changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #if !defined(__TFEP4_H__)
    17 #define __TFEP4_H__
    19 #if !defined(__E32STD_H__)
    20 #include <e32std.h>
    21 #endif
    23 #if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    25 #endif
    27 #if !defined(__W32STD_H__)
    28 #include <w32std.h>
    29 #endif
    31 #if !defined(__FRMTLAY_H__)
    32 #include <frmtlay.h>
    33 #endif
    35 #if !defined(__COEMAIN_H__)
    36 #include <coemain.h>
    37 #endif
    39 #if !defined(__COECNTRL_H__)
    40 #include <coecntrl.h>
    41 #endif
    43 #if !defined(__FEPBASE_H__)
    44 #include <fepbase.h>
    45 #endif
    47 #if !defined(__FEPITFR_H__)
    48 #include <fepitfr.h>
    49 #endif
    51 #if !defined(__EIKDIALG_H__)
    52 #include <techview/eikdialg.h>
    53 #endif
    55 #include "pytable.h"
    57 class TTstTextBackup
    58 	{
    59 public:
    60 	TTstTextBackup(TDes& aText);
    61 	void PushOntoCleanupStackL();
    62 	void PopOffCleanupStack();
    63 private:
    64 	static void Cleanup(TAny* aTextBackup);
    65 private:
    66 	TCleanupItem iCleanupItem;
    67 	TDes& iOriginal;
    68 	HBufC* iBackup;
    69 	};
    71 class CTstInsertionPoint : public CBase
    72 	{
    73 public:
    74 	enum
    75 		{
    76 		EWidth=5,
    77 		EHeight=3
    78 		};
    79 public:
    80 	static CTstInsertionPoint* NewL(RWindowBase& aWindow, CCoeEnv& aCoeEnv);
    81 	virtual ~CTstInsertionPoint();
    82 	void SetPosition(const TPoint& aPosition);
    83 	void SetOn(TBool aOn);
    84 private:
    85 	enum
    86 		{
    87 		EFlagOn=0x00000001
    88 		};
    89 private:
    90 	CTstInsertionPoint(RWsSession& aWindowServerSession);
    91 	void ConstructL(RWindowBase& aWindow, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
    92 	static CFbsBitmap* CreateBitmapL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
    93 	void DoSetOn(TBool aOn);
    94 private:
    95 	TSpriteMember iSpriteMember;
    96 	RWsSprite iSprite;
    97 	TPoint iPosition;
    98 	TUint iFlags;
    99 	};
   101 class TTstArrayOfOneCtrlCharacter : private CCoeFep::MModifiedCharacter
   102 	{
   103 public:
   104 	TTstArrayOfOneCtrlCharacter(TUint aCharacter);
   105 	TArray<CCoeFep::MModifiedCharacter> ArrayOfModifiedCharacters(); // this function is deliberately non-const so that its client is not tempted to create an anonymous (temporary) TTstArrayOfOneCtrlCharacter object whose lifetime may turn out to be too short
   106 private:
   107 	static TInt NumberOfModifiedCharacters(const CBase* aThis); // aThis is really a TTstArrayOfOneCtrlCharacter
   108 	static const TAny* ModifiedCharacter(const CBase* aThis, TInt aIndex); // aThis is really a TTstArrayOfOneCtrlCharacter
   109 	// from CCoeFep::MModifiedCharacter
   110 	virtual TUint CharacterCode() const;
   111 	virtual TUint ModifierMask() const;
   112 	virtual TUint ModifierValues() const;
   113 private:
   114 	TUint iCharacter;
   115 	};
   117 class CFont;
   118 class TCharFormat;
   119 class CTstFep;
   121 class CTstControl : public CCoeControl, private MFormCustomDraw, private MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever, private MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit, private CCoeFep::MDeferredFunctionCall
   122 	{
   123 public:
   124 	static CTstControl* NewL(CTstFep& aFep);
   125 	virtual ~CTstControl();
   126 	void CancelTransaction();
   127 	void IsOnHasChangedState();
   128 	void OfferPointerEventL(CCoeFep::TEventResponse& aEventResponse, const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent, const CCoeControl* aWindowOwningControl);
   129 	static TInt NumberOfAttributes();
   130 	static TUid AttributeAtIndex(TInt aIndex);
   131 	void WriteAttributeDataToStreamL(TUid aAttributeUid, RWriteStream& aStream) const;
   132 	void ReadAttributeDataFromStreamL(TUid aAttributeUid, RReadStream& aStream);
   133 	static void WriteAttributeDataToStreamL(TUid aAttributeUid, RWriteStream& aStream, TBool aInlineEditingEnabled, TInt aInputMethod);
   134 	static void ReadAttributeDataFromStreamL(TUid aAttributeUid, RReadStream& aStream, TBool& aInlineEditingEnabled, TInt& aInputMethod);
   135 	void HandleGainingForeground();
   136 	void HandleLosingForeground();
   137 	void HandleChangeInFocus();
   138 	void HandleDestructionOfFocusedItem();
   139 private:
   140 	typedef void (*FChangeFunction)(CTstControl& aControl, TBool& aChangeWasMade, TInt aParameter);
   141 	enum {EArrowHeadSize=4};
   142 //	enum {ENumberOfHexadecimalDigitsPerCharacterCode=2*sizeof(TText)};
   143 	enum {ENumberOfHexadecimalDigitsPerCharacterCode=5};
   144 	enum
   145 		{
   146 		EMaximumLengthOfBuffer=25,
   147 		EMaximumLengthOfDisplayOfContextInformation=15
   148 		};
   149 	enum
   150 		{
   151 		ETstInlineEditingEnabledUid=0x100014a2,
   152 		ETstInputMethodUid=0x100014a1
   153 		};
   154 	enum
   155 		{
   156 		EInputMethodPlain,
   157 		EInputMethodHexadecimalCharacterCode,
   158 		EInputMethodPinYin,
   159 		// the next one must always be the last value in the enum
   160 		EInputMethodOnePastTheLast
   161 		};
   162 	enum
   163 		{
   164 		EFlagForeground						=0x00000001,
   165 		EFlagWindowIsBeingDragged			=0x00000002,
   166 		EFlagInlineEditingEnabled			=0x00000004,
   167 		EFlagInsideInlineEditingTransaction	=0x00000008,
   168 		EFlagHasNoCompositionWindow			=0x00000010
   169 		};
   170 	enum
   171 		{
   172 		EGapLeftOfEachLine			=1,
   173 		EGapAboveCompositionLine	=1,
   174 		EGapBelowCompositionLine	=CTstInsertionPoint::EHeight+1,
   175 		EGapAboveTopStatusLine		=1,
   176 		EGapBetweenEachStatusLine	=1,
   177 		EGapBelowBottomStatusLine	=1
   178 		};
   179 	class CStateInformation : public MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1::CState
   180 		{
   181 	public:
   182 		static CStateInformation* NewLC(TInt aMeaninglessNumber);
   183 		virtual ~CStateInformation();
   184 		inline void IncrementMeaninglessNumber() {++*iMeaninglessNumber;}
   185 		inline TInt MeaninglessNumber() const {return *iMeaninglessNumber;}
   186 	private:
   187 		CStateInformation();
   188 		void ConstructL(TInt aMeaninglessNumber);
   189 	private:
   190 		TInt* iMeaninglessNumber; // this TInt is not "in-line" as we want to test that CStateInformation's destructor gets called
   191 		};
   192 private:
   193 	CTstControl(CTstFep& aFep);
   194 	void ConstructL();
   195 	static void SetForeground(CTstControl& aControl, TBool& aChangeWasMade, TInt aParameter);
   196 	static void SetFocus(CTstControl& aControl, TBool& aChangeWasMade, TInt aParameter);
   197 	static void SetFlagInlineEditingEnabled(CTstControl& aControl, TBool& aChangeWasMade, TInt aParameter);
   198 	static void SetInputMethod(CTstControl& aControl, TBool& aChangeWasMade, TInt aParameter);
   199 	static void SetInputCapabilities(CTstControl& aControl, TBool& aChangeWasMade, TInt aParameter);
   200 	static void SetFlag(CTstControl& aControl, TBool& aChangeWasMade, TInt aParameter, TUint aFlag);
   201 	void ChangeSetupAndResetBufferAndDrawNow(FChangeFunction aChangeFunction, TInt aParameter=0);
   202 	void InsertCompositionCharacterAndDrawNowL(TUint aCharacterCode);
   203 	void SetInlineTextL(MCoeFepAwareTextEditor& aFepAwareTextEditor);
   204 	void CancelInlineEdit(MCoeFepAwareTextEditor& aFepAwareTextEditor);
   205 	void CommitInlineEditL(MCoeFepAwareTextEditor& aFepAwareTextEditor);
   206 	void ResetBuffer();
   207 	void SetPositionOfInsertionPointInBuffer(TInt aPositionOfInsertionPointInBuffer);
   208 	void SetPositionOfInsertionPointInBuffer(TInt aPositionOfInsertionPointInBuffer, TInt aPositionOfAnchorInBuffer);
   209 	TPoint PositionOfInsertionPointOnWindow() const;
   210 	TInt PositionInBuffer(TInt aX) const;
   211 	TBool IsLegalNonDigitForRealNumber(const TCharUC& aKeyCodeInUpperCase) const;
   212 	static void GetFormatAtDocumentPosition(TCharFormat& aFormat, TInt aDocumentPosition, const MCoeFepAwareTextEditor& aFepAwareTextEditor);
   213 	static TInt NumberOfCharactersInBuffer(const CBase* aControl); // aControl is really a CTstControl
   214 	static const TAny* CharacterInBuffer(const CBase* aControl, TInt aIndex); // aControl is really a CTstControl
   215 public:
   216 	// from CCoeControl
   217 	virtual TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aEventCode);
   218 private:
   219 	// from CCoeControl
   220 	virtual void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   221 	virtual void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
   222 	// from MFormCustomDraw
   223 	virtual void DrawText(const TParam& aParam, const TLineInfo& aLineInfo, const TCharFormat& aFormat, const TDesC& aText, const TPoint& aTextOrigin, TInt aExtraPixels) const;
   224 	// from MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever
   225 	virtual void GetFormatOfFepInlineText(TCharFormat& aFormat, TInt& aNumberOfCharactersWithSameFormat, TInt aPositionOfCharacter) const;
   226 	// from MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit
   227 	virtual void HandlePointerEventInInlineTextL(TPointerEvent::TType aType, TUint aModifiers, TInt aPositionInInlineText);
   228 	// from CCoeFep::MDeferredFunctionCall
   229 	virtual void ExecuteFunctionL();
   230 private:
   231 	CTstFep& iFep;
   232 	TInt iInputMethod;
   233 	TUint iFlags;
   234 	TUint iCharacterCode; // used by CCoeFep::MDeferredFunctionCall::ExecuteFunctionL, and also independently by CharacterInBuffer
   235 	TBuf<EMaximumLengthOfBuffer> iBuffer;
   236 	TCursorSelection iSelectedCompositionText;
   237 	TCoeInputCapabilities iInputCapabilities;
   238 	CFont* iCompositionFont;
   239 	CFont* iStatusFont;
   240 	CTstInsertionPoint* iInsertionPoint;
   241 	TPoint iPositionOnWindowBeingDragged;
   242 private:
   243 	CPinyinSelector iPinYinSelector;
   244 	};
   246 class CTstFep : public CCoeFep
   247 	{
   248 public:
   249 	CTstFep(CCoeEnv& aConeEnvironment);
   250 	void ConstructL(const CCoeFepParameters& aFepParameters);
   251 	virtual ~CTstFep();
   252 	inline void MakeDeferredFunctionCall(MDeferredFunctionCall& aDeferredFunctionCall) {CCoeFep::MakeDeferredFunctionCall(aDeferredFunctionCall);}
   253 	inline void SimulateKeyEventsL(const TArray<TUint>& aArrayOfCharacters) {CCoeFep::SimulateKeyEventsL(aArrayOfCharacters);}
   254 	inline void SimulateKeyEventsL(const TArray<MModifiedCharacter>& aArrayOfModifiedCharacters) {CCoeFep::SimulateKeyEventsL(aArrayOfModifiedCharacters);}
   255 	inline void WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL(TUid aAttributeUid) {CCoeFep::WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL(aAttributeUid);}
   256 	inline TBool IsOn() const {return CCoeFep::IsOn();}
   257 private:
   258 	// from CCoeFep
   259 	virtual void CancelTransaction();
   260 	virtual void IsOnHasChangedState();
   261 	virtual void OfferKeyEventL(TEventResponse& aEventResponse, const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aEventCode);
   262 	virtual void OfferPointerEventL(TEventResponse& aEventResponse, const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent, const CCoeControl* aWindowOwningControl);
   263 	virtual void OfferPointerBufferReadyEventL(TEventResponse& aEventResponse, const CCoeControl* aWindowOwningControl);
   264 	// from MFepAttributeStorer (via CCoeFep)
   265 	virtual TInt NumberOfAttributes() const;
   266 	virtual TUid AttributeAtIndex(TInt aIndex) const;
   267 	virtual void WriteAttributeDataToStreamL(TUid aAttributeUid, RWriteStream& aStream) const;
   268 	virtual void ReadAttributeDataFromStreamL(TUid aAttributeUid, RReadStream& aStream);
   269 	// from MCoeForegroundObserver (via CCoeFep)
   270 	virtual void HandleGainingForeground();
   271 	virtual void HandleLosingForeground();
   272 	// from MCoeFocusObserver (via CCoeFep)
   273 	virtual void HandleChangeInFocus();
   274 	virtual void HandleDestructionOfFocusedItem();
   275 private:
   276 	CTstControl* iControl;
   277 	};
   279 class TTstResourceFileId : public TCleanupItem
   280 	{
   281 public:
   282 	TTstResourceFileId(CCoeEnv& aConeEnvironment, TInt aResourceFileId);
   283 private:
   284 	static void UnloadResourceFile(TAny* aThis);
   285 private:
   286 	CCoeEnv& iConeEnvironment;
   287 	TInt iResourceFileId;
   288 	};
   290 class CTstSettingsDialog : public CEikDialog, private MFepAttributeStorer
   291 	{
   292 public:
   293 	CTstSettingsDialog();
   294 private:
   295 	// from CEikDialog
   296 	virtual TBool OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId);
   297 	virtual void PreLayoutDynInitL();
   298 	// from MFepAttributeStorer
   299 	virtual TInt NumberOfAttributes() const;
   300 	virtual TUid AttributeAtIndex(TInt aIndex) const;
   301 	virtual void WriteAttributeDataToStreamL(TUid aAttributeUid, RWriteStream& aStream) const;
   302 	virtual void ReadAttributeDataFromStreamL(TUid aAttributeUid, RReadStream& aStream);
   303 private:
   304 	TBool iInlineEditingEnabled;
   305 	TInt iInputMethod;
   306 	TUid iUid;
   307 	};
   311 #endif