changeset 0 e6b17d312c8b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imservices/ossprotocoladaptation/src/cossprotocolloginrequest.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:54:49 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Login Request to the Network Server.
+#include "cossprotocolloginrequest.h"
+#include <ximpprotocolconnectionhost.h>
+#include "mossprotocolconnectionmanager.h"
+#include "ossprotocolpluginlogger.h"
+#include "cossprotocolconnection.h"
+#include "cossprotocolconnectionmanager.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "stringutils.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "msgliterals.h"
+#include "msg_enums.h"
+#include "xmppparameters.h"
+#include "waittimer.h"
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include <ximperrors.hrh>
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COSSProtocolLoginRequest::COSSProtocolLoginRequest()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+COSSProtocolLoginRequest::COSSProtocolLoginRequest (
+    MOSSProtocolConnectionManager& aConnMan,
+    TXIMPRequestId aRequestId ) :
+		CActive ( CActive::EPriorityStandard  ),
+		iRequestId ( aRequestId ),
+		iConnMan ( aConnMan )
+	{
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::COSSProtocolLoginRequest Start" ) );
+	CActiveScheduler::Add ( this );
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::COSSProtocolLoginRequest End" ) );
+	}
+// COSSProtocolLoginRequest::ConstructL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COSSProtocolLoginRequest::ConstructL()
+	{
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::COSSProtocolLoginRequest Start-End" ) );
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::COSSProtocolLoginRequest End" ) );
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COSSProtocolLoginRequest::NewL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+COSSProtocolLoginRequest* COSSProtocolLoginRequest::NewL (
+    MOSSProtocolConnectionManager& aConnMan,
+    TXIMPRequestId aRequestId )
+	{
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::NewL Start" ) );
+	COSSProtocolLoginRequest* self =
+	    new ( ELeave ) COSSProtocolLoginRequest ( aConnMan, aRequestId );
+	CleanupStack::PushL ( self );
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop ( self );
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::NewL End" ) );
+	return self;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COSSProtocolLoginRequest::NewLC()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+COSSProtocolLoginRequest* COSSProtocolLoginRequest::NewLC (
+    MOSSProtocolConnectionManager& aConnMan,
+    TXIMPRequestId aRequestId )
+	{
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::NewLC Start" ) );
+	COSSProtocolLoginRequest* self =
+	    COSSProtocolLoginRequest::NewL ( aConnMan, aRequestId );
+	CleanupStack::PushL ( self );
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::NewLC End" ) );
+	return self;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COSSProtocolLoginRequest::~COSSProtocolLoginRequest()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	{
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "::~COSSProtocolLoginRequest Start-End" ) );
+	Cancel();
+	if( iUserName )
+	    {
+	    delete iUserName;
+	    }
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "::~COSSProtocolLoginRequest End\n" ) );
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COSSProtocolLoginRequest::DoCancel()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COSSProtocolLoginRequest::DoCancel()
+	{
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunL()
+	{
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunL Start" ) );
+	message_hdr_resp* msg_struct = NULL;
+	User::LeaveIfError ( iStatus.Int() );
+    char* pResponse = NULL;  
+	pResponse = iConnMan.DataHandler().ResponseL ( iSendId );
+	msg_struct = ( message_hdr_resp* )pResponse ;
+	if( !( msg_struct->response ) )
+	{
+		switch( msg_struct->error_type )
+		{
+		    LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunL ELOGIN_NETWORK_ERROR" ) );
+		    //XImpfw is not giving any error code for canceling accespoint so we are using KErrDisconnected
+		    //once error code is provided by ximpfw we can remove 
+		    LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunL ELOGIN_NONE_SPECIFIED" ) );
+		    iConnMan.HandleToHost().HandleRequestCompleted ( iRequestId, KErrDisconnected );
+		    break;
+		case ELOGIN_AUTHENTICATION: //The username or password was invalid. 
+		    LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunL ELOGIN_AUTHENTICATION" ) );
+			   iConnMan.HandleToHost().HandleRequestCompleted ( iRequestId, KXIMPErrServiceAuthenticationFailed );
+		       break;
+		default:  //for all other error codes like ssl related are mapped to general error ELOGIN_AUTHORIZATION
+                LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunL defualt" ) );
+			   iConnMan.HandleToHost().HandleRequestCompleted ( iRequestId, KXIMPErrServiceGeneralError );
+		       break;       
+		}	
+	}
+	else
+	    {
+	    iConnMan.HandleToHost().HandleRequestCompleted ( iRequestId, KErrNone );
+	    MPresenceBuddyInfo2* buddyPresInfo = MPresenceBuddyInfo2::NewLC();
+	    MPresenceCacheWriter2* presenceCacheWriter = MPresenceCacheWriter2::CreateWriterL();
+	    HBufC* userName = HBufC::NewLC( iUserName->Length() + iConnMan.ServiceName().Length() + KColon().Length() );     
+	    TPtr namePtr( userName->Des() );
+	    namePtr.Zero();
+	    namePtr.Append(iConnMan.ServiceName()); // prepend service name
+	    namePtr.Append(KColon);
+	    namePtr.Append(iUserName->Des() );
+	    buddyPresInfo->SetIdentityL(namePtr);
+	    LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::owndata:%S " ), userName ); 
+	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//userName      
+	    _LIT(KAvailable,"available");//since not getting the own status from 
+	    _LIT(KStatusTest,"Online");//is hardcoded once logged in is successfully
+	    HBufC16 *message = KAvailable().AllocLC();      
+	    buddyPresInfo->SetAvailabilityL( MPresenceBuddyInfo2::EAvailable,*message);                 
+	    HBufC16 *statusmessage = KStatusTest().AllocLC();
+	    buddyPresInfo->SetStatusMessageL(*statusmessage);
+	    TInt cacheerror = presenceCacheWriter->WritePresenceL(buddyPresInfo);
+	    User::LeaveIfError ( cacheerror);
+	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( 3 ); //buddyPresInfo, message ,statusmessage
+	    delete presenceCacheWriter ;
+	    }
+	free( pResponse );
+	delete this;
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunL End" ) );
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunError()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunError ( TInt  aError )
+	{
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunError Start" ) );
+	iConnMan.HandleToHost().HandleRequestCompleted ( iRequestId, aError );
+	delete this;
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunError End" ) );
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COSSProtocolLoginRequest::IssueLoginRequestL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COSSProtocolLoginRequest::IssueLoginRequestL()
+	{
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::IssueLoginRequestL Start" ) );
+	char *smsg = NULL;
+	char *tmpmsg = NULL;
+	message_hdr_req msgHdr = {0,};
+	int userLen = 0;
+	int totalLen = 0;
+	int err = 0;
+	smsg = ( char* ) User::AllocLC(MAX_MSG_SIZE);
+	tmpmsg = ( char* ) User::AllocLC(MAX_MSG_SIZE);
+	HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewLC ( MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	TPtr bufferPtr ( buffer->Des() );
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+	memset ( smsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	msgHdr.message_type = ELogin_Request;
+	iConnMan.DataHandler().IncreaseOpId();
+	TInt Opid = iConnMan.DataHandler().GetOpId();
+	msgHdr.request_id = Opid;
+	memcpy ( smsg, &msgHdr, sizeof ( message_hdr_req ) );
+	totalLen += sizeof ( message_hdr_req );
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+	if ( iConnMan.UserName().Length() == 0 && iConnMan.Password().Length() == 0 ) //if username and pwd are not passed from default settings
+		{
+		bufferPtr.Append ( iConnMan.XmppParams().UserName() );
+		iUserName = bufferPtr.AllocL();
+		LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::UserName:%S " ), & ( iConnMan.XmppParams().UserName() ) );
+		memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+		err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+		if( -1 == err)
+		{
+		iConnMan.HandleToHost().HandleRequestCompleted ( iRequestId, err );
+		}
+		userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+		memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+		totalLen += userLen;
+		bufferPtr.Zero();
+		bufferPtr.Append ( iConnMan.XmppParams().Passwd() );
+		memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+		err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+		userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+		memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+		totalLen += userLen;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iUserName =  iConnMan.UserName().AllocL();
+		bufferPtr.Append ( iConnMan.UserName() );
+		LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::UserName:%S " ), & ( iConnMan.UserName() ) );
+		memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+		err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+		userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+		memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+		totalLen += userLen;
+		bufferPtr.Zero();
+		bufferPtr.Append ( iConnMan.Password() );
+		memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+		err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+		userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+		memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+		totalLen += userLen;
+		}
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+	bufferPtr.Append ( iConnMan.XmppParams().ServerAddress() );
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolLoginRequest::RunL:ServerAddress:%S " ), & ( iConnMan.XmppParams().ServerAddress() ) );
+	memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+	userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+	memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+	totalLen += userLen;
+	//resource
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+    bufferPtr.Append ( 	GenResourceId(iConnMan.XmppParams().Resource()) );
+	memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+	userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+	memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+	totalLen += userLen;
+	//ssl
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+	bufferPtr.AppendNum ( iConnMan.XmppParams().Ssl() );
+	memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+	userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+	memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+	totalLen += userLen;
+	//ServerPort
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+	bufferPtr.AppendNum ( iConnMan.XmppParams().ServerPort() );
+	memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+	userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+	memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+	totalLen += userLen;
+	//IapId
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+	bufferPtr.AppendNum ( iConnMan.XmppParams().IapId() );
+	memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+	userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+	memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+	totalLen += userLen;
+	//connmgr_bus
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+	bufferPtr.Append ( iConnMan.XmppParams().ConnMgrBus() );
+	memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+	userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+	memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+	totalLen += userLen;
+	//connmgr_path
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+	bufferPtr.Append ( iConnMan.XmppParams().ConnMgrPath() );
+	memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+	userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+	memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+	totalLen += userLen;
+	//protocol
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+	bufferPtr.Append ( iConnMan.XmppParams().Protocol() );
+	memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+	userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+	memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+	totalLen += userLen;
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+	//ProxyServer
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+	bufferPtr.Append ( iConnMan.XmppParams().ProxyServer() );
+	memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+	userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+	memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+	totalLen += userLen;
+	//ProxyPort
+	bufferPtr.Zero();
+	bufferPtr.AppendNum ( iConnMan.XmppParams().ProxyPort() );
+	memset ( tmpmsg, '\0', MAX_MSG_SIZE );
+	err = tbufC16tochar ( bufferPtr, tmpmsg );
+	userLen = strlen ( tmpmsg ) + 1; //for '\0'
+	memcpy ( smsg + totalLen, tmpmsg, userLen );
+	totalLen += userLen;
+	iSendId = iConnMan.DataHandler().SendDataL ( iStatus, smsg, totalLen );
+	// signal the scheduler
+	SetActive();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (buffer);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (tmpmsg);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (smsg);
+	LOGGER ( TXT ( "COSSProtocolConnection::OpenSessionL() End" ) );
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COSSProtocolLoginRequest::GenResourceId()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TPtrC COSSProtocolLoginRequest::GenResourceId( const TDesC& aResourceId )
+    {
+    	TBuf<KImpsMaxResourceIdLen> tempRId = aResourceId;
+        //initialise client id
+	    iResourceId.SetLength(0);
+	    //generate Resourse here
+	    iResourceId.Append(tempRId);
+	    TTime time;
+		time.HomeTime();
+		TInt64 seed = time.Int64();
+	    TInt i = Math::Rand( seed );
+		iResourceId.AppendFormat( _L("%d"), i);
+		return iResourceId;
+     }  
+// End of file