changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/inputmethods_pub/ptiengine_iti_api/inc/PtiCore.h	Tue Feb 02 01:02:04 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:               Predective text input engine core interface.
+#ifndef _PTI_CORE_H
+#define _PTI_CORE_H
+#include <badesca.h> 
+#include "PtiDefs.h"
+#include "PtiLanguage.h"
+#include "PtiUserDictionary.h"
+class CPtiEngine;
+class MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface;
+class MPtiUserDictionaryEntry;
+const TInt KDefaultCoresGran = 3;
+* This is abstract base class of all PtiEngine core objects. A PtiEngine core object implements set of
+* input modes and input related services for a set of languages. This class defines core side
+* PtiEngine API.
+class MPtiCore
+	{
+	//
+	// General API
+	//
+	public:
+		/**
+		* Initialized core object. This method is called by PtiEngine framework when core object
+		* is loaded.		
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aOwner Pointer to onwing PtiEngine framework instance.
+		* @param aTextBuffer A pointer to PtiEngine main text buffer.
+		* @param aLanguageList A language list to be filled with language bindings to this core
+		*                      onbject
+		* @param aUseDefautUserDictionary A boolean value indicating whether default user dictionary shoulkd be used
+		*                                 (in case this core object supports user dictionaries).
+		*/	
+		virtual void InitializeL(CPtiEngine* aOwner, TDes* aTextBuffer, CArrayPtrFlat<CPtiCoreLanguage>* aLanguageList, TBool aUseDefautUserDictionary) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Removes languages associated to this core object from given language list. Languages
+		* not associated to this core abject are not touched.
+		* 
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aLanguageList A language list to be cleaned.
+		*/
+		virtual void DropLanguages(CArrayPtrFlat<CPtiCoreLanguage>* aLanguageList) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Opens resources for given language and itinialized them.
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aLanguage Symbian OS language code a language to be initialized.
+		* @return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt OpenLanguageL(CPtiCoreLanguage *aLanguage) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Closes currently activate language and frees resources associated to it.
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @return KErrNone of system wide error ocde.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt CloseLanguageL() = 0;
+		/**
+		* Returns the contents of text buffer.
+		* 
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @return A constant pointer to text buffer.
+		*/	
+		virtual TPtrC GetCurrentWord() const = 0;
+		/**
+		* Commits current word. Commiting means that user has added current
+		* word as part of text. Frequency information and other related attributes
+		* can then be updated.
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt CommitCurrentWord() = 0;		
+		/**
+		* Returns a pointer core info structure. Core info struct contains useful 
+		* information about core object and its features.
+		*
+		*/				
+		virtual MPtiCoreInfo* GetCoreInfo() = 0;
+		/**
+		* Turns reoreding feature on or off. Reordering means that prediction engine
+		* maintains frequency information for used words and modifys the order of candidate list
+		* based on that information. This feature may not be supported by all prediction engines.
+		* 
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aStatus New status for reorderinf feature.
+		* @return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt SetReordering(TBool aStatus) = 0;
+		/**
+		* This is the single most important core API method, most of the text input functionality
+		* will be utilize this method. Call to this method indicates core object that a key was
+		* pressed and it should act accordingly and fill the output buffer.
+		* 
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aKey Enum value for pressed key.
+		*/
+		virtual void AppendKeyPress(TPtiKey aKey) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Indicates core object that it should perform 'delete key press'-operation.
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		*/
+		virtual void DeleteKeyPress() = 0;
+		/**
+		* Call to this method notifys core object that input buffer was cleared.
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		*/
+		virtual void ClearBuffer() = 0;
+		/**
+		* Sets current input sequence. The end result of this operation must be same as 
+		* if user had entered keys in input array as individual key presses.
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aInput An array containing sequence of key presses (type TPtiKey).
+		* @return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt SetCurrentInputSequence(TPtrC8 aInput) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Converts given string from one character set to another. Possible conversion types
+		* are defined in PtiDefs.h
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aType        Conversion type.
+		* @param aInput       Pointer to input string to be converted.
+		* @param aInputLength Length of input buffer.
+		* @param aOutput      pointer to output buffer.
+		* @return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt Convert(TPtiCharConversion aType,
+							 TAny* aInput,
+							 TInt aInputLength,
+							 TAny* aOutput) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Re-defines keymappings for given key / input mode / case combination. Previous 
+		* keymapping will be deleted and new mappings will be used instead.
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aMode Input mode for new key mapping.
+		* @param aKey  A key to be replaced.
+		* @param aKeyMap New keymapping data for aKey.
+		* @param aCase   Text case to be replaced.
+		* @return KErrNone or system wide error code.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt SetExternalKeyMapL(TPtiEngineInputMode aMode,
+			                            TPtiKey aKey,
+									    TDesC& aKeyMap,
+										TPtiTextCase aCase) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Returns alternate spelling for given unicode characters. Possible conversion
+		* types are defined in header PtiDefs.h.
+		*										
+		* @sinec 2.6
+		* @aInput A character to be converted.
+		* @aOutput Resulting alternate spelling will be stored here.
+		* @aType   Spelling conversion type.
+		* @return  KErrNone or system wide error code.
+		*/								
+		virtual TInt GetSpelling(TUint16 aInput, TDes& aOutput, TPtiSpelling aType) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Cancels all on-going core obejct timner activity.
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @return KErrNone or system wide error code.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt CancelTimerActivity() = 0;
+		/**
+		* A generic command handling method for extending PtiEngine API without adding
+		* new base class methods. It is recommended to use this only in force major
+		* situations, where there is no other way.
+		* 
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aCommand A Command id value. Platform wide command ids are defined in PtiDefs.h.
+		* @param aParams  TAny pointer for passing any required parameters.
+		* @return An integer containing possible return value related to command.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt HandleCommandL(TPtiEngineCommand aCommand, TAny* aParams) = 0;
+	//
+	// Predictive latin API
+	//  
+	public:    
+	    /**
+	    * Returns number of candidates for currently entered key sequence.
+	    *
+	    * @since 2.6
+	    * @return Number of prediction candidates for currently entered key sequence.
+	    */
+		virtual TInt NumberOfCandidates() = 0;
+		/**		
+		* Returns a list of candidate words for currently entered key sequence.
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aList A list to be filled with candidate words.
+		* @return Number of candidate works in aList.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt GetCandidateListL(CDesCArray& aList) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Returns next word candidate list. Next word candidates are words
+		* potentially related to currently selected candidate. Next word prediction
+		* feature must supported by the engine and turned on.
+		*
+		* @since 2.6
+		*/
+		virtual TInt GetNextWordCandidateListL(CDesCArray& aList) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Returns first word in list of candidate words for current input sequence.
+		* 
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aResult A descriptor where resulting word will be stored.
+		* @return KErrnNone or system wide error code.
+		*/		
+		virtual TInt GetFirstCandidate(TDes& aResult) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Returns next word in list of candidate words for current input sequence.
+		* 
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aResult A descriptor where resulting word will be stored.
+		* @return KErrnNone or system wide error code.
+		*/						
+		virtual TInt GetNextCandidate(TDes& aResult) = 0;
+		/**
+		* Returns previous word in list of candidate words for current input sequence.
+		* 
+		* @since 2.6
+		* @param aResult A descriptor where resulting word will be stored.
+		* @return KErrnNone or system wide error code.
+		*/								
+		virtual TInt GetPreviousCandidate(TDes& aResult) = 0;
+	//
+	// User dictionary API
+	//
+	public:
+		virtual TInt AddUserDictionaryEntry(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;
+		virtual TInt RemoveUserDictionaryEntry(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;
+        virtual TInt NumberOfEntriesInUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;
+		virtual TInt GetUserDictionaryEntry(TInt aIndex, MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aResult, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;
+		virtual CPtiUserDictionary* CreateEmptyUserDictionaryL(TInt aMaxSize) = 0;
+		virtual TInt AttachUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;
+		virtual TBool DetachUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;		
+	//
+	// Chinese API
+	//
+	public:
+		virtual TPtrC GetCandidatePage() = 0;
+		virtual TBool NextCandidatePage() = 0;
+		virtual TBool PreviousCandidatePage() = 0;
+		virtual TBool MoreCandidatePages() = 0;
+		virtual void SetCandidatePageLength(TInt aLength) = 0;
+		virtual TPtrC GetPhoneticSpelling(TInt aIndex) const = 0; 
+		virtual TInt PhoneticSpellingCount() const = 0;	
+	    virtual TBool SelectPhoneticSpelling(TInt aIndex) = 0;
+	    virtual TInt SelectedPhoneticSpelling() const = 0; 
+		virtual TBool ToneMark(TText& aToneMark) const = 0;
+		virtual TBool IsToneMarkValidForSpelling() = 0;
+		virtual TBool SetPredictiveChineseChar(const TDesC& aChar) = 0;
+		virtual TBool SetToneMark(TInt aToneMark) = 0;
+   	//
+	// Japanese API
+	//
+	public:
+		virtual TPtrC ReadingTextL() = 0;
+		virtual MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface* CompositionData() = 0;
+	//
+	// Chinese API
+	//
+	public:
+	        virtual HBufC* GetCandidatesByInputString(const TDesC& aInputString, 
+                                                        RPointerArray<HBufC>& aList, 
+                                                        const TBool aIsPredictive) = 0;
+	};
+* This class is a base class implementation for MPtiCore. It contains empty base implemenations
+* for core API methods and static methods for creating and listing PtiEngine core objects.
+class CPtiCore : public CBase, public MPtiCore
+	{
+	//
+	// Plugin household methods
+	//
+	public:
+ 		/**
+		* Creates in instance of core object for given implemenation uid.
+		*
+		* @param aCoreUid An ecom implementation uid for core object to be created.
+		* @return Pointer to new core object instance.
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C static CPtiCore* CreateCoreL(TUid aCoreUid);
+		/**
+		* Lists all the available PtiEngine core onject implemenatations.
+		*
+		* @return Pointer to a list cantaining implementation uids for available core plugins.
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C static CArrayFix<TInt>* ListCoresLC();
+	public: 
+		IMPORT_C ~CPtiCore();
+	//
+	// 	General methods.
+	//
+	public:
+		IMPORT_C TInt SetCurrentInputSequence(TPtrC8 aInput);
+		IMPORT_C TInt Convert(TPtiCharConversion aType,
+							  TAny* aInput,
+							  TInt aInputLength,
+							  TAny* aOutput);
+		IMPORT_C TInt GetSpelling(TUint16 aInput,
+			                      TDes& aOutput,
+								  TPtiSpelling aType);
+		IMPORT_C TInt SetExternalKeyMapL(TPtiEngineInputMode aMode,
+			                             TPtiKey aKey,
+									     TDesC& aKeyMap,
+										 TPtiTextCase aCase);
+		IMPORT_C TInt CommitCurrentWord();		
+		IMPORT_C TPtrC GetCurrentWord() const;
+	//
+	// Predictive latin API
+	//
+	public:
+		IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfCandidates();
+		IMPORT_C TInt GetCandidateListL(CDesCArray& aList);
+		IMPORT_C TInt GetNextWordCandidateListL(CDesCArray& aList);
+		IMPORT_C TInt GetFirstCandidate(TDes& aResult);
+		IMPORT_C TInt GetNextCandidate(TDes& aResult);
+		IMPORT_C TInt GetPreviousCandidate(TDes& aResult);
+	//
+	// User dictionary API
+	//
+	public:
+		IMPORT_C TInt AddUserDictionaryEntry(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);
+		IMPORT_C TInt RemoveUserDictionaryEntry(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);
+                IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfEntriesInUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);
+		IMPORT_C TInt GetUserDictionaryEntry(TInt aIndex, MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aResult, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);
+		IMPORT_C CPtiUserDictionary* CreateEmptyUserDictionaryL(TInt aMaxSize);
+		IMPORT_C TInt AttachUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);
+		IMPORT_C TBool DetachUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);		
+	//
+	// Chinese API
+	//
+	public:
+		IMPORT_C TPtrC GetCandidatePage();
+		IMPORT_C TBool NextCandidatePage();
+		IMPORT_C TBool PreviousCandidatePage();
+		IMPORT_C TBool MoreCandidatePages();
+		IMPORT_C void SetCandidatePageLength(TInt aLength);
+		IMPORT_C TPtrC GetPhoneticSpelling(TInt aIndex) const; 
+		IMPORT_C TInt PhoneticSpellingCount() const;	
+	        IMPORT_C TBool SelectPhoneticSpelling(TInt aIndex);
+	        IMPORT_C TInt SelectedPhoneticSpelling() const; 
+		IMPORT_C TBool ToneMark(TText& aToneMark) const;
+		IMPORT_C TBool IsToneMarkValidForSpelling();
+		IMPORT_C TBool SetPredictiveChineseChar(const TDesC& aChar);
+		IMPORT_C TBool SetToneMark(TInt aToneMark);
+	//
+	// Japanese API
+	//
+	public:
+		IMPORT_C TPtrC ReadingTextL();
+		IMPORT_C MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface* CompositionData();
+	//
+	// Chinese API
+	//			
+	public:	
+                IMPORT_C HBufC* GetCandidatesByInputString(const TDesC& aInputString, 
+                                                         RPointerArray<HBufC>& aList, 
+                                                         const TBool aIsPredictive);			
+	private:
+		inline void SetDestructorKeyId(TInt aDtorKeyId);
+	private:
+		TInt iDtorKeyId;
+		TInt Reserved_1;
+	};
+inline void CPtiCore::SetDestructorKeyId(TInt aDtorKeyId)
+	{
+	iDtorKeyId = aDtorKeyId;
+	}
+#endif _PTI_CORE_H
+// End of file