* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CBSSession.cpp
#include <e32base.h>
#include <apgcli.h>
#include "cbssession.h"
#include "cbsserver.h"
#include "debugtrace.h"
#include "cbsbrandhandler.h"
#include "cbsstoragemanager.h"
#include "cbsstorage.h"
#include "cbsbitmap.h"
//#include "cbselement.h"
#include "rbsobjowningptrarray.h"
#include "bselementfactory.h"
#include "bsimportconstants.h"
#include <badesca.h>
#include <s32buf.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include <utf.h>
#include <e32property.h>
// ==============================================================
// ======================== SESSION =============================
// ==============================================================
// Two-phased constructor.
CBSSession* CBSSession::NewL()
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession::NewL begin") );
CBSSession* self = new( ELeave ) CBSSession();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession::NewL end") );
return self;
// Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
void CBSSession::ConstructL()
// destructor
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession[%d]::~CBSSession()"), this );
if( Server() )
Server()->SessionDied( this );
delete iText;
delete iBuffer;
delete iBranding;
delete iSeveralData;
delete iApplicationId;
delete iBrandId;
delete iDefaultBrandId;
#ifdef __WINSCW__
if( iStorageManager )
delete iStorageManager;
delete iSessionInfo;
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::CreateL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::CreateL()
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession[%d]::CreateL()"), this );
Server()->SessionCreatedL( this );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::ServiceL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::ServiceL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
/*if( !iSessionInfo )
TRAPD( err, ExtractInfoL( aMessage ) );
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession::ServiceL() ExtractInfoL returned with [%d]"), err );
if( DispatchMessageL( aMessage ) )
if( !iMessageCompleted )
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::ServiceError
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::ServiceError( const RMessage2& aMessage,
TInt aError )
aMessage.Complete( aError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::HandleBackupStateL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::HandleBackupStateL( TBackupState aState )
iIsBackup = ETrue ;
switch( aState )
case EBackupNotActive: // backup is complete
// release session lock
iBackupActive = EFalse;
if( iStorageManager )
// Sending backup active state change event after unlocking it
if( iObserverActive )
iObserverMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
iObserverActive = EFalse;
case EBackupActive: // backup activated
// Lock session. Branding data is not available until
// backup is completed.
iBackupActive = ETrue;
// Sending backup active state change event before locking it
if( iObserverActive )
iObserverMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
iObserverActive = EFalse;
if( iStorageManager )
// unknown state
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::DispatchMessageL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CBSSession::DispatchMessageL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
TRACE( T_LIT("CBrandingSession[%d]::DispatchMessageL() %d"),
this, aMessage.Function() );
iMessageCompleted = EFalse;
TBool msgNeedsToBeCompleted = ETrue;
if( iBackupActive )
// if backup is active, we don't take requests.
// We could take some requests which do not require disk
// operations. This is not a good solution and a better one should be
// investigated. I'm running out of time.
TInt msg = aMessage.Function() ;
if( msg == EBSObserveGetChange ||
msg == EBSObserveGetBackupState ||
msg == EBSObserveBrand)
//allow to do the operation
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
switch( aMessage.Function() )
case EBSInitInstall:
InitUpdateL( aMessage, EBSTxInstall );
case EBSInitUninstall:
InitUpdateL( aMessage, EBSTxUninstall );
case EBSInitAppend:
InitUpdateL( aMessage, EBSTxAppend );
case EBSInitReplace:
InitUpdateL( aMessage, EBSTxReplace );
case EBSInitAccess:
InitAccessL( aMessage );
case EBSPrepareText:
GetTextL( aMessage );
case EBSGetText:
if( iText )
aMessage.WriteL( 2, *iText );
aMessage.WriteL( 2, KNullDesC() );
case EBSIsBrandUpdateRequired:
isBrandUpdateRequiredL (aMessage);
case EBSGetInt:
GetIntL( aMessage );
case EBSPrepareBuffer:
GetBufferL( aMessage );
case EBSGetBuffer:
if( iBuffer )
aMessage.WriteL( 2, *iBuffer );
aMessage.WriteL( 2, KNullDesC8() );
case EBSGetFile:
GetFileL( aMessage );
case EBSPrepareSeveral:
PrepareSeveralL( aMessage );
case EBSGetSeveral:
GetSeveralL( aMessage );
case EBSPrepareStructure:
PrepareStructureL( aMessage );
case EBSGetStructure:
GetStructureL( aMessage );
case EBSStartTransaction:
StartTransactionL( aMessage );
case EBSStopTransaction:
StopTransactionL( aMessage );
case EBSCancelTransaction:
CancelTransactionL( aMessage );
case EBSInstall:
InstallL( aMessage );
case EBSReplace:
ReplaceL( aMessage );
case EBSAppend:
AppendL( aMessage );
case EBSRemoveBrand:
RemoveBrandL( aMessage );
case EBSRemoveApplication:
RemoveApplicationL( aMessage );
case EBSObserveBrand:
if( iObserverActive )
// complete the old observer request with KErrCancel
iObserverMessage.Complete( KErrCancel );
iObserverMessage = aMessage;
iObserverActive = ETrue;
msgNeedsToBeCompleted = EFalse;
case EBSObserveGetNewVersion:
TInt newVersion = GetNewVersionL();
TPckgC<TInt> pack( newVersion );
aMessage.WriteL( 0, pack );
// Get what change happen
case EBSObserveGetChange:
TPckgC<TInt> pack( iIsBackup );
aMessage.WriteL( 0, pack );
break ;
// Get the backup state
case EBSObserveGetBackupState:
TPckgC<TInt> pack( iBackupActive );
aMessage.WriteL( 0, pack );
break ;
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
return msgNeedsToBeCompleted;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::InitUpdateL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::InitUpdateL( const RMessage2 &aMessage, TTransactionType aType)
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession::InitUpdateL: begin TTransactionType[%d] "),aType );
// get the application id
TInt bufferSize( aMessage.GetDesLength( 0 ) );
HBufC8* appId = HBufC8::NewLC( bufferSize );
TPtr8 appPtr = appId->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 0, appPtr );
HBufC* tmpAppId = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( *appId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( appId );
delete iApplicationId;
iApplicationId = tmpAppId;
// get the brand id
bufferSize = aMessage.GetDesLength( 1 );
HBufC8* streamBuf = HBufC8::NewLC( bufferSize );
TPtr8 streamPtr = streamBuf->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 1, streamPtr );
RDesReadStream stream;
CleanupClosePushL( stream );
stream.Open( streamPtr );
TInt descriptorLength = stream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC8* brandId = HBufC8::NewLC( descriptorLength );
TPtr8 brandPtr = brandId->Des();
stream.ReadL( brandPtr, descriptorLength );
HBufC* tmpBrandId = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( *brandId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( brandId );
delete iBrandId;
iBrandId = tmpBrandId;
descriptorLength = stream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC8* defaultBrandId = HBufC8::NewLC( descriptorLength );
TPtr8 defaultPtr = defaultBrandId->Des();
stream.ReadL( defaultPtr, descriptorLength );
HBufC* tmpDefaultBrandId = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( *defaultBrandId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( defaultBrandId );
delete iDefaultBrandId;
iDefaultBrandId = tmpDefaultBrandId;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, streamBuf ); // stream, streamBuf
// get the language id
iLanguageId = (TLanguage)aMessage.Int2();
// get the version
iReserved = aMessage.Int3();
// Check if brand is discarded and client is trying to access/append/replace on that
// give error message saying brand not found so that client will not use that brand
if(aType == EBSTxAccess || aType == EBSTxAppend || aType == EBSTxReplace )
iStorageManager = CBSStorageManager::NewL( this, *iApplicationId );
TBool brandDiscarded = EFalse ;
brandDiscarded = iStorageManager->CheckBrandDiscarded(*iApplicationId, *iBrandId) ;
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession::InitUpdateL: Brand discarded!->LeaveWith KErrNotFound") );
///Server()->DisplaySessionInfoL( this, KErrNotFound );
//User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
iBrandId->Des().Copy( *iDefaultBrandId );
if( aType == EBSTxAppend )
else if( aType == EBSTxReplace )
else if(aType == EBSTxUninstall)
if( !iStorageManager )
iStorageManager = CBSStorageManager::NewL( this, *iApplicationId );
// if any client is accessing same brand leave with KErrInUse.
// check if the brand has any active clients
TBool brandActive = EFalse;
CBSServer* server = Server();
if( server )
brandActive = server->MatchSessionUninstallL( *iApplicationId, *iBrandId,
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession::InitUpdateL: UnInstallation aborted -> LeaveWith KErrInUse") );
//Server()->DisplaySessionInfoL( this,KErrInUse);
//when changing this errorcode: please read the note in
//UninstallL() ( installer.cpp )
User::Leave( KErrInUse );
else if( aType == EBSTxInstall )
if( !iStorageManager )
iStorageManager = CBSStorageManager::NewL( this, *iApplicationId );
HBufC* drive = HBufC::NewLC(3);
TRAPD( err, iStorageManager->GetNewestVersionL( *iApplicationId,
iLanguageId ) );
if( ( err == KErrNotFound ) || ( err == KErrPathNotFound ) )
// this brand is not yet there, which is the correct situation here
// for starting install. We can just ignore this error
else if( !err )
// there was no error, therefore this brand already exists in the ROM
// (Z drive).
// we leave with KErrAlreadyExists
if( 0 == (drive->Des().Compare(KBSZDrive)) )
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
//PopAndDestroy drive as it is not needed any longer.
// if any client is accessing same brand leave with KErrInUse.
// check if the brand has any active clients
TBool brandActive = EFalse;
CBSServer* server = Server();
if( server )
brandActive = server->MatchSessionL( *iApplicationId, *iBrandId,
iLanguageId, this, iReserved );
if(brandActive == EFalse)
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession::InitUpdateL: Brand not used -> remove") );
iStorageManager->RemoveBrandL( *iApplicationId, *iBrandId,
iLanguageId, iReserved );
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession::InitUpdateL: Installation aborted->LeaveWith KErrInUse") );
//Server()->DisplaySessionInfoL( this,KErrInUse);
//when changing this errorcode: please read the note in
//UninstallL() ( installer.cpp )
User::Leave( KErrInUse );
// some other error
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession::InitUpdateL: ERROR aType[%d] LeaveWith[%d]"),aType,err );
User::Leave( err );
iInitialized = ETrue;
TRACE( T_LIT("Server initialized") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::PrepareAppendL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::PrepareAppendL()
if( !iStorageManager )
iStorageManager = CBSStorageManager::NewL( this, *iApplicationId );
RFile brandHandle;
iStorageManager->BrandHandleL( *iApplicationId,
*iBrandId, iLanguageId, brandHandle, iReserved );
CleanupClosePushL( brandHandle );
RFileReadStream oldStream;
oldStream.Attach( brandHandle );
CleanupClosePushL( oldStream );
TInt version = oldStream.ReadInt16L();
TInt count = oldStream.ReadInt16L();
if( !iStorageManager->Storage() )
for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
MBSElement* element = InternalizeElementL( oldStream, ETrue );
CleanupDeletePushL( element );
// transfers ownership
iStorageManager->Storage()->AppendElementsL( element );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // element
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetVersion( iReserved );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetStorageIdL( *iBrandId );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetApplicationIdL( *iApplicationId );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetLanguageL( iLanguageId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // oldStream, brandHandle
iAppending = ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::PrepareReplaceL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::PrepareReplaceL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::InitAccessL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::InitAccessL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
InitUpdateL( aMessage, EBSTxAccess );
iBranding = CBSBrandHandler::NewL( *iApplicationId, *iBrandId, *iDefaultBrandId,
iLanguageId, this, iReserved );
iAccessInit = ETrue;
TRACE( T_LIT("Access initialized") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::GetTextL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::GetTextL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
if( !iAccessInit )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
TInt idSize( aMessage.GetDesLength( 0 ) );
HBufC8* idBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC( idSize );
TPtr8 ptrId = idBuffer->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 0, ptrId );
HBufC* temp = iBranding->GetTextL( ptrId );
delete iText;
iText = temp;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( idBuffer );
TPckgC<TInt> pack( iText->Size() );
aMessage.WriteL( 1, pack );
TRACE( T_LIT("aMessage.WriteL( 1, %d );"), iText->Size() );
void CBSSession :: isBrandUpdateRequiredL (const RMessage2 &aMessage)
if( !iAccessInit )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
TInt updateRequired = iBranding->isBrandUpdateRequiredL ();
// iValue = updateRequired;
TPckgC <TInt> pack (updateRequired);
aMessage.WriteL( 0, pack );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::GetIntL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::GetIntL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
if( !iInitialized )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
TInt idSize( aMessage.GetDesLength( 0 ) );
HBufC8* idBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC( idSize );
TPtr8 ptrId = idBuffer->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 0, ptrId );
iValue = iBranding->GetIntL( ptrId );
TPckgC<TInt> pack( iValue );
aMessage.WriteL( 1, pack );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( idBuffer );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::GetBufferL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::GetBufferL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
if( !iAccessInit )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
TInt idSize( aMessage.GetDesLength( 0 ) );
HBufC8* idBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC( idSize );
TPtr8 ptrId = idBuffer->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 0, ptrId );
HBufC8* temp = iBranding->GetBufferL( ptrId );
delete iBuffer;
iBuffer = temp;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( idBuffer );
TPckgC<TInt> pack( iBuffer->Size() );
aMessage.WriteL( 1, pack );
TRACE( T_LIT("aMessage.WriteL( 1, %d );"), iBuffer->Size() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::GetFileL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::GetFileL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession::GetFileL begin") );
if( !iInitialized )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
TInt idSize( aMessage.GetDesLength( 2 ) );
HBufC8* idBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC( idSize );
TPtr8 ptrId = idBuffer->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 2, ptrId );
RFile file;
iBranding->GetFileL( ptrId, file );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( idBuffer );
User::LeaveIfError( file.TransferToClient( aMessage, 0 ) );
iMessageCompleted = ETrue;
TRACE( T_LIT("CBSSession::GetFileL end") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::InternalizeElementIdsL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::InternalizeElementIdsL( RReadStream& aStream, RBSObjOwningPtrArray<HBufC8>& aArray )
TInt count = aStream.ReadInt16L();
for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
TInt length = aStream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC8* id = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
TPtr8 ptrId = id->Des();
aStream.ReadL( ptrId, length );
aArray.AppendL( id );
CleanupStack::Pop( id );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::PrepareTextL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::PrepareSeveralL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
if( !iInitialized )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
TInt msgSize( aMessage.GetDesLength( 1 ) );
HBufC8* idBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC( msgSize );
TPtr8 ptrId = idBuffer->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 1, ptrId );
RDesReadStream idStream;
CleanupClosePushL( idStream );
idStream.Open( ptrId );
RBSObjOwningPtrArray<HBufC8> idArray;
CleanupClosePushL( idArray );
InternalizeElementIdsL( idStream, idArray );
MBSElement* texts = iBranding->GetSeveralL( idArray );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // idArray
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // idStream
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // idBuffer
CleanupDeletePushL( texts );
// FIXME magic number
CBufFlat* data = CBufFlat::NewL( 2000 );
CleanupStack::PushL( data );
RBufWriteStream writeStream;
CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
writeStream.Open( *data );
texts->ExternalizeL( writeStream );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // writeStream
delete iSeveralData;
iSeveralData = data;
CleanupStack::Pop( data );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // texts
delete iBuffer;
iBuffer = NULL;
iBuffer = iSeveralData->Ptr(0).AllocL();
delete iSeveralData;
iSeveralData = NULL;
TPckgC<TInt> pack( iBuffer->Size() );
TRACE( T_LIT("DispatchMessageL - EPlatSecPrepareSeveral writing size %d"), iBuffer->Size() );
aMessage.WriteL( 0, pack );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::GetSeveralTextL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::GetSeveralL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
if( !iInitialized )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
aMessage.WriteL( 0, *iBuffer );
delete iBuffer;
iBuffer = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::PrepareStructureL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::PrepareStructureL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
if( !iInitialized )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
TInt idSize( aMessage.GetDesLength( 1 ) );
RBSObjOwningPtrArray<MBSElement> valueArray;
CleanupClosePushL( valueArray );
HBufC8* idBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC( idSize );
TPtr8 ptrId = idBuffer->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 1, ptrId );
MBSElement* extElement = iBranding->GetStructureL( ptrId );
CleanupDeletePushL( extElement );
// FIXME magic number
CBufFlat* data = CBufFlat::NewL( 2000 );
CleanupStack::PushL( data );
RBufWriteStream writeStream;
CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
writeStream.Open( *data );
extElement->ExternalizeL( writeStream );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // writeStream
delete iSeveralData;
iSeveralData = data;
CleanupStack::Pop( data );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( extElement );
delete iBuffer;
iBuffer = NULL;
iBuffer = iSeveralData->Ptr(0).AllocL();
delete iSeveralData;
iSeveralData = NULL;
TPckgC<TInt> pack( iBuffer->Size() );
TRACE( T_LIT("DispatchMessageL - EPlatSecPrepareSeveral writing size %d"), iBuffer->Size() );
aMessage.WriteL( 0, pack );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // valueArray
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::GetStructureL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::GetStructureL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
if( !iInitialized )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
aMessage.WriteL( 0, *iBuffer );
delete iBuffer;
iBuffer = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::InstallL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::InstallL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::InstallL begin") );
if( !iInitialized || !iStorageManager )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
if( !iStorageManager->Storage() )
iStorageManager->ConnectTransactionL( *iApplicationId,
*iBrandId, iLanguageId, EFalse, iReserved );
TInt msgSize( aMessage.GetDesLength( 0 ) );
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( msgSize );
TPtr8 ptr = buffer->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 0, ptr );
RDesReadStream stream;
CleanupClosePushL( stream );
stream.Open( ptr );
MBSElement* element = InternalizeElementL( stream );
CleanupDeletePushL( element );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetVersion( iReserved );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetStorageIdL( *iBrandId );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetApplicationIdL( *iApplicationId );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetLanguageL( iLanguageId );
// transfers ownership
iStorageManager->Storage()->AppendElementsL( element );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // element
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, buffer );
iWriteNeeded = ETrue;
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::InstallL end") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::ReplaceL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::ReplaceL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ReplaceL begin") );
if( !iInitialized || !iStorageManager )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
iStorageManager->ConnectTransactionL( *iApplicationId,
*iBrandId, iLanguageId, EFalse, iReserved );
TInt msgSize( aMessage.GetDesLength( 0 ) );
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( msgSize );
TPtr8 ptr = buffer->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 0, ptr );
RDesReadStream stream;
CleanupClosePushL( stream );
stream.Open( ptr );
MBSElement* element = InternalizeElementL( stream );
CleanupDeletePushL( element );
// transfers ownership
iStorageManager->Storage()->ReplaceElementL( element );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // element
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, buffer );
iWriteNeeded = ETrue;
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ReplaceL end") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::AppendL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::AppendL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::AppendL begin") );
if( !iInitialized || !iStorageManager )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
iStorageManager->ConnectTransactionL( *iApplicationId,
*iBrandId, iLanguageId, EFalse, iReserved );
TInt msgSize( aMessage.GetDesLength( 0 ) );
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( msgSize );
TPtr8 ptr = buffer->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 0, ptr );
RDesReadStream stream;
CleanupClosePushL( stream );
stream.Open( ptr );
MBSElement* element = InternalizeElementL( stream );
CleanupDeletePushL( element );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetVersion( iReserved );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetStorageIdL( *iBrandId );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetApplicationIdL( *iApplicationId );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetLanguageL( iLanguageId );
// transfers ownership
iStorageManager->Storage()->AppendElementsL( element );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // element
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, buffer );
iWriteNeeded = ETrue;
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::AppendL end") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::StartTransactionL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::StartTransactionL( const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ )
if( !iStorageManager )
iStorageManager = CBSStorageManager::NewL( this, *iApplicationId );
// if we are appending or replacing, we don't need to
// create storage
if( !iAppending )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::CancelTransactionL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::CancelTransactionL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// get the application id
TInt bufferSize( aMessage.GetDesLength( 0 ) );
HBufC8* appId = HBufC8::NewLC( bufferSize );
TPtr8 appPtr = appId->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 0, appPtr );
// get the brand id
bufferSize = aMessage.GetDesLength( 1 );
HBufC8* brandId = HBufC8::NewLC( bufferSize );
TPtr8 brandPtr = brandId->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 1, brandPtr );
// get the language id
TLanguage language = (TLanguage)aMessage.Int2();
// get the version
TInt version = aMessage.Int3();
HBufC* tmpBrandId = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( *brandId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( brandId );
CleanupStack::PushL( tmpBrandId );
HBufC* tmpAppId = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( *appId );
CleanupStack::PushL( tmpAppId );
// check if the transaction is correct
iStorageManager->ConnectTransactionL( *tmpAppId,
*tmpBrandId, iLanguageId,
EFalse, iReserved );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, tmpBrandId ); // tmpBrandId, tmpAppId
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( appId );
// cancel the transaction
iWriteNeeded = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::StopTransactionL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::StopTransactionL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
if( !iStorageManager )
// transaction not found
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if( iAppending )
// find next available version number
TInt nextVersion = iStorageManager->NextAvailableVersionL();
iStorageManager->SetVersion( nextVersion );
iStorageManager->Storage()->SetVersion( nextVersion );
if( iWriteNeeded )
iReserved = iStorageManager->WriteStorageFilesL();
iWriteNeeded = EFalse;
delete iStorageManager;
iStorageManager = NULL;
TPckgC<TInt> pack( iReserved );
aMessage.WriteL( 0, pack );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::InternalizeElementL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
MBSElement* CBSSession::InternalizeElementL( RReadStream& aStream, TBool aAppending /*= EFalse*/ )
MBSElement* returnValue = NULL;
TBSElementType type = (TBSElementType)aStream.ReadInt16L();
TInt idSize = aStream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC8* elementId = HBufC8::NewLC( idSize );
TPtr8 elementIdPtr = elementId->Des();
aStream.ReadL( elementIdPtr, idSize );
switch( type )
case EBSInt:
TInt intData = aStream.ReadInt16L();
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( *elementId,
intData );
case EBSText:
TInt textSize = aStream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC* textData = HBufC::NewLC( textSize );
TPtr textPtr = textData->Des();
aStream.ReadL( textPtr, textSize );
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( *elementId,
*textData );
CleanupStack::Pop( textData );
case EBSFile:
TInt nameSize = aStream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC* fileName = HBufC::NewLC( nameSize );
TPtr filePtr = fileName->Des();
aStream.ReadL( filePtr, nameSize );
if( !aAppending )
// we are installing, so the filename is pointing to a file
// that has to be installed
// Install file and get the filename without path
HBufC* strippedName = iStorageManager->InstallFileLC( *fileName );
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( *elementId,
*strippedName );
CleanupStack::Pop( strippedName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileName );
// we are appending, so this is really the filename
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( *elementId,
*fileName );
CleanupStack::Pop( fileName );
case EBSList:
RBSObjOwningPtrArray<MBSElement> listData;
CleanupClosePushL( listData );
TInt listCount = aStream.ReadInt16L();
for( TInt i = 0; i < listCount; i++ )
MBSElement* listElement = InternalizeElementL( aStream );
CleanupDeletePushL( listElement );
listData.AppendL( listElement );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // listElement
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( *elementId,
listData );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // listData
case EBSBuffer:
TInt bufferSize = aStream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( bufferSize );
TPtr8 buffPtr = buffer->Des();
aStream.ReadL( buffPtr, bufferSize );
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( *elementId,
*buffer );
CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );
case EBSBitmap:
TInt length = aStream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC8* fileId = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
TPtr8 fileIdPtr = fileId->Des();
aStream.ReadL( fileIdPtr, length );
TInt bitmapId = aStream.ReadInt16L();
TInt maskId = aStream.ReadInt16L();
TInt skinId = aStream.ReadInt16L();
TInt skinMaskId = aStream.ReadInt16L();
CBSBitmap* bitmap = CBSBitmap::NewLC( bitmapId,
fileIdPtr );
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( *elementId,
bitmap );
CleanupStack::Pop( bitmap );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileId );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( elementId );
return returnValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::MatchSessionL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CBSSession::MatchSessionL( const TDesC& aApplicationId,
const TDesC& aBrandId,
TLanguage aLanguageId,
TInt aReserved )
TBool returnValue = EFalse;
if( iApplicationId && iBrandId )
if( ( 0 == iApplicationId->Compare( aApplicationId ) ) &&
( 0 == iBrandId->Compare( aBrandId ) ) &&
( iLanguageId == aLanguageId ) &&
( iReserved == aReserved ))
returnValue = ETrue;
return returnValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::MatchSessionL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CBSSession::MatchSessionUninstallL( const TDesC& aApplicationId,
const TDesC& aBrandId)
TBool returnValue = EFalse;
if( iApplicationId && iBrandId )
if( ( 0 == iApplicationId->Compare( aApplicationId ) ) &&
( 0 == iBrandId->Compare( aBrandId ) ) )
returnValue = ETrue;
return returnValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::BrandUpdatedL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::BrandUpdatedL( const TDesC& aApplicationId,
const TDesC& aBrandId,
TLanguage aLanguageId,
TInt /*aReserved*/ )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::BrandUpdatedL begin aAppId[%S] aBrandId[%S]"), &aApplicationId, &aBrandId );
iIsBackup = EFalse ;
if( iApplicationId && iBrandId )
if( ( 0 == iApplicationId->Compare( aApplicationId ) ) &&
( 0 == iBrandId->Compare( aBrandId ) ) &&
( iLanguageId == aLanguageId ) )
// this event is for us
// complete the observer request from client
if( iObserverActive )
iObserverMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
iObserverActive = EFalse;
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::BrandUpdatedL end") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::RemoveBrandL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::RemoveBrandL( const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::RemoveBrandL begin") );
if( !iInitialized || !iStorageManager )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
iStorageManager->RemoveBrandL( *iApplicationId, *iBrandId,
iLanguageId, iReserved );
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::RemoveBrandL end") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::RemoveApplicationL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::RemoveApplicationL( const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::RemoveApplicationL begin") );
if( !iInitialized || !iStorageManager )
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
iStorageManager->RemoveApplicationL( *iApplicationId );
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::RemoveApplicationL end") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::GetNewVersionL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBSSession::GetNewVersionL()
if( !iStorageManager )
iStorageManager = CBSStorageManager::NewL( this, KNullDesC );
return iStorageManager->GetNewestVersionL( *iApplicationId, *iBrandId, iLanguageId );
// CBSSessionInfo
CBSSession::CBSSessionInfo* CBSSession::CBSSessionInfo::NewL( const TDesC& aFileName,
const TDesC& aCaption,
TThreadId aThreadId,
TProcessId aProcessId )
CBSSessionInfo* self = new( ELeave ) CBSSessionInfo( aThreadId, aProcessId );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aFileName, aCaption );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
void CBSSession::CBSSessionInfo::ConstructL( const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aCaption )
iFileName = aFileName.AllocL();
iCaption = aCaption.AllocL();
CBSSession::CBSSessionInfo::CBSSessionInfo( TThreadId aThreadId, TProcessId aProcessId )
: iThreadId( aThreadId ),
iProcessId( aProcessId )
delete iFileName;
delete iCaption;
const TDesC& CBSSession::CBSSessionInfo::FileName()
return *iFileName;
const TDesC& CBSSession::CBSSessionInfo::Caption()
return *iCaption;
TThreadId CBSSession::CBSSessionInfo::ThreadId()
return iThreadId;
TProcessId CBSSession::CBSSessionInfo::ProcessId()
return iProcessId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::ExtractInfoL
// Extracts some information from the specified RMessage2 and saves it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBSSession::ExtractInfoL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ExtractInfoL begin") );
//Collect all necessary data
RThread thread;
TInt getProcessErr,getClientThreadErr;
getClientThreadErr = aMessage.Client( thread );
CleanupClosePushL( thread );
if ( KErrNone == getClientThreadErr )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ExtractInfoL Client retrieved OK") );
TThreadId threadId = thread.Id();
RProcess process;
getProcessErr = thread.Process( process );
CleanupClosePushL( process );
if ( getProcessErr == KErrNone )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ExtractInfoL Processfilename retrieved OK") );
TFileName fileName = process.FileName();
TParsePtrC parser( fileName );
TPtrC processFileNameAndExt( parser.NameAndExt() );
RApaLsSession session;
TInt connectErr = session.Connect();
User :: LeaveIfError (connectErr);
CleanupClosePushL( session );
TApaAppInfo info;
TPtrC captionPtr( KNullDesC );
TPtrC printCaptionPtr( KNullDesC );
TPtrC fullName( KNullDesC );
while ( KErrNone == session.GetNextApp( info ) )
fullName.Set( info.iFullName );
printCaptionPtr.Set( info.iCaption );
if( KErrNotFound != fullName.Find( processFileNameAndExt ) )
captionPtr.Set( info.iCaption );
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ExtractInfoL caption saved: %S"),&captionPtr );
CBSSessionInfo* temp =
CBSSessionInfo::NewL( processFileNameAndExt,
process.Id() );
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ExtractInfoL SessionInfo object creation OK") );
delete iSessionInfo;
iSessionInfo = NULL;
iSessionInfo = temp;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &session );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &process );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &thread );
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ExtractInfoL end") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::FileName
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC& CBSSession::FileName()
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::FileName begin") );
if ( iSessionInfo )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::FileName SessionInfo exists") );
return iSessionInfo->FileName();
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::FileName SessionInfo does not exist") );
return KNullDesC;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::Caption
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC& CBSSession::Caption()
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::Caption begin") );
if ( iSessionInfo )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::Caption SessionInfo exists") );
return iSessionInfo->Caption();
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::Caption SessionInfo does not exist") );
return KNullDesC;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::ThreadId
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBSSession::ThreadId( TThreadId& aThreadId )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ThreadId begin") );
TInt err( KErrNotFound );
if ( iSessionInfo )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ThreadId SessionInfo exists") );
aThreadId = iSessionInfo->ThreadId();
err = KErrNone;
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::ProcessId
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBSSession::ProcessId( TProcessId& aProcessId )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ProcessId begin") );
TInt err( KErrNotFound );
if ( iSessionInfo )
TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSSession::ProcessId SessionInfo exists") );
aProcessId = iSessionInfo->ProcessId();
err = KErrNone;
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBSSession::InfoAvailable
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CBSSession::InfoAvailable()
return iSessionInfo ? ETrue : EFalse;