changeset 0 667063e416a2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locsrv_plat/map_image_api/inc/mnmapimage.h	Tue Feb 02 01:06:48 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  CMnMapImage class
+#ifndef MN_MAPIMAGE_H_
+#define MN_MAPIMAGE_H_
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <lbsposition.h>
+#include <mnmapimageparams.h>
+class CApaServerAppExitMonitor;
+class MAknServerAppExitObserver;
+class CMnProvider;
+class RMnMapImageServiceClient;
+class CMnMapImage;
+class CFbsBitmap;
+class CMnCoordinateConverterBase;
+/** Abstract class to be inherited by classes, which want to receive
+ *  notification, when image rendering is completed.
+ *  @see CMnMapImage 
+ *  @since 5.0 */
+class MMnMapImageRenderCallback
+    {
+    public:
+        /** This callback is called when CMnMapImage has completed rendering
+         *  map image. It is not called if rendering was cancelled by client.
+         *  @param aStatus Result of the rendering operation:
+         *                      - @p KErrNone - rendering was completed successfully.
+         *                      - @p KErrNotSupported - rendering is not possible in specified area
+         *                           or one of mandatory options are not supported (see @ref TShowOption).
+         *                      - Other system-wide error codes also possible.
+         *  @param aMapImage Instance of CMnMapImage, through which the request has
+         *                   been issued. */
+        virtual void HandleRenderingCompletedL( TInt aStatus, CMnMapImage& aMapImage ) = 0;
+    };
+/** Provides access to map image rendering features.
+ *
+ *  The RenderL() method allows to get bitmap image of some area, which is specified
+ *  by SetCenterPoint() and SetScale(). Size of the bitmap is defined by SetSize().
+ *
+ *  To create an instance of the class, use @ref NewL method. It
+ *  requires instance of CMnProvider, defined in Map and Navigation Provider Discovery API.
+ *
+ *  Only one asynchronous request can be issued at a time, otherwise client
+ *  will be panicked with KMnPanicDuplicateRequest.
+ *
+ *  @since 5.0
+ *  @lib mnclientlib.dll
+ *  @ingroup MapNavAPI
+ */
+class CMnMapImage : public CBase
+	{
+	public:
+        /** Creates new instance of the class. Provider Application
+         *  will be executed standalone.
+         *
+         *  @param[in] aProvider Provider Application to be used for map rendering.
+         *  @return Pointer to new instance of the class.
+         *
+         *  @leave KErrNotSupported Selected Provider Application does not support
+         *      map image services (@ref CMnProvider::EServiceMapImage). */
+		IMPORT_C static CMnMapImage* NewL( CMnProvider& aProvider );
+        /** Destructor */
+        virtual ~CMnMapImage();
+		enum TShowOption
+			{
+            /** No options set, just plain image is requested. */
+            EShowOptionNone             = 0x00,
+            /** Texts such as street, city, country names should be drawn */
+            EShowOptionText             = 0x01,
+            /** POIs should be marked on the map */
+            EShowOptionPois             = 0x02,
+            /** Landmarks should be marked on the map */
+            EShowOptionLandmarks        = 0x04,
+            /** Current location should be marked on the map.
+             *  Client must have Location capability, otherwise
+             *  this option will be ignored. */
+            EShowOptionCurrentLocation  = 0x08,
+            /** Country borders should be shown */
+            EShowOptionCountryBorders   = 0x10,
+            /** If this flag is set, it is required to draw
+             *  items specified by other flags, otherwise all
+             *  of them are optional. */
+            EShowOptionsMandatory       = 0xF000
+			};
+        /** Type for bitmap of options defined in @ref TShowOption */
+		typedef TUint32 TShowOptions;
+        /** Returns what types of map images are supported by provider
+         *  application given at construction (see NewL()).
+         *  @return Bitmap of values defined by @ref TMapImageType. */
+		IMPORT_C TMnMapImageParams::TMapImageTypes SupportedImageTypes();
+        /** Returns map image parameters object.
+         *  Client can modify it, but all modification will be
+         *  applied only for next and following RenderL requests.
+         *  @return Modifiable map image parameters object */
+        IMPORT_C TMnMapImageParams& MapImageParams();
+        /** @overload
+         *  @return Non-modifiable map image parameters object */
+        IMPORT_C const TMnMapImageParams& MapImageParams() const;
+        /** Sets all map image drawing parameters at once.
+         *  New options will be applied only for next and following
+         *  RenderL requests.
+         *  @param aImageParams Image parameters to take into use for
+         *                      following RenderL requests */
+        IMPORT_C void SetMapImageParams( TMnMapImageParams& aImageParams );
+        /** Specifies the origin of image in the target bitmap, see
+         *  RenderL(). By default it is TPoint( 0, 0 ), i.e. left top
+         *  corner of the bitmap.
+         *  This setting takes effect only from next RenderL request.
+         *  @param[in] aOrigin Origin of the map in the target bitmap.*/
+		IMPORT_C void SetTargetOrigin( const TPoint& aOrigin );
+        /** Returns current setting of map image origin in target bitmap.
+         *  @returns Origin of map image in the target bitmap.*/
+		IMPORT_C TPoint TargetOrigin();
+        /** Sets additional options to be used in rendering. Renderer will
+         *  take them into account if possible.
+         *  This setting takes effect only from next RenderL request.
+         *  @param[in] aOptions Bitmap of options defined in @ref TOption. */
+		IMPORT_C void SetShowOptions( const TShowOptions& aOptions );
+        /** Returns additional options set to be used in rendering.
+         *  @return Bitmap of options defined in @ref TShowOption. */
+		IMPORT_C TShowOptions ShowOptions() const;
+        /** Intiates rendering of map image.
+         *  This is asynchronous request, which completion is informed via
+         *  aStatus parameter. Client should use active object to wait for completion.
+         *
+         *  This function may leave if some error occurs during initiating of the request.
+         *  If so, then no asynchronous request will be left ongoing.
+         *
+         *  @param[in,out] aBitmap Bitmap object, which the map image will be drawn into.
+         *                 Its size in pixels must be sufficient to fit the image
+         *                 defined by @ref SetSize() taking @ref SetTargetOrigin()
+         *                 into account as well.
+         *  @param[out] aStatus This status will be completed, when rendering is finished.
+         *                      - @p KErrNone - rendering was completed successfully.
+         *                      - @p KErrNotSupported - rendering is not possible in specified area
+         *                           or one of mandatory options are not supported (see @ref TShowOption).
+         *                      - Other system-wide error codes also possible.
+         *
+         *  @leave KErrArgument
+         *      - If target bitmap size is too small.
+         *      - If requested image type is not supported by provider application
+         *
+         *  @panic "MnPanicClient"-KMnPanicDuplicateRequest if request is already
+         *         ongoing. */
+		IMPORT_C void RenderL( CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /** Intiates rendering of map image.
+         *  This is asynchronous request, which completion is informed via aCallback.
+         *
+         *  Client must provide callback as class derived from MMnMapImageRenderCallback.
+         *  This is asynchronous request also. An active object will be executed to handle
+         *  completion of rendering request, so client must have active scheduler installed.
+         *
+         *  This function may leave if some error occurs during initiating of the request.
+         *  If so, then no asynchronous request will be left ongoing.
+         *
+         *  @param[in,out] aBitmap Bitmap object, which the map image will be drawn into.
+         *                 Its size in pixels must be sufficient to fit the image
+         *                 defined by @ref SetSize() taking @ref SetTargetOrigin()
+         *                 into account as well.
+         *  @param[in] aCallback Callback object to call when rendering is completed.
+         *                 See @ref MMnMapImageRenderCallback::HandleRenderingCompletedL for details
+         *                 on possible operation result error codes.
+         *
+         *  @leave KErrArgument
+         *      - If target bitmap size is too small.
+         *      - If requested image type is not supported by provider application
+         *
+         *  @panic "MnPanicClient"-KMnPanicDuplicateRequest if request is already
+         *         ongoing. */
+        IMPORT_C void RenderL( CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, MMnMapImageRenderCallback& aCallback );
+        /** Cancels current ongoing asynchronous rendering request.
+         *  Note that callback, set in @ref RenderL(CFbsBitmap&, MMnMapImageRenderCallback&)
+         *  is <i>not</i> called, if request is cancelled. */
+		IMPORT_C void CancelRendering();
+        /** Calculates coordinate in pixels of the point corresponding to given
+         *  world coordinate.
+         *
+         *  Given world coordinate is allowed to be beyond
+         *  image borders. In that case negative values in result value
+         *  describe point to the left of left border and/or above top border of the
+         *  image and values bigger than width or height describe point to the right
+         *  of right image border or below its bottom border.
+         *
+         *  Sometimes such calculation is not possible (e.e given world coordinate
+         *  is not part of the image) and this function returns @c KErrUnknown.
+         *
+         *  Map image parameters are necessary be set in order for this function
+         *  to operate successfully. Default values are not sufficient, so client
+         *  is responsible to override them before calling this method. Note though,
+         *  that it is not required to call RenderL before calling this method.
+         *
+         *  @param[in] aWorldCoordinate World coordinate (in WGS-84)
+         *  @param[out] aImagePoint On successful return, coordinate of corresponding
+         *                          pixel in image relative to image top left corner.
+         *  @return Error code of the operation:
+         *      - @c KErrNone if calculation is successful
+         *      - @c KErrArgument if map image parameters in are invalid.
+         *      - @c KErrUnknown if calculation is not possible */
+		IMPORT_C TInt GetImageCoordinate(
+            const TCoordinate& aWorldCoordinate,
+            TPoint& aImagePoint ) const;
+        /** Calculates world coordinate of the given image point.
+         *
+         *  Given image point coordinate must be within the rectangle
+         *  ( TPoint( 0, 0 ), @ref Size() ).
+         *
+         *  Map image parameters are necessary be set in order for this function
+         *  to operate successfully. Default values are not sufficient, so client
+         *  is responsible to override them before calling this method. Note though,
+         *  that it is not required to call RenderL before calling this method.
+         *
+         *  Sometimes such calculation is not possible (e.g. given image coordinate
+         *  does not match any world coordinate) and this function returns @c KErrUnknown.
+         *
+         *  @param[in] aImagePoint Coordinate of a point on map image in pixels,
+         *             relative to image top left corner.
+         *  @param[out] aWorldCoordinate On successful return, corresponding
+         *                               world coordinate (in WGS-84).
+         *  @return Error code of the operation:
+         *      - @c KErrNone if calculation is successful
+         *      - @c KErrArgument if image coordinate is out of bounds
+         *      - @c KErrArgument if map image parameters in are invalid.
+         *      - @c KErrUnknown if calculation is not possible */
+		IMPORT_C TInt GetWorldCoordinate(
+            const TPoint& aImagePoint,
+            TCoordinate& aWorldCoordinate ) const;
+        /** Sets observer of provider application lifetime.
+         *  Client will receive exit event from provider application.
+         *  By default exit events from provider application are not monitored.
+         *  @param[in] aObserver Exit observer.
+         *  @leave KErrAlreadyExists if observer is already set. 
+         */
+        IMPORT_C void SetExitObserverL( MAknServerAppExitObserver& aObserver );
+        /** Removes observer of provider application lifetime. */
+        IMPORT_C void RemoveExitObserver();
+	protected:
+		CMnMapImage();
+		void ConstructL( CMnProvider& aProvider );
+    private:
+        TUint32 iProviderFeatures;
+        TPoint iTargetOrigin;    
+        TMnMapImageParams iMapImageParams;
+        TShowOptions iShowOptions;
+        RMnMapImageServiceClient* iSession;
+        CApaServerAppExitMonitor* iExitMonitor;
+        CActive* iActiveCallback;
+        CMnCoordinateConverterBase* iCoordConverter;
+	};
+#endif /*MN_MAPIMAGE_H_*/