changeset 21 ecbabf52600f
equal deleted inserted replaced
20:ebd48d2de13c 21:ecbabf52600f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:           
    15 *       Provides the MAknFepManagerUIInterface definition.
    16 *
    17 */
    33 // INCLUDES
    34 #include <e32std.h>
    36 #include <avkon.hrh>
    37 #include <frmtlay.h>        // TCursorSelection
    38 #include <aknextendedinputcapabilities.h>
    40 #include <PtiDefs.h>
    41 #endif
    42 #include "AknFepGlobalEnums.h"
    43 #include "AknFepUiIndicEnums.h"
    46 #include "AknFepFnKeyManager.h"
    47 #endif
    49 class CPtiEngine;
    50 class CAknFepUIInterface;
    51 class CAknFepPluginManager;
    52 // the follow 2 class for phrase creation 
    53 class MZhuyinKeyHandler;
    54 class CAknFepZhuyinAnalyser;
    56 /**
    57   * This interface describes the FEP Manager functionality that is required by western 
    58   * Input States only. It could potentially be conditionally compiled out if western 
    59   * predictive text is not required in a product
    60   */
    61 class MAknFepManagerUIInterfaceWestern
    62     {
    63 public:
    64     /*
    65      *flags, all held in the FEP Manager
    66      */
    67     virtual TBool IsFlagSet(TInt aFlag) const = 0;
    68     virtual void SetFlag(TInt aFlag) = 0;
    69     virtual void ClearFlag(TInt aFlag) = 0;
    71 	virtual void SetCcpuFlag(TInt aFlag) = 0;  
    72 	virtual void ClearCcpuFlag(TInt aFlag) = 0;	  
    74     /*
    75      * Update the current inline edit
    76      * @param aUncommitedTextChange, the change to the length of the inline edit
    77      * i.e. 1 is a character added, 0 is no change, -1 is a character deleted
    78      */
    79     virtual void UpdateInlineEditL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aUncommitedTextChange) = 0;
    81     /*
    82      * Starts an inline edit
    83      */ 
    84     virtual void StartInlineEditL() = 0;
    86     /*
    87      * Starts an inline edit with a text string to uncommit
    88      */ 
    89     virtual void StartInlineEditL(const TDesC& aText) = 0;
    91     /*
    92     */
    93     virtual void StartInlineEditL(TCursorSelection aCursorSelection, 
    94                                   const TDesC& aInitialInlineText, 
    95                                   TInt aPositionOfInsertionPointInInlineText, 
    96                                   TBool aCursorVisibility) = 0;
    98     /*
    99      * Closes the UI backspace event have completely deleted a word
   100      */ 
   101     virtual TBool CloseUiIfWordDeletedL() = 0;
   103     /*
   104      * gets the text to uncommit in the engine when moving onto a word 
   105      *
   106      * @param aText the descriptor to fill with the text that should be uncommitted
   107      * @param aCode the keycode, must be backspace or left or right arrow
   108      * @param aComsumeKey ETrue if the key should be consumed
   109      * @return True if we have successfully found text which can be uncommited
   110      */     
   111     virtual TBool TryGetTextToUncommitL(TDes& aText, TInt aCode, TBool& aComsumeKey) = 0;
   113     /*
   114      * Update the CBA with a new resource
   115      */ 
   116     virtual void UpdateCbaL(TInt aResourceId) = 0;
   118     /*
   119      * Remove the character that is used to show to the user that the 
   120      * predictive text engine cannot match a word to the keys entered 
   121      * @return ETrue if the No Matches Indicator has been removed, EFalse
   122      * if it was not there.
   123      */ 
   124     virtual TBool TryRemoveNoMatchesIndicatorL() = 0;
   126     /*
   127      * @return ETrue if the new word length is one character longer than 
   128      * the current uncommited text
   129      */
   130     virtual TBool IsMoreGoodWordsComing(TInt aNewWordLength) const = 0;
   132     //the following 8 functions for creation   
   133     /**
   134      * Set the state to Pinyin phrase creation
   135      */
   136     virtual void PinyinPhraseCreation(TBool aPinyinPhraseCreation) = 0;
   138     /**
   139      * Is the state is in pinyin phrase creation
   140      *
   141      * @return if not enabled, return EFalse
   142      */
   143     virtual TBool IsPinyinPhraseCreation() const = 0;
   145     /**
   146      * Set the state to phrase creation
   147      */
   148     virtual void PhraseCreation(TBool aPhraseCreation) = 0;
   150     /**
   151      * Is the state is in phrase creation
   152      *
   153      * @return if not enabled, return EFalse
   154      */
   155     virtual TBool IsPhraseCreation() const = 0;
   157     /**
   158      * Set the state to input phrase
   159      */
   160     virtual void EntryPhrase(TBool aEntryPhrase) = 0;
   162     /**
   163      * Is the state is in input phrase
   164      *
   165      * @return if not enabled, return EFalse
   166      */
   167     virtual TBool IsEntryPhrase() const = 0;
   169     /**
   170      * Set the state to enable star key
   171      */
   172     virtual void EnableKeyStar(TBool aEnable) = 0;
   174     /**
   175      * Is the state is enable star key
   176      *
   177      * @return if not enabled, return EFalse
   178      */
   179     virtual TBool IsEnableKeyStar() const = 0;
   181     /*
   182      * @return ETrue if inputmode is word completion and new word length is not equal to 
   183      * the current inputsequence length
   184      */
   185 	virtual TBool IsMoreGoodAutoCompleteWordsComing(TInt aInputMode, TInt aPreviousWordLengh, 
   186 	                                                TInt aNewWordLength) const =0;
   189     /*
   190      * When starting a new word, checks the adjacent editor positions for 
   191      * valid inline editing characters. If these are present, we are starting a
   192      * compound word and the flag EFlagCompoundWord is set
   193      */
   194     virtual void TryStartCompoundWord() = 0;
   196     /*
   197      * Calculates the span of the compound word that is made up of the 
   198      * current uncommitted text and the adjacent word. 
   199      * Adds this word to the User Database
   200      */
   201     virtual void AddCompoundWordToUdbL() = 0;
   203     /**
   204  	*  Sets delayed commit on (predicitve word will be commited in 
   205  	*  next call to TryCloseUiL. This is needed because of Japanese ReadingTextL).
   206  	*
   207  	* @since 3.1
   208  	*/ 
   209     virtual void SetDelayedCommit() = 0;   
   211     /**
   212     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the curesor is at the end of a word.
   213     */  
   214     virtual TBool IsCursorAtEndOfWord() = 0;       
   215     };
   217 class MAknFepManagerUIInterface : public MAknFepManagerUIInterfaceWestern
   218     {
   219 public:
   222     virtual TBool KeyMapsDifferentCharacterWithFn( TPtiKey aKey ) const = 0;
   223 #endif
   224 #endif
   225 		/**
   226 		* Check western predictive mode.
   227 		* @param aMode input mode.
   228 		* @return ETrue if western predictive mode.
   229 		*/
   230 		virtual TBool WesternPredictive(TInt aMode = 0) const=0;
   231 		 /**
   232 	     * Check Qwerty keypad
   233 	     *
   234 	     * @since 3.0
   235 	     * @return ETrue is Qwerty
   236 	     */
   237 	    virtual TBool IsQwerty() const=0;
   239     /**
   240      * Launches the compact match candidate list which follows the inline editor.
   241      * @param   aFocusedIndex   The index of the word focused by default. 
   242      *                          If KErrNotFound is given, the currently active
   243      *                          word will be focused.
   244      */
   245     virtual void LaunchCandidatePopupListL( TInt aFocusedIndex = KErrNotFound )=0;
   246     /**
   247     Returns the Fn key state
   248     */
   249     virtual CAknFepFnKeyManager::TFnKeyState FnKeyState() = 0;
   250     virtual void SetFnKeyState(CAknFepFnKeyManager::TFnKeyState aState) = 0;
   251     /**
   252     Returns the current keyboard layout in use.
   253     */
   254     virtual TPtiKeyboardType KeyboardLayout() const = 0;
   256     /**
   257     Returns if the input is in reverse Fn key input mode.
   258     */
   259     virtual TBool IsReverseFnkeyInput() = 0;
   261     /**
   262      * Returns true if the aChar is allowed in the numeric editor
   263      */
   264     virtual TBool IsValidCharInNumericEditorL( TChar aChar ) const = 0;
   266     /**
   267      * Filter the char for Fn reverse mode in case of
   268      * numeric editor. This function should call
   269      * in case of numeric editor reverse mapping.
   270      */
   271     virtual TBool IsValidCharForNumericInFnReverseL(TInt aKey, TPtiTextCase aCase)=0;
   273 #endif //__REVERSE_FN_KEY_SUPPORTED
   274     virtual void AddOneSpaceOrMoveCursorL() = 0;
   276 #endif
   277     virtual TBool IsHybridAplhaEditor() const = 0 ;
   278     virtual TBool IsHybridAlphaModeChangedtoAplhanumeric() const = 0;
   279 	/**
   280 	* Tells if the current editor is phone number editor
   281 	* @return ETrue if the current editor is phone number editor
   282 	*/
   283 	virtual TBool IsPhoneNumberEditor() const = 0;
   285     /**
   286      * A request to close the UI. If the UI was not active (initial state)
   287      * multitap characters are commited by calling ExpireMultitapTimer()
   288      * on the ptiengine.
   289      * @return ETrue if the UI was active, EFalse otherwise
   290      */
   291     virtual TBool TryCloseUiL() = 0;
   293     /**
   294      * A request to send a char to the editing window
   295      */
   296     virtual void NewCharacterL(const TDesC& aChar) = 0;
   298     /**
   299      * A request to send text to the editing window
   300      */
   301     virtual void NewTextL(const TDesC& aChar) = 0;
   303     /**
   304       * A request to commit the current char
   305       */
   306     virtual void CommitInlineEditL() = 0;
   308     /**
   309      * Commits given string in the editing window. This function checks that
   310      * the editor has enough space to insert given string. If it not,
   311      * given string is cut, then it is committed.
   312      */
   313     virtual void CommitInlineEditL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aUncommitedTextChange) = 0;
   315     /**
   316       * A request to cancel inline input to wditing window.
   317       */
   318     virtual void CancelInlineEdit() =0;
   320     /** 
   321       * Called by Fep Manager when editing window draws inline input characters.
   322       */
   323     virtual void GetScreenCoordinatesL(TPoint& aLeftSideOfBaseLine,TInt& aHeight,
   324                                        TInt& aAscent,TInt aDocumentOffset) = 0;
   326     /** 
   327       * Called by Fep Manager when Chinese UI ask cursor baseline position.
   328       */
   329     virtual void GetScreenCoordinatesL(TPoint& aLeftSideOfBaseLine,
   330                                        TInt& aHeight,TInt& aAscent) = 0;
   332     /**
   333      * A notification to the Fep Manager that the UI has been activated..
   334      * Should always be called by an Initial State Object when initiating 
   335      * a change to an Entry State
   336      */
   337     virtual void SendUIActivatedNotification() = 0;
   339     /**
   340      * A notification to the Fep Manager that the UI has not been activated.
   341      */
   342     virtual void SendUIDeActivatedNotification() = 0;
   344     /**
   345      * calulates if an SCT can be launched in the current editor at the present
   346      * cursor position
   347      * @return ETrue if an SCT can be launched, EFalse if not
   348      */
   349     virtual TBool IsAbleToLaunchSCT() const = 0;
   351     /**
   352      * Launch the Special Character Table  
   353      */
   354     virtual void LaunchSpecialCharacterTableL(TInt aResourceId=0, 
   355                                               TBool aLaunchedByTouchWin=EFalse, 
   356                                               TBool aSmileyFirst=EFalse) = 0;
   358     /**
   359      * Play sound
   360      */
   361     virtual void PlaySound(TAvkonSystemSID aSound) const = 0;
   362     /**
   363      * get uncommitted text
   364      */
   365     virtual TCursorSelection UncommittedText() const = 0;
   367 	/**
   368      * Gets the previous character depnding on wheather language is 
   369      * contxet sensitve or not
   370      * since 3.2: aContextSensitive not in use, since no real meaning found.
   371      */
   372     virtual TText PreviousChar(	TBool aContextSensitive = EFalse ) = 0;
   373     /**
   374      * Returns the next character to the current cursor position
   375      */
   376     virtual TText NextChar() = 0;
   377     virtual TBool IsZWSCharacterPresent( TBool aLigaturePresent = EFalse ) = 0;
   378     /**
   379      * Removes previous character to the current cursor position
   380      */
   381     virtual void RemovePreviousCharacterL() = 0;
   382     /**
   383      * Removes Zero Width Space character from the inputted text.
   384      */
   385     virtual void RemoveZWSCharacterL(TBool aIsViramaInputted, 
   386                                      TBool aIsInMultitappingHalant = EFalse,
   387                                      TBool aIsCharModifier = EFalse, 
   388                                      TBool aIsLigaturePresent = EFalse) = 0;
   389     /**
   390      * Adds text to the editor and commits the text.
   391      */
   392     virtual void NewCharacterSequenceL(const TDesC& aText, TIndicInputResponse aResponse) = 0;
   394     virtual TDigitType LocalDigit() = 0;
   395     virtual TWidthChar CharacterWidth() const = 0;
   396     virtual void SetInlineEditingCursorVisibilityL(TBool aCursorVisibility) = 0;
   397     virtual CPtiEngine* PtiEngine() const = 0;
   399     /**
   400      * checks that the editor the editor has free space to add another character
   401      * An editor of unlimited length will return its maximum size as zero
   402      */
   403     virtual TBool EditorHasFreeSpace( TInt aNumberOfCharacter = 0 ) const = 0;
   405     /**
   406      * Check whether the editor is a Java number editor
   407      * Return ETrue if the editor is a Java number editor 
   408      */
   409     virtual TBool IsSpecialNumericEditor() = 0;
   412     virtual void RedecorateAfterDeletionL( const TDesC& aTextThatWasDeleted ) = 0;
   414     /**
   415      * 
   416      *
   417      * @param aKeyCode the value of the key to simulate
   418      */
   419     virtual void SimulateKeyEventL(TUint aKeyCode, TBool aActiveObj=EFalse) = 0;
   421     /**
   422      * Queries supportting of ScrollLatinPredictive feature
   423      *
   424      * @since 2.6
   425      * @return ETrue if ScrollLatinPredictive was supported
   426      */
   427     virtual TBool IsAbleScrollLatinPredictive() const = 0;
   429     virtual TBool IsOnlyNumericPermitted() const = 0;
   431     virtual TInt EditorNumericKeymap() const = 0;
   433     /**
   434      * Queries supportting of SecretText
   435      *
   436      * @since 2.6
   437      * @return ETrue if SecretText was supported
   438      */
   439     virtual TBool IsSupportsSecretText() const = 0;
   441     /**
   442      * checks whether the current editor is a Java Secret editor.
   443      * return value: Etrue when it is a Java Secret editor.
   444      * Efalse when it is not.
   445      */
   446     virtual TBool IsJavaSecretEditor() = 0;
   449 	/**
   450 	* Returns current input mode.
   451 	*
   452 	* @since 3.0
   453 	* @return Integer value indicating current editor input mode.
   454     */
   455     virtual TInt InputMode() const = 0;
   457 	/**
   458 	* Returns current CangJie input mode.
   459 	*
   460 	* @since 3.0
   461 	* @return Integer value indicating current CangJie input mode.
   462     */    
   463     virtual TInt CangJieMode() const = 0;
   465  	/**
   466     * Returns boolean value indicating whether edit submenu functionality is in use.    
   467     *  
   468     * @since 3.1
   469     * @return  ETrue if edit submenu functionality is in use.
   470     *          EFalse otherwise.
   471     */        
   472     virtual TBool EditSubmenuInUse() const = 0;   
   474     /**
   475      * Launches the mode selection menu
   476      *
   477      * @since 3.1
   478      */
   479     virtual void LaunchSelectModeMenuL() = 0;                  
   481     /**
   482      * @since 3.2
   483      */
   484     virtual void SetCursorSelectionL(const TCursorSelection& aCurSel, TBool aSyncCursor) = 0;    
   486    /**                
   487     * Returns the status of arabic-indic digit mode setting.
   488     *
   489     * @since 3.0
   490     */
   491     virtual TBool ArabicIndicDigitsInUse() const = 0;        
   492     virtual TBool EasternArabicIndicDigitsInUse() const = 0;
   495    /**                
   496     * Returns the status of auto word completion in the editor.
   497     *
   498     * @since 5.0
   499     */
   500     virtual TBool IsAutoCompleteOn() const = 0;
   502    /**                
   503     * Removes the suggested completion part
   504     *
   505     * @since 5.0
   506     */
   507     virtual void RemoveSuggestedCompletionL() = 0;
   509     /**
   510      * Set current long clear key press
   511      *
   512      * @since 3.2
   513      */    
   514     virtual void SetLongClearAfterCloseUI(TBool aLongClear) = 0;
   516 	/**
   517 	 * Align the Logical and Visual cursor positions.
   518 	 *
   519      * @since 3.2
   520      * @param aType Cursor type.
   521      * @param aToLeft ETrue if the position to the left is to be found,
   522      *			 	  EFalse if the position to the right is to be found.
   523      * @return None
   524 	 */
   525 	virtual void AlignLogicalAndVisualCursorL( TTmDocPosSpec::TType aType, 
   526 											TBool aToLeft ) = 0;
   528 	/**
   529 	 * This method is called for removing the Repha character. The function 
   530 	 * goes to the start of the consonant or ligature, checks if repha 
   531 	 * character is present.
   532 	 *
   533 	 * @since 3.2
   534 	 * @param None.
   535 	 * @return None.
   536 	 */							
   537 	virtual void RemoveRephaCharacterL() = 0;
   539 	/**
   540 	 * Checks if the Repha character has been attached to the consonant or 
   541 	 * ligature.
   542 	 *
   543 	 * @since 3.2
   544 	 * @param None.
   545 	 * @return ETrue if present else EFalse.
   546 	 */	
   547 	virtual TBool IsRephaPresent() = 0;
   549 	/**
   550 	 * Retrieve the Previous to previous character during multitapping.
   551 	 *
   552 	 * @since 3.2
   553 	 * @param aContextSensitive EFalse is the default parameter.
   554 	 *						    ETrue is used for requesting the function
   555 	 *						    to check for extraction of the character
   556 	 *						    two positions before the seleted text.
   557 	 *
   558 	 * @return The previous to previous character if any.
   559 	 */
   560 	virtual TText PreviousToPreviousChar( TBool aContextSensitive = EFalse ) = 0;
   562 	 /**
   563 	 * This method is called for removing the Rakar character. The function 
   564 	 * checks if Rakar (Virama+Ra)  is present.
   565 	 *
   566 	 * @since 3.2
   567 	 * @param None.
   568 	 * @return None.
   569 	 */
   570 	virtual void RemoveRakarCharacterL() = 0;
   572 	/**
   573      * Returns the free space left in the Editor.
   574      *
   575      * @param aUnlimit.	Set to EFalse in case of Editors with limited text 
   576 	 *				  	size
   577 	 *		  isToCountUncommittedTextLength. Pass ETrue if the lenght of
   578 	 *					Uncommitted text is to be counted.
   579 	 *
   580 	 * @return TInt. Free space left in the Editor.
   581      */
   582     virtual TInt EditorFreeSpace(TBool& aUnlimit, 
   583                     TBool isToCountUncommittedTextLength = EFalse ) const = 0;
   584 #ifdef RD_INTELLIGENT_TEXT_INPUT                        
   585 	/**
   586      * Returns the free space left in the Editor. ITI specific implementation
   587      *
   588      * @param aUnlimit.	Set to EFalse in case of Editors with limited text 
   589 	 *				  	size
   590 	 *		  isToCountUncommittedTextLength. Pass ETrue if the lenght of
   591 	 *					Uncommitted text is to be counted.
   592 	 *
   593 	 * @return TInt. Free space left in the Editor.
   594      */
   595 	virtual TInt EditorFreeSpaceForAutoWordCompletion(TBool& aUnlimit, 
   596                      TBool isToCountUncommittedTextLength = EFalse ) const = 0;
   597 #endif	
   600     /**
   601     * Gives the amount of characters in the document.
   602     * @return   The number of characters in the active editor.
   603     */
   604     virtual TInt DocumentLength() const = 0;
   608     /**
   609      * from MAknFepManagerUIInterface
   610      * query whether the special char is valid in the current editor
   611      *
   612      * @since 3.2
   613      * @param aChar Checking a chracter
   614      * @return TBool. IF ETrue, the character is valid.
   615      */
   616     virtual TBool CharIsValidInEditor(TChar aChar) = 0;
   618    /**
   619     * Returns the status of predictive input.
   620     *
   621     * @since 3.2
   622      * @return TBool. IF ETrue, it is possible to change prediction ON.
   623     */
   624     virtual TBool IsAbleToChangePrediction() const = 0;
   626     /**
   627 	 * This method is called for removing the N characters from the 
   628 	 * specified position. If the text to be removed is not yet
   629 	 * committed, it is updated with NULL descriptor and committed.
   630 	 *
   631 	 * @since 5.0
   632 	 * @param TInt aPos position to start searching from. By default
   633 	 *              Searching will start from the cursor position.
   634 	 * @param TInt aNumOfCharacters Number of characters to remove.
   635 	 * @param TBool Should cursor be positioned at the original location.
   636 	 * @return None.
   637 	 */
   638     virtual void RemoveTextFromEditorL( TInt aNumOfCharacters, TInt aPos = 0, 
   639                                         TBool aIsToAlignCursor = ETrue ) = 0;
   641    	/**
   642 	 * Align the Logical and Visual cursor positions.
   643 	 *
   644      * @since 5.0
   645      * @param None
   646      * @return None
   647 	 */
   648 	virtual void AlignLogicalAndVisualCursorL() = 0;
   650 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   651 	/**
   652 	 * This function checks if the previous two characters are
   653 	 * the combination of Chandra-A
   654 	 *
   655 	 * @since 5.0
   656 	 * @param None
   657 	 * @return TBool.
   658 	 */
   659 	virtual TBool IsChandraAPresentL() = 0;
   660 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   662     /**
   663     * Returns boolean value indicating whether hash key is in selection mode or
   664     * in traditional mode.
   665     *
   666     * @since 3.1
   667     * @return  ETrue if hash key is in text selection mode.
   668     *          EFalse otherwise.
   669     */
   670     virtual TBool HashKeySelectionInUse() const = 0;
   672     /**
   673     * Returns the UI interface implementation used in the current app.
   674     *
   675     * @since 3.2
   676     * @return  The UI interface object used in the current app.
   677     */
   678     virtual CAknFepUIInterface* UiInterface() = 0;
   682     // Predictive QWERTY (XT9) changes ---->
   683         /**
   684      * Function to get the text direction for current language.
   685      * @return ETrue if language id RTL, EFalse if it is not
   686      */
   687     virtual TBool IsRightToLeftLanguage() = 0;
   689     /**
   690     * @return   ETrue   If the auto completion is On. EFalse otherwise.
   691     */
   692     virtual TBool IsAutoCompleteOn() const = 0;
   694     /**
   695     * @return	TInt 	Typing correction level.
   696     */
   697     virtual TInt AdvancedPredictiveTypingCorrectionLevel() const = 0;
   699     /**
   700     * @return   ETrue   If the number candidate shown. EFalse otherwise.
   701     */
   702     virtual TBool IsAdvancedPredictiveNumberCandidateShown() const = 0;
   704     /**
   705     * Cuts off the automatically completed tail of the suggested word candidate.
   706     */
   707     virtual void RemoveSuggestedAdvanceCompletionL() = 0;
   709      /**
   710     * @return   ETrue   If the primary candidate is suggested. EFalse otherwise.
   711     */
   712     virtual TBool AdvancedPredictivePrimaryCandidate() const = 0;
   714     /**
   715     * @Set the chr composition flag.
   716     */
   717     virtual void SetComposChrFlag( TBool aFlag ) = 0;
   719     /**
   720     * @return   ETrue   If it is chr composition key
   721     */
   722     virtual TBool GetComposChrFlag() = 0;
   724     // Predictive QWERTY (XT9) changs <----
   726     /**
   727     * Returns plugin ui manager
   728     *
   729     * @since 3.2
   730     * @return  The UI interface object used in the current app.
   731     */
   732     virtual CAknFepPluginManager* PluginUIManager() = 0;    
   734     //hindi_phonetic_fixes
   735    	/*
   736     * This functions toggles the case from upper to lower
   737     * @since 5.0
   738     * @param None
   739     * @return  void
   740     */
   741     virtual void HandleIndicCaseL()=0;
   742 #endif    
   744     // the follow 2 functions for phrase creation
   745     virtual MZhuyinKeyHandler* ZhuyinKeyHandler() = 0;
   746     virtual CAknFepZhuyinAnalyser* ZhuyinAnalyser() = 0;
   750     /**
   751     * @return   ETrue   If the number entry with long key press is supported on QWERTY keyboard.
   752     */
   753     virtual TBool LongPressNumberEntryOnQwerty() const = 0;
   757     virtual void MultitapThroughSCTCharL(TCallBack aCallBack) = 0;
   758     virtual TBool IsLanguageSupportPrediction() = 0;           
   759     virtual TInt GetNumericSCTResID() = 0;
   760     /**
   761     * Hides the exact word pop up window.
   762     */ 
   763     virtual void HideExactWordPopUp() = 0;
   764     /**
   765     * @return   ETrue   If the exact word pop up is shown.
   766     */
   767     virtual TBool IsExactWordPopUpShown() = 0;
   768 #endif //RD_INTELLIGENT_TEXT_INPUT   
   769 	virtual CAknExtendedInputCapabilities::TEditorType EditorType() const = 0;
   770 	virtual TBool IsAllowedKeymappingForNumberMode(TChar aChar) const = 0;
   771     };
   772 #endif      // __AKN_FEP_MANAGER_UI_INTERFACE_H__
   774 // End of file