changeset 0 667063e416a2
child 20 2b4ea9893b66
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationtriggering/ltclientlib/src/lbtcelloperation.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:06:48 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Class definition of Cell data handler 
+#include <commdb.h>
+#include <etel.h>
+#include "lbtcelloperation.h"
+#include "lbtgeogsmcell.h"
+#include "lbtgeowcdmacell.h"
+#include "lbtlogger.h"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLbtCellOperation::NewL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLbtCellOperation* CLbtCellOperation::NewL( TRequestStatus& aStatus, CLbtGeoAreaBase ** aArea )
+    {
+    CLbtCellOperation* self = new (ELeave) CLbtCellOperation(aStatus, aArea);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL( );
+    CleanupStack::Pop();    
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLbtCellOperation::CLbtCellOperation
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLbtCellOperation::CLbtCellOperation(TRequestStatus& aStatus, CLbtGeoAreaBase ** aArea):iCommandId(-1),
+																						      iNwInfo(),
+                                            												  iNwInfoPckg(iNwInfo), 
+                                            												  iLocArea(),iCellInfo(), 
+                                            												  iCellPckg(iCellInfo),
+                                            												  iClientStatus(aStatus),
+												                                              iArea(aArea)
+    {
+    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLbtCellOperation::~CLbtCellOperation
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    iMmApi.Close();
+    iMPhone.Close();
+    iTelServer.Close();    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLbtCellOperation::ConstructL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLbtCellOperation::ConstructL(  )
+    {    
+    InitialiseEtelL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLbtCellOperation::Cancel
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLbtCellOperation::DoCancel()
+    {
+    if( iCommandId == EMobilePhoneGetCurrentNetwork )
+        {
+        iMPhone.CancelAsyncRequest( iCommandId );
+        }
+    else if( iCommandId == ECustomGetCellInfoIPC )
+        {
+        iMmApi.CancelAsyncRequest( iCommandId );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLbtCellOperation::RunL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLbtCellOperation::RunL()
+    {
+    LBT_TRACE( KLbtLogClientLib|KLbtLogVerbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, "CLbtCellOperation::RunL", iStatus.Int() );
+    if( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
+        {
+        if( iCommandId == EMobilePhoneGetCurrentNetwork )
+            {
+            LBT_TRACE( KLbtLogClientLib|KLbtLogVerbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, "First RunL");
+            iMmApi.GetCellInfo(iStatus, iCellPckg);
+            iCommandId = ECustomGetCellInfoIPC;
+            SetActive();
+            return; // TODO: Test code remove it
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            LBT_TRACE( KLbtLogClientLib|KLbtLogVerbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Second time RunL");
+            CLbtGeoCell* geoCell = NULL;
+            if(iCellInfo.iMode == RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::EGSM)
+            	{
+            	geoCell = CLbtGeoGsmCell::NewL();
+            	}
+            else
+            	{
+            	geoCell = CLbtGeoWcdmaCell::NewL();
+            	}
+            geoCell->SetNetworkType( iNetworkMode );
+            geoCell->SetNetworkCountryCode( iNwInfo.iCountryCode );
+            geoCell->SetNetworkIdentityCode( iNwInfo.iNetworkId );
+            geoCell->SetLocationAreaCode( iLocArea.iLocationAreaCode );
+            geoCell->SetCellId( iLocArea.iCellId );
+            if( iNetworkMode == RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeGsm )
+            	{
+                CLbtGeoGsmCell* gsmCell = static_cast<CLbtGeoGsmCell*>(geoCell);
+                RArray<TInt> bsicArray;                
+                for( TInt i=0;i<15;i++ ) // 15 is  max available Nmr value
+                    {
+                    if( iCellInfo.iGsmCellInfo.iNmr[i].iBSIC != -1 )
+                        {
+                        bsicArray.Append( iCellInfo.iGsmCellInfo.iNmr[i].iBSIC );
+                        }
+                    }                
+                gsmCell->SetBsic( bsicArray );
+                geoCell = gsmCell;
+            	}
+            else if( iNetworkMode == RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeWcdma )
+            	{
+            	LBT_TRACE( KLbtLogClientLib|KLbtLogVerbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, "WCDMA Network");
+            	// Create WCDMA cell
+            	CLbtGeoWcdmaCell* wcdmaCell = static_cast<CLbtGeoWcdmaCell*>(geoCell);
+            	TLbtWcdmaCellInfo wcdmaCellInfo;
+            	// Copy the serving cell parameters
+            	wcdmaCellInfo.iCell.iCarrierRssi = iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iNwkMeasureReport[0].iCarrierRSSI;
+            	wcdmaCellInfo.iCell.iRscp = iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iNwkMeasureReport[0].iCellMeasuredResult[0].iFddInfo.iCpichRscp;
+            	wcdmaCellInfo.iCell.iEcNo = iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iNwkMeasureReport[0].iCellMeasuredResult[0].iFddInfo.iCpichEcN0;
+            	wcdmaCellInfo.iCell.iPathLoss = iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iNwkMeasureReport[0].iCellMeasuredResult[0].iFddInfo.iPathloss;
+            	// Copy the Rscp and Ecno values of the adjacent cells
+            	for(TInt i=1;i<KMaxNetworkMeasureReports;++i)
+            		{
+            		for(TInt j=0;j<KMaxCellMeasuredResults;++j)
+            			{
+            			TInt8 rscp = iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iNwkMeasureReport[i].iCellMeasuredResult[j].iFddInfo.iCpichRscp;
+            			TInt8 ecNo = iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iNwkMeasureReport[i].iCellMeasuredResult[j].iFddInfo.iCpichEcN0;
+            			if( (rscp != -1) && (ecNo != -1) )
+            				{
+            				TLbtWcdmaCellInfo::TLbtCellMeasuredResult cellMsr;
+            				cellMsr.iEcNo = ecNo;
+            				cellMsr.iRscp = rscp;
+            				wcdmaCellInfo.iMeasurementResult.Append(cellMsr);
+            				}
+            			}
+            		}
+            	wcdmaCell->SetWcdmaCellInfo(wcdmaCellInfo);
+            	geoCell = wcdmaCell;
+            	}
+            *(iArea) = geoCell;
+            TRequestStatus* status = &iClientStatus;
+            User::RequestComplete( status, iStatus.Int() );
+            }   
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        /*
+        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        // ----------- TEST CODE ----------------------------
+        CLbtGeoCell* geoCell = NULL;
+        CLbtGeoWcdmaCell* wcdmaCell = CLbtGeoWcdmaCell::NewL();
+        wcdmaCell->SetNetworkType( RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeWcdma );
+        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode countryCode(_L("5"));
+        wcdmaCell->SetNetworkCountryCode( countryCode );
+        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkIdentity nid(_L("5"));
+        wcdmaCell->SetNetworkIdentityCode( nid );
+        wcdmaCell->SetLocationAreaCode( 5 );
+        wcdmaCell->SetCellId( 5 );
+        TLbtWcdmaCellInfo wcdmaCellInfo;
+    	// Copy the serving cell parameters
+    	wcdmaCellInfo.iCell.iCarrierRssi = 5;
+    	wcdmaCellInfo.iCell.iRscp = 5;
+    	wcdmaCellInfo.iCell.iEcNo = 5;
+    	wcdmaCellInfo.iCell.iPathLoss = 5;
+    	// Copy the Rscp and Ecno values of the adjacent cells
+    	for(TInt i=0;i<1;++i)
+    		{
+    		for(TInt j=0;j<5;++j)
+    			{
+    			TInt8 rscp = 5;
+    			TInt8 ecNo = 5;
+    			if( (rscp != -1) && (ecNo != -1) )
+    				{
+    				TLbtWcdmaCellInfo::TLbtCellMeasuredResult cellMsr;
+    				cellMsr.iEcNo = 5;
+    				cellMsr.iRscp = 5;
+    				wcdmaCellInfo.iMeasurementResult.Append(cellMsr);
+    				}
+    			}
+    		}
+    	wcdmaCell->SetWcdmaCellInfo(wcdmaCellInfo);
+    	geoCell = wcdmaCell;
+    	*(iArea) = geoCell;
+        // ----------- TEST CODE END----------------------------
+        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        */
+        TRequestStatus* status = &iClientStatus;
+        User::RequestComplete( status, iStatus.Int() );        
+        }    
+    }    
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLbtCellOperation::GetCurrentCellInformation
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLbtCellOperation::GetCurrentCellInformation( )
+    {
+    iClientStatus = KRequestPending;
+    TInt error = iMPhone.GetCurrentMode( iNetworkMode );
+    if( KErrNone != error )
+        {
+        TRequestStatus* status = &iClientStatus;
+        User::RequestComplete( status, error );        
+        return;  
+        }
+    iMPhone.GetCurrentNetwork(iStatus, iNwInfoPckg, iLocArea);
+    iCommandId = EMobilePhoneGetCurrentNetwork;
+    SetActive();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLbtCellOperation::InitialiseEtelL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLbtCellOperation::InitialiseEtelL()
+    {
+	CCommsDatabase* const db = CCommsDatabase::NewL(ETrue); 
+	CleanupStack::PushL(db); 
+	TUint32 modemId = 0; 
+	db->GetGlobalSettingL(TPtrC(MODEM_PHONE_SERVICES_SMS), modemId); 
+	CCommsDbTableView* const view =
+	    db->OpenViewMatchingUintLC(TPtrC(MODEM), TPtrC(COMMDB_ID), modemId); 
+	TInt err = view->GotoFirstRecord();
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+	    {
+        User::Leave(err);
+	    }
+    HBufC* nameBuf = NULL;
+    nameBuf = view->ReadLongTextLC(TPtrC(MODEM_TSY_NAME));
+    User::LeaveIfError(iTelServer.Connect());
+	err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule(*nameBuf);
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+	      {
+        User::Leave(err);
+	    }
+	// For the phone information
+	RTelServer::TPhoneInfo info;
+	iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo(0, info); 
+	err = iMPhone.Open(iTelServer, info.iName);
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+	    {
+        User::Leave(err);
+	    }
+	// initialise etel multimode custom api
+    err = iMmApi.Open(iMPhone);
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+	    {
+        User::Leave(err);
+	    }    
+  	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // nameBuf, view and db 
+    }    
+// End of File