changeset 0 667063e416a2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationsystemui/locationsysui/locsuplsettingsui/src/locsuplservercontainer.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:06:48 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  SUPL server UI View's container
+// System Includes
+#include <eikspane.h> 						// Status pane
+#include <akntitle.h>   					// CAknTitlePane
+#include <aknlists.h>
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+#include <locsuplsettingsui.rsg>
+#include <csxhelp/locsupl.hlp.hrh>          // Help File
+#include <aknview.h>
+#include <eikmenub.h>
+#include <gulicon.h>
+#include <AknIconUtils.h>
+#include <AknIconArray.h>
+#include <eikclbd.h>
+#include <avkon.mbg>						// for select server (mark) icon
+#include <avkon.rsg>
+#include <eiklbx.h>
+#include <ErrorUI.h>
+#include <AknsUtils.h> 
+#include <aknapp.h>
+#include <locsuplsettings.mbg>				// for server disable icon
+// User Includes
+#include "locsuplsettings.hrh"
+#include "locsuplsettingsuid.hrh"
+#include "locsuplservercontainer.h"
+#include "locsuplserverview.h"
+#include "locsuplserverlbmodel.h"
+#include "locsuplsettingsuiengine.h"
+#include "locsuplsettingseventhandler.h"
+#include "locsupldebug.h"
+const TInt KIconArrayGranularity = 2; // The number of default icons
+_LIT( KLocSuplSettingsIconFileName, "locsuplsettings.mif" );
+// ========================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ================================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::CLocSUPLServerContainer
+// Overloaded Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLocSUPLServerContainer::CLocSUPLServerContainer( CLocSUPLServerView* aView )
+    : iView( aView )
+	{
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::~CLocSUPLServerContainer
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------	
+	{
+	DEBUG( + CLocSUPLServerContainer::~CLocSUPLServerContainer );	
+	// Delete the List box model only after deleting the list box
+	delete iListBox;
+	iListBox = NULL;
+	delete iListBoxModel;
+	iListBoxModel = NULL;
+	DEBUG( - CLocSUPLServerContainer::~CLocSUPLServerContainer );	
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer* CLocSUPLServerContainer::NewL
+// Static Two phase contructor that instantiates the CLocSUPLServerContainer
+// @param aRect							Client rectangle
+// @param aEngine                       Reference to the SUPL Settings
+//                                      engine 
+// @param aEventHandler                 Reference to the parent view
+// @return CLocSUPLServerContainer*	Reference to the object created
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------    
+CLocSUPLServerContainer* CLocSUPLServerContainer::NewL( 
+                    		const TRect&               	aRect,
+                          	CLocSUPLSettingsUiEngine&	aEngine,
+                          	CLocSUPLServerView* 		aView )
+	{	
+	DEBUG( + CLocSUPLServerContainer::NewL );	
+    CLocSUPLServerContainer* self = NewLC( aRect, 
+                                           aEngine,
+                                           aView );
+	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+	DEBUG( - CLocSUPLServerContainer::NewL );	
+	return self;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer* CLocSUPLServerContainer::NewLC
+// Static Two phase contructor that instantiates the CLocSUPLServerContainer
+// @param aRect							Client rectangle
+// @param aEngine                       Reference to the SUPL Settings
+//                                      engine 
+// @param aEventHandler                 Reference to the parent view
+// @return CLocSUPLServerContainer*	Reference to the object created
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  
+CLocSUPLServerContainer* CLocSUPLServerContainer::NewLC( 
+                    		const TRect&               	aRect,
+                          	CLocSUPLSettingsUiEngine&	aEngine,
+                          	CLocSUPLServerView* 		aView )
+	{	
+    CLocSUPLServerContainer* self = new ( ELeave ) CLocSUPLServerContainer(
+                                                        aView );
+	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+	self->ConstructL( aRect, aEngine );
+	return self;
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+// void CLocSUPLServerContainer::ConstructL
+// Second phase of the two phase Construction process
+// @param aRect				 Client rectangle
+// @param aEngine            Reference to the SUPL Settings engine
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::ConstructL( 
+                                    const TRect& 	aRect ,
+                                    CLocSUPLSettingsUiEngine&     aEngine )
+	{
+	DEBUG( + CLocSUPLServerContainer::ConstructL );	
+	//Make this control a window-owning control
+	CreateWindowL(); 
+	// Create a New Title for the View
+	CreateListboxL( aEngine );
+	// Get the Help context
+	iContextName = KLOC_HLP_SUPL();
+    SetRect( aRect );
+    ActivateL();
+	DEBUG( - CLocSUPLServerContainer::ConstructL );	
+	}	
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void CLocSUPLServerContainer::UpdateScreenL
+// Refreshes the screen so that the list box reflects the latest contents
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::UpdateScreenL()
+    {
+	DEBUG( + CLocSUPLServerContainer::UpdateScreenL );	
+	TInt oldCount 	= SlpIds().Count();	
+	TInt64 slpId;
+	if( iSelectedIndex != KErrNotFound && SlpIds().Count() > iSelectedIndex )
+		{
+		slpId = SlpIds()[ iSelectedIndex ];		
+		}
+	if ( iListBoxModel )
+		{
+		iListBoxModel->UpdateSlpIdsL();
+		}    
+    TInt newCount 	= SlpIds().Count();
+    if ( iListBox )
+        {
+    	// Update Listbox items
+        if( newCount <= 0 || newCount == oldCount )
+        	{
+         	TRAP_IGNORE( iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL() );
+	    	TRAP_IGNORE( iListBox->HandleItemRemovalL() );       	
+        	}
+        else if( newCount > oldCount )
+        	{
+        	// notify the listbox for item addition 
+        	TRAP_IGNORE( iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL() );
+        	// set focus to newly added item
+			TInt index = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();	
+			if( index == 0 && newCount == 1 )
+				{
+				iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( 0 );	
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( newCount - 1 );	
+				}
+        	}
+        else if( newCount < oldCount )
+        	{
+        	// notify the listbox for item deletion 
+	    	TRAP_IGNORE( iListBox->HandleItemRemovalL() );
+        	// set focus at last selected item or index			
+			if( iSelectedIndex > newCount-1 )
+				{
+				iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( newCount - 1 );
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				TInt newIndex = SlpIds().Find( slpId );
+				if( newIndex != KErrNotFound )
+					{
+					iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( newIndex );
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( iSelectedIndex );				
+					}				
+				}
+        	}
+        }
+    DrawDeferred();
+	DEBUG( - CLocSUPLServerContainer::UpdateScreenL );	
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void CLocSUPLServerContainer::HandleResourceChange
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------	
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::HandleResourceChange(TInt aType)
+	{
+	DEBUG( + CLocSUPLServerContainer::HandleResourceChange );	
+	// Pass the event to the base class
+	CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange(aType);
+    switch( aType )
+    	{
+    	// Dynamic Layout switch
+    	case KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch:
+    		{
+    		SetRect( iView->ClientRect() );
+			break;
+    		}
+    	default:
+    		{
+    		break;
+    		}
+    	}
+	DEBUG( - CLocSUPLServerContainer::HandleResourceChange );	
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::GetHelpContext
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const
+    {
+	DEBUG( + CLocSUPLServerContainer::GetHelpContext );	
+    aContext.iContext = iContextName;
+    aContext.iMajor = TUid::Uid( KLOCSUPLSETTINGSUIUID3 );
+	DEBUG( - CLocSUPLServerContainer::GetHelpContext );	
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TInt CLocSUPLServerContainer::CountComponentControls
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CLocSUPLServerContainer::CountComponentControls() const
+	{
+	return 1;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCoeControl* CLocSUPLServerContainer::ComponentControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCoeControl* CLocSUPLServerContainer::ComponentControl( TInt /*aIndex*/ ) const
+	{
+	return iListBox;	
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void CLocSUPLServerContainer::OfferKeyEventL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------	
+TKeyResponse CLocSUPLServerContainer::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+										   					  TEventCode aType )
+	{
+    if ( ( aType == EEventKey || aType == EEventKeyUp) )
+        {
+        if( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyBackspace )
+            {
+            iView->HandleCommandL( ELocSuplServerDelete );            
+            return EKeyWasConsumed;
+            }    
+        }
+    // now it's iListBox's job to process the key event
+    return iListBox->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType ); 
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void CLocSUPLServerContainer::HandleListBoxEventL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox*  /* aListBox */, 
+		 						   					 TListBoxEvent aEventType )
+	{
+	DEBUG( + CLocSUPLServerContainer::HandleListBoxEventL );	
+	switch ( aEventType )
+        {
+        // List box Item Selection
+        case EEventEnterKeyPressed:
+        case EEventItemSingleClicked:
+            {
+            if(iListBox->SelectionIndexes()->Count() > 0)
+                {
+                ShowContextMenuL();
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                iView->HandleCommandL(ELocSuplServerOpen);
+                }
+			break;	
+			}
+        default:
+           break;
+        }
+	DEBUG( - CLocSUPLServerContainer::HandleListBoxEventL );	
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void CLocSUPLServerContainer::FocusChanged
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow )
+	{
+	CCoeControl::FocusChanged( aDrawNow );
+	// The focus event has to be explicitly handed over to all the compound
+	// controls since CCoeControl does not do that implicitly
+	if ( iListBox )
+		{
+		iListBox->SetFocus( IsFocused(), aDrawNow );				
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::SizeChanged
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::SizeChanged()
+	{
+	if ( iListBox )
+		{
+		iListBox->SetRect( Rect() );
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void CLocSUPLServerContainer::MakeTitleL
+// Sets the Title text
+// @param aResourceText Resource to create title
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::MakeTitleL( TInt aResourceText )
+	{
+	DEBUG( + CLocSUPLServerContainer::MakeTitleL );	
+	// Obtain the title from the Status Pane
+	CAknTitlePane* title = static_cast < CAknTitlePane* >( StatusPane()->
+        ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) ) );
+    // Set the Title's buffer    
+    HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadL( aResourceText );
+    title->SetText( buf ); // Takes ownership of buf
+	DEBUG( - CLocSUPLServerContainer::MakeTitleL );	
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void CLocSUPLServerContainer::StatusPane
+// Returns the Appui's status pane
+// @return CEikStatusPane* Statuspane pointer
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CEikStatusPane* CLocSUPLServerContainer::StatusPane()
+	{
+	return iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();	
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void CLocSUPLServerContainer::CreateListboxL
+// Creates the List box and the Listbox model. Associates the list box model 
+// with the list box
+// @param aEngine                       Reference to the SUPL Settings
+//                                      engine 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------	
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::CreateListboxL( 
+                                    CLocSUPLSettingsUiEngine&     aEngine )
+	{
+	DEBUG( + CLocSUPLServerContainer::CreateListboxL );	
+	// Create the Listbox model
+    iListBoxModel = CLocSUPLServerLBModel::NewL( aEngine );
+	// CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox "2\tTextLabel\t0\t1"
+    iListBox = new ( ELeave ) CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox;
+	iListBox->ConstructL( 
+						this, 
+						#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
+						EAknListBoxStylusMarkableList
+						#else
+						EAknListBoxMarkableList
+						#endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
+						);
+    // Set the container control.
+	iListBox->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
+    // Add scrollbars to listbox
+	iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
+	iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,
+														 CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
+    // Icon array, needed only if listbox style is single number with graphic.
+    CAknIconArray* icons = new( ELeave ) CAknIconArray( KIconArrayGranularity );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( icons );
+    TFileName avkonIconFile = AknIconUtils::AvkonIconFileName();
+    TRAP_IGNORE( AddIconL(   *icons, 
+                avkonIconFile,
+                KAknsIIDQgnIndiMarkedAdd, 
+                EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_marked_add, 
+                EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_marked_add_mask ) );
+	TFileName *iconFile = IconFileNameLC();
+    TRAP_IGNORE( AddIconL(   *icons, 
+                *iconFile,
+                KAknsIIDQgnPropRadiobuttOff, 
+                EMbmLocsuplsettingsQgn_loc_server_disabled, 
+                EMbmLocsuplsettingsQgn_loc_server_disabled_mask ) );
+ 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iconFile );
+    iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( icons );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( icons );        
+    // Set the model & observer
+    iListBox->SetListBoxObserver( this  );
+    iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( iListBoxModel );
+    iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );									
+    iListBox->ActivateL();   
+	DEBUG( - CLocSUPLServerContainer::CreateListboxL );	
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::AddIconL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::AddIconL( CAknIconArray&  aIcons,
+                                           const TDesC&    aIconFileWithPath,
+                                           TAknsItemID     aSkinID,
+                                           TInt            aIconGraphicsIndex,
+                                           TInt            aIconGraphicsMaskIndex )
+    {
+	DEBUG( + CLocSUPLServerContainer::AddIconL );	
+    MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
+    CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
+    CFbsBitmap* bitmapMask = NULL;
+    TRAPD( err, AknsUtils::CreateIconL( skin,
+                            aSkinID,
+                            bitmap,
+                            bitmapMask,
+                            aIconFileWithPath,
+                            aIconGraphicsIndex,
+                            aIconGraphicsMaskIndex ) );
+    if(err != KErrNone)
+        {
+        TRAP( err, AknIconUtils::CreateIconL( bitmap,
+                                bitmapMask,
+                                aIconFileWithPath,
+                                aIconGraphicsIndex,
+                                aIconGraphicsMaskIndex ) );
+        }
+    User::LeaveIfError( err );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( bitmap );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( bitmapMask );
+    CGulIcon* icon = CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap, bitmapMask );
+    // Remove the Bitmap and the Bitmap Icon from the Clean up stack since 
+    // the ownership is taken over by the icon
+    CleanupStack::Pop( bitmapMask );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( bitmap ); 
+    CleanupStack::PushL( icon );
+    aIcons.AppendL( icon );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( icon ); // icon
+	DEBUG( - CLocSUPLServerContainer::AddIconL );	
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::IconFileNameLC
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TFileName* CLocSUPLServerContainer::IconFileNameLC() const
+    {
+    TFileName* fileName = new(ELeave) TFileName;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( fileName );
+	TFileName* tmpName = new(ELeave) TFileName;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( tmpName );
+    tmpName->Append( KDC_BITMAP_DIR );
+    tmpName->Append( KLocSuplSettingsIconFileName );
+    CEikAppUi *appUi = ( CEikAppUi *)( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi());
+    TFileName appDrive = appUi->Application()->AppFullName();
+    TParse parse;
+    User::LeaveIfError( parse.Set( appDrive, NULL, NULL ) );
+    User::LeaveIfError( parse.Set( parse.Drive(), tmpName, NULL ) );
+	fileName->Copy(parse.FullName());
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tmpName );
+    return fileName;
+    }    
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::ListBoxL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CEikListBox& CLocSUPLServerContainer::ListBoxL()
+    {
+    User::LeaveIfNull( iListBox );
+    return *iListBox;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TInt CLocSUPLServerContainer::SelectedItemIndex
+// Returns the Selected element. The list box model defines the enumeration that
+// would determine the current element that has been selected
+// @return TInt Index of the item selected
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CLocSUPLServerContainer::SelectedItemIndex()
+    {
+    return iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::CurrentSlpId()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt64 CLocSUPLServerContainer::CurrentSlpId()
+	{
+	if( SelectedItemIndex() != KErrNotFound && SelectedItemIndex() < ServerCount() )
+		return iListBoxModel->SlpIds()[ SelectedItemIndex() ];
+	else
+		return KErrNotFound;
+	}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::SelectedCount()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CLocSUPLServerContainer::SelectedCount()
+	{
+	return iListBox->SelectionIndexes()->Count();
+	}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::SelectedCount()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CLocSUPLServerContainer::ServerCount()
+	{
+	return iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems();
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::SlpIds()
+// returns server id array
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RArray<TInt64>& CLocSUPLServerContainer::SlpIds()
+	{
+	return iListBoxModel->SlpIds();
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::SetIndex()
+// sets the current selected item
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::SetSelectedIndex()
+	{
+	iSelectedIndex = SelectedItemIndex();
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::ShowContextMenuL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::ShowContextMenuL()
+    {
+	DEBUG( + CLocSUPLServerContainer::ShowContextMenuL );	
+	// Switch to Context specific options menu,
+	// Show it and switch back to main options menu.
+	CEikMenuBar* menuBar = iView->MenuBar();
+	// TRAP displaying of menu bar.
+	// If it fails, the correct resource is set back before leave.
+	TRAPD( err, menuBar->TryDisplayContextMenuBarL() );
+	User::LeaveIfError( err );
+	DEBUG( - CLocSUPLServerContainer::ShowContextMenuL );	
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLocSUPLServerContainer::HandlePointerEventL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLocSUPLServerContainer::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
+    {
+    CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent ); 
+    if(aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down && iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() == 0)
+        {
+        ShowContextMenuL();
+        }
+    }
+// End of file