* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This class handles dynamic search label-key pair storing.
//For malloc
#include <stdlib.h>
//For protocol connection host
#include <ximpprotocolconnectionhost.h>
//For Connection manager
#include "cossprotocolconnectionmanager.h"
#include "csearchgetsearchkeys.h"
#include "msg_enums.h"
#include "ossprotocolpluginlogger.h"
//For Converting C style string to S60 style HBufC
#include "ossprotocoladaptutils.h"
//For open c string functions
#include <string.h>
#include <searchkeyinfo.h>
#include <searchobjectfactory.h>
#include <ximpobjectcollection.h>
#include <protocolsearchdatahost.h>
#include <protocolsearchfeaturedatahost.h>
#include <ximpobjectfactory.h>
/*! /brief Documented in header file
CSearchGetSearchKeys* CSearchGetSearchKeys::NewL(
MOSSProtocolConnectionManager& aConnMan,
TXIMPRequestId aRequestId )
LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchGetSearchKeys NewL Start") );
CSearchGetSearchKeys* self = new ( ELeave ) CSearchGetSearchKeys(
aConnMan, aRequestId );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchGetSearchKeys NewL End") );
return self;
/*! /brief Documented in header file
MOSSProtocolConnectionManager& aConnMan,
TXIMPRequestId aRequestId ) : CActive ( EPriorityNormal ),
iRequestId ( aRequestId ),
iConnMan ( aConnMan )
LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchGetSearchKeys Start") );
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchGetSearchKeys End") );
/*! /brief Documented in header file
/*! /brief Documented in header file
void CSearchGetSearchKeys::DoCancel()
/*! /brief Documented in header file
void CSearchGetSearchKeys::RunL()
LOGGER( TXT( "CSearchGetSearchKeys::RunL start" ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iStatus.Int() );
message_hdr_resp* msg_resp = NULL;
char* response = NULL;
CSearchKeyStore& keyStore = iConnMan.GetSearchKeyStore();
response = iConnMan.DataHandler().ResponseL( iSendId );
msg_resp = ( message_hdr_resp* ) response;
if ( !msg_resp->response )
if ( msg_resp->error_type )
//Complete the request with an error
iConnMan.HandleToHost().HandleRequestCompleted( iRequestId,
KErrNotSupported );
//This part reads all the possible labels from cen rep and tries to
//match the search labels got to those.. If match found search labels
//are assigned appropriate Enum values
TInt index = sizeof( message_hdr_resp );
char* keyStr = NULL;
RPointerArray<TDesC> keyList;
TInt len = 0;
while( !( *( response + index ) == '\0'
&& *( response + index + 1 ) == '\0' ) )
len = strlen( response + index ) + 1;
keyStr = ( char* ) User::AllocLC( len );
strcpy ( keyStr, response + index );
index += len;
HBufC* key = OssProtocolAdapUtils::ConvertCharToTUint16LC( keyStr );
keyList.Append( key );
CleanupStack::Pop(); //key
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //keyStr
keyStore.MapLabelsToEnumL( keyList );
//Send all the labels to XIMP/UI
MXIMPObjectFactory& objFact = iConnMan.HandleToHost().ObjectFactory();
MSearchObjectFactory& searchObjFact = iConnMan.GetSearchHost().SearchObjectFactory();
MXIMPObjectCollection* labelArray = objFact.NewObjectCollectionLC();
RPointerArray<TSearchKey> lablEnum = keyStore.GetSupportedEnums();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < lablEnum.Count(); i++ )
MSearchKeyInfo* srchKey = searchObjFact.NewSearchKeyInfoLC();
srchKey->SetType( EKey );
srchKey->SetKey((TSearchKey) *( lablEnum[i] ) );
labelArray->AddObjectL( srchKey );//ownership transfered
CleanupStack::Pop(); //srchKey
RPointerArray<TDesC> label = keyStore.GetNotSupportedLabels();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < label.Count(); i++ )
MSearchKeyInfo* srchLabel = searchObjFact.NewSearchKeyInfoLC();
srchLabel->SetType( ELabel );
srchLabel->SetLabelL( *( label[i] ) );
labelArray->AddObjectL( srchLabel );//ownership transfered
CleanupStack::Pop(); //srchLabel
iConnMan.GetSearchHost().SearchFeatureDataAccess().HandleSearchKeysL (
labelArray );//ownership transfered
iConnMan.HandleToHost().HandleRequestCompleted ( iRequestId, KErrNone );
CleanupStack::Pop( ); //labelArray
free( response );
LOGGER( TXT( "CSearchGetSearchKeys::RunL end" ) );
delete this;
/*! /brief Documented in header file
TInt CSearchGetSearchKeys::RunError( TInt aError )
LOGGER( TXT( "CSearchGetSearchKeys::RunError start" ) );
iConnMan.HandleToHost().HandleRequestCompleted( iRequestId, aError );
LOGGER( TXT( "CSearchGetSearchKeys::RunError end" ) );
return 0;
/*! /brief Documented in header file
void CSearchGetSearchKeys::ConstructL()
/*! /brief Documented in header file
void CSearchGetSearchKeys::GetSearchKeysL()
LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchGetSearchKeys GetSearchKeysL Start") );
TInt len = sizeof ( message_hdr_req );
message_hdr_req* msgHdr = ( message_hdr_req* ) User::AllocLC( len );
msgHdr->message_type = ESearch_Get_Keys;
iSendId = iConnMan.DataHandler().SendDataL( iStatus, ( char* )msgHdr,
len );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( 1 );//msgHdr
LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchGetSearchKeys GetSearchKeysL End") );
// End of file