changeset 0 c53acadfccc6
child 6 646a02f170b9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c53acadfccc6
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Query base class
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef __MDEQUERY_H__
    20 #define __MDEQUERY_H__
    23 #include <e32base.h>
    24 #include <badesca.h>
    26 #include <mdccommon.h>
    29 /* Forward declarations. */
    30 class CMdESession;
    31 class CMdEQuery;
    32 class CMdELogicCondition;
    33 class TMdEOrderRule;
    34 class CMdENamespaceDef;
    35 class CMdEItem;
    36 class CMdEInstanceItem;
    39 /**
    40  * Observer interface for MdE database queries.
    41  * 
    42  * Example of doing a query to metadata database:
    43  * 
    44  * A class needs to implement MMdEQueryObserver interface if it is going to do a query to MdE database.
    45  * 
    46  * class CMdEQueryExample : public MMdEQueryObserver
    47  * {
    48  *		void HandleQueryNewResults(CMdEQuery& aQuery, TInt aFirstNewItemIndex, TInt aNewItemCount);
    49  *		void HandleQueryCompleted(CMdEQuery& aQuery, TInt aError);
    50  * 		...
    51  * 		CMdESession* iMdeSession; // session to MdE, created before trying to do the query
    52  * 		CMdEQuery* iQuery;
    53  * };
    54  * 
    55  * void CMdEQueryExample::DoQuery()
    56  * {
    57  * 		CMdENamespaceDef& defNS = iMdeSession->GetDefaultNamespaceDefL();
    58  *	    
    59  *	    // In this function we create a query with following conditions:
    60  *	    // 		Right object in relation must be a location object.
    61  *	    // 		Left object in relation must have id 6.
    62  * 
    63  * 		// First create an object query. We want to find location objects so let's give that
    64  * 		// as a condition to the query. 
    65  *	    CMdEObjectDef& rightObjDef = defNS.GetObjectDefL(
    66  *	        MdeConstants::Location::KLocationObject );
    67  *	    iQuery = iMdeSession->NewObjectQueryL( defNS, rightObjDef, this );
    68  *			    
    69  * 		// Result mode EQueryResultModeItem means we want the query to return items.
    70  * 		// Other options are: EQueryResultModeId, EQueryResultModeCount, 
    71  * 		// EQueryResultModeDistinctValues and EQueryResultModeObjectWithFreetexts.
    72  *	    iQuery->SetResultMode( EQueryResultModeItem );
    73  * 
    74  * 		// ELogicConditionOperatorAnd means we want all conditions to be true.
    75  *	    iQuery->Conditions().SetOperator( ELogicConditionOperatorAnd );
    76  *	
    77  * 		// Add a relation condition to the query. The location object is the right side object of
    78  * 		// the relation.
    79  *	    CMdERelationCondition& filterCond = iQuery->Conditions().
    80  *	        AddRelationConditionL( ERelationConditionSideRight );
    81  *			        
    82  *		// The object on the left side of the relation must have ID 6.
    83  *	    filterCond.LeftL().AddObjectConditionL( 6 );
    84  *			    
    85  *	    iQuery->FindL( 10, 1 ); // Start the query! The first parameter is maximum number of result items. 
    86  * 								// The second parameter is number of results per observer
    87  *								// notification. This query returns maximum of 10 location items
    88  * 								// and gives a notification (HandleQueryNewResults) for each.
    89  * }
    90  * 
    91  * void CMdEQueryExample::HandleQueryCompleted( CMdEQuery& aQuery, TInt aError )
    92  * {
    93  * 		// query is completed
    94  * 		if( aQuery.Count() > 0 && aError == KErrNone )
    95  *		{
    96  *		// some items were found!
    97  *		}
    98  * }
    99  * 
   100  * void CMdEQueryExample::HandleQueryNewResults(CMdEQuery& aQuery, TInt aFirstNewItemIndex,
   101  *                                       TInt aNewItemCount)
   102  * {
   103  * 		// query is not yet completed but new results were found
   104  * }
   105  * 
   106  * @see CMdEQuery::FindL
   107  */
   108 class MMdEQueryObserver 
   109     {
   110 public:
   112     /**
   113      * Called to notify the observer that new results have been received 
   114      * in the query.
   115      *
   116      * @param aQuery              Query instance that received new results.
   117      * @param aFirstNewItemIndex  Index of the first new item that was added
   118      *                            to the result item array.
   119      * @param aNewItemCount       Number of items added to the result item 
   120      *                            array.
   121      */
   122     virtual void HandleQueryNewResults(CMdEQuery& aQuery,
   123                                        TInt aFirstNewItemIndex,
   124                                        TInt aNewItemCount) = 0;
   128     /**
   129      * Called to notify the observer that the query has been completed,
   130      * or that an error has occured.
   131      *
   132      * @param aQuery  Query instance.
   133      * @param aError  <code>KErrNone</code>, if the query was completed
   134      *                successfully. Otherwise one of the system-wide error 
   135      *                codes.
   136      */
   137     virtual void HandleQueryCompleted(CMdEQuery& aQuery, TInt aError) = 0;
   139     };
   142 /** Default count for finding items. */
   143 static const TUint KMdEQueryDefaultMaxCount = KMaxTUint;
   146 /**
   147  * MdE database query. This is the abstract base class for all metadata engine
   148  * database queries. Instances of a query class own all the result items 
   149  * fetched from the database; when the query instance is destroyed, the 
   150  * results will be destroyed as well.
   151  *
   152  * If a query is restarted by calling FindL() after a previous query operation 
   153  * has been completed, any new results are appended to the end of the result 
   154  * item list. The previous results are not affected by subsequent calls to 
   155  * FindL().
   156  *
   157  * The query parameters (order rules, search conditions, property filters) 
   158  * must be configured before FindL() is called. FindL() may be called several
   159  * times, but the query parameters that were in effect for the first Find()
   160  * are used for all FindL()s.
   161  */
   163 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMdEQuery) : public CBase
   164 	{
   165 public: 
   167     /** 
   168      * Query states.
   169      */
   170     enum TState
   171         {
   172         EStateFirst = 0x0000,
   174         /** The query has been created. The query parameters are specified
   175             during this state. */
   176         EStateNew,
   178         /** The query has been started with Find(). All the results received
   179             so far are available to the user. */
   180         EStateSearching,
   182         /** All the results have been found and they are available to 
   183             the user. */
   184         EStateCompleted,
   186         /** An error has occured. */
   187         EStateError,
   189         EStateLast
   190         };
   192     /* Constants. */
   194 	/* Constructors and destructor. */
   196 	/**
   197 	 * Destructor.
   198 	 */
   199 	virtual ~CMdEQuery();
   202     /* Methods. */
   204     /**
   205 	 * Returns the type of the query.
   206 	 *
   207 	 * @return  Query type.
   208 	 */
   209 	IMPORT_C TQueryType Type() const;
   211     /**
   212 	 * Returns the namespace definition of the query.
   213 	 *
   214 	 * @return  Namespace definition.
   215 	 */
   216 	IMPORT_C CMdENamespaceDef& NamespaceDef() const;
   218     /**
   219 	 * Returns the session of the query.
   220 	 *
   221 	 * @return  Session.
   222 	 */
   223     IMPORT_C CMdESession& Session() const;
   225     /**
   226      * Returns the root of the condition tree.
   227      *
   228      * @return  Logic condition that acts as the root of the search conditions
   229      *          tree.
   230      */
   231     IMPORT_C CMdELogicCondition& Conditions() const;
   233     /**
   234      * Appends a new result ordering rule into the end of list of order rules.
   235      *
   236      * Example:
   237      *   CMdEObjectDef& objdef = iDefaultNamespaceDef->GetObjectDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KBaseObject );
   238      *   CMdEPropertyDef& propDef = objdef.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KCreationDateProperty );
   239      *   TMdEOrderRule rule( *propDef, ETrue );
   240 	 *   iQuery->AppendOrderRuleL( rule ); // iQuery is CMdEQuery*
   241      * 
   242      * @param aRule  Order rule.
   243      */
   244     IMPORT_C void AppendOrderRuleL(const TMdEOrderRule& aRule);
   246     /**
   247      * Insert a new result ordering rule into the list of order rules. 
   248      * The first rule is at position zero.
   249      * 
   250      * Example:
   251      *   CMdEObjectDef& objdef = iDefaultNamespaceDef->GetObjectDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KBaseObject );
   252      *   CMdEPropertyDef& propDef = objdef.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KCreationDateProperty );
   253      *   TMdEOrderRule rule( *propDef, ETrue );
   254 	 *   iQuery->InsertOrderRuleL( rule, 0 ); // iQuery is CMdEQuery*
   255      *
   256      * @param aRule  Order rule.
   257      * @param aPos   Position in the list of rules to insert into.
   258      */
   259     IMPORT_C void InsertOrderRuleL(const TMdEOrderRule& aRule, TInt aPos);
   261     /**
   262      * Returns the number of order rules currently defined.
   263      *
   264      * @return  Number of order rules.
   265      */
   266     IMPORT_C TInt OrderRuleCount() const;
   268     /**
   269      * Removes an order rule.
   270      *
   271      * @param aIndex  Index of the rule to remove.
   272      */
   273     IMPORT_C void RemoveOrderRule(TInt aIndex);
   275     /**
   276      * Gets an order rule.
   277      *
   278      * @param aIndex  Index of the rule to return.
   279      * @param aRule   Reference to the TMdEOrderRule where the rule is stored.
   280      */
   281     IMPORT_C TMdEOrderRule OrderRule(TInt aIndex) const;
   283     /**
   284 	 * Starts a query operation and returns immediately. The observers of 
   285      * the query instance will be notified when the query is completed, or 
   286      * if it fails. The query parameters (order rules, search conditions, 
   287      * property filters) must be configured before FindL() is called. FindL() 
   288      * may be called several times, but the query parameters that were in 
   289      * effect for the first FindL() are used for all subsequent calls. Any 
   290      * previously fetched query results remain in the query instance's
   291      * list of result items; any new result items are appended to the end of
   292      * the list.
   293      *
   294      * The caller can perform a find operation in several steps by using a
   295      * sufficiently small maximum number of result items. Subsequent calls to
   296      * FindL() work incrementally, continuing the previously started find 
   297      * operation.
   298      *
   299      * @param aMaxCount     Maximum number of result items. Defaults to 
   300      *                      unlimited. 
   301      * @param aNotifyCount  Maximum number of results per observer
   302      *                      notification. Defaults to unlimited.
   303      *
   304      * @leave  KErrNotReady  The query is in the Searching state.
   305      *
   306      * @panic  TMdEPanic::EQueryStateIllegalOperation  
   307      *         Query is in a state that prohibits calling this method.
   308 	 */
   309     IMPORT_C void FindL(TUint aMaxCount = KMdEQueryDefaultMaxCount,
   310                         TUint aNotifyCount = KMdEQueryDefaultMaxCount);
   312     /**
   313 	 * Cancels the currently running query operation. Does nothing if the 
   314      * query is not currently running. 
   315 	 */
   316     IMPORT_C void Cancel();
   318     /**
   319      * Returns whether the query has been completed.
   320      *
   321      * @return  <code>ETrue</code>, if the query is not currently running.
   322      *          Otherwise <code>EFalse</code>.
   323      */
   324     IMPORT_C TBool IsComplete() const;
   326     /**
   327      * Returns the error code of the latest completed query. The same error
   328      * code has been passed to the query observer.
   329      *
   330      * @return  Error code.
   331      */
   332     IMPORT_C TInt Error() const;
   334 	/**
   335 	 * Returns the current state of the query.
   336 	 *
   337 	 * @return  Query state.
   338 	 */
   339 	IMPORT_C TState State() const;
   341     /**
   342 	 * Returns the number of received result items. This can be called at any
   343      * time during the query instance's lifetime.
   344 	 *
   345 	 * @return  The number of results.
   346 	 */
   347 	IMPORT_C TInt Count() const;
   350     /**
   351 	 * Returns one of the result items. 
   352 	 * 
   353 	 * Example:
   354 	 *   void CExampleClass::HandleQueryCompleted( CMdEQuery& aQuery, TInt aError )
   355 	 *   {
   356 	 *     CMdEItem& mdeItem = aQuery.ResultItem( 0 );
   357 	 *     ...
   358 	 *   }
   359 	 * 
   360 	 * @param aIndex index of the returned item. 
   361 	 * @panics if aIndex is out of bounds
   362 	 * @return  Result item. 
   363 	 */
   364     IMPORT_C CMdEItem& ResultItem(TInt aIndex) const;
   366     /**
   367 	 * Returns one of the result ids. 
   368 	 * 
   369 	 * Example:
   370 	 *   void CExampleClass::HandleQueryCompleted( CMdEQuery& aQuery, TInt aError )
   371 	 *   {
   372 	 *     TItemId mdeItemId = aQuery.ResultId( 0 );
   373 	 *     ...
   374 	 *   }
   375 	 * 
   376 	 * @param aIndex index of the returned id.
   377 	 * @panics if aIndex is out of bounds
   378 	 * @return  Result id.
   379 	 */
   380     IMPORT_C TItemId ResultId(TInt aIndex) const;
   382     /**
   383 	 * Returns all of the result ids.
   384 	 *
   385 	 * @return  Result ids.
   386 	 */
   387     IMPORT_C const RArray<TItemId>& ResultIds() const;
   389     /**
   390      * Returns one of the result items. Ownership of the item is transferred 
   391      * to the caller. The results array element at the specified index will 
   392      * still point to the result item.
   393      *
   394      * @param aIndex  Result index.
   395      *
   396      * @return  Pointer to result item.
   397      */
   398     IMPORT_C CMdEItem* TakeOwnershipOfResult(TInt aIndex);
   400     /**
   401      * Determines whether the query owns a result item.
   402      * @param aIndex index of the result item which ownership is checked.
   403      * @panics if aIndex is out of bounds
   404      * @return  <code>ETrue</code>, if the query owns the item. Otherwise
   405      *          <code>EFalse</code>.
   406      */        
   407     IMPORT_C TBool OwnsResult(TInt aIndex);
   410     /**
   411      * Adds a new observer.
   412      *
   413      * @param  aObserver to add.
   414      */
   415     IMPORT_C void AddObserverL(MMdEQueryObserver& aObserver);
   417     /**
   418      * Removes an observer.
   419      *
   420      * @param  aObserver to remove.
   421      */
   422     IMPORT_C void RemoveObserver(MMdEQueryObserver& aObserver);
   424     /**
   425      * Sets type of query results. Whether whole items or only IDs.
   426      * Default value is EModeItem.
   427      *
   428      * @param  aMode Determines type of query results. Can be set of
   429      *         instance items or set of item IDs
   430      */
   431     IMPORT_C void SetResultMode( TQueryResultMode aMode );
   433     /**
   434      * Returns type of query results, whether whole items or only IDs.
   435      *
   436      * @return Type of query results.
   437      */
   438     IMPORT_C TQueryResultMode ResultMode() const;
   440     /**
   441 	 * Returns result object item
   442 	 *
   443 	 * @return  Result object item.
   444 	 */
   445     IMPORT_C CMdEItem& ResultObjectItem() const;
   447     /**
   448 	 * Returns one of the result distinct values
   449 	 *
   450 	 * @return  Result distinct value
   451 	 */
   452     IMPORT_C TPtrC16 ResultDistinctValue(TInt aIndex) const;
   454 	/**
   455 	 * Returns order rules
   456 	 *
   457 	 * @return  Order rules
   458 	 */
   459 	RArray<TMdEOrderRule>& OrderRules();
   461 	void SetQueryId( TUint32 aQueryId ) const
   462 		{
   463 		iQueryId = aQueryId;
   464 		}
   466 	TUint32 GetQueryId() const
   467 		{
   468 		return iQueryId;
   469 		}
   471 protected:
   473 	/* Constructors. */
   475 	/**
   476 	 * Constructor. Note that new queries should be created using the factory
   477 	 * methods in CMdESession.
   478 	 *
   479 	 * @param aType     Type of the query.
   480      * @param aSession
   481 	 */
   482 	CMdEQuery(TQueryType aType, CMdESession& aSession, CMdENamespaceDef& aNamespaceDef);
   484 	/**
   485 	 * Second-phase constructor. Creates the root node of the conditions tree.
   486 	 */
   487 	void QueryConstructL();
   490     /* Implementation methods. */
   492     /**
   493      * As Find().
   494      */
   495     virtual void DoFindL(TUint aMaxCount, TUint aNotifyCount) = 0;
   497     /**
   498      * As Cancel().
   499      */
   500     virtual void DoCancel();
   503     /* Notification methods. */
   505     /**
   506      * Appends new item results to the results array. This query instance takes 
   507      * ownership of the items. 
   508 	 *
   509 	 * If a leave occurs, the query won't take ownership of any of the new 
   510      * result items. The caller is responsible for destroying the result
   511      * items in this case.
   512      *
   513      * This operation is atomic: either all of the new results are added to
   514      * the results array and the query takes ownership of them, or none of
   515      * results are added to the results array.
   516      *
   517      * @param aNewResults contains result items
   518      */
   519     virtual void NotifyNewResultsL(const RPointerArray<CMdEInstanceItem>& aNewResults);
   521     /**
   522      * Appends new ID results to the results array.
   523      * 
   524      * @param aNewResults contains results from ID query
   525      */
   526     virtual void NotifyNewResultsL(const RArray<TItemId>& aNewResults);
   528     /**
   529      * Appends distinct value results to the results array.
   530      * 
   531      * @param aResults contains results from distinct value query
   532      */
   533     virtual void NotifyNewResultsL( const CDesCArray& aNewResults );
   536     /**
   537      * Gets result from count query.
   538      * 
   539      * @param aResults contains result from count query
   540      */
   541     virtual void NotifyNewResults(TUint32 aResult);
   543     /**
   544      * Notifies observers that the query was completed.
   545      */
   546     virtual void NotifyCompleted(TInt aError);
   549 	/* Utility methods. */
   551 	/**
   552 	 * Sets the state of the query.
   553 	 *
   554 	 * @param aState  Query state.
   555 	 */
   556     void SetState(TState aState);
   558     /** 
   559      * Panics if the state of the query is the specified state.
   560      *
   561      * @param aState  Query state.
   562      *
   563      * @panic TMdEPanic::EQueryStateIllegalOperation  The query was not 
   564      *        in the given state.
   565      */
   566     void AssertInState(TState aState);
   568     /** 
   569      * Panics if the state of the query is not the specified state.
   570      *
   571      * @param aState  Query state.
   572      *
   573      * @panic TMdEPanic::EQueryStateIllegalOperation  The query was in the 
   574      *        given state.
   575      */
   576     void AssertNotInState(TState aState);
   579 private:
   581     /* Private data structures. */
   583     //  Result item for instances
   584     struct TResult
   585         {
   586         /** Result item. */
   587         CMdEItem* iItem;
   589         /** Query has the ownership of the result item. */
   590         TBool iOwned;
   592         /** Constructor for initializing the struct. */
   593         TResult(CMdEItem* aItem) : iItem(aItem), iOwned(EFalse) {}
   594         };
   597 private:
   599     /* Private methods. */
   601     /**
   602      * Appends new result items into the results array. Does not transfer
   603      * ownership of the new results to the query.
   604      *
   605      * @param aNewResults  Array of result items.
   606      */
   607     void AppendResultsL(const RPointerArray<CMdEInstanceItem>& aNewResults);
   609     void AppendResultsL(const RArray<TItemId>& aNewResults);
   611 	/*void AppendResultsL(CMdEInstanceItem* aObjectResult,
   612     	const RPointerArray<CMdEInstanceItem>& aRelationResults, 
   613     	const RPointerArray<CMdEInstanceItem>& aEventResults);*/
   615     void AppendResultsL(const CDesCArray& aNewResults);
   617 private:
   619 	mutable TUint32 iQueryId;
   621     /** The session of the query. */
   622     CMdESession& iSession;
   624 	/** The namespace definition of the query */
   625 	CMdENamespaceDef& iNamespaceDef;
   627     /** Type of the query. */
   628     TQueryType iType;
   630     /** Type of results. */
   631     TQueryResultMode iResultMode;
   633     /** State of the query. */    
   634     TState iState;
   636     /** Latest error code. */
   637     TInt iError;
   639     /** Root node of the conditions tree.  Always present. */
   640     CMdELogicCondition* iConditions;
   642     /** Array of result ordering rules. */
   643     RArray<TMdEOrderRule> iOrderRules;
   645     /** Instance result items. */
   646     RArray<TResult> iResults;
   648     /** ID result items. */
   649     RArray<TItemId> iIdResults;
   651     /** Instance result object item */
   652     TResult iObjectResult;
   654     /** Results of count query */
   655     TInt iCountResult;
   657     /** Observers. */
   658     RPointerArray<MMdEQueryObserver> iObservers;
   660     CDesCArray* iDistinctResults;
   661     };
   664 // includes only for client more convinient usage
   665 	#include <mdeobjectquery.h>
   666 	#include <mderelationquery.h>
   667 	#include <mdeeventquery.h>
   668 	#include <mdelogiccondition.h>
   669 	#include <mdeobjectcondition.h>
   670 	#include <mderelationcondition.h>
   671 	#include <mdeeventcondition.h>
   672 	#include <mdepropertycondition.h>
   673 	#include <mderange.h>
   674 	#include <mdeorderrule.h>
   675 // end
   677 #endif  // __MDEQUERY_H__