt64( column );
if (oldModified < aModified)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckModifiedL() -- timestamp is newer than original" );
modified = ETrue;
else if (oldModified > aModified)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckModifiedL() -- timestamp is older than original" );
else if (oldModified == aModified)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckModifiedL() -- timestamp is the same as original" );
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
//switch to main table if modified not found from temp
if(rowStatus != KSqlAtRow && !checkMain && !modified)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckModifiedL() -- main" );
//come here only once
checkMain = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectModifiedByID ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aItemId ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
return modified;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fetches thumbnails from store by Id
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnailsL(TThumbnailId aItemId, RArray < TThumbnailDatabaseData* >& aThumbnails)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnails()" );
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
// first temp table
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectTempById ));
TInt paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aItemId ));
TInt rowStatus = stmt.Next();
TPath path;
TPath tnPath;
while ( rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnails() -- thumbnail found from temp table" );
TInt column = 0;
TThumbnailDatabaseData* newRow = new(ELeave) TThumbnailDatabaseData;
TInt err = stmt.ColumnText( column++, newRow->iPath );
newRow->iTnId = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iSize = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iFormat = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
err = stmt.ColumnText( column++, newRow->iTnPath);
newRow->iWidth = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iHeight = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iOrigWidth = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iOrigHeight = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iFlags = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iVideoPosition = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iOrientation = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iThumbFromPath = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iModified = stmt.ColumnInt64( column++ );
if(newRow->iFormat == 0)
TPtrC8 ptr = stmt.ColumnBinaryL( column++ );
RDesReadStream stream( ptr );
newRow->iBlob = new( ELeave )CFbsBitmap();
newRow->iBlob->InternalizeL( stream );
else if(newRow->iFormat == 1)
TPtrC8 ptr = stmt.ColumnBinaryL( column++ );
HBufC8* data = ptr.AllocL() ;
newRow->iBlob = NULL;
newRow->iData = data;
aThumbnails.Append( newRow );
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
// then real table
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectById ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aItemId ));
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
while ( rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::FetchThumbnails() -- thumbnail found from real table" );
TInt column = 0;
TThumbnailDatabaseData* newRow = new(ELeave) TThumbnailDatabaseData;
TInt err = stmt.ColumnText( column++, newRow->iPath );
newRow->iTnId = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iSize = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iFormat = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
err = stmt.ColumnText( column++, newRow->iTnPath);
newRow->iWidth = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iHeight = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iOrigWidth = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iOrigHeight = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iFlags = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iVideoPosition = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iOrientation = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iThumbFromPath = stmt.ColumnInt( column++ );
newRow->iModified = stmt.ColumnInt64( column++ );
if(newRow->iFormat == 0)
TPtrC8 ptr = stmt.ColumnBinaryL( column++ );
RDesReadStream stream( ptr );
newRow->iBlob = new( ELeave )CFbsBitmap();
newRow->iBlob->InternalizeL( stream );
else if(newRow->iFormat == 1)
TPtrC8 ptr = stmt.ColumnBinaryL( column++ );
HBufC8* data = ptr.AllocL() ;
newRow->iBlob = NULL;
newRow->iData = data;
aThumbnails.Append( newRow );
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stores thumbnails to store
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnailsL(const TDesC& aNewPath, RArray < TThumbnailDatabaseData* >& aThumbnails)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::StoreThumbnails()" );
TInt ThumbnailCount = aThumbnails.Count();
RSqlStatement stmt;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < ThumbnailCount; i++ )
RThumbnailTransaction transaction( iDatabase );
CleanupClosePushL( transaction );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailInsertThumbnailInfoByPathAndId ));
TInt paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aNewPath ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamWidth );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnails[ i ]->iWidth ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamHeight );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnails[ i ]->iHeight ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamOriginalWidth );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnails[ i ]->iOrigWidth ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamOriginalHeight );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnails[ i ]->iOrigHeight ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamFormat );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnails[ i ]->iFormat ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamFlags );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnails[ i ]->iFlags ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamSize );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnails[ i ]->iSize ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnails[ i ]->iTnId ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamOrientation );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnails[ i ]->iOrientation ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamThumbFromPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aThumbnails[ i ]->iThumbFromPath ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamModified );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt64( paramIndex, aThumbnails[ i ]->iModified ));
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Exec());
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
RSqlStatement stmtData;
CleanupClosePushL( stmtData );
TInt err = stmtData.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailInsertTempThumbnailInfoData );
if(aThumbnails[ i ]->iFormat == 0)
CBufFlat* buf = CBufFlat::NewL( KStreamBufferSize );
CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
RBufWriteStream stream;
stream.Open( *buf );
aThumbnails[ i ]->iBlob->ExternalizeL( stream );
paramIndex = stmtData.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamData );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmtData.BindBinary( paramIndex, buf->Ptr( 0 ) ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
delete aThumbnails[i]->iBlob;
aThumbnails[i]->iBlob = NULL;
else if(aThumbnails[ i ]->iFormat == 1)
paramIndex = stmtData.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamData );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmtData.BindBinary( paramIndex, *aThumbnails[ i ]->iData ));
delete aThumbnails[i]->iData;
aThumbnails[i]->iData = NULL;
User::LeaveIfError( stmtData.Exec());
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmtData );
// Commit transaction
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &transaction );
delete aThumbnails[i];
aThumbnails[i] = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CheckVersionAndImeiL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CThumbnailStore::CheckImeiL()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckImeiL()" );
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TInt rowStatus = 0;
TInt column = 0;
TBuf<KImeiBufferSize> imei;
TInt ret = stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectFromVersion );
if(ret < 0 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
return KErrNotSupported;
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
if ( rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
stmt.ColumnText( column++, imei);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
if( imei == iImei )
return KErrNone;
return KErrNotSupported;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CheckVersionAndImeiL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CThumbnailStore::CheckVersionL()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckVersionL()" );
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TInt rowStatus = 0;
TInt column = 0;
TInt minor = 0;
TInt major = 0;
TInt ret = stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectFromVersion );
if(ret < 0 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
return KErrNotSupported;
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
if ( rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
major = stmt.ColumnInt( column++);
minor = stmt.ColumnInt( column++);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
if(major == KMajor && minor == KMinor )
return KErrNone;
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckVersionL() - wrong DB version" );
return KErrNotSupported;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CheckVersionAndImeiL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CThumbnailStore::CheckMediaIDL()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckMediaIDL()" );
TInt err = 0;
TVolumeInfo volumeinfo;
err = iFs.Volume(volumeinfo, iDrive);
TUint id = volumeinfo.iUniqueID;
TBuf<50> mediaid;
RFile64 file;
err = file.Open(iFs, mediaid, EFileShareReadersOrWriters);
file.Create(iFs, mediaid, EFileShareReadersOrWriters );
return KErrNotSupported;
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AddVersionAndImeiL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::AddVersionAndImeiL()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::AddVersionAndImei()" );
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TInt paramIndex = 0;
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailInsertToVersion ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamImei );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, iImei ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamMinor );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, KMinor ));
paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamMajor );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, KMajor ));
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Exec());
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ResetThumbnailIDs()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::ResetThumbnailIDs()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::ResetThumbnailIDs()" );
TInt err = iDatabase.Exec( KTempThumbnailResetIDs );
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::ResetThumbnailIDs() KThumbnailResetIDs - temp table, err=%d", err );
err = iDatabase.Exec( KThumbnailResetIDs );
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::ResetThumbnailIDs() KThumbnailResetIDs - main table, err=%d", err );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UpdateImeiL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::UpdateImeiL()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateImeiL()" );
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TInt ret = stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailUpdateIMEI );
TInt paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamImei );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, iImei ));
TInt err = stmt.Exec();
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::UpdateImeiL() err==%d", err );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StartAutoFlush()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::StartAutoFlush()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::StartAutoFlush()" );
TInt err = KErrNone;
if( iAutoFlushTimer )
TRAP(err, iAutoFlushTimer = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityIdle) );
if (err != KErrNone)
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::StartAutoFlush() - Error creating timer (%d)", err );
iAutoFlushTimer->Start( KAutoFlushTimeout, KAutoFlushTimeout,
TCallBack(AutoFlushTimerCallBack, this));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StopAutoFlush()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::StopAutoFlush()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::StopAutoFlush()" );
if( iAutoFlushTimer )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThumbnailStore::AutoFlushTimerCallBack()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CThumbnailStore::AutoFlushTimerCallBack(TAny* aAny)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::AutoFlushTimerCallBack()");
CThumbnailStore* self = static_cast<CThumbnailStore*>( aAny );
return KErrNone; // Return value ignored by CPeriodic
TInt CThumbnailStore::CheckRowIDsL()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckRowIDs()");
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TInt column = 0;
TInt rowStatus = 0;
TInt64 inforows = 0;
TInt64 datarows = 0;
TInt ret = stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KGetInfoRowID );
if(ret < 0)
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
return KErrNotSupported;
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
if ( rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
inforows = stmt.ColumnInt64( column );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
ret = stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KGetDataRowID );
if(ret < 0)
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
return KErrNotSupported;
rowStatus = stmt.Next();
if ( rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
datarows = stmt.ColumnInt64( column );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
if( inforows != datarows)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckRowIDsL() - tables out of sync" );
return KErrNotSupported;
return KErrNone;
void CThumbnailStore::CheckModifiedByIdL( TUint32 aId, TBool aTempTable,
TBool& aModified )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckModifiedByIdL()");
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TInt column( 0 );
if( aTempTable )
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectTempPathModifiedByID ) );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectPathModifiedByID ) );
TInt paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamId );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, aId ));
TInt rowStatus = stmt.Next();
if(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
TPath path = stmt.ColumnTextL(column++);
if (path.Length())
TInt64 modified = stmt.ColumnInt64( column );
TTime timeStamp;
iFs.Modified( path, timeStamp );
if( modified != timeStamp.Int64() )
aModified = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
void CThumbnailStore::CheckModifiedByPathL( const TDesC& aPath, TBool aTempTable,
TBool& aModified )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::CheckModifiedByPathL()");
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
TInt column( 0 );
if( aTempTable )
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectTempModifiedByPath ) );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailSelectModifiedByPath ) );
TInt paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamPath );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindText( paramIndex, aPath ));
TInt rowStatus = stmt.Next();
if(rowStatus == KSqlAtRow)
TInt64 modified = stmt.ColumnInt64( column );
TTime timeStamp;
iFs.Modified( aPath, timeStamp );
if( modified != timeStamp.Int64() )
aModified = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PrepareBlacklistedItemsForRetry()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThumbnailStore::PrepareBlacklistedItemsForRetry()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStore::PrepareBlacklistedItemsForRetry()" );
RSqlStatement stmt;
CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.Prepare( iDatabase, KThumbnailTouchBlacklistedRows ));
TInt paramIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KThumbnailSqlParamFlag );
User::LeaveIfError( paramIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( stmt.BindInt( paramIndex, KThumbnailDbFlagBlacklisted ));
TInt err = stmt.Exec();
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::PrepareBlacklistedItemsForRetry() - main table, err=%d", err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt );
void CThumbnailStore::HandleDiskSpaceNotificationL( TBool aDiskFull )
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::HandleDiskSpaceNotificationL() aDiskFull = %d", aDiskFull );
iDiskFull = aDiskFull;
void CThumbnailStore::HandleDiskSpaceError(TInt aError )
if (aError != KErrNone)
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStore::HandleDiskSpaceError() aError = %d", aError );
TBool CThumbnailStore::IsDiskFull()
return iDiskFull;
CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO* CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::NewL(
MThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierObserver& aObserver, TInt64 aThreshold, const TDesC& aFilename)
CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO* self =
CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::NewLC( aObserver, aThreshold, aFilename);
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO* CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::NewLC(
MThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierObserver& aObserver, TInt64 aThreshold, const TDesC& aFilename)
TDriveNumber driveNumber = GetDriveNumberL( aFilename );
CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO* self =
new ( ELeave ) CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO( aObserver, aThreshold, driveNumber );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
TDriveNumber CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::GetDriveNumberL( const TDesC& aFilename )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::GetDriveNumberL()");
TLex driveParser( aFilename );
TChar driveChar = driveParser.Get();
if( 0 == driveChar || TChar( ':' ) != driveParser.Peek() )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::GetDriveNumberL() KErrArgument");
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
TInt driveNumber;
RFs::CharToDrive( driveChar, driveNumber );
return (TDriveNumber)driveNumber;
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::~CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO()");
void CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::RunL()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::RunL()");
TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
if ( iState == CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::ENormal )
TInt status = iStatus.Int();
switch( status )
case KErrNone:
iFileServerSession.Volume( volumeInfo, iDrive );
// Check if free space is less than threshold level
if( volumeInfo.iFree < iThreshold )
iDiskFull = ETrue;
iObserver.HandleDiskSpaceNotificationL( iDiskFull );
iState = EIterate;
iIterationCount = 0;
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
iDiskFull = EFalse;
iObserver.HandleDiskSpaceNotificationL( iDiskFull );
case KErrArgument:
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::GetDriveNumberL() KErrArgument");
User::Leave( status );
else if ( iState == CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::EIterate )
const TInt KMaxIterations = 10;
iFileServerSession.Volume( volumeInfo, iDrive );
if ( volumeInfo.iFree < iThreshold )
iObserver.HandleDiskSpaceNotificationL( iDiskFull );
if ( iIterationCount < KMaxIterations )
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
iFileServerSession.Volume( volumeInfo, iDrive );
if ( volumeInfo.iFree >= iThreshold )
iDiskFull = EFalse;
iDiskFull = EFalse;
iState = ENormal;
iIterationCount = 0;
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
TInt CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::RunError(TInt aError)
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::RunError()");
iObserver.HandleDiskSpaceError( aError );
return KErrNone;
void CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::DoCancel()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::DoCancel()");
if( IsActive() )
MThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierObserver& aObserver, TInt64 aThreshold, const TDriveNumber aDrive)
: CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ),
iObserver( aObserver ), iThreshold( aThreshold ), iDrive( aDrive ), iState( CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::ENormal ), iDiskFull( EFalse )
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO()");
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
void CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::ConstructL()
TN_DEBUG1( "CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::ConstructL()");
TInt KMessageSlotCount = 2; // slots for NotifyDiskSpace and NotifyDiskSpaceCancel
User::LeaveIfError( iFileServerSession.Connect( KMessageSlotCount ) );
TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
iFileServerSession.Volume( volumeInfo, iDrive );
if ( volumeInfo.iFree < iThreshold )
iDiskFull = ETrue;
iObserver.HandleDiskSpaceNotificationL( iDiskFull );
void CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::StartNotifier()
TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::StartNotifier() iDrive == %d", iDrive);
iFileServerSession.NotifyDiskSpace( iThreshold, iDrive, iStatus );
TBool CThumbnailStoreDiskSpaceNotifierAO::DiskFull() const
return iDiskFull;
// End of file