changeset 0 1bce908db942
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/multimediacommsengine/mmcesrv/mmceserver/inc/mcesip.h	Tue Feb 02 01:04:58 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   
+#ifndef MCESIP_H
+#define MCESIP_H
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <bamdesca.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <sipresponseelements.h>
+#include <sipmessageelements.h>
+#include <siprequestelements.h>
+#include <sipservertransaction.h>
+#include <sipclienttransaction.h>
+#include <sipaddress.h>
+#include <sipfromheader.h>
+#include <sipextensionheader.h>
+#include <siperr.h>
+#include <sipstrings.h>
+#include <sipstrconsts.h>
+#include <uri8.h>
+#include <sipcontenttypeheader.h>
+#include "mceserial.h"
+#include "mcesipextensions.h"
+class CSdpDocument;
+class CSIPDialog;
+class CSIPContactHeader;
+enum TMceSipResponseType
+    {
+    E1XX,
+    E2XX,
+    E3XX,
+    E4XX,
+    E5XX,
+    E6XX
+    };
+const TUint KMceSipTrying = 100;
+const TUint KMceSipRinging = 180;
+const TUint KMceSipCallIsBeingForwarded = 181;
+const TUint KMceSipQueued = 182;
+const TUint KMceSipSessionProgress = 183;
+const TUint KMceSipOK = 200;
+const TUint KMceSipAccepted = 202;
+const TUint KMceSipMultipleChoices = 300;
+const TUint KMceSipMovedPermanently = 301;
+const TUint KMceSipMovedTemporarily = 302;
+const TUint KMceSipUseProxy = 305;
+const TUint KMceSipAlternativeService = 380;
+const TInt KMceSipBadRequest = 400;
+const TUint KMceSipUnauthorized = 401;
+const TUint KMceSipPaymentRequired = 402;
+const TUint KMceSipForbidden = 403;
+const TUint KMceSipNotFound = 404;
+const TUint KMceSipMethodNotAllowed = 405;
+const TUint KMceSip4XXNotAcceptable = 406;
+const TUint KMceSipProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407;
+const TUint KMceSipRequestTimeout = 408;
+const TUint KMceSipGone = 410;
+const TUint KMceSipequestEntityTooLarge = 413;
+const TUint KMceSipRequestURITooLong = 414;
+const TUint KMceSipUnsupportedMediaType = 415;
+const TUint KMceSipUnsupportedURIScheme = 416;
+const TUint KMceSipBadExtension = 420;
+const TUint KMceSipExtensionRequired = 421;
+const TUint KMceSipSessionIntervalTooSmall = 422;
+const TUint KMceSipIntervalTooBrief = 423;
+const TUint KMceSipTemporarilyUnavailable = 480;
+const TUint KMceSipCallOrTransactionDoesNotExist = 481;
+const TUint KMceSipLoopDetected = 482;
+const TUint KMceSipTooManyHops = 483;
+const TUint KMceSipAddressIncomplete = 484;
+const TUint KMceSipAmbiguous = 485;
+const TUint KMceSipBusyHere = 486;
+const TUint KMceSipRequestTerminated = 487;
+const TUint KMceSipNotAcceptableHere = 488;
+const TUint KMceSipBadEvent = 489;
+const TUint KMceSipRequestPending = 491;
+const TUint KMceSipUndecipherable = 493;
+const TUint KMceSipRefreshInterval = 60;
+const TUint KMceSipServerInternalError = 500;
+const TUint KMceSipNotImplemented = 501;
+const TUint KMceSipBadGateway = 502;
+const TUint KMceSipServiceUnavailable = 503;
+const TUint KMceSipServerTimeOut = 504;
+const TUint KMceSipVersionNotSupported = 505;
+const TUint KMceSipMessageTooLarge = 513;
+//580 Precondition Failure: 
+const TInt KMceSipPreconditionFailure = 580;
+const TUint KMceSipBusyEverywhere = 600;
+const TUint KMceSipDecline = 603;
+const TUint KMceSipDoesNotExistAnywhere = 604;
+const TUint KMceSip6XXNotAcceptable = 606;
+typedef TUint TMceSipWarningCode;
+//300 Incompatible network protocol: One or more network protocols
+//contained in the session description are not available. 
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnIncompatibleNetworkProtocol = 300;
+//301 Incompatible network address formats: One or more network
+//address formats contained in the session description are not
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnIncompatibleNetworkAddressFormat = 301;
+//302 Incompatible transport protocol: One or more transport
+//protocols described in the session description are not available.
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnIncompatibleTransportProtocol = 302;
+//303 Incompatible bandwidth units: One or more bandwidth
+//measurement units contained in the session description were not understood.
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnIncompatibleBandwidthUnits = 303;
+//304 Media type not available: One or more media types 
+//contained in the session description are not available.
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnMediaTypeNotAvailable = 304;
+//305 Incompatible media format: One or more media 
+//formats contained in the session description are not available.
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnIncompatibleMediaFormat = 305;
+//306 Attribute not understood: One or more of the media 
+//attributes in the session description are not supported.
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnAttributeNotUnderstood = 306;
+//307 Session description parameter not understood: A parameter
+//other than those listed above was not understood.
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnSessionDescriptionParameterNotUnderstood = 307;
+//330 Multicast not available: The site where the user is located
+//does not support multicast.
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnMulticastNotAvailable = 330;
+//331 Unicast not available: The site where the user is located does
+//not support unicast communication (usually due to the presence of a firewall).
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnUnicastNotAvailable = 331;
+//370 Insufficient bandwidth: The bandwidth specified in the session
+//description or defined by the media exceeds that known to be available.
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnInsufficientBandwidth = 370;
+//399 Miscellaneous warning: The warning text can include arbitrary
+//information to be presented to a human user or logged.  A system receiving 
+//this warning MUST NOT take any automated action.
+const TMceSipWarningCode KMceSipWarnMiscellaneous = 399;
+const TChar KMceSipSeparator = ':';
+const TChar KMceSipHeaderSeparator = ';';
+const TChar KMceSipEqualsTo = '=';
+const TChar KMceSipAt = '@';
+const TChar KMceSipBlank = ' ';
+const TChar KMceSipDash = '-';
+_LIT8( KMceSipNullAddress, "" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipNullAddressA, "c=IN IP4\n" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipPhraseRequestPending, "Request Pending");
+_LIT8( KMceSipPhraseAccepted, "Accepted" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase300, "Incompatible network protocol");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase301, "Incompatible network address formats");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase302, "Incompatible transport protocol");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase303, "Incompatible bandwidth units");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase304, "Media type not available");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase305, "Incompatible media format");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase306, "Attribute not understood");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase307, "Session description parameter not understood");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase330, "Multicast not available");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase331, "Unicast not available");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase370, "Insufficient bandwidth");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarnPhrase399, "Miscellaneous warning");
+_LIT8( KMceSipErrPhrase580, "Precondition Failure");
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarningPattern, "%d %S %S");
+_LIT8( KMceSipContentTypePattern, "%S/%S");
+_LIT8( KMceSipContactURIPattern, "sip:%S@localhost" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipSdpSegPrecCurrentStatusPattern, "qos %S %S" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipSdpSegPrecDesiredStatusPattern, "qos %S %S %S" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipSdpSecPrecCurrentStatusPattern, "sec %S %S" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipSdpSecPrecDesiredStatusPattern, "sec %S %S %S" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipWarning, "Warning" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipTimer, "timer" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipRefresher, "refresher" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipRefresherUAC, "uac" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipRefresherUAS, "uas" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipSdpQos, "qos" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipSdpSec, "sec" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipSdpPreconditionCurr, "curr" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipSdpPreconditionDes, "des" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipSdpQosNone, "none" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipEventPackageRefer, "refer" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipStateActive, "active" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipStatePending, "pending" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipStateTerminated, "terminated" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipReferEventName, "refer" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipReferAcceptType, "message" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipReferAcceptSubtype, "sipfrag" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipVersion, "version" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipNotifyContent, "SIP/2.0 100 Trying\r\n" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipValueNoReferSub, "norefersub");
+_LIT8( KMceSipValueMultipleRefer,"multiple-refer" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipValueFalse, "false" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipHeaderReferSub, "Refer-Sub" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipHeaderSessionExpires, "Session-Expires" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipHeaderCompactFormOfSessionExpires, "x" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipHeaderMinSE, "Min-SE" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipMediaTypeApplication, "application" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipMediaSubTypeSDP, "sdp" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipMPartMediaTypeMultipart, "multipart" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipMPartMediaSubTypeMixed, "mixed" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipMPartBoundary, "boundary" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipMPartMessageBoundary, "MessageBoundary" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipMPartMessagePattern, 
+Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n\r\n\
+Content-Type: %S\r\n\r\n\
+_LIT8( KMceSipSubscriptionStateHeader, "Subscription-State" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipTransportTLS, "transport=tls");
+_LIT8( KMceSipUriSchemeSIPs, "sips");
+_LIT8( KMceSdpAttrRtcp, "rtcp" );
+_LIT8( KMceSdpSpace, " " );
+// Extensions
+_LIT8( KMceSip100Rel,"100rel" );
+_LIT8( KMceSipPrecondition, "precondition" );
+const TInt KMceRandMaxRetryValue = 10;
+const TInt KMceRandMinRetryValue = 1;
+const TInt KMceRandDividerOne = 1000000;
+const TInt KMceRandDividerTwo = 1000; 
+const TBool KMceUseRetryAfter = ETrue;
+const TBool KMceNoRetryAfter = EFalse;
+// Time Conversion.
+const TUint KConversionMilliToMicro = 1000;
+const TUint KMceOneSecondAsMicros( 1000000 );
+_LIT8( KMceSdpAttributeLineMarker, "a=" );
+_LIT8( KMceSdpBandwidthLineMarker, "b=" );
+*  Static library providing basic helper methods
+*  to handle SIP API related issues
+*  @lib 
+*  @since
+class MceSip
+	{
+public://transaction related
+	/**
+    * Returns method of server transaction (request)
+    * @param aRequest the server transaction
+    * @return method of server transaction
+    */
+    static RStringF Method( CSIPServerTransaction& aRequest );
+	/**
+    * Returns response code of client transaction (response)
+    * @param aResponse the client transaction
+    * @return response code (1XX-6XX)
+    */
+    static TUint ResponseCode( CSIPClientTransaction& aResponse );
+	/**
+    * Returns response type
+    * @param aResponse the client transaction
+    * @return response type (1XX-6XX)
+    */
+    static TMceSipResponseType ResponseType( 
+                                CSIPClientTransaction& aResponse );
+    /**
+    * Returns response type
+    * @param aCode the response type
+    * @return response type (1XX-6XX)
+    */
+    static TMceSipResponseType ResponseType( TUint aCode );                            
+	/**
+    * Checks if client transction is response to method
+    * @param aResponse the client transaction
+    * @param aMethod the method
+    * @return ETrue, if client transctions is response to method
+    */
+    static TBool IsResponseTo( CSIPClientTransaction& aResponse, 
+                               RStringF aMethod );
+	/**
+    * Returns transaction's state
+    * @param aTransaction the transaction
+    * @return transaction's state
+    */
+    static CSIPTransactionBase::TState TrxState( 
+                                    CSIPTransactionBase& aTransaction );
+	/**
+    * Returns ETrue, if transaction is completed
+    * @param aTransaction the transaction
+    * @return ETrue, if transaction is completed
+    */
+    static TBool TrxCompleted( CSIPTransactionBase& aTransaction );
+	/**
+    * Returns transaction's type as an index to string pool
+    * @param aTransaction the transaction
+    * @return transaction's type as an index to string pool
+    */
+    static TInt TrxType( CSIPTransactionBase& aTransaction );
+	/**
+    * Returns SIP message elements from transaction
+    * @param aTransaction the transaction
+    * @return SIP message elements
+    */
+    static const CSIPMessageElements* ToMessageElements( 
+                                CSIPTransactionBase& aTransaction );
+    /**
+    * Checks the content of transaction
+    * @param aTransaction the transaction
+    * @return ETrue, if there is a content
+    */
+    static TBool HasContent( CSIPTransactionBase& aTransaction );
+    /**
+    * Checks whether the message contains the certain header with 
+    * certain value.
+    * @param aMessage message that header where to be found from.
+    * @param aHeaderName headername as string pool index
+    * @param aHeaderValue the value to be searched
+    * @return ETrue, if given header with given value is present.
+    */
+    static TBool HasHeaderValueL( const CSIPMessageElements& aMessage,
+							    TInt aHeaderName,
+							    const TDesC8& aHeaderValue );
+    /**
+    * Checks whether the user headers contains the certain header with 
+    * certain value.
+    * @param aHeaders user header that specific header where to be found from.
+    * @param aHeaderName headername as string pool index
+    * @param aHeaderValue the value to be searched
+    * @return ETrue, if given header with given value is present.
+    */
+    static TBool HasHeaderValueL( const RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aHeaders,
+                              TInt aHeaderName,
+                              const TDesC8& aHeaderValue );
+    /**
+    * Finds Specific Headers
+    * @param aMessage message that header where to be found from.
+    * @param aHeaderName headername which want to be found in the message. 
+    * @param aHeaders array for which the found headers are added.
+    *        ownership of the objects is not transfered, 
+    */
+    static void FindHeadersL( const CSIPMessageElements& aMessage,
+						      RStringF aHeaderName,
+						      RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aHeaders );
+    /**
+    * Compare remote uri with EUriScheme, EUriUserinfo and EUriHost.
+    * @param aRemoteUriOne, a remoteUri to be compared.
+    * @param aRemoteUriTwo, a remoteUri to be compared.
+    * @return An integer value of zero if the components are the same, 
+    *         any other value if the components are not the same. 
+    */
+    static TInt CompareUri( const CUri8& aRemoteUriOne, const CUri8& aRemoteUriTwo );                               
+public://SIP string pool related
+	/**
+    * Returns reson phrase based on status (reponse) code
+    * @param aStatusCode status code
+    * @return reson phrase. Ownership is transferred
+    */
+    static RStringF ReasonPhraseL( TUint aStatusCode );
+	/**
+    * Returns warning phrase based on warning code
+    * @param aWarnCode warning code
+    * @return warning phrase. Ownership is transferred
+    */
+    static RStringF WarningPhraseL( TUint aWarnCode );
+	/**
+    * Returns index of SIP string pool if given string is
+    * found from the pool
+    * @param aSIPString a string
+    * @return index of SIP string pool, KErrNotFound is
+    * returned if string is not found
+    */
+    static TInt SIPStringIndex( const TDesC8& aSIPString );
+public://header manipulation
+	/**
+    * Finds Specific Header
+    * @param aMessage message that header where to be found from.
+    * @param aHeaderName headername which want to be found in the message. 
+    * @return pointer to the created request message. The
+    * ownership is not transferred.  
+    */
+    static CSIPHeaderBase* FindHeader( const CSIPMessageElements& aMessage,
+								       RStringF aHeaderName );
+	/**
+    * Finds Specific Header
+    * @param aHeaders headers that specific header where to be found from.
+    * @param aHeaderName headername which want to be found in the message. 
+    * @return pointer to the created request message. The
+    * ownership is not transferred.  
+    */							       							       
+	static CSIPHeaderBase* FindHeader( const RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aHeaders ,
+                                    RStringF aHeaderName );
+	/**
+    * Converts SIP address to text
+    * @param aToAddr SIP Address
+    * @return SIP address as text
+    * ownership is transferred.  
+    */
+    static HBufC8* AddressToTextL( const CSIPAddress& aToAddr );
+	/**
+    * Converts SIP address to text
+    * @param aToAddr SIP Address
+    * @return SIP address as text
+    * ownership is transferred.  
+    */
+    static CDesC8Array* UserHeadersToTextArrayL( 
+                                CSIPTransactionBase& aTransaction, 
+                                const CSIPDialog& aDialog );
+	/**
+    * Converts SIP from address to from header
+    * @param aAddress SIP Address as text
+    * @return SIP address as SIP from header
+    * ownership is transferred.  
+    */
+    static CSIPFromHeader* ToFromHeaderL( const TDesC8& aAddress );
+	/**
+    * Converts header string array to SIP header arrays
+    * @param aSIPHeaders SIP header array to fill
+    * @param aHeaders string array
+    */
+    static void ToSIPExtensionHeadersL( 
+                                RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aSIPHeaders, 
+                                const MDesC8Array& aHeaders );
+	/**
+    * Converts content type to SIP content type header
+    * @param aContentType enum type to define if content type is predefined
+    * such as application/sdp or user defined
+    * @param aUserDefinedContentType if user defined content type, content type
+    * as text
+    * @return SIP content type header
+    */
+    static CSIPContentTypeHeader* ToContentTypeHeaderL( 
+                                TMceContentType aContentType, 
+                                const HBufC8* aUserDefinedContentType = NULL );
+    /**
+    * Creates a Supported header for given extension and adds it
+    * to the header array.
+    * @param aSIPHeaders SIP header array 
+    * @param aExtension the extension to be supported.
+    */
+    static void AddSupportedHeaderL( RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aSIPHeaders,
+                                     const TDesC8& aExtension );
+    /**
+    * Creates a Require header for given extension and adds it
+    * to the header array.
+    * @param aSIPHeaders SIP header array 
+    * @param aExtension the extension to be required.
+    */
+    static void AddRequireHeaderL( RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aSIPHeaders,
+                                   const TDesC8& aExtension );
+    /**
+    * Creates an Allow header for given method and adds it
+    * to the header array.
+    * @param aSIPHeaders SIP header array 
+    * @param aMethod the method to be allowed.
+    */
+    static void AddAllowHeaderL( RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aSIPHeaders,
+                                 TInt aMethod );
+    /**
+    * Creates a RAck header for given client transaction and adds it
+    * to the header array.
+    * @param aSIPHeaders SIP header array 
+    * @param aMethod the method.
+    */
+    static void AddRAckHeaderL( RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aSIPHeaders,
+                                const CSIPResponseElements& aResponse );
+	/**
+    * Converts "Contact"-header including the whole value of the header
+    * except for the header's name ("Contact:") to SIP contact header
+    * @param aContact value for contact header
+    * @return SIP contect header
+    * ownership is transferred.  
+    */
+    static CSIPContactHeader* ToContactHeaderL( const TDesC8& aContact );
+    /**
+    * Add sip methods to array for allow header
+    * @param aArray array that thoses methods are added to
+    * @return void
+    */
+	static void BasicAllowMethodsL( RArray<TInt>& aArray );
+	/**
+    * Find If "Contact"-header including SIPs URI in user headers
+    * @param aMessage message response element including contact header
+    * @return True if contact headers has SIPs URI, false otherwise
+    */
+	static TBool HasSipsUriInContactL( const CSIPMessageElements& aMessage );
+	/**
+    * Find If "Contact"-header including SIPs URI in user headers
+    * @param aMessage message response element including contact header
+    * @return True if contact headers has SIPs URI, false otherwise
+    */
+   	static TBool HasTlsInContactL( const CSIPMessageElements& aMessage );
+public://error situation handling
+	/**
+    * Returns response code and reason phrase based on given
+    * error.
+    * @param aError error
+    * @param aSIPResponseCode reference of response code
+    * @param aReasonPhrase reference of reason phrase pool index
+    */
+    static void ErrorResponse( TInt aError, 
+                               TUint& aSIPResponseCode, 
+                               TInt& aReasonPhrase );
+	/**
+    * Returns ETrue, if error is SDP related error
+    * @param aError error code
+    * @return ETrue, if error is SDP related error
+    */
+    static TBool IsSDPError( TInt aError );
+	/**
+    * Returns ETrue, if error is SIP API related error
+    * @param aError error code
+    * @return ETrue, if error is SIP API related error
+    */
+    static TBool IsSIPStackError( TInt aError );
+	/**
+    * Discards request by sending response, which is resolved based
+    * on given error. If error is greater it is interpreted as 
+    * response code, which will be sent as response. By default 
+    * 500 is sent as response. 
+    * @param aRequest discarded request. Ownership is transferred
+    * @param aError error
+    * @param aRetryIndication if ETrue, Retry-After header is included
+    * in response
+    * @return status of operation
+    */
+    static TInt DiscardRequest( CSIPServerTransaction* aRequest, 
+                                TInt aError = KErrNone,
+                                TBool aRetryIndication = EFalse );
+	/**
+    * Discards request by sending response, which is resolved based
+    * on given error. If error is greater it is interpreted as 
+    * response code, which will be sent as response. By default 
+    * 500 is sent as response. 
+    * @param aRequest discarded request.
+    * @param aError error
+    * @param aRetryIndication if ETrue, Retry-After header is included
+    * in response
+    * @return status of operation
+    */
+    static TInt DiscardRequest( CSIPServerTransaction& aRequest, 
+                                TInt aError = KErrNone,
+                                TBool aRetryIndication = EFalse );
+	/**
+    * Gives random value between two values
+    * @param aMinValue min value of random value
+    * @param aMaxValue max value of random value
+    * @return random value
+    */
+    static TUint Random( TUint aMinValue, TUint aMaxValue );
+	/**
+    * Returns first integer value from header
+    * @param aHeader SIP header as text
+    * @return integer value
+    */
+    static TUint HeaderValueL( TPtr8 aHeader );
+public: // mics functions
+    /**
+    * Returns RSeq value from the ResponseElements
+    * @param aResponseElements SIP Respomse Elements.
+    * @return integer value 
+    */
+    static TInt RSeq( const CSIPResponseElements& aResponseElements );
+    static void DoDiscardRequestL( CSIPServerTransaction& aRequest, 
+                                   TInt aError,
+                                   TBool aRetryIndication );
+    };
+// End of File