changeset 21 ecbabf52600f
equal deleted inserted replaced
20:ebd48d2de13c 21:ecbabf52600f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:           
    15  *      Provides the TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation methods.
    16  *
    17 */
    29 #include <PtiEngine.h>                          //CPtiEngine
    30 #include <PtiUserDicEntry.h>
    32 #include <PtiDefs.h>                            //keys
    33 #include <avkon.rsg>
    34 #include <aknfep.rsg>
    35 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    37 #include "AknFepPanic.h"
    38 #include "aknfepuiinputstateentryzhuyinphrasecreation.h"
    39 #include "AknFepUIManagerStateInterface.h"      //MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
    40 #include "AknFepManagerUIInterface.h"           //MAknFepManagerUIInterface
    41 #include "AknFepUiCtrlContainerChinese.h"
    42 #include "AknFepUICtrlInputPane.h"
    43 #include "AknFepUICtrlCandidatePane.h"
    44 #include "AknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup.h"		//Pinyin phrase
    45 #include "aknfepuictrleditpane.h"           //pinyin phrase creation
    46 #include "AknFepManager.h"
    47 #include "aknfepzhuyinkeyhandlerinterface.h"
    48 #include "AknFepZhuyinAnalyser.h"
    49 #include "aknfepzhuyinconvertion.h"
    51 const TInt KMaxPhraseCount = 50;
    53 const TInt KMaxKeystrokeCount = 100;
    54 const TInt KMaxPhraseCreationCount = 7;
    55 const TInt KStateFromKeyDown = 0;
    56 const TInt KStateAuto = 1;
    57 // it means "the max phrase's length is seven"
    58 _LIT( KDelimiter, "\x002E" );
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    61 // C++ constructor
    62 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    63 //
    64 TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation::TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation(
    65     MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface* aOwner,
    66     MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese* aUIContainer ) :
    67     TAknFepInputStateZhuyinPhraseCreationBase( aOwner, aUIContainer)
    68     {
    69     iState = EZhuyinSequenceEdit;
    71     MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese* uiContainer = UIContainer();
    72     uiContainer->FocusCandidatePane( EFalse );
    73     uiContainer->CandidatePane()->ShowCandidateOrdinals( EFalse );
    74     uiContainer->SetLayout( MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese::ELayoutKeystroke );
    75     uiContainer->CandidatePane()->SelectFirstPhrase();
    76     uiContainer->ShowVerticalScrollArrows( ETrue );
    77     uiContainer->ShowHorizontalScrollArrows( EFalse );
    78     uiContainer->InputPane()->SetOverrideFontId( 0 );
    80     iOwner->PtiEngine()->SetInputMode( EPtiEngineZhuyinByPhrase );
    81     iOwner->PtiEngine()->SetCandidatePageLength( KMaxPhraseCount );
    82     uiContainer->EditPaneWindow()->ActiveCursor(); 
    83     // in the case that we are coming back to the input pane from the candidate pane, 
    84     // we need to ensure that the current selection is selected correctly
    85     UpdateEEPContent();
    86     RefreshUI();
    87     // however we also need to clear the deliberate selection, in case we are not
    88     // coming back to the input pane from the candidate pane
    89     UpdateIndicator();
    90     TRAP_IGNORE( ChangeCbaL() );
    91     }
    93 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    94 // TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation::HandleKeyL
    95 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 //
    97 TBool TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation::HandleKeyL( 
    98                                                      TInt aKey,
    99                                                      TKeyPressLength aLength )
   100     {
   101     MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese* uiContainer = UIContainer();
   102     MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup* popup = uiContainer->PinyinPopupWindow();
   104     CDesCArrayFlat* keystrokeArray = popup->ZhuyinSymbols();
   105     CDesCArrayFlat* ChineseArray = popup->ChineseCharsDisped();
   107     CDesCArrayFlat* candidateArray = 
   108         uiContainer->CandidatePane()->CandidateArray();
   109     TBuf<1> keyBuf;
   110     TBuf<1> keyShow;
   111     TBuf<KMaxPhraseCreationCount> phraseCreated;
   113     if ( aKey == EKeyBackspace )
   114         {
   115         DeleteZhuyinSymbolOrChinese();
   116         UpdateEEPContent();
   117         RefreshUI();
   118         if ( AutoChangeState() )
   119             {
   120             popup->SetChangeState( ETrue );
   121             iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->SetState( KStateAuto );
   122             iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->SetStatusChgFlag(MZhuyinKeyHandler::EInit);
   123             ChangeCbaL();
   124             iOwner->ChangeState( EEntry );
   125             return ETrue;
   126             }
   127         else
   128             {
   129             ChangeCbaL();
   130             }
   132         if ( keystrokeArray->Count() == 0
   133             && ChineseArray->Count() == 0 )
   134             {
   135             iOwner->FepMan()->TryCloseUiL();
   136             if (aLength == ELongKeyPress)
   137                 {
   138                 iOwner->FepMan()->SetLongClearAfterCloseUI(ETrue);
   139                 }
   140             }
   142         if ( 0 == ChineseArray->Count() )
   143             {
   144             iOwner->FepMan()->PhraseCreation( EFalse );
   145             }
   146         }
   147     else if ( aKey == EKeyRightArrow )
   148         {
   149         if ( KMaxPhraseCreationCount == ChineseArray->Count() )
   150             {
   151             iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDStandardKeyClick );
   152             }
   153         else if ( 0 == keystrokeArray->Count() )
   154             {
   155             iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDStandardKeyClick );
   156             }
   157         else
   158             {
   159             if( !MoveIndexOfKeystrokeRight() )
   160                 {
   161                 iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDStandardKeyClick );
   162                 }
   163             else
   164                 {
   165                 iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->SetState( KStateFromKeyDown );
   166                 }
   167             }
   168         }
   169     else if ( aKey == EKeyLeftArrow )
   170         {
   171         if ( KMaxPhraseCreationCount == ChineseArray->Count() )
   172             {
   173             iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDErrorTone );
   174             }
   175         else if ( 0 == keystrokeArray->Count() )
   176             {
   177             iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDErrorTone );
   178             }
   179         else
   180             {
   181             if ( !MoveIndexOfKeystrokeLeft() )
   182                 {
   183                 iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDErrorTone );
   184                 }
   185             else
   186                 {
   187                 iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->SetState( KStateFromKeyDown );
   188                 }
   189             }
   190         }
   191     else if ( aKey == EKeyOK || aKey == EKeyCBA1 )
   192         {
   193         if ( ( ChineseArray->Count() >= 2 ) && ( 0
   194             == keystrokeArray->Count() ) )
   195             {
   196             //commit the chinese character.
   197             MAknFepManagerUIInterface* fepMan = iOwner->FepMan();
   198             candidateArray->Reset();
   199             for (TInt i = 0; i < ChineseArray->Count(); ++i )
   200                 {
   201                 phraseCreated.Append( ChineseArray->MdcaPoint( i ) );
   202                 }
   203             candidateArray->AppendL( ChineseArray->MdcaPoint( 
   204                 ChineseArray->Count() - 1 ) );
   205             uiContainer->CandidatePane()->SelectFirst();
   206             uiContainer->CandidatePane()->SetCandidateBuffer( ChineseArray->MdcaPoint( 
   207                 ChineseArray->Count() - 1 ) );
   208             AddPhraseToDB( phraseCreated );
   209             fepMan->NewTextL( phraseCreated );
   210             fepMan->CommitInlineEditL();
   211             iOwner->FepMan()->TryCloseUiL(); //no more keys, close the UI.
   212             }
   213         else if ( ( 1 == ChineseArray->Count() ) && 
   214             ( 0 == keystrokeArray->Count() ) )
   215             {
   216             iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDErrorTone );
   217             }
   218         else if ( !CheckHighLightL() )
   219             {
   220             popup->SetChangeState( ETrue );
   221             iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->SetState( KStateFromKeyDown );
   222             iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->Reset();
   223             iOwner->ChangeState( EEntry );
   224             }
   225         else
   226             {
   227             iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDErrorTone );
   228             }
   229         }
   230     else if ( aKey == EKeyDownArrow )
   231         {
   232         if ( !CheckHighLightL() )
   233             {
   234             if ( 0 == keystrokeArray->Count() )
   235                 {
   236                 iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDErrorTone );
   237                 }
   238             else
   239                 {
   240                 popup->SetChangeState( ETrue );
   241                 iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->SetState( KStateFromKeyDown );
   242                 iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->SetStatusChgFlag(
   243                     MZhuyinKeyHandler::EFromSpellingEditingToEntry);
   244                 iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->Reset();
   245                 iOwner->ChangeState( EEntry );
   246                 }
   247             }
   248         else
   249             {
   250             iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDErrorTone );
   251             }
   252         }
   253     else if ( aKey == EKeyUpArrow )
   254         {
   255         iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDErrorTone );
   256         }
   257     else if ( aLength == EShortKeyPress ) // don't want repeats on these keys
   258         {
   259         iOwner->FepMan()->SetCcpuFlag( CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateIgnoreStarUp );
   260         if ( iOwner->IsValidChineseInputKey( aKey ) )
   261             {
   262             if ( AddKeystrokeL( aKey ) )
   263                 {
   264                 UpdateEEPContent();
   265                 if ( AutoChangeState() )
   266                     {
   267                     popup->SetChangeState( ETrue );
   268                     iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->SetState( KStateAuto );
   269                     RefreshUI();
   270                     ChangeCbaL();
   271                     iOwner->ChangeState( EEntry );
   272                     }
   273                 else
   274                     {
   275                     RefreshUI();
   276                     ChangeCbaL();                
   277                     }
   278                 }
   279             else
   280                 {
   281                 iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDErrorTone );
   282                 }
   283             }
   284         else if ( aKey == EPtiKeyStar )
   285             {
   286             if ( AddToneMarkL() )
   287                 {
   288                 UpdateEEPContent();
   289                 if ( AutoChangeState() )
   290                     {
   291                     popup->SetChangeState( ETrue );
   292                     iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->SetState( KStateAuto );
   293                     iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->Reset();
   294                     ChangeCbaL();
   295                     iOwner->ChangeState( EEntry );
   296                     }
   297                 else
   298                     {
   299                     RefreshUI();
   300                     ChangeCbaL();                
   301                     }
   302                 }
   303             else
   304                 {
   305                 iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDErrorTone );
   306                 }
   307             }
   308         else if ( aKey == EKeyCBA2 )
   309             {
   310             iOwner->FepMan()->TryCloseUiL();
   311             }
   312         else
   313             {
   314             iOwner->FepMan()->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDErrorTone );
   315             }
   316         }
   317     return ETrue;
   318     }
   320 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   321 // set high light
   322 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   323 //
   324 void TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation::SetHighLight()
   325     {
   326     MAknFepUICtrlContainerChinese* uiContainer = UIContainer();
   327     MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup* popup = uiContainer->PinyinPopupWindow();
   328     MAknFepUICtrlEditPane* editPane = uiContainer->EditPaneWindow();
   329     TInt symbolsShowCount = popup->GetEEPContent().Length();
   330     TInt chineseCount = popup->ChineseCharsDisped()->Count();
   332     editPane->SetHighlight( chineseCount, symbolsShowCount );
   333     }
   335 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   336 // set high light
   337 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   338 //
   339 void TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation::SetHighLightMoreThanMax()
   340     {
   341     TInt begPos = BegPosOfMoreThanSeven();
   343     if ( begPos )
   344         {
   345         HighlightMoreThanSeven( begPos );
   346         }
   347     }
   349 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   350 // move index of the keystroke left.
   351 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   352 //
   353 TBool TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation::MoveIndexOfKeystrokeLeft()
   354     {
   355     MAknFepUICtrlEditPane* editPane = UIContainer()->EditPaneWindow();
   356     MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup* popup = UIContainer()->PinyinPopupWindow();
   357     CDesCArrayFlat* zhuyinSymbol = popup->ZhuyinSymbols();
   358     CDesCArrayFlat* chineseArray = popup->ChineseCharsDisped();
   359     TInt currentIndex = editPane->GetCursorIndexOfKeystroke();
   360     TInt cursorPosition = editPane->GetCursor();
   362     TBool ret = EFalse;
   363     TBuf<KMaxKeystrokeCount> buf;
   364     TBuf<KMaxKeystrokeCount> symbolBuf;
   366     if ( cursorPosition < chineseArray->Count() )
   367         {
   368         return EFalse;
   369         }
   371     for ( TInt i = 0; i < zhuyinSymbol->Count(); ++i )
   372         {
   373         symbolBuf.Append( zhuyinSymbol->MdcaPoint( i ) );
   374         }
   375     buf.Append( popup->GetEEPContent() );
   377     if ( chineseArray->Count() == cursorPosition )
   378         {
   379         TRAP_IGNORE( ret = CheckHighLightL() );
   380         if ( ret )
   381             {
   382             editPane->Reset();
   383             editPane->SetTextForZhuyin( buf, buf.Length(),
   384                 chineseArray->Count(), symbolBuf, 
   385                 zhuyinSymbol->Count(), ETrue );
   386             SetHighLight();
   387             }
   388         else
   389             {
   390             editPane->Reset();
   391             editPane->SetTextForZhuyin( buf, buf.Length(),
   392                 chineseArray->Count(), symbolBuf, 
   393                 zhuyinSymbol->Count() );
   394             SetHighLightMoreThanMax();
   395             }
   396         editPane->SetCursorIndexOfKeystroke( zhuyinSymbol->Count() );
   397         return ETrue;
   398         }
   400     if ( 1 == cursorPosition - chineseArray->Count() )
   401         {
   402         TRAP_IGNORE( ret = CheckHighLightL() );
   403         if ( ret )
   404             {
   405             editPane->Reset();
   406             editPane->SetTextForZhuyin( buf, chineseArray->Count(), 
   407                 chineseArray->Count(), symbolBuf, zhuyinSymbol->Count(), ETrue );
   408             SetHighLight();
   409             }
   410         else
   411             {
   412             editPane->Reset();
   413             editPane->SetTextForZhuyin( buf, chineseArray->Count(), 
   414                 chineseArray->Count(), symbolBuf, zhuyinSymbol->Count() );
   415             SetHighLightMoreThanMax();
   416             }
   417         editPane->SetCursorIndexOfKeystroke( 0 );
   418         return ETrue;
   419         }
   422     if ( 0 == buf.Mid( 
   423         (cursorPosition - 2 ), 1 ).Compare( KDelimiter ) )
   424         {
   425         editPane->MoveCursorLeft( 2 );
   426         editPane->SetCursorIndexOfKeystroke( currentIndex - 1 );
   427         }
   428     else
   429         {
   430         editPane->MoveCursorLeft();
   431         editPane->SetCursorIndexOfKeystroke( currentIndex - 1 );
   432         }
   433     return ETrue;
   434     }
   436 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   437 // move index of the keystroke right.
   438 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   439 //
   440 TBool TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation::MoveIndexOfKeystrokeRight()
   441     {
   442     MAknFepUICtrlEditPane* editPane = UIContainer()->EditPaneWindow();
   443     MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup* popup = UIContainer()->PinyinPopupWindow();
   444     CDesCArrayFlat* zhuyinSymbol = popup->ZhuyinSymbols();
   445     CDesCArrayFlat* chineseArray = popup->ChineseCharsDisped();
   446     TInt currentIndex = editPane->GetCursorIndexOfKeystroke();
   447     TInt cursorPosition = editPane->GetCursor();
   449     TBool ret = EFalse;
   450     TBuf<KMaxKeystrokeCount> buf;
   451     TBuf<KMaxKeystrokeCount> symbolBuf;
   453     for ( TInt i = 0; i < zhuyinSymbol->Count(); ++i )
   454         {
   455         symbolBuf.Append( zhuyinSymbol->MdcaPoint( i ) );
   456         }
   457     buf.Append( popup->GetEEPContent() );
   459     if ( buf.Length() ==  cursorPosition )
   460         {
   461         TRAP_IGNORE( ret = CheckHighLightL() );
   462         if ( ret )
   463             {
   464             editPane->Reset();
   465             editPane->SetTextForZhuyin( buf, chineseArray->Count(), 
   466                 chineseArray->Count(), symbolBuf, 0, ETrue );
   467             SetHighLight();
   468             }
   469         else
   470             {
   471             editPane->Reset();
   472             editPane->SetTextForZhuyin( buf, chineseArray->Count(), 
   473                 chineseArray->Count(), symbolBuf, 0 );
   474             SetHighLightMoreThanMax();
   475             }
   476         editPane->SetCursorIndexOfKeystroke( 0 );
   477         return ETrue;
   478         }
   480     if ( chineseArray->Count() == cursorPosition )
   481         {
   482         editPane->MoveCursorRight();
   483         editPane->SetCursorIndexOfKeystroke( 1 );
   484         return ETrue;
   485         }
   487     if ( buf.Length() == cursorPosition + 1 )
   488         {
   489         editPane->MoveCursorRight();
   490         editPane->SetCursorIndexOfKeystroke( zhuyinSymbol->Count() );
   491         return ETrue;
   492         }
   494     if ( 0 == buf.Mid( ( cursorPosition ), 1 ).Compare( KDelimiter ) )
   495         {
   496         editPane->MoveCursorRight( 2 );
   497         editPane->SetCursorIndexOfKeystroke( currentIndex + 1 );
   498         }
   499     else
   500         {
   501         editPane->MoveCursorRight();
   502         editPane->SetCursorIndexOfKeystroke( currentIndex + 1 );
   503         }
   505     return ETrue;
   506     }
   508 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   509 // Initialize State.
   510 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   511 //
   512 void TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation::InitializeState()
   513     {
   514     TRAP_IGNORE( ChangeCbaL() );
   515     }
   517 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   518 // check auto change state.
   519 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   520 //
   521 TBool TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation::AutoChangeState()
   522     {
   523     TInt keystrokeCount = 
   524         UIContainer()->PinyinPopupWindow()->ZhuyinSymbols()->Count();
   525     TBool ret = EFalse;
   527     TRAP_IGNORE( ret = CheckHighLightL() );
   529     if ( ( !ret ) &&
   530         ( KStateFromKeyDown != iOwner->ZhuyinKeyHandler()->GetState() ) &&
   531         ( 0 != keystrokeCount ) )
   532         {
   533         return ETrue;
   534         }    
   536     return EFalse;
   537     }
   539 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   540 // Add phrase to DB.
   541 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   542 //
   543 TBool TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation::AddPhraseToDB( const TDesC& aPhraseAdd )
   544     {
   545     TInt retCode;
   546     TPtiUserDictionaryEntry addUdbEntry(aPhraseAdd);
   547     //Add the phrase to the DB by PTI Engine
   548     retCode = iOwner->PtiEngine()->AddUserDictionaryEntry( addUdbEntry );
   549     if ( KErrNone != retCode )
   550         {
   551         return EFalse;
   552         }
   554     return ETrue;
   555     }
   557 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   558 // Check high light.
   559 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   560 //
   561 TBool TAknFepInputStateEntryZhuyinPhraseCreation::CheckHighLightL()
   562     {
   563     MAknFepUICtrlPinyinPopup* popup = UIContainer()->PinyinPopupWindow();
   564     CDesCArrayFlat* zhuyinSymbol = popup->ZhuyinSymbols();
   565     CDesCArrayFlat* candidateArray = 
   566         UIContainer()->CandidatePane()->CandidateArray();
   567     TBuf<KMaxKeystrokeCount> inputBuf;
   569     inputBuf.Zero();
   571     if ( 0 == candidateArray->Count() )
   572         {
   573         return ETrue;
   574         }
   576     for ( TInt i = 0; i < zhuyinSymbol->Count(); ++i )
   577         {
   578         inputBuf.Append( zhuyinSymbol->MdcaPoint( i ) );
   579         }
   581     if ( 0 == inputBuf.Length() )
   582         {
   583         return EFalse;
   584         }
   586     if ( !iOwner->ZhuyinAnalyser()->AnalyzeL( inputBuf ) )
   587         {
   588         return ETrue;
   589         }
   591     return EFalse;
   592     }
   594 // End of file