changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of the vkb data manager
    15 *
    16 */
    19 // system includes
    20 #include <peninputlayoutcontext.h>
    21 #include <aknfeppeninputenums.h>    // ERangeHiraganaKanji, ...
    23 #include <PtiEngine.h>
    24 #include <PtiCompositionDataIF.h>
    25 #include <peninputcommonlayoutglobalenum.h>
    27 // user includes
    28 #include "peninputvkbdatamgr.h"
    30 // constant definition
    31 const TInt LengthSymbolFuncyional = 3;
    33 const TUint KSymbolsFuncyional[] = {0x309b,  // dakuten(Full-width)
    34                                     0x309c,  // handakuten(Full-width)
    35                                     0x5c0f}; // little
    36 const TUint16 KEWComma = 0x002C;
    37 const TUint16 KEWFullStop = 0x002E;
    38 const TUint16 KEWFullWidthComma = 0xFF0C;
    39 const TUint16 KEWFullWidthFullStop = 0xFF0E;
    40 const TUint16 KEWHalfWidthIdeographicComma = 0xFF64;  // touten
    41 const TUint16 KEWHalfWidthIdeographicFullStop = 0xFF61;  // kuten
    42 const TUint16 KEWIdeographicComma = 0x3001;  // touten
    43 const TUint16 KEWIdeographicFullStop = 0x3002;  // kuten
    44 const TUint KHalfDakuten = 0xff9e;
    45 const TUint KHalfHanDakuten = 0xff9f;
    46 const TUint KLittle = 0x5c0f;
    48 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::NewL
    52 // (other items were commented in a header).
    53 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54 //
    55 CPeninputVkbDataMgr* CPeninputVkbDataMgr::NewL(MPeninputLayoutContext* aContext)
    56     {
    57     CPeninputVkbDataMgr* self = NewLC(aContext);
    58     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    59     return self;
    60     }
    62 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::NewLC
    64 // (other items were commented in a header).
    65 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 //
    67 CPeninputVkbDataMgr* CPeninputVkbDataMgr::NewLC(MPeninputLayoutContext* aContext)
    68     {
    69     CPeninputVkbDataMgr* self = new(ELeave) CPeninputVkbDataMgr(aContext);
    70     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    71     self->ConstructL();
    72     return self;
    73     }
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::~CPeninputVkbDataMgr
    77 // (other items were commented in a header).
    78 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 //
    80 CPeninputVkbDataMgr::~CPeninputVkbDataMgr()
    81     {
    82     delete iPtiEngine;
    83     }
    85 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 // CPeninputGenericVkbDataMgr::InitMoreJpL
    87 // (other items were commented in a header)
    88 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 // this method maybe Leave. this method is called by ConstructL()
    90 ///void CPeninputVkbDataMgr::InitMore()
    91 void CPeninputVkbDataMgr::InitMoreJpL()
    92     {
    93     // Create engine
    94     iPtiEngine = CPtiEngine::NewL(ETrue);
    95     iPtiEngine->ActivateLanguageL(ELangJapanese, EPtiEngineHiraganaKanjiPredictiveVkb);
    96     }
    98 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::PtiEngine
   100 // (other items were commented in a header).
   101 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 //
   103 CPtiEngine* CPeninputVkbDataMgr::PtiEngine()
   104     {
   105     return iPtiEngine;
   106     }
   108 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::Predictive
   110 // (other items were commented in a header).
   111 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 TBool CPeninputVkbDataMgr::Predictive() const
   114     {
   115     return iPredictive;
   116     }
   118 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   119 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::FullHalf
   120 // (other items were commented in a header).
   121 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   122 //
   123 TInt CPeninputVkbDataMgr::FullHalf() const
   124     {
   125     return iFullHalf;
   126     }
   128 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   129 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::JapaneseFlags
   130 // (other items were commented in a header).
   131 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 //
   133 TInt CPeninputVkbDataMgr::JapaneseFlags() const
   134     {
   135     return iJapaneseFlags;
   136     }
   138 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   139 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetPermittedRange
   140 // (other items were commented in a header).
   141 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   142 //
   143 void CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetPermittedRange(TInt aRange)
   144     {
   145     iPermittedRange = aRange;
   146     TPtr ptr((TUint16* ) &iPermittedRange,sizeof(iPermittedRange)/sizeof(TUint16));
   147     iContext->SendEventToWindow(EPeninputLayoutEventSetPermittedRange,NULL,ptr);
   148     }
   151 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   152 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetEngineInputMode
   153 // (other items were commented in a header).
   154 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 //
   156 void CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetEngineInputMode(TInt aRange)
   157     {
   158     if (iPermittedRange & aRange)
   159         {
   160         TInt clearDirection = iClear;   // 1:delete 0:backspace
   161         TPtiEngineInputMode mode = EPtiEngineInputModeNone;
   162         switch (aRange)
   163             {
   164             case ERangeHiraganaKanji:
   165                 mode = (Predictive())? EPtiEngineHiraganaKanjiPredictiveVkb
   166                                      : EPtiEngineHiraganaKanjiVkb;
   167                 break;
   168             case ERangeKatakana:
   169                 mode = EPtiEngineKatakanaVkb;
   170                 break;
   171             case ERangeFullWidthKatakana:
   172                 mode = EPtiEngineFullWidthKatakanaVkb;
   173                 break;
   174             case ERangeHiraganaOnly:
   175                 mode = EPtiEngineHiraganaVkb;
   176                 break;
   177             default:
   178                 break;
   179             }
   180         iPtiEngine->SetInputMode(mode);
   181         TRAP_IGNORE(iPtiEngine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandSetClearFunction, &clearDirection));
   182         }
   183     }
   185 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetPredictive
   187 // (other items were commented in a header).
   188 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 //
   190 void CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetPredictive(TBool aPredictive)
   191     {
   192     iPredictive = aPredictive;
   193     }
   195 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetFullHalf
   197 // (other items were commented in a header).
   198 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   199 //
   200 void CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetFullHalf(TInt aFullHalf)
   201     {
   202     iFullHalf = aFullHalf;
   203     }
   205 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   206 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetClear
   207 // (other items were commented in a header).
   208 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 //
   210 void CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetClear(TInt aClear)
   211     {
   212     iClear = aClear;
   213     }
   215 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   216 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetJapaneseFlags
   217 // (other items were commented in a header).
   218 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   219 //
   220 void CPeninputVkbDataMgr::SetJapaneseFlags(TInt aJapaneseFlags)
   221     {
   222     iJapaneseFlags = aJapaneseFlags;
   223     }
   225 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   226 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::HandleFunctionalVkbEventL
   227 // (other items were commented in a header).
   228 // return aStatus == False --->UiStateMgr()->CurrentUiState()->HandleControlEvent() by UiLayout
   229 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   230 //
   231 void CPeninputVkbDataMgr::HandleFunctionalVkbEventL(const TDesC& aEventData, TUint aPreChar
   232                                                     , TBool& aStatus, TInt& aSendText)
   233     {
   234     aStatus = EFalse;
   235     TUint unicode =  *((TUint16*) aEventData.Ptr());  // always aEventData length == 1
   236     for (TInt ii=0; ii < LengthSymbolFuncyional; ii++)
   237         {
   238         if ( unicode == KSymbolsFuncyional[ii] )
   239             {
   240             iPtiEngine->ClearCurrentWord();
   241             iPtiEngine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandAppendCharacter, &aPreChar);
   242             iPtiEngine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandAppendCharacter, &unicode);
   243             const MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface* data = iPtiEngine->CompositionData();
   244             TPtrC convertingString = data->ConvertingString();
   245             if (convertingString.Length() == 1 && aPreChar != convertingString[0])
   246                 {
   247                 //replace
   248                 //
   249                 TInt replacedLen = 1;
   250                 HBufC* p = HBufC::NewL(convertingString.Length() + 2);
   251                 p->Des().Append((TUint16*)&replacedLen, 2);
   252                 p->Des().Append(convertingString);
   253                 iContext->Sendkey( ESignalReplaceTextJp, *p );
   254                 delete p;
   255                 aSendText = 1;
   256                 aStatus = ETrue;
   257                 }
   258             else if (2 == ii)   // ignore little
   259                 {
   260                 aStatus = ETrue;
   261                 }
   262             iPtiEngine->ClearCurrentWord();
   263             break;
   264             }
   265         }
   266     }
   267 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   268 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::HandleFunctionalVkbEventL
   269 // (other items were commented in a header).
   270 // return aStatus == False --->UiStateMgr()->CurrentUiState()->HandleControlEvent() by UiLayout
   271 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   272 //
   273 void CPeninputVkbDataMgr::HandleFunctionalVkbEventWithPrePreCharL(const TDesC& aEventData, TUint aPreChar
   274                                                                   , TUint aPrePreChar, TBool& aStatus, TInt& aSendText)
   275     {
   276     aStatus = EFalse;
   277     TUint unicode =  *((TUint16*) aEventData.Ptr());  // always aEventData length == 1
   278     if (KHalfDakuten == unicode || KHalfHanDakuten == unicode || KLittle == unicode)
   279         {
   280         TInt len = 2;
   281         iPtiEngine->ClearCurrentWord();
   282         if (aPrePreChar != KNoChar)
   283             {
   284             iPtiEngine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandAppendCharacter, &aPrePreChar);
   285             ++ len;
   286             }
   287         iPtiEngine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandAppendCharacter, &aPreChar);
   288         iPtiEngine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandAppendCharacter, &unicode);
   289         const MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface* data = iPtiEngine->CompositionData();
   290         TPtrC convertingString = data->ConvertingString();
   291         TInt backSpace = EKeyDelete;
   292         TPtrC ptr(reinterpret_cast<TText*>(&backSpace), 1);
   293         if (convertingString.Length() != len )
   294             {
   295             if (convertingString.Length() == len-1 && len > 1 && aPreChar != convertingString[len-2])
   296                 { // pa + "-->ba
   297                 TInt replacedLen = 1;
   298                 HBufC* p = HBufC::NewL(convertingString.Right(1).Length() + 2);
   299                 p->Des().Append((TUint16*)&replacedLen, 2);
   300                 p->Des().Append(convertingString.Right(1));
   301                 iContext->Sendkey( ESignalReplaceTextJp, *p );
   302                 delete p;
   303                 aSendText = 1;
   304                 }
   305             else if (convertingString.Length() == len-2 && len > 2)
   306                 {
   307                 if (aPrePreChar != convertingString[0])   // zu + little ---> little tsu
   308                     {
   309                     TInt replacedLen = 1;
   310                     HBufC* p = HBufC::NewL(convertingString.Length() + 2);
   311                     p->Des().Append((TUint16*)&replacedLen, 2);
   312                     p->Des().Append(convertingString);
   313                     iContext->Sendkey(ESignalKeyEvent, ptr);  // delete "
   314                     iContext->Sendkey( ESignalReplaceTextJp, *p );  // tsu --->little tsu
   315                     delete p;
   316                     }
   317                 else  // ga + " ---> ka
   318                     {
   319                     iContext->Sendkey(ESignalKeyEvent, ptr);
   320                     }
   321                 aSendText = 1;
   322                 }
   323             }
   324         else if (aPreChar != convertingString[len-2])   // little tsu + " ---> zu
   325             {
   326             TInt replacedLen = 1;
   327             HBufC* p = HBufC::NewL(convertingString.Mid(len-2,1).Length() + 2);
   328             p->Des().Append((TUint16*)&replacedLen, 2);
   329             p->Des().Append(convertingString.Mid(len-2,1));
   330             iContext->Sendkey( ESignalReplaceTextJp, *p );
   331             delete p;
   332             iContext->Sendkey(ESignalKeyEvent, convertingString.Right(1));
   333             aSendText = 1;
   334             }
   335         else if (KLittle != unicode)   // ignore little
   336             {
   337             iContext->Sendkey(ESignalKeyEvent, convertingString.Right(1));
   338             aSendText = 1;
   339             }
   340         aStatus = ETrue;
   341         iPtiEngine->ClearCurrentWord();
   342         }
   343     }
   345 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   346 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::ConvertCommaFullStop
   347 // (other items were commented in a header).
   348 // return aStatus == False : not changed
   349 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   350 //
   351 TBool CPeninputVkbDataMgr::ConvertCommaFullStop(TUint& aNewChar) const
   352     {
   353     TUint unicode =  aNewChar;
   354     switch(unicode)
   355         {
   356         case KEWIdeographicComma:   // touten
   357             if (iJapaneseFlags & EPenInputJapaneseSettingQwertyComma)  // Japanese
   358                 {
   359                 aNewChar = (iFullHalf)? KEWIdeographicComma : KEWHalfWidthIdeographicComma;
   360                 }
   361             else
   362                 {   // English
   363                 aNewChar = (iFullHalf)? KEWFullWidthComma : KEWComma;
   364                 }
   365             break;
   366         case KEWIdeographicFullStop:  // kuten
   367             if (iJapaneseFlags & EPenInputJapaneseSettingQwertyPeriod)  // Japanese
   368                 {
   369                 aNewChar = (iFullHalf)? KEWIdeographicFullStop : KEWHalfWidthIdeographicFullStop;
   370                 }
   371             else
   372                 {   // English
   373                 aNewChar = (iFullHalf)? KEWFullWidthFullStop : KEWFullStop;
   374                 }
   375             break;
   376         case KEWHalfWidthIdeographicComma:   // touten(halfwidth)
   377             if (!(iJapaneseFlags & EPenInputJapaneseSettingQwertyComma))  // English
   378                 {
   379                 aNewChar = KEWComma;
   380                 }
   381             break;
   382         case KEWHalfWidthIdeographicFullStop:   // kuten(halfwidth)
   383             if (!(iJapaneseFlags & EPenInputJapaneseSettingQwertyPeriod))  // English
   384                 {
   385                 aNewChar = KEWFullStop;
   386                 }
   387             break;
   388         default:
   389             break;
   390         }
   391     return (aNewChar == unicode)? EFalse : ETrue;
   392     }
   394 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   395 // Return the clear direction
   396 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   397 //
   398 TInt CPeninputVkbDataMgr::ClearDirection() const
   399     {
   400     return iClear;   // 1:delete 0:backspace
   401     }
   403 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   404 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::CPeninputVkbDataMgr
   405 // (other items were commented in a header).
   406 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   407 //
   408 CPeninputVkbDataMgr::CPeninputVkbDataMgr(MPeninputLayoutContext* aContext)
   409     : CPeninputDataMgr::CPeninputDataMgr(aContext),
   410      iPredictive(ETrue)
   411     {
   412     iInputLanguage = ELangJapanese;
   413     }
   415 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   416 // CPeninputVkbDataMgr::ConstructL
   417 // (other items were commented in a header)
   418 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   419 //
   420 void CPeninputVkbDataMgr::ConstructL()
   421     {
   422     CPeninputDataMgr::ConstructL();
   423     InitMoreJpL();
   424     }
   426 // End Of File