changeset 0 667063e416a2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/supl/locationomasuplprotocolhandler/protocolhandlerver2/inc/epos_comasupltriggerstartstate.h	Tue Feb 02 01:06:48 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   class for handling SUPL_START message...
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <lbs/epos_comasuplpossessionbase.h>
+#include "lbs/epos_tomasuplallowedcapabilities.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplstate.h"
+#include "epos_comasupletel.h"
+class COMASuplLocationId;
+class COMASuplLocationIdVer2;
+class COMASuplETel;
+class COMASuplSETCapabilities;
+class COMASuplSETCapabilitiesVer2;
+class RMobilePhone;
+class COMASuplPOSRequestor;
+class TSuplTerminalQop;
+class TOMASuplECellInfo;
+class COMASuplAsnHandlerBase;
+class TOMASuplAllowedCapabilities;
+*  COMASuplTriggerStartState handles all SUPL_TRIGGER_START related processing.   
+*  @lib eposomasuplprotocolhandler.lib
+*  @since S60 v3.1
+class COMASuplTriggerStartState : public COMASuplState,
+						   public MOMASuplETelObserver,
+						   public MOMASuplMsgStateObserver
+	public :  // Constructor 
+			/**
+			* NewL Method.
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param aCapabilities,Allowed Capabilities
+			* @param aMobilePhone,
+			* @param aMsgTimeout,Timeout for message
+			* @param aAllowedCapabilities,Allowed capabilities
+			* @return Instance of COMASuplTriggerStartState
+			*/ 
+			static COMASuplTriggerStartState* NewL(RMobilePhone& aMobilePhone,TInt aMsgTimeout,
+											COMASuplPOSRequestor* aPosRequestor,
+                                            COMASuplAsnHandlerBase* aOMASuplAsnHandlerBase,
+											TInt aAllowedCapabilities, TSuplTerminalPeriodicTrigger aTriggerParams,
+                                            COMASuplSession::TOMASuplReqType aRequestType);
+			/**
+			* Destructor.
+			*/
+			~COMASuplTriggerStartState();
+	public:		//COMASuplState
+			/**
+			* GenerateMessageL Method,Generates SUPL_START message.
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param None
+			* @return None
+			*/ 
+			virtual TInt GenerateMessageL();
+			/**
+			* CancelOperation  Method,Cancels Operation...which are going on...
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param None
+			* @return None
+			*/ 
+			virtual void CancelOperation();
+			/**
+			* EncodeMessageL Method,Encodes SUPL_START message.
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param aSuplVersion, version of SUPL
+			* @param aSessionId, sessionid of session.
+			* @param aError, error code if any error occures while conversion.
+			* @return encoded data, HBufC8*
+			*/ 
+			virtual HBufC8* EncodeMessageL(TOMASuplVersion &aSuplVersion,
+						   COMASuplSessionID* aSessionId,TInt &aError);
+			/**
+			* Capabilities Method, returns the Capabilities pointer
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param None
+			* @return SET capabilities retrieved during the creation of SUPL START
+			*/
+			COMASuplSETCapabilities* Capabilities();
+			/**
+			* SetQop Method, Sets QoP to Encode with SUPL_END
+			* @since S60 v3.1
+			* @param aQop , QoP parameter which got form client.
+			* @return None
+			*/
+			void SetQop(TSuplTerminalQop& aQop);
+	public: //MOMASuplETelObserver
+			/**
+			* RequestCompleted Method, Location Id request completed succesfully
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param aLocationId, all location related information
+			* @param aErrorCode, Failure reason code        
+			* @return None
+			*/
+			virtual void LocationIDRequestCompletedL(COMASuplLocationId* aLocationId,TInt aErrorCode);
+			/**
+			* RequestCompleted Method, E-Cell Id request completed succesfully
+			* @since S60 v3.2
+			* @param aECId TOMASuplECellInfo, all E-Cell id related information
+			* @param aErrorCode, Failure reason code        
+			* @return None
+			*/
+			virtual void LocationECellIdRequestCompletedL(TOMASuplECellInfo& aECId,TInt aErrorCode);
+			/**
+			 * RequestCompleted Method, Location Id request for comparision completed succesfully
+			 * @since S60 v3.1u
+			 * @param aLocationId, all location related information
+			 * @param aErrorCode, Failure reason code        
+			 * @return None
+			 */
+			virtual void ComparisionLocationIDRequestCompletedL(COMASuplLocationId* aLocationId,TInt aErrorCode);
+			/**
+	  	 	* OperationCompleteL,Notifies about complaetion of operation with or without error.
+			*@since Series 60 3.1u
+			*@param aError,error code occured while completion of operation.
+			*/
+			virtual void OperationCompleteL(TInt aError);
+			/**
+			* GetCurrentCellID Method, to get current cell id
+			* @since Series 60 3.1
+			* @param  TCellIdInfo
+			* @return None
+			*/ 
+			void GetCurrentCellID(TCellIdInfo& aCurrentCellId,TInt& aType);		
+	private:
+			/**
+			* DoANDOperation Method.
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param aAllowedCapabilities,Allowed capabilities of SET 
+			* @return None
+			*/
+            TBool DoANDOperation(TInt aFlag, TInt aCapability);
+			/**
+			* FillAllowedCapabilities Method.
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param aAllowedCapabilities,Allowed capabilities of SET 
+			* @return None
+			*/
+			void FillAllowedCapabilities(TInt aAllowedCapabilities);
+			/**
+			* InitilizeAllowedCapabilities Method.
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param None
+			* @return None
+			*/
+			void InitilizeAllowedCapabilities();
+			/**
+			* ComputeCapabilities Method,Computes capabilities.. does SETCaps = SETCaps & AllowedCaps
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param None
+			* @return None
+			*/
+			void ComputeCapabilities();
+			/**
+			* ValidateSetCapabilities Method to validate the capabilities of
+			* the SET against the Capabilities retrieved during the construction
+			* of SUPL START
+			* @since S60  v3.1u
+			* @param None
+			* @return None
+			*/
+			TInt ValidateSetCapabilities();
+			/**
+			* SetPrefferedBack Method to Set Preffered method to the one which POS had given
+			* @since S60  v3.1u
+			* @param None
+			* @return None
+			*/
+			void SetPrefferedBack();
+	protected : 
+			/**
+			* Constuctor Method.
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param aMobilePhone,
+			* @param aMsgTimeout,Timeout for message
+			* @return None
+			*/ 
+			COMASuplTriggerStartState(RMobilePhone& aMobilePhone,
+			   TInt aMsgTimeout,COMASuplPOSRequestor* aPosRequestor,COMASuplAsnHandlerBase* aOMASuplAsnHandlerBase,
+               TSuplTerminalPeriodicTrigger aTriggerParams,
+               COMASuplSession::TOMASuplReqType aRequestType);
+			/**
+			* ConstructL Method, 2nd phase construction
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param aAllowedCapabilities,Allowed capabilities
+			* @return None
+			*/
+			void ConstructL(TInt aAllowedCapabilities);
+			/**
+			* GetPosParamsL Method, Get the SET Capabilities from POS
+			* Message plugin
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param None
+			* @return SET capabilities retrieved during the 
+			* creation of SUPL START
+			*/
+			void virtual GetPosParamsL();
+			/**
+			* GetPositionComplete Method, 
+			* @since S60 v3.1u
+			* @param None
+			* @return None
+			*/
+			void GetPositionCompleteL(TInt);
+			/**
+			* GetAssistceDataFromPluginL Method, 
+			* @since S60 v3.2
+			* @param aErrorCode , error code if any error occured during previous operation
+			* @return None
+			*/
+			void GetAssistceDataFromPluginL(TInt aErrorCode);
+	protected: //Data
+			//LocationID Requestor
+			COMASuplETel* iLocationIDRequestor;
+			//Location ID
+			COMASuplLocationIdVer2* iLocationId;
+			//SET capabilities
+			COMASuplSETCapabilities* iSETCapabilities;
+			//SET capabilities
+			COMASuplSETCapabilitiesVer2* iSETCapabilities2;
+			//Allowed capabilities
+			COMASuplSETCapabilities* iAllowedCapabilities;
+			COMASuplPosSessionBase::TOMASuplPositioningMethod iPositioningMethodforPOS;
+			TOMASuplAllowedCapabilities iAllowedCapabilitiesforPOS;
+			//Connected RMobilePhone session
+			RMobilePhone& iMobilePhone;
+			//POS Requestor
+			COMASuplPOSRequestor* iPosRequestor;
+			//Enhanaced Cell Id
+			TBool  iECId; 
+			//Generation Status
+			TBool iGenerationStatus;
+			//Received QoP from Client Lib
+			TSuplTerminalQop iClientQop;
+			//is Qop Present
+			TBool iIsQoPPresent;
+			//	SET Preffered method provided by POS
+			COMASuplSETCapabilities::TOMASuplPrefMethod    iPOSMsgSETprefMethod;
+			//To hold E-cell id data
+			TOMASuplECellInfo iMmCellInfo;
+			COMASuplAsnHandlerBase* iOMASuplAsnHandlerBase;
+            TSuplTerminalPeriodicTrigger iTriggerParams;
+            COMASuplSession::TOMASuplReqType iRequestType;