changeset 0 c8caa15ef882
child 17 2669f8761a99
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c8caa15ef882
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Abstract base class for WV engine service APIs.
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #ifndef SimpleCommon_H
    21 #define SimpleCommon_H
    24 // INCLUDES
    25 #include <e32base.h>
    27 // CONSTANTS
    28 const TInt KRangeSize = 100;  // range of operation ids for each client handle
    30 const TUint KSimpleOK = 200;  // return code for SIP
    31 const TUint KCreatedOK = 201; // return code for SIP
    32 const TUint KSimpleAccepted = 202;  // return code for SIP
    34 _LIT8 ( KSimpleApplicationType, "application");
    35 _LIT8 ( KSimpleMultiType, "multipart");
    36 _LIT8 ( KSimplePidfSubType, "pidf+xml");
    37 _LIT8 ( KSimpleListSubType, "rlmi+xml");
    38 _LIT8 ( KSimpleMultipartSubType, "related");
    39 _LIT8 ( KSimpleWinfoSubType, "watcherinfo+xml");
    40 _LIT8 ( KSimpleDocumentType, "application/pidf+xml");
    41 _LIT8 ( KSimpleListType, "application/rlmi+xml");
    42 _LIT8 ( KSimpleWinfoType, "application/watcherinfo+xml");
    43 _LIT8 ( KSimpleSubscribeSubType, "simple-filter+xml");
    44 _LIT8 ( KSimpleMultipartType, "multipart/related");
    45 _LIT8 ( KSimplePRESENCE, "PRESENCE");
    46 _LIT8 ( KSimplePUBLISH, "PUBLISH" );
    47 _LIT8 ( KSimpleNOTIFY, "NOTIFY" );
    48 _LIT8 ( KSimpleSTATUS, "STATUS" );
    49 _LIT8 ( KSimpleSipIfMatch, "SIP-If-Match");
    50 _LIT8 ( KSimpleETag, "SIP-ETag");
    51 _LIT8 ( KSimplePrivacy, "Privacy");
    52 _LIT8 ( KSimplePIdentity, "P-Preferred-Identity");
    54 _LIT8 ( KSimpleMediaType, "text" );     // the 1st part of content type of IM
    55 _LIT8 ( KSimpleMediaSubType, "plain" ); // the 2nd part of content type of IM
    57 // OMA data specifications
    58 _LIT8 ( KSimpleXmlStart, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" );
    59 _LIT8 ( KDocumentLocalName, "presence" );
    60 _LIT8 ( KFilterLocalName, "filter-set" );
    61 _LIT8 ( KWinfoLocalName, "watcherinfo" );
    62 _LIT8 ( KRlmiLocalName, "list" );
    64 // DATA TYPES
    66 enum TSimpleSipState
    67     {
    68     /** Connection initializing */
    69     ESimpleSipIdle=1,
    70     /** Connection active */
    71     ESimpleSipActive,
    72     /** Connection suspended */
    73     ESimpleSipSuspend,
    74     /** Connection is inactive */
    75     ESimpleSipInactive,
    76     /** Connection is permanently unavailable */
    77     ESimpleSipUnavailable
    78     };
    81 // Notice: Remove the hard coded values later, and values not needed
    82 namespace NSimpleDocument
    83     {
    84     _LIT8( KBoundary, "--%S\r\n");
    85     _LIT8( KEndBoundary, "--%S--"); 
    86     _LIT8( KSimpleBoundary, "simple-1" ); // Notice: static now. 
    87     _LIT8( KSimpleAvatarContent8, "" ); // notice: static now, supports only one 
    88     _LIT8( KSimpleAvatarCID8, "<>" ); // notice: static now, supports only one            
    89     // const TInt boundarySize = 4;
    90     const TInt KSimpleBoundarySize = 8;  
    91     // const TInt KContentTypeSize_only = 14; // Length of "content-type: "
    92     namespace NSimpleMulti
    93         {                              
    94                           // 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
    95         _LIT8( KContentType, "Content-Type: multipart/related; type=\"application/pidf+xml\"; start=\"<>\"; boundary=\"%S\"\r\n"); 
    96         _LIT8( KContentTypeFullValue, "multipart/related; type=\"application/pidf+xml\"; start=\"<>\"; boundary=\"simple-1\"\r\n");
    97         _LIT8( KContentTypeValue, "multipart/related; type=\"application/pidf+xml\"; start=\"<>\"; boundary=\"%S\"\r\n");                
    98         _LIT8( KBoundaryHeader, "boundary=--%S\r\n");        
    99         const TInt KContentTypeSize  = 85;         // 93 -  8 = 85
   100         const TInt KBoundaryHeaderSize = 13;        
   101         }    
   102     namespace NSimpleRoot
   103         {                 // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678
   104         _LIT8( KContentType, "Content-Type: application/pidf+xml\r\n");
   105         _LIT8( KCID, "Content-ID: <>\r\n");    // notice: use tag and not static id  
   106                   // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678                                          
   107         const TInt KContentTypeSize = 36;  // 38 - 2 
   108         const TInt KCIDSize = 34; // 36-2 
   109         }
   110     namespace NSimpleContent
   111         {        
   112         _LIT8( KContentType, "Content-Type: %S\r\n");
   113         _LIT8( KCID,         "Content-ID: <%S>\r\n");    // notice: use tag and not static id  
   114         _LIT8( KContentEncoding,  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64\r\n");          
   115                   // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678                          
   116         const TInt KContentTypeSize = 16;  // 20 - 4 
   117         const TInt KCIDSize = 16; // 20-4 
   118         const TInt KContentEncodingSize = 35;                 
   119         }
   120     }
   123 #endif
   125 // End of File