changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef __FEPBASE_H__
    17 #define __FEPBASE_H__
    19 #include <e32std.h>
    20 #include <e32base.h>
    21 #include <f32file.h>
    22 #include <w32std.h>
    23 #include <coedef.h>
    24 #include <coemain.h>
    25 #include <fepbutils.h>
    26 #include <fepbconfig.h>
    28 class CCoeControl;
    31 /** Specifies the mixin protocol for observing a FEP transaction.
    33 Applications which need to implement this protocol should derive from this 
    34 class. The functions are not pure virtual because most applications will only 
    35 need to override one of them.
    37 @see CCoeFep::MakeDeferredFunctionCall() 
    38 @publishedAll 
    39 @released */
    40 class MCoeFepObserver
    41 	{
    42 public:
    43 	// both of these functions do nothing by default - the reason that they are not pure 
    44 	// virtual is that most applications will only want to override one of them
    45 	IMPORT_C virtual void HandleStartOfTransactionL(); // the responsibility of FEPs to call
    46 	IMPORT_C virtual void HandleCompletionOfTransactionL(); // the responsibility of FEPBASE to call - not to be called if the transaction is canceled
    47 private: // reserved. do not override!	
    48 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeFepObserver_Reserved_1();
    49 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeFepObserver_Reserved_2();
    50 	};
    52 /** Handles the start of a FEP transaction. 
    54 This is a non-member function which just calls aFepObserver.HandleStartOfTransactionL().
    56 It is called indirectly by a FEP to notify the application that it is starting a transaction. 
    57 This is done by calling CCoeEnv::ForEachFepObserverCall() passing in 
    58 FepObserverHandleStartOfTransactionL. Internally, this calls HandleStartOfTransactionL() for 
    59 each MCoeFepObserver object that has been registered with the control environment.
    61 @param aFepObserver The FEP observer.
    62 @see MCoeFepObserver::HandleStartOfTransactionL()
    63 @publishedAll 
    64 @released */
    65 IMPORT_C void FepObserverHandleStartOfTransactionL(MCoeFepObserver& aFepObserver);
    68 /** Abstract base class for all FEPs.
    70 FEP authors must derive a class from CCoeFep. The CCoeFep-derived class should 
    71 implement all of its pure virtual functions including the ones which CCoeFep 
    72 inherits from its base classes. For information on these functions, see the 
    73 documentation of the base classes. The global NewFepL() function is used to 
    74 create a fully initialised object of the derived class. 
    76 FEPs that need to intercept key events should own a CCoeControl-derived object. 
    77 This object is referred to as the FEP control. The FEP control should 
    78 be added to the control stack at a priority of ECoeStackPriorityFep, so that 
    79 it receives first refusal of key events from the window server.
    81 In general, focus is retained by the underlying application. This has the 
    82 advantage that the user can see where the output produced by the FEP will 
    83 go. When focus is switched between controls, the FEP must be notified in case 
    84 the input capability of the focussed control changes. For instance, the FEP 
    85 needs to prevent the user composing a large amount of text only for it to 
    86 be passed to a newly focussed control that cannot accept text input. CCoeFep 
    87 derives from MCoeFocusObserver, which enables FEPs to receive notification 
    88 when the focus for the underlying control changes. The implementation of MCoeFocusObserver's 
    89 functions can call the enquiry functions of class TCoeInputCapabilities to 
    90 find out what input capabilities are supported by the new target control (you 
    91 need to get the TCoeInputCapabilities object from the application UI first: 
    92 see CCoeAppUi::InputCapabilities()).
    94 @see NewFepL() 
    95 @publishedAll 
    96 @released */
    97 class CCoeFep : public CBase, protected MFepAttributeStorer, public MCoeForegroundObserver, public MCoeFocusObserver, private MCoeMessageObserver
    98 	{
    99 public:
   100 	/** Response to key or pointer event */
   101 	enum TEventResponse
   102 		{
   103 		EEventWasNotConsumed,	/** < Indicates that the FEP did not process the event. */
   104 		EEventWasConsumed		/** < Indicates that the FEP did process the event. */
   105 		};
   107 	/** Enables FEPs to have some code called but not in the context of the current 
   108 	call stack, hence the name "deferred".
   110 	For an explanation of the intended use of this class, see 
   111 	CCoeFep::MakeDeferredFunctionCall(). */
   112 	class MDeferredFunctionCall
   113 		{
   114 	public:
   115 		/** This function is called from within a high-priority active object's RunL() 
   116 		shortly after the active object has been queued by calling CCoeFep::MakeDeferredFunctionCall(). */
   117 		virtual void ExecuteFunctionL()=0;
   118 	private: // reserved. do not override!	
   119 		IMPORT_C virtual void MDeferredFunctionCall_Reserved_1();
   120 		IMPORT_C virtual void MDeferredFunctionCall_Reserved_2();
   121 		};
   123 	/** FEPs send character codes to the application underneath them using SimulateKeyEventsL(). 
   124 	Occasionally a FEP may wish to also specify the modifiers (e.g. Fn, Ctrl, 
   125 	Shift) to be sent with that character code. In this case, they should use 
   126 	the overload of CCoeFep::SimulateKeyEventsL() which takes an array of MModifiedCharacters. */
   127 	class MModifiedCharacter
   128 		{
   129 	public:
   130 		/** Returns the character code of the key combination.
   132 		@return The character code of the key combination. */
   133 		virtual TUint CharacterCode() const=0;
   134 		/** Returns a TUint which indicates which modifiers to override, rather than using 
   135 		the current state of the keyboard's modifiers.
   137 		@return The modifiers to override in the key combination. */
   138 		virtual TUint ModifierMask() const=0;
   139 		/** Returns a TUint which indicates which of the modifiers specified in the mask 
   140 		(returned by ModifierMask()) must be on and which must be off.
   142 		@return Indicates which of the modifiers specified in the mask (returned by 
   143 		ModifierMask()) must be on and which must be off. */
   144 		virtual TUint ModifierValues() const=0;
   145 	private: // reserved. do not override!	
   146 		IMPORT_C virtual void MModifiedCharacter_Reserved_1();
   147 		IMPORT_C virtual void MModifiedCharacter_Reserved_2();
   148 		};
   150 public:
   151 	IMPORT_C virtual ~CCoeFep();
   152 	IMPORT_C TBool IsSimulatingKeyEvent() const;
   153 	IMPORT_C TBool IsTurnedOnByL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent) const;
   154 	IMPORT_C TBool IsTurnedOffByL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent) const;
   155 public: // new public virtual functions
   156 	/** Cancels the FEP transaction.
   158 	A FEP transaction begins when an event is first intercepted by the FEP and 
   159 	ends either when the processed text is committed to the application underneath, 
   160 	or if it is cancelled. */
   161 	virtual void CancelTransaction()=0;
   162 public:
   163 	IMPORT_C void OnStartingHandlingKeyEvent_WithDownUpFilterLC();
   164 	IMPORT_C void OnStartingHandlingKeyEvent_NoDownUpFilterLC();
   165 	IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OnFinishingHandlingKeyEvent_WithDownUpFilterL(TEventCode aEventCode, const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TKeyResponse aKeyResponse);
   166 	IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OnFinishingHandlingKeyEvent_NoDownUpFilterL(TEventCode aEventCode, const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TKeyResponse aKeyResponse);
   167 protected:
   168 	IMPORT_C CCoeFep(CCoeEnv& aConeEnvironment);
   169 	IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL(const CCoeFepParameters& aFepParameters);
   170 	IMPORT_C void ReadAllAttributesL();
   171 	IMPORT_C void MakeDeferredFunctionCall(MDeferredFunctionCall& aDeferredFunctionCall);
   172 	IMPORT_C void SimulateKeyEventsL(const TArray<TUint>& aArrayOfCharacters);
   173 	IMPORT_C void SimulateKeyEventsL(const TArray<MModifiedCharacter>& aArrayOfModifiedCharacters);
   174 	IMPORT_C void WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL(TUid aAttributeUid);
   175 	IMPORT_C void WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL(const TArray<TUid>& aAttributeUids);
   176 	IMPORT_C TBool IsOn() const;
   177 public: // not for external use
   178 	void SetOnState(TBool aOnState);
   179 private:
   180 	class CHighPriorityActive;
   181 	class CLowPriorityActive;
   182 	class CCoeFepExtra;
   183 private:
   184 	void DoOnStartingHandlingKeyEventLC(TUint aFlagNoDownUpFilter);
   185 	TKeyResponse DoOnFinishingHandlingKeyEventL(TEventCode aEventCode, const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TKeyResponse aKeyResponse);
   186 	static void TurnOffKeyEventHandlingFlags(TAny* aFlags);
   187 	// from MFepAttributeStorer
   188 	IMPORT_C virtual void MFepAttributeStorer_Reserved_1();
   189 	IMPORT_C virtual void MFepAttributeStorer_Reserved_2();
   190 	// from MCoeForegroundObserver
   191 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeForegroundObserver_Reserved_1();
   192 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeForegroundObserver_Reserved_2();
   193 	// from MCoeFocusObserver
   194 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeFocusObserver_Reserved_1();
   195 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeFocusObserver_Reserved_2();
   196 	// from MCoeMessageObserver
   197 	IMPORT_C virtual TMessageResponse HandleMessageL(TUint32 aClientHandleOfTargetWindowGroup, TUid aMessageUid, const TDesC8& aMessageParameters);
   198 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeMessageObserver_Reserved_1();
   199 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeMessageObserver_Reserved_2();
   200 	// new private virtual functions
   201 	/** Called to notify the FEP that it has either just been turned on or just been 
   202 	turned off (it can find out which by calling CCoeFep::IsOn()). 
   204 	If FEPs want to change their appearance when they are off (e.g. make themselves 
   205 	invisible), then they should implement this function accordingly. 
   207 	@publishedAll
   208 	@released */
   209 	virtual void IsOnHasChangedState()=0;
   211 	/**
   212 	@deprecated */
   213 	virtual void OfferKeyEventL(TEventResponse& /*aEventResponse*/, const TKeyEvent& /*aKeyEvent*/, TEventCode /*aEventCode*/){};
   215 	/**
   216 	@deprecated */
   217 	virtual void OfferPointerEventL(TEventResponse& /*aEventResponse*/, const TPointerEvent& /*aPointerEvent*/, const CCoeControl* /*aWindowOwningControl*/){};
   219 	/**
   220 	@deprecated */
   221 	virtual void OfferPointerBufferReadyEventL(TEventResponse& /*aEventResponse*/, const CCoeControl* /*aWindowOwningControl*/){};
   222 private:	// reserved. do not override!	
   223 	IMPORT_C virtual void CCoeFep_Reserved_1();
   224 	IMPORT_C virtual void CCoeFep_Reserved_2();
   225 private:
   226 	class SKeyEvent;
   227 	CCoeEnv& iConeEnvironment;
   228 	TUint iFlags;
   229 	CHighPriorityActive* iHighPriorityActive;
   230 	CCoeFepExtra* iExtra;
   231 	SKeyEvent* iLastKeyEvent;
   232 	TUint iSpare[13];
   233 	};
   236 /** Specifies the mixin protocol for handling pointer events in inline text. 
   238 This class should be overridden by front end processors which support inline editing.
   240 An instance of a class which implements this protocol should be passed to 
   241 MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::StartFepInlineEditL(). 
   243 @publishedAll 
   244 @released */
   245 class MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit // to be overridden by inline-editing front-end processors
   246 	{
   247 public:
   248 	/** This function is called when a pointer event is received within the inline 
   249 	text. It may need to update the cursor position within the inline text and 
   250 	do text selection in response to drag events.
   252 	@param aType Pointer event types.
   253 	@param aModifiers Modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL, FN etc.).
   254 	@param aPositionInInlineText The position at which the pointer event occurred, 
   255 	as an offset from the start of the inline text string. */
   256 	virtual void HandlePointerEventInInlineTextL(TPointerEvent::TType aType, TUint aModifiers, TInt aPositionInInlineText)=0;
   257 private: // reserved. do not override!	
   258 	IMPORT_C virtual void MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit_Reserved_1();
   259 	IMPORT_C virtual void MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit_Reserved_2();
   260 	};
   262 class TCharFormat;
   263 class TCursorSelection;
   264 class MFormCustomDraw;
   265 class MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever;
   266 class MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1;
   269 /** Specifies a protocol for FEP-aware text editors.
   271 TCoeInputCapabilities::FepAwareTextEditor() returns a pointer to an object 
   272 of this class. A NULL return value indicates that the interface is not supported 
   273 by any of the currently focused controls.
   275 Inline editing means composing text directly in the target text editor control 
   276 rather than in the FEP's edit window first. The target text editor must implement 
   277 the MCoeFepAwareTextEditor interface in order to support inline text. The 
   278 inline text may be differentiated from the surrounding text by the use of 
   279 different formatting. These differences are removed when the inline text transaction 
   280 is committed (causing the inline text to become a real part of the document). 
   281 Cancelling the inline text transaction deletes the inline text and restores 
   282 any previously selected text. A benefit of inline editing is that the user 
   283 only has to concentrate on one area of the screen rather than two. 
   285 An inline editing transaction consists of the following sequence of function 
   286 calls:
   288 - a call to StartFepInlineEditL()
   290 - zero, one or more calls to UpdateFepInlineTextL()
   292 - a call to either CommitFepInlineEditL() or CancelFepInlineEdit() 
   294 @publishedAll 
   295 @released */
   296 class MCoeFepAwareTextEditor // to be overridden by text-editors
   297 	{
   298 public:
   299 	/** 
   300 	Starts a FEP inline editing transaction. 
   302 	Inserts a descriptor containing the initial inline text into the text editor. 
   303 	The inline text should normally replace any selected text.
   305 	The final three parameters are instances of abstract classes, so that the 
   306 	caller of this function must create and instantiate classes deriving from 
   307 	them. These instances must remain in existence for the entire duration of 
   308 	the inline editing transaction.
   310 	Inline editing should not already be taking place when this function is called.
   312 	@param aInitialInlineText The inline text to insert into the text editor.
   313 	@param aPositionOfInsertionPointInInlineText An insertion position within the 
   314 	inline text. This is an offset from the start of the inline text.
   315 	@param aCursorVisibility ETrue for visible text cursor, EFalse for invisible 
   316 	text cursor in the text editor.
   317 	@param aCustomDraw Pointer to a custom drawing object. May be used to do advanced 
   318 	formatting of the inline text. This parameter is optional; a NULL pointer 
   319 	may be specified.
   320 	@param aInlineTextFormatRetriever Defines a single member function, GetFormatOfFepInlineText() 
   321 	which is used by the text editor to find out the formatting to apply to the 
   322 	inline text. It is also possible to apply different formatting to different 
   323 	parts of the inline text.
   324 	@param aPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit Defines a single function, HandlePointerEventInInlineTextL() 
   325 	which is called when a pointer event is received within the inline text. This 
   326 	function might update the cursor position within the inline text and do text 
   327 	selection. 
   328 	*/
   329 	virtual void StartFepInlineEditL(const TDesC& aInitialInlineText, TInt aPositionOfInsertionPointInInlineText, 
   330 		TBool aCursorVisibility, const MFormCustomDraw* aCustomDraw, MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever& aInlineTextFormatRetriever, 
   331 		MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit& aPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit)=0;
   332 	/** Updates the inline text. 
   334 	Called when a character is added to or deleted from the inline text. 
   336 	The descriptor aNewInlineText contains the entire new inline text string, 
   337 	not just the new text to be combined with the old inline text.
   339 	@param aNewInlineText Descriptor which holds the entire new inline text string.
   340 	@param aPositionOfInsertionPointInInlineText The position of the insertion 
   341 	point (i.e. the cursor) within the inline text string aNewInlineText. This 
   342 	is an offset from the start of the string. */
   343 	virtual void UpdateFepInlineTextL(const TDesC& aNewInlineText, TInt aPositionOfInsertionPointInInlineText)=0;
   344 	/** Sets the visibility of the text cursor in the text editor.
   346 	The cursor visibility is initialised using StartFepInlineEditL(). SetInlineEditingCursorVisibilityL() 
   347 	is provided for FEPs which need to change the visibility of the cursor during 
   348 	the inline editing transaction.
   350 	@param aCursorVisibility ETrue for visible text cursor, EFalse for invisible 
   351 	text cursor. */
   352 	virtual void SetInlineEditingCursorVisibilityL(TBool aCursorVisibility)=0;
   353 	IMPORT_C void CommitFepInlineEditL(CCoeEnv& aConeEnvironment);
   354 	/** Cancels the inline editing transaction. 
   356 	The edit window should be rolled back to the state it was in before the FEP 
   357 	transaction started, i.e. any inline text in the document which has not yet 
   358 	been committed should be removed. If the inline text has replaced existing text, 
   359 	(e.g. a selection) the replaced text should be reinstated. */
   360 	virtual void CancelFepInlineEdit()=0;
   361 	// with regard to the behaviour of the following functions (except GetScreenCoordinatesForFepL), 
   362 	// note that when inline editing, the contents of the editor will be such that the text constituting 
   363 	// the selection immediately prior to inline editing will be replaced by the inline text 
   364 	// (CancelFepInlineEdit reinstates the previous selection)
   365 	/** Returns the total number of characters in the text editor.
   367 	@return The total number of characters in the text editor. */
   368 	virtual TInt DocumentLengthForFep() const=0;
   369 	/** Returns the upper limit (if any) on the length of text that the text editor 
   370 	can hold.
   372 	@return The maximum number of characters that the text editor can hold. */
   373 	virtual TInt DocumentMaximumLengthForFep() const=0;
   374 	/** Sets the range of characters in the text editor which should be selected.
   376 	@param aCursorSelection Contains the cursor and anchor positions for the selection. */
   377 	virtual void SetCursorSelectionForFepL(const TCursorSelection& aCursorSelection)=0;
   378 	/** Gets the range of characters in the text editor which are selected.
   380 	@param aCursorSelection On return, contains the cursor and anchor positions 
   381 	of the selection. */
   382 	virtual void GetCursorSelectionForFep(TCursorSelection& aCursorSelection) const=0;
   383 	/** Copies a portion of the text editor's text content into a descriptor.
   385 	@param aEditorContent A descriptor; on return contains a copy of a portion 
   386 	of the text.
   387 	@param aDocumentPosition The document position in the text editor from which 
   388 	to copy.
   389 	@param aLengthToRetrieve The number of characters to copy. */
   390 	virtual void GetEditorContentForFep(TDes& aEditorContent, TInt aDocumentPosition, TInt aLengthToRetrieve) const=0;
   391 	/** Gets the character formatting which applies to the document position specified. 
   393 	This function allows FEPs to find out the ambient formatting so that the FEP 
   394 	can choose a format for the inline text that will clearly differentiate it 
   395 	from the surrounding text.
   397 	@param aFormat On return, contains the character formatting which applies 
   398 	to the character at aDocumentPosition.
   399 	@param aDocumentPosition The document position of interest. */
   400 	virtual void GetFormatForFep(TCharFormat& aFormat, TInt aDocumentPosition) const=0;
   401 	/** Gets the x,y screen coordinates for the left hand side of the baseline of the 
   402 	character located at a specified document position. 
   404 	Also gets the height (ascent + descent) and ascent of the font of the character. 
   405 	This function could be used to position the FEP window as close as possible to 
   406 	the insertion point in the text editor.
   408 	@param aLeftSideOfBaseLine On return, contains the x,y coordinates of the 
   409 	left side of the baseline of the character located at aDocumentPosition.
   410 	@param aHeight On return, contains the height (ascent + descent) of the font 
   411 	of the character at aDocumentPosition.
   412 	@param aAscent On return, contains the ascent of the font of the character 
   413 	at aDocumentPosition.
   414 	@param aDocumentPosition The document position of interest. */
   415 	virtual void GetScreenCoordinatesForFepL(TPoint& aLeftSideOfBaseLine, TInt& aHeight, TInt& aAscent, TInt aDocumentPosition) const=0;
   417 	IMPORT_C MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1* Extension1();
   418 private:
   419 	/** Private function called by CommitFepInlineEditL(). 
   421 	Implementations should commit the inline text to the document. This 
   422 	ends the inline editing transaction and causes the inline text to 
   423 	become a part of the document. 
   425 	@publishedAll
   426 	@released */
   427 	virtual void DoCommitFepInlineEditL()=0;
   428 	IMPORT_C virtual MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1* Extension1(TBool& aSetToTrue);
   429 private: // reserved. do not override!	
   430 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Reserved_2();
   431 	};
   434 class MLayDoc;
   436 /**
   437 MCoeFepLayDocExtension is an interface class which should be derived from by test editors to
   438 provide access to the current MLayDoc object, and to set a new MLayDoc object.
   439 Used directly from the FEP to decorate the inline edit text, without changing
   440 the actual document text.
   442 @publishedAll 
   443 @released  
   444 */
   445 class MCoeFepLayDocExtension
   446 	{
   447 public:
   448 	/**
   449 	Retrives the current MLayDoc object from the text editor
   451 	@return Pointer to a MLayDoc object.
   452 	*/
   453 	virtual MLayDoc* GetCurrentMLayDoc() const = 0;
   455 	/**
   456 	Sets a new MLayDoc object into the CTextLayout object
   458 	@param aLayDoc The new layout document
   459 	*/
   460 	virtual void SetMLayDoc(MLayDoc* aLayDoc) = 0;
   462 	/**
   463 	Retrives inline edit positioning information from the editor
   464 	@param 	"TInt& aPositionInDocument" 		Position of the text in the document
   465 	@param 	"TInt& aCursorPositionInDocument" 	Position of the cursor in the document
   466 	@param 	"TInt& aSelectionLength"			The number of characters in the selected text
   467 	*/	 
   468 	virtual void GetFepEditorState(TInt& aPositionInDocument, TInt& aCursorPositionInDocument, TInt& aSelectionLength) = 0;
   470 	/**
   471 	Used to tell the editor when the size of the inline edit has changed, so
   472 	the text layout can update itself. Should be called before and after the inline
   473 	edit has been decorated.
   474 	@param     	"TCursorSelection aSelection" 	Position of the line edit from the beginning of the text
   475     @param     	"TInt aDeletedChars" 			Number of character deleted since the last time the text was formatted.
   477 	*/
   478 	virtual void HandleInsertDeleteL(TCursorSelection aSelection,TInt aDeletedChars) = 0;
   479 private: // reserved. do not override!	
   480 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeFepLayDocExtension_Reserved_1();
   481 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeFepLayDocExtension_Reserved_2();
   482 	};
   485 /** An interface class which may be derived from by text editors to enable FEPs 
   486 to store state information inside the editor. 
   487 To be overridden by text-editors
   489 The CState class, defined within the scope of MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1 
   490 represents the state information. This is information specific to the control 
   491 which is only of interest to the FEP.
   493 A class which implements this interface must implement the pure virtual functions 
   494 State() and SetStateTransferingOwnershipL() , to get and set the state. The 
   495 class should also implement the MCoeFepAwareTextEditor interface. It must 
   496 override the private virtual MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::Extension1() to return 
   497 a pointer to itself (the default implementation returns NULL). The private 
   498 virtual MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::Extension1() function is called by the public, 
   499 non-virtual MCoeFepAwareTextEditor::Extension1() function.
   501 For example, if a FEP wants to set some state information in a text editor 
   502 which is about to lose focus, the FEP should first call the editor's Extension1() 
   503 function. If this returns non-NULL, the FEP should call the editor's implementation 
   504 of SetStateTransferingOwnershipL() , passing in an object of a class derived 
   505 from CState , which holds the state information. It should also pass in a 
   506 UID which uniquely identifies the FEP. Later, when focus returns to the editor, 
   507 the FEP can call State() to retrieve the state information it previously set. 
   508 Note that CState has several reserved functions, to enable it to be extended 
   509 in future, while retaining backwards compatibility. 
   511 @publishedAll 
   512 @released */
   513 class MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1 
   514 	{
   515 public:
   516 	class CState : public CBase
   517 	/** State information for a text editor control. 
   518 	This is information specific to the control which is only of interest to the 
   519 	FEP which sets it. */
   520 		{
   521 	protected:
   522 		IMPORT_C CState();
   523 		IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL();
   524 	public:
   525 		IMPORT_C virtual ~CState();
   526 	private: // reserved. do not override!	
   527 		IMPORT_C virtual void CState_Reserved_1();
   528 		IMPORT_C virtual void CState_Reserved_2();
   529 		IMPORT_C virtual void CState_Reserved_3();
   530 		IMPORT_C virtual void CState_Reserved_4();
   531 	private:
   532 		TAny* iSpareForFutureUse;
   533 		};
   534 public:
   535 	/** Sets state information in the text editor.
   537 	This function must only transfer ownership of the state object after it has 
   538 	successfully done everything that can leave.
   540 	@param aState Pointer to the state information object.
   541 	@param aTypeSafetyUid A UID which uniquely identifies the FEP which is calling 
   542 	this function. The text editor should store this value for use by the State() 
   543 	function. */
   544 	virtual void SetStateTransferingOwnershipL(CState* aState, TUid aTypeSafetyUid)=0; // this function must only transfer ownership after it has successfully done everything that can leave
   545 	/** Gets the state information previously set using SetStateTransferingOwnershipL(). 
   547 	This function does not transfer ownership. The function should first check 
   548 	that aTypeSafetyUid matches the UID value previously specified by SetStateTransferingOwnershipL(). 
   549 	If it doesn't match, the function should return NULL.
   551 	@param aTypeSafetyUid A UID which uniquely identifies the FEP which is calling 
   552 	this function. The purpose of this is to enable the FEP to safely downcast 
   553 	the CState pointer returned by this function to a pointer to a derived class 
   554 	known about by the FEP.
   555 	@return Pointer to the state information object. */
   556 	virtual CState* State(TUid aTypeSafetyUid)=0;
   557 public:
   558 	/** Updates the inline text. 
   560 	Called when a character is added to or deleted from the inline text. 
   562 	The descriptor aNewInlineText contains the entire new inline text string, 
   563 	not just the new text to be combined with the old inline text.
   565 	@param aSetToTrue 		Boolean set to EFalse by the caller and subsequently to ETrue by the function indicating that
   566 							this is the implemented version and not the previous reserved funtion.
   567 	@param aCursorSelection The position of any hilighted text.
   568 	@param aNewInlineText 	Descriptor which holds the entire new inline text string.
   569 	@param aPositionOfInsertionPointInInlineText 
   570 	The position of the insertion point (i.e. the cursor) within the inline text string aNewInlineText. 
   571 	This is an offset from the start of the string. 
   572 	*/
   573 	IMPORT_C virtual void StartFepInlineEditL(TBool& aSetToTrue, const TCursorSelection& aCursorSelection, 
   574 		const TDesC& aInitialInlineText, TInt aPositionOfInsertionPointInInlineText, TBool aCursorVisibility, 
   575 		const MFormCustomDraw* aCustomDraw, MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever& aInlineTextFormatRetriever, 
   576 		MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit& aPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit);
   578 	/** Changes the cursor displayed to indicate different modes of operation. For example how text is enterered
   579 	@param aSetToTrue 		Boolean set to EFalse by the caller and subsequently to ETrue by the function indicating that
   580 							this is the implemented version and not the previously reserved funtion.
   581 	@param aTextCursor		The new cursor to be displayed.
   582 	*/	
   583 	IMPORT_C virtual void SetCursorType(TBool& aSetToTrue, const TTextCursor& aTextCursor);
   585 	/**
   586 	Retrieves the current MCoeFepLayDocExtension object from the text editor
   587 	@param aSetToTrue 		Boolean set to EFalse by the caller and subsequently to ETrue by the function indicating that
   588 							this is the implemented version and not the previously reserved funtion.
   589 	*/
   590 	IMPORT_C virtual MCoeFepLayDocExtension* GetFepLayDocExtension(TBool& aSetToTrue);
   591 private: // reserved. do not override!	
   592 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1_Reserved_4();
   593 	};
   596 /** Retrieves a control's caption for use by a FEP. 
   598 An example of a caption is the non-editable text description displayed 
   599 alongside each item in a dialog.
   601 TCoeInputCapabilities::CaptionRetrieverForFep() returns a pointer to an object 
   602 of this class. A NULL return value indicates that the interface is not supported 
   603 by any of the currently focused controls. If not NULL, call GetCaptionForFep(), 
   604 which fills the supplied buffer with the control's caption, truncating it 
   605 if the supplied buffer is too small for the whole caption. 
   607 @publishedAll
   608 @released */
   609 class MCoeCaptionRetrieverForFep // to be overridden by captioned-controls
   610 	{
   611 public:
   612 	/** An implementation of this function should fill aCaption with the target control's 
   613 	caption (or as much of the caption as will fit).
   615 	For example, code similar to the following might be used (assuming that your caption is 
   616 	stored internally in iCaption):
   618 	@code
   619 	const TInt maximumLength=aCaption.MaxLength();
   620 	if (iCaption.Length()>maximumLength)
   621 	    aCaption=iCaption.Left(maximumLength);
   622 	else
   623 	    aCaption=iCaption;
   625 	@endcode
   626 	@param aCaption On return, this should be set to the caption of the target 
   627 	control. */
   628 	virtual void GetCaptionForFep(TDes& aCaption) const=0; // gets as much as will fit in aCaption
   629 private: // reserved. do not override!	
   630 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeCaptionRetrieverForFep_Reserved_1();
   631 	IMPORT_C virtual void MCoeCaptionRetrieverForFep_Reserved_2();
   632 	};
   634 #endif	// __FEPBASE_H__