--- a/fep/aknfep/src/AknFepSharedDataInterface.cpp Thu Jul 15 19:01:13 2010 +0300
+++ b/fep/aknfep/src/AknFepSharedDataInterface.cpp Thu Aug 19 10:15:25 2010 +0300
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include <AvkonInternalCRKeys.h> // KAknQwertyInputModeActive
#include <settingsinternalcrkeys.h> //Pen related settings
#include <sensorplugindomaincrkeys.h> // KCRUidSensorSettings
+#include <featmgr.h> // Feature Manager
// TODO: include CommonengineInternalCRKeys.h
const TUid KCRUidCommonEngineKeys = {0x1020503B};
@@ -359,6 +360,32 @@
void CAknFepSharedDataInterface::SetPluginInputMode(TInt aDevice)
+ // Check validity of the input mode to be set.
+ if ( aDevice == EPluginInputModeItut )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+ KFeatureIdVirtualItutInput ),
+ User::Panic( _L( "Wrong input mode - ITU-T" ), __LINE__ ) );
+ }
+ else if ( aDevice == EPluginInputModeFSQ )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+ KFeatureIdVirtualFullscrQwertyInput ),
+ User::Panic( _L( "Wrong input mode - Landscape FSQ" ),
+ __LINE__ ) );
+ }
+ else if ( aDevice == EPluginInputModePortraitFSQ )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+ KFeatureIdFfVirtualFullscrPortraitQwertyInput ),
+ User::Panic( _L( "Wrong input mode - Portrait FSQ" ),
+ __LINE__ ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Do nothing.
+ }
if (iAknFepRepository)
iAknFepRepository->Set(KAknFepLastUsedInput, aDevice);
@@ -1891,4 +1918,94 @@
+ * Get the last used plugin input mode for portrait orientation
+ *
+ * @since 5.2
+ * @return Value of KAknFepLastUsedPortraitInput setting.
+ */
+TPluginInputMode CAknFepSharedDataInterface::PluginPortraitInputMode() const
+ {
+ TInt cenRepValue( 0 );
+ if ( iAknFepRepository )
+ {
+ iAknFepRepository->Get( KAknFepLastUsedPortraitInput, cenRepValue );
+ }
+ TPluginInputMode lastUsedPortraitInputMode =
+ static_cast<TPluginInputMode>( cenRepValue );
+ // Check portrait FSQ and ITU-T feature are enabled.
+ TBool isPortraitFSQEnabled = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+ KFeatureIdFfVirtualFullscrPortraitQwertyInput );
+ TBool isITUTEnabled = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+ KFeatureIdVirtualItutInput );
+ // If both ITU-T and portrait FSQ features are enabled, use the saved
+ // portrait input mode.
+ if ( isITUTEnabled && isPortraitFSQEnabled )
+ {
+ // If the saved portrait input mode is not valid, use the default
+ // value, EPluginInputModeItut.
+ if ( ! ( lastUsedPortraitInputMode == EPluginInputModeItut ||
+ lastUsedPortraitInputMode == EPluginInputModePortraitFSQ ) )
+ {
+ lastUsedPortraitInputMode = EPluginInputModeItut;
+ }
+ }
+ // If only ITU-T feature is enabled, use the mode.
+ else if ( isITUTEnabled )
+ {
+ lastUsedPortraitInputMode = EPluginInputModeItut;
+ }
+ // If only portrait FSQ feature is enabled, use the mode.
+ else if ( isPortraitFSQEnabled )
+ {
+ lastUsedPortraitInputMode = EPluginInputModePortraitFSQ;
+ }
+ // If none of the features are enabled, EPluginInputModeNone is assigned
+ // for exception handling.
+ else
+ {
+ lastUsedPortraitInputMode = EPluginInputModeNone;
+ }
+ return lastUsedPortraitInputMode;
+ }
+ * Replaces the last used plugin input mode for portrait orientation
+ *
+ * @since 5.2
+ * @return Replace value of KAknFepLastUsedPortraitInput setting.
+ */
+void CAknFepSharedDataInterface::SetPluginPortraitInputMode(
+ TPluginInputMode aLastUsedPortraitInputMode )
+ {
+ // Check validity of the input mode to be set. The input mode is not
+ // valid if,
+ // i) The input mode is not neither ITU-T nor portrait FSQ.
+ if ( !( aLastUsedPortraitInputMode == EPluginInputModeItut ||
+ aLastUsedPortraitInputMode == EPluginInputModePortraitFSQ ) ||
+ // ii) The input mode is ITU-T but the feature is disabled.
+ ( aLastUsedPortraitInputMode == EPluginInputModeItut &&
+ !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdVirtualItutInput ) ) ||
+ // iii) The input mode is portrait FSQ but the feature is disabled.
+ ( aLastUsedPortraitInputMode == EPluginInputModePortraitFSQ &&
+ !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+ KFeatureIdFfVirtualFullscrPortraitQwertyInput ) ) )
+ {
+ User::Panic( _L( "Wrong portrait input mode" ), __LINE__ ) );
+ // Return without saving the value if the portrait input is invalid.
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( iAknFepRepository )
+ {
+ TInt err = iAknFepRepository->Set( KAknFepLastUsedPortraitInput,
+ static_cast<TInt>( aLastUsedPortraitInputMode ) );
+ }
+ }
// End of File