changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:           
    15 *       Provides the CAknFepUIInputStatePinyin methods.
    16 *
    17 */
    30 #include "AknFepPanic.h"
    31 #include "AknFepUiInputStateEntryPinyin.h"
    32 #include "AknFepUIManagerStateInterface.h"      //MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
    33 #include "AknFepManagerUIInterface.h"           //MAknFepManagerUIInterface
    34 #include "AknFepUiCtrlContainerChinese.h"
    35 #include "AknFepUICtrlInputPane.h"
    36 #include "AknFepUICtrlCandidatePane.h"
    37 #include "AknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup.h"
    38 #include "AknFepManager.h"
    40 #include <PtiEngine.h>                          //CPtiEngine
    41 #include <PtiDefs.h>                            //keys
    42 #include <avkon.rsg>
    44 const TText KPinyinTone4Valid = 0x0020;
    45 const TText KPinyinTone4Invalid = 0x02D9;
    48 TAknFepInputStateEntryPinyin::TAknFepInputStateEntryPinyin(
    49                                 MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface* aOwner,
    50                                 MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese* aUIContainer)
    51     :TAknFepInputStateChineseBase(aOwner, aUIContainer)
    52     {
    53     iState = EEntry;
    55     MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese* uiContainer = UIContainer();
    56     uiContainer->FocusCandidatePane(EFalse);
    57     uiContainer->CandidatePane()->ShowCandidateOrdinals(EFalse);
    58     uiContainer->SetLayout(MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese::ELayoutInput);
    59     uiContainer->CandidatePane()->SelectFirst(); 
    60     uiContainer->ShowVerticalScrollArrows(EFalse);
    61     uiContainer->ShowHorizontalScrollArrows(EFalse);
    62     uiContainer->InputPane()->SetOverrideFontId(0);
    64     CPtiEngine* ptiengine = iOwner->PtiEngine();
    65     if (ptiengine->InputMode() != EPtiEnginePinyin)
    66         {
    67         ptiengine->SetInputMode(EPtiEnginePinyin);
    68         }
    69     ptiengine->SetCandidatePageLength(MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese::ELayoutInput);
    70     ptiengine->EnableToneMarks(ETrue); 
    72     // in the case that we are coming back to the input pane from the candidate pane, 
    73     // we need to ensure that the current selection is selected correctly
    74     ImplicitlyUpdateSelection();
    76     // however we also need to clear the deliberate selection, in case we are not
    77     // coming back to the input pane from the candidate pane
    78     ClearDeliberateSelection();
    79     }
    80 void TAknFepInputStateEntryPinyin::HandleCommandL(TInt /*aCommandId*/)
    81 	{	
    82     DeliberatelyUpdateSelection();	
    83  	}
    85 TBool TAknFepInputStateEntryPinyin::HandleKeyL(TInt aKey, TKeyPressLength aLength)
    86     {
    87     CPtiEngine* ptiengine = iOwner->PtiEngine();
    88     MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese* uiContainer = UIContainer();
    89     MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup* popup = uiContainer->PinyinPopupWindow();
    91     if(aKey == EKeyBackspace)
    92         {
    93 		if (iOwner->PtiEngine()->DeleteKeyPress().Length())
    94             {
    95             ImplicitlyUpdateSelection();
    96             }
    97         else
    98             {
    99             ClearDeliberateSelection();
   100             iOwner->FepMan()->TryCloseUiL(); // no more keys, close the UI.
   101             if (aLength == ELongKeyPress)
   102                 {
   103                 iOwner->FepMan()->SetLongClearAfterCloseUI(ETrue);
   104                 }
   105             }
   106         }
   107     else if(aKey == EKeyRightArrow)
   108         {
   109         if(popup->IsEnabled())
   110             {
   111             if(popup->SelectNextPhrase())
   112                 {
   113                 DeliberatelyUpdateSelection();
   114                 }
   115             }
   116         }
   117     else if(aKey == EKeyLeftArrow)
   118         {
   119         if(popup->IsEnabled())
   120             {
   121             if(popup->SelectPrevPhrase())
   122                 {
   123                 DeliberatelyUpdateSelection();
   124                 }
   125             }
   126         }
   127     else if(aKey == EKeyOK || aKey == EKeyDownArrow)
   128         {
   129         if(popup->IsEnabled())
   130             {
   131             popup->Enable(EFalse);
   132             }
   133         iOwner->ChangeState(ECandidate);        
   134         }
   135     else if (aLength == EShortKeyPress) // don't want repeats on these keys
   136         {
   137      	iOwner->FepMan()->SetCcpuFlag(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateIgnoreStarUp);        
   138         if(iOwner->IsValidChineseInputKey(aKey))
   139             {
   140             TInt stringBeforeLength(0);
   141             TInt stringAfterLength(0);
   143             stringBeforeLength = ptiengine->GetPhoneticSpelling(1).Length();
   144             stringAfterLength = ptiengine->AppendKeyPress((TPtiKey)aKey).Length();
   146             if (stringBeforeLength != stringAfterLength)
   147                 {
   148                 if (ptiengine->GetPhoneticSpelling(1).Length() == 1)
   149                     {
   150                     iOwner->FepMan()->UpdateCbaL(R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_EMPTY);
   151                     }
   153                 ImplicitlyUpdateSelection();
   154                 }
   156             else
   157                 {
   158                 iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound(EAvkonSIDErrorTone);
   159                 }           
   160             }
   161         else if(aKey == EPtiKeyStar) // we increment the tone mark.
   162             {
   163             if(ptiengine->IncrementToneMark(ETrue))
   164                 {
   165                 ImplicitlyUpdateSelection();
   166                 }
   167             }
   168         }
   170     return ETrue;
   171     }
   173 void TAknFepInputStateEntryPinyin::DeliberatelyUpdateSelection()
   174     {
   175     TPtr deliberateSelection = iOwner->GetLatestDeliberateSelection();
   176     CPtiEngine* ptiengine = iOwner->PtiEngine();
   177     MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese* uiContainer = UIContainer();
   178     MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup* popup = uiContainer->PinyinPopupWindow();
   180     // the selected is based on whole spelling candidates, not only current display page
   181     TInt selected = popup->CurrentSelection(); 
   182     ptiengine->EnableToneMarks(EFalse);
   183     TPtrC spelling = ptiengine->GetPhoneticSpelling(selected + 1); // our index is zero based, engine index is one based
   184     deliberateSelection = spelling.Left(
   185                 MAknFepUICtrlInputPane::EMaxInputCharsPinyinPopupNotIncludingToneMark);
   186     ptiengine->EnableToneMarks(ETrue);
   188     RefreshUI(selected);
   189     }
   191 void TAknFepInputStateEntryPinyin::ImplicitlyUpdateSelection()
   192     {
   193     TPtr oldDeliberateSelection = iOwner->GetLatestDeliberateSelection();
   194     TInt oldDeliberateSelectionLength = oldDeliberateSelection.Length();
   195     CPtiEngine* ptiengine = iOwner->PtiEngine();
   197     ptiengine->EnableToneMarks(EFalse);
   198     TInt pinyinCount = ptiengine->PhoneticSpellingCount();
   199     TInt maxUIPinyinCount = MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup::EMaxCandidates;
   200     TInt visible = pinyinCount < maxUIPinyinCount ? pinyinCount : maxUIPinyinCount;
   201     TInt newSelection = 0;
   202     for(TInt i = 0; i < visible; i++)
   203         {
   204         TPtrC spelling = ptiengine->GetPhoneticSpelling(i + 1);  // our index is zero based, engine index is one based
   205         TInt spellingLength = spelling.Length();
   207         // figure out how many characters we are comparing
   208         TInt compareLength = oldDeliberateSelectionLength <= spellingLength ? 
   209             oldDeliberateSelectionLength : spellingLength;
   211         if(oldDeliberateSelection.Left(compareLength) == spelling.Left(compareLength))
   212             {
   213             // as soon as a substring match is found, the 
   214             // highlight position is set to that candidate in the new list. 
   215             // note that in the case of the first character entered, the
   216             // oldBuf will be empty so it will always match... which is 
   217             // fine as we want to select the top one anyway, so we will
   218             // quit the loop early.
   219             newSelection = i;
   220             break;
   221             }
   222         }
   223     ptiengine->EnableToneMarks(ETrue);
   224     UIContainer()->PinyinPopupWindow()->SetFlag(MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup::ESpellingChanged);
   225     RefreshUI(newSelection);
   226     }
   228 void TAknFepInputStateEntryPinyin::ClearDeliberateSelection()
   229     {
   230     // we must have just deleted the last character, 
   231     // or we are starting a new pinyin session, so wipe the last deliberate selection
   232     TPtr oldDeliberateSelection = iOwner->GetLatestDeliberateSelection();
   233     oldDeliberateSelection = KNullDesC;
   234     }
   236 void TAknFepInputStateEntryPinyin::RefreshUI(TInt aSelection)
   237     {
   238     CPtiEngine* ptiengine = iOwner->PtiEngine();
   239     MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese* uiContainer = UIContainer();
   240     MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup* popup = uiContainer->PinyinPopupWindow();
   241     MAknFepUICtrlInputPane* inputPane = uiContainer->InputPane();
   243     // get cursor position
   244     TPoint baseLine = TPoint(0,0);  
   245     TInt height = 0;
   246     TInt ascent = 0;
   247     TRAPD(ret,iOwner->FepMan()->GetScreenCoordinatesL(baseLine,height,ascent));
   248     if (ret == KErrNone)
   249         {
   250         uiContainer->SetContainerPosition(baseLine, height);    
   251         }
   253     TText toneMark;
   254     TBool toneMarkEntered = ptiengine->ToneMark(toneMark);
   255     TText invalidToneMark = toneMark;
   256     TBuf<1> validToneMarkBuf;
   257     TBuf<1> invalidToneMarkBuf;
   258     if(toneMarkEntered)
   259         {
   260         // override specific invalid tonemark character only, the others are the same character 
   261         // when both valid and invalid
   262         if(toneMark == KPinyinTone4Valid)
   263             invalidToneMark = KPinyinTone4Invalid;
   264         validToneMarkBuf.Append(invalidToneMark);
   265         invalidToneMarkBuf.Append(invalidToneMark);
   266         }
   268     // to start with, disable the tone marks so we can get the list of all pinyin matches
   269     // later we will figure out which are invalid
   270     ptiengine->EnableToneMarks(EFalse);
   271     TInt pinyinCountWithoutToneMarks = ptiengine->PhoneticSpellingCount();
   272     TInt maxUIPinyinCount = popup->EMaxCandidates;
   273     TInt visible = pinyinCountWithoutToneMarks < maxUIPinyinCount ? 
   274             pinyinCountWithoutToneMarks : maxUIPinyinCount;
   275     TInt visibleCount = 0;
   276     TInt spellingStartIndex = 0;
   277     TBool pinyinSpellingChanged = popup->IsFlagSet(MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup::ESpellingChanged);
   278     TBool pinyinDisplayPageChanged = popup->IsFlagSet(MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup::EDispPageChanged);
   280     if(pinyinCountWithoutToneMarks > 0)
   281         {
   282         if(pinyinSpellingChanged)
   283             {
   284             visibleCount = visible;
   285             spellingStartIndex = 0;
   286             popup->SetVisibleCount(visible);
   287             }
   288         else if(pinyinDisplayPageChanged) 
   289             {
   290             visibleCount = popup->VisibleSelectionCount();
   291             spellingStartIndex = popup->CurrentPageStartIndex();
   292             }
   293         if(pinyinDisplayPageChanged || pinyinSpellingChanged)
   294             {
   295             TInt index;
   296             for(TInt i = 0; i < visibleCount; i++)
   297                 {
   298                 if(pinyinDisplayPageChanged)
   299                     {
   300                     index = spellingStartIndex + i;
   301                     }
   302                 else
   303                     {
   304                     index = i;
   305                     }
   306                 TPtrC spelling = ptiengine->GetPhoneticSpelling(index + 1);  // our index is zero based, engine index is one based
   307                 popup->SetItemText(i, spelling);
   308                 popup->SetToneMark(i, validToneMarkBuf); 
   309                 if(i == aSelection)
   310                     {
   311                     // fill in input pane even if it can't be seen, for when we have to hide popup window
   312                     inputPane->SetText(spelling);
   313                     inputPane->SetToneMark(validToneMarkBuf); 
   314                     }
   315                 }
   316             popup->ClearFlag(MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup::EDispPageChanged);
   317             }
   318         if(pinyinSpellingChanged)
   319             {
   320             popup->SplitSpellingIntoPages(visible);
   321             }
   322         popup->SetDisplayPage(aSelection);
   324         if(pinyinSpellingChanged)
   325             {
   326             popup->ClearFlag(MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup::ESpellingChanged);
   327             visibleCount = popup->VisibleSelectionCount();
   328             spellingStartIndex = popup->CurrentPageStartIndex();
   329             TInt index;
   330             for(TInt i = 0; i < visibleCount; i++)
   331                 {
   332                 index = spellingStartIndex + i;
   334                 TPtrC spelling = ptiengine->GetPhoneticSpelling(index + 1);  // our index is zero based, engine index is one based
   335                 popup->SetItemText(i, spelling);
   336                 popup->SetToneMark(i, validToneMarkBuf); 
   337                 if(i == aSelection)
   338                     {
   339                     // fill in input pane even if it can't be seen, for when we have to hide popup window
   340                     inputPane->SetText(spelling);
   341                     inputPane->SetToneMark(validToneMarkBuf); 
   342                     }
   343                 }
   344             }
   345         else
   346             {
   347             inputPane->SetText(ptiengine->GetPhoneticSpelling(aSelection + 1));
   348             inputPane->SetToneMark(validToneMarkBuf); 
   349             }
   350         popup->PopupSizeChanged();
   351         }
   353     // turn tone marks back on so that we know where we are.
   354     ptiengine->EnableToneMarks(ETrue);
   356     // this is where we start to figure out whether the tonemarks are valid,
   357     // whether the selected tonemark is valid, and what is the index of the 
   358     // selected candidate in the list of candidates with tonemarks...
   359     TBool selectionToneMarkValid = EFalse;
   360     TInt selectionIndexAdjustedForToneMarkValidity = aSelection;
   362     // we only need to deal with tone marks if there is one
   363     if(toneMarkEntered)
   364         {
   365         if(pinyinCountWithoutToneMarks > 0)
   366             {
   367             visibleCount = visible;
   369             for(TInt i = 0; i < visibleCount; i++)
   370                 {
   371                 TBool valid = EFalse;
   373                 // compare the list of answers with the ones in the UI controls... 
   374                 // any missing from this list don't support the tone mark
   375                 TBuf<MAknFepUICtrlInputPane::EMaxInputCharsPinyinPopupNotIncludingToneMark> nextCandidateWithoutToneMark;
   376                 popup->GetItemText(i, nextCandidateWithoutToneMark);
   378                 // disable tone marks temporarily, as we need to switch the spelling, and it might have 
   379                 // no valid tonemarks
   380                 ptiengine->EnableToneMarks(EFalse); 
   382                 // temporarily change the current selection in the engine, so 
   383                 // that we can see what tonemarks would be valid for it
   384                 // we will set the real selection later on
   386                 ptiengine->SelectPhoneticSpelling(spellingStartIndex + i + 1);
   387                 // if it's valid, we need to find it's position in the with tonemark list
   388                 // as the lists may be ordered differently, and different lengths
   389                 valid = ptiengine->IsToneMarkValidForSpelling();
   390                 if(valid)
   391                     {
   392                     ptiengine->EnableToneMarks(ETrue); 
   393                     TInt pinyinCountWithToneMarks = ptiengine->PhoneticSpellingCount();
   395                     for(TInt j = 0; j < pinyinCountWithToneMarks; j++)
   396                         {
   398                         // use j here not i as we are looking at the list with tonemarks
   399                         TPtrC nextCandidateWithToneMark = ptiengine->GetPhoneticSpelling(j + 1);  // our index is zero based, engine index is one based
   401                         if(nextCandidateWithToneMark == nextCandidateWithoutToneMark)
   402                             {
   403                             // we are setting the tone mark for the i'th entry in the list without tonemarks
   404                             // but if its tonemark is valid, the selection in the engine will have to be relative
   405                             // to the list with tonemarks
   406                             if( i + spellingStartIndex == aSelection)
   407                                 {
   408                                 selectionToneMarkValid = ETrue;
   409                                 selectionIndexAdjustedForToneMarkValidity =  j;
   411                                 // fill in input pane even if it can't be seen, for when we have to hide popup window
   412                                 inputPane->SetText(nextCandidateWithoutToneMark);
   413                                 }
   414                             break;
   415                             }
   416                         }
   417                     }
   418                 popup->SetItemToneMarkValidity(i, valid); 
   419                 popup->SetToneMark(i, valid ? validToneMarkBuf : invalidToneMarkBuf); 
   421                 // fill in input pane even if it can't be seen, for when we have to hide popup window
   422                 if(i == aSelection)
   423                     {
   424                     inputPane->SetToneMarkValidity(valid); 
   425                     inputPane->SetToneMark(valid ? validToneMarkBuf : invalidToneMarkBuf); 
   426                     }
   428                 }
   429             }
   430     }
   431     // set the spelling for the selection with no tone mark
   432     ptiengine->EnableToneMarks(EFalse); 
   433     ptiengine->SelectPhoneticSpelling(popup->CurrentSelection() + 1); // our index is zero based, engine index is one based
   435     // now switch the tonemark on only if the selection has a valid tonemark
   436     // and then set the spelling to the adjusted tonemark position
   437     ptiengine->EnableToneMarks(selectionToneMarkValid); 
   438     ptiengine->SelectPhoneticSpelling(selectionIndexAdjustedForToneMarkValidity + 1); // our index is zero based, engine index is one based
   440     // update the candidate pane.
   441     uiContainer->CandidatePane()->SetCandidateBuffer(ptiengine->CandidatePage());
   442     uiContainer->Enable(ETrue);
   444     // need to enable the pinyin popup after the container so that it is raised to the front
   445     popup->Enable(pinyinCountWithoutToneMarks > 0);
   446     }
   448 void TAknFepInputStateEntryPinyin::InitializeStateL(void)
   449     {
   450     iOwner->FepMan()->UpdateCbaL(R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_EMPTY);
   451     }
   452 // End of file