changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textinput/peninputsplititut/src/peninputsplititutchnuimgr.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:02:04 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  drop-down list control
+#include <AknFepGlobalEnums.h>
+#include <peninputdropdownlist.h>
+#include <PtiEngine.h>
+#include <aknfeppeninputenums.h>
+#include "peninputsplititutchnuimgr.h"
+#include "peninputsplititutlayout.h"
+#include "peninputsplititutlayoutcontext.h"
+#include "peninputsplititutdatamgr.h"
+#include "peninputsplititutchnuistatestandby.h"
+#include "peninputsplititutchnuistatepredict.h"
+#include "peninputsplititutchnuistatestrokezhuyincomposition.h"
+#include "peninputsplititutchnuistatepinyincomposition.h"
+#include "peninputsplititutwesternuistatenonpredict.h"
+#include "peninputsplititutwindowmanager.h"
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CChnSplitItutUiMgr::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CChnSplitItutUiMgr* CChnSplitItutUiMgr::NewL(MSplitItutLayoutContext* aContext, 
+                                   CSplitItutDataMgr* aDataMgr,
+                                   CSplitItutWindowManager* aUiManager)
+    {
+    CChnSplitItutUiMgr* self = new (ELeave) CChnSplitItutUiMgr(aContext, aDataMgr,aUiManager);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL(); 
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CChnSplitItutUiMgr::~CChnSplitItutUiMgr
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    if (iCurrentState)
+        {
+        iCurrentState->OnExit();
+        }
+    delete iStandbyState;
+    delete iPinyinComp;
+    delete iStoZhuComp;
+    delete iPredictState;
+    delete iNormalState;   
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CChnSplitItutUiMgr::CChnSplitItutUiMgr
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CChnSplitItutUiMgr::CChnSplitItutUiMgr(MSplitItutLayoutContext* aContext,
+                             CSplitItutDataMgr* aDataMgr,
+                             CSplitItutWindowManager* aUiManager)
+                            :CSplitItutUiMgrBase(aContext, aDataMgr,aUiManager)
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CChnSplitItutUiMgr::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CChnSplitItutUiMgr::ConstructL()
+    {
+    CSplitItutUiMgrBase::ConstructL();
+    iStandbyState = CChnSplitItutUiStateStandby::NewL(this);
+    iPinyinComp = CChnSplitItutUiStatePinyinComposition::NewL(this);
+    iStoZhuComp = CChnSplitItutUiStateStrokeZhuyinComposition::NewL(this);
+    iPredictState = CChnSplitItutUiStatePredict::NewL(this);
+    iNormalState = CWesternSplitItutUiStateNonPredict::NewL(this);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CChnSplitItutUiMgr::HandleCommandL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CChnSplitItutUiMgr::HandleCommandL(TInt aCmd, TUint8* aData)
+    {
+    if (aCmd == ECmdPenInputFingerMatchSelection )
+        {
+        if (!(*(reinterpret_cast<TBool*>(aData))))
+            {
+            // state not on
+            if (!IsChineseMode())
+                {
+                SetCurrentStateL(CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateWesternStandby);    
+                }
+            return KErrNone;
+            }
+        }
+    TUint* data = (TUint*) aData;        
+    switch (aCmd)
+        {      
+        case ECmdPenInputFingerKeyPress:
+            {
+            if (iCurrentState && iCurrentState->HandleKeyL(aCmd, *data))
+                {
+                return KErrNone;
+                }
+            return KErrNotSupported;    
+            }
+        case ECmdPenInputFingerLongKeyPress:
+            {
+            if (!IsChineseMode())
+                {
+                return KErrNone;   
+                }
+            if (*data >= EPtiKey0 && *data <= EPtiKey9)
+                {
+                HandleLongPressNumberKeyL(TPtiKey(*data));
+                // long key press
+                if (iCurrentState->StateType() == CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateComposition)
+                    {
+                    return KErrNone;
+                    }
+                }
+            else if (iCurrentState && iCurrentState->HandleKeyL(aCmd, *data))    
+                {
+                return KErrNone;
+                }
+            // means not handled by ui
+            return KErrNotSupported;
+            }
+        case ECmdPenInputDeActive:            
+        	{
+        	if (!iCurrentState)
+        	    {
+        	    return KErrNone;   
+        	    }
+        	TBool changeState = EFalse;
+        	TUiState state;
+        	if (IsChineseMode())
+        	    {
+        	     iCurrentState->StateType() != CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateStandby ?
+        	        changeState = ETrue : changeState = EFalse;
+        	    state = CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateStandby;  
+        	    }
+            if (changeState)
+            	{
+            	SetCurrentStateL(state);	
+            	}
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECmdPenInputNoFreeSpace:
+            {
+        	if (!iCurrentState)
+        	    {
+        	    return KErrNone;   
+        	    }
+        	if (IsChineseMode() &&
+        	    iCurrentState->StateType() != CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateStandby)
+    	        {
+            	SetCurrentStateL(CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateStandby);	
+    	        }
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECmdPenInputCase:
+            {
+            if (iCurrentState)// && !IsChineseMode())
+                {
+                iLayoutContext->DataMgr()->SetCase(*((TUint*) aData));
+                return KErrNone;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECmdPenInputFingerMatchList:
+            {
+            if (iCurrentState)
+                {
+                iCurrentState->HandleCommandL(aCmd, aData);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECmdPenInputIsSecretText:
+            {
+            if (iCurrentState)
+                {
+                iCurrentState->HandleCommandL(aCmd, aData);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CChnSplitItutUiMgr::HandleCtrlEventL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CChnSplitItutUiMgr::HandleCtrlEventL(TInt aEventType, 
+                                      CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl, 
+                                      const TDesC& aEventData)
+    {
+    if (!iCurrentState)
+        {
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    if (!IsChineseMode())
+        {
+        return iCurrentState->HandleCtrlEventL(aEventType, aCtrl, aEventData);    
+        }
+    if (!iCurrentState->HandleCtrlEventL(aEventType, aCtrl, aEventData))
+        {
+        switch (aEventType)
+            {
+            case EEventRawKeyUpEvent:
+                {
+                if (aCtrl->ControlId() == ECtrlIdBackspace)
+                    {
+                    // if clear key released
+                    SetClrConsume(EFalse); 
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    // if number key released
+                    const TKeyEvent *key = reinterpret_cast<const TKeyEvent*>(aEventData.Ptr());
+                    if ((key->iScanCode >= EPtiKey0) && (key->iScanCode <= EPtiKey9))
+                        {
+                        SetNumLongPressValid(EFalse);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            }
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // handled by state
+        return ETrue;
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CChnSplitItutUiMgr::SetCurrentStateL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CChnSplitItutUiMgr::SetCurrentStateL(TUiState aNewStateType)
+    {
+    if (iCurrentState && 
+        aNewStateType == iCurrentState->StateType())
+    	{
+        return;    		
+    	}    
+    CSplitItutUiStateBase* newState = NULL;
+    switch (aNewStateType)
+        {
+        case CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateStandby:
+            {
+            newState = iStandbyState;
+            }
+            break;
+        case CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateComposition:
+            {
+            newState = (DataMgr()->InputMode() == EPinyin) ? 
+                iPinyinComp : iStoZhuComp;
+            }
+            break;
+        case CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStatePredict:
+            {
+            newState = iPredictState;
+            }
+            break;
+        case CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateWesternStandby:
+            {
+            newState = iNormalState;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:    
+            return;
+        }
+    if (iCurrentState)
+        {
+        iCurrentState->OnExit();
+        }
+    iCurrentState = newState;
+    if(DataMgr()->IsUpdate())  
+    	{
+    	DataMgr()->SetUpdate(EFalse);
+    	CSplitItutUiLayout* itutLayout = 
+			static_cast<CSplitItutUiLayout*>( LayoutContext()->UiLayout() );
+		itutLayout->SizeChanged( NULL );
+    	}
+    iCurrentState->OnEntryL();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CChnSplitItutUiMgr::ActivateUiL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CChnSplitItutUiMgr::ActivateUiL()
+    {
+    if (iCurrentState && !IsChineseMode())
+        {
+        iCurrentState->OnEntryL();
+        return;
+        }    
+    switch (DataMgr()->InputMode())
+        {
+        case EPinyin:
+        case EStroke:
+        case EZhuyin:
+            SetCurrentStateL(CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateStandby);
+            break;
+        default:
+            SetCurrentStateL(CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateWesternStandby);
+            break;    
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CChnSplitItutUiMgr::DeactivateUI
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CChnSplitItutUiMgr::DeactivateUI()
+    {
+    if (iCurrentState)
+        {
+        iCurrentState->OnExit();
+        iCurrentState = NULL;
+        }
+    SetNumLongPressValid(EFalse);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CChnSplitItutUiMgr::HandleLongPressNumberKeyL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CChnSplitItutUiMgr::HandleLongPressNumberKeyL(TPtiKey /*aKey*/)
+    {
+    if (NumLongPressValid())
+        {
+        // go to standby state
+        SetCurrentStateL(CSplitItutUiMgrBase::EStateStandby);
+        DataMgr()->PtiEngine()->ClearCurrentWord();
+        SetNumLongPressValid(EFalse);
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CChnSplitItutUiMgr::IsChineseMode
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CChnSplitItutUiMgr::IsChineseMode()
+    {
+    TInt immode = DataMgr()->InputMode();
+    TBool chineseMode = EFalse;
+    if (immode == EPinyin || immode == EStroke || immode == EZhuyin)
+        {
+        chineseMode = ETrue;
+        }
+    return chineseMode;    
+    }
+// End Of File