--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationmanager/locationtrail/src/ctracklog.cpp Mon Jan 18 20:34:07 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: A class for TrackLog functionality
+#include "ctracklog.h"
+#include "locationmanagerdebug.h"
+#include "locationtraildefs.h"
+#include "rtracklog.h"
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <PathInfo.h>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <locationeventdef.h>
+#include "cgpxconverterao.h"
+EXPORT_C CTrackLog* CTrackLog::NewL()
+ {
+ CTrackLog* self = new (ELeave) CTrackLog();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+void CTrackLog::ConstructL()
+ {
+ LOG("CTrackLog::ConstructL start");
+ iGpxConverter = CGpxConverterAO::NewL();
+ TInt bufSize( 0 );
+ TRAPD( err, ReadCenRepValueL( KTrackLogSizeKey, bufSize ));
+ LOG1("CLocationManagerServer::ConstructL, cenrep bufsize value:%d", bufSize);
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOG1("CTrackLog::ConstructL, cenrep err:%d", err);
+ iMaxBufferSize = KTrackLogBufSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iMaxBufferSize = bufSize;
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
+ LOG("CTrackLog::ConstructL end");
+ }
+CTrackLog::CTrackLog() :
+ iMaxBufferSize( KTrackLogBufSize ),
+ iRecording( EFalse )
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete iGpxConverter;
+ iFs.Close();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CTrackLog::StartRecordingL(TItemId aId)
+ {
+ LOG("CTrackLog::StartRecording start");
+ _LIT( KExtTmp, ".tmp" );
+ _LIT( KExtGpx, ".gpx" );
+ iTagId = aId;
+ iFs.PrivatePath( iTmpFileName );
+ TInt err;
+ err = iFs.MkDirAll( iTmpFileName );
+ if ( err != KErrAlreadyExists && err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ User::Leave( err );
+ }
+ TTime now( 0 );
+ now.HomeTime();
+ TDateTime datetime = now.DateTime();
+ _LIT( KGpxFileName, "tracklog%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d" );
+ HBufC* fileName = HBufC::NewL( KMaxFileName );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( fileName );
+ TPtr namePtr = fileName->Des();
+ namePtr.Format(KGpxFileName, datetime.Year(), datetime.Month() + 1, datetime.Day() + 1,
+ datetime.Hour(), datetime.Minute(), datetime.Second() );
+ iTrackLogItemArray.Reset();
+ iRecording = ETrue;
+ iGpxFileName.Copy( namePtr );
+ iTmpFileName.Append( iGpxFileName );
+ iGpxFileName.Append( KExtGpx );
+ iTmpFileName.Append( KExtTmp );
+ WriteBufferToFileL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileName );
+ LOG("CTrackLog::StartRecording end");
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CTrackLog::StopRecordingL()
+ {
+ LOG("CTrackLog::StopRecording start");
+ // "flush" buffer
+ WriteBufferToFileL();
+ iTrackLogItemArray.Reset();
+ // gpx converter will clean up boundaries
+ iGpxConverter->AddToQueueL( iTmpFileName, iBoundaries );
+ iBoundaries = NULL;
+ iRecording = EFalse;
+ LOG("CTrackLog::StopRecording end");
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CTrackLog::CancelRecording()
+ {
+ LOG("CTrackLog::CancelRecording start");
+ iRecording = EFalse;
+ iTrackLogItemArray.Reset();
+ iFs.Delete( iTmpFileName );
+ LOG("CTrackLog::CancelRecording end");
+ }
+void CTrackLog::LocationAdded( const TLocationTrailItem& aTrailItem,
+ const TPositionSatelliteInfo& aSatellites )
+ {
+ LOG("CTrackLog::LocationAdded start");
+ const TInt KMaxLat = 90;
+ const TInt KMinLat = -90;
+ const TInt KMaxLon = 180;
+ const TInt KMinLon = -180;
+ if ( !iBoundaries )
+ {
+ iBoundaries = new TBoundaries;
+ iBoundaries->minLatitude = KMaxLat;
+ iBoundaries->maxLatitude = KMinLat;
+ iBoundaries->minLongitude = KMaxLon;
+ iBoundaries->maxLongitude = KMinLon;
+ iBoundaries->distance = 0;
+ }
+ if ( IsRecording() )
+ {
+ TTrackLogItem newItem;
+ newItem.iTimeStamp = aTrailItem.iTimeStamp;
+ newItem.iLatitude = aTrailItem.iLocationData.iPosition.Latitude();
+ newItem.iLongitude = aTrailItem.iLocationData.iPosition.Longitude();
+ newItem.iAltitude = aTrailItem.iLocationData.iPosition.Altitude();
+ newItem.iHdop = aSatellites.HorizontalDoP();
+ newItem.iVdop = aSatellites.VerticalDoP();
+ newItem.iCourse = aTrailItem.iLocationData.iCourse.Course();
+ newItem.iQuality = aTrailItem.iLocationData.iQuality;
+ newItem.iNumSatellites = aTrailItem.iLocationData.iSatellites;
+ iTrackLogItemArray.Append(newItem);
+ // Keep the latest satellite information safe.
+ iSatelliteInfo = aSatellites;
+ // Check if the GPS fix is lost or buffer is full.
+ // If true, then write buffer to a file.
+ if ( Math::IsNaN(newItem.iLatitude) || Math::IsNaN(newItem.iLongitude) ||
+ iTrackLogItemArray.Count() > iMaxBufferSize )
+ {
+ LOG("CTrackLog::LocationAdded - buffer full, writing to file");
+ TRAPD( err, WriteBufferToFileL() );
+ if( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOG1("WriteBufferToFileL leave error: %d", err);
+ }
+ iTrackLogItemArray.Reset();
+ }
+ if( !Math::IsNaN( newItem.iLatitude ) && !Math::IsNaN( newItem.iLongitude ) )
+ {
+ TReal32 distance;
+ if ( !lastCoords )
+ {
+ lastCoords = new TCoordinate( aTrailItem.iLocationData.iPosition );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TLocality newCoords(aTrailItem.iLocationData.iPosition,
+ aTrailItem.iLocationData.iPosition.HorizontalAccuracy() );
+ TInt err = newCoords.Distance(*lastCoords, distance);
+ if ( err == KErrNone )
+ {
+ delete lastCoords;
+ lastCoords = new TCoordinate( aTrailItem.iLocationData.iPosition );
+ iBoundaries->distance += distance;
+ }
+ }
+ iBoundaries->maxLatitude = Max( iBoundaries->maxLatitude, newItem.iLatitude );
+ iBoundaries->minLatitude = Min( iBoundaries->minLatitude, newItem.iLatitude );
+ iBoundaries->maxLongitude = Max( iBoundaries->maxLongitude, newItem.iLongitude );
+ iBoundaries->minLongitude = Min( iBoundaries->minLongitude, newItem.iLongitude );
+ }
+ }
+ LOG("CTrackLog::LocationAdded end");
+ }
+void CTrackLog::WriteBufferToFileL()
+ {
+ LOG("CTrackLog::WriteBufferToFileL start");
+ RFile64 file;
+ RFileWriteStream writer;
+ TInt err;
+ err = file.Open( iFs, iTmpFileName, EFileRead );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ err = writer.Create( iFs, iTmpFileName, EFileWrite );
+ if( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ User::Leave( err );
+ }
+ writer << I64LOW( iTagId );
+ writer << I64HIGH( iTagId );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CleanupClosePushL( file );
+ TInt64 endpos( 0 );
+ file.Seek( ESeekEnd, endpos );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file );
+ err = writer.Open( iFs, iTmpFileName, EFileWrite );
+ if( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ User::Leave( err );
+ }
+ writer.Sink()->SeekL( MStreamBuf::EWrite, TStreamPos( endpos ));
+ }
+ CleanupClosePushL( writer );
+ TInt count = iTrackLogItemArray.Count();
+ for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ writer << iTrackLogItemArray[i];
+ }
+ writer.CommitL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writer );
+ LOG("CTrackLog::WriteBufferToFileL end");
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CTrackLog::GetStatus( TBool& aRecording, TPositionSatelliteInfo& aFixQuality )
+ {
+ aFixQuality = iSatelliteInfo;
+ aRecording = IsRecording();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CTrackLog::IsRecording()
+ {
+ return iRecording;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CTrackLog::GetTrackLogName(TFileName& aFileName)
+ {
+ aFileName = iGpxFileName;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CTrackLog::AddGpxObserver( MGpxConversionObserver* aObserver )
+ {
+ iGpxConverter->AddObserver( aObserver );
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CTrackLog::StartRecoveryL()
+ {
+ _LIT( KWildTmp, "*.tmp" );
+ TInt err;
+ CDir* files;
+ TFileName *filename = new (ELeave) TFileName();
+ TFindFile finder( iFs );
+ iFs.PrivatePath( iTmpFileName );
+ err = finder.FindWildByDir( KWildTmp, iTmpFileName, files);
+ if ( err == KErrNone )
+ {
+ TInt count = files->Count();
+ for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ filename->Copy(iTmpFileName);
+ filename->Append((*files)[i].iName);
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iGpxConverter->AddToQueueL( *filename, NULL ));
+ }
+ }
+ delete filename;
+ delete files;
+ }
+void CTrackLog::ReadCenRepValueL(TInt aKey, TInt& aValue)
+ {
+ LOG( "LocationManagerServer::ReadCenRepValueL(), begin" );
+ CRepository* repository;
+ repository = CRepository::NewLC( KRepositoryUid );
+ User::LeaveIfError(repository->Get( aKey, aValue));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(repository);
+ LOG( "LocationManagerServer::ReadCenRepValueL(), end" );
+ }
+void TTrackLogItem::ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aStream ) const
+ {
+ aStream.WriteReal64L( iLatitude );
+ aStream.WriteReal64L( iLongitude );
+ aStream.WriteReal32L( iAltitude );
+ aStream.WriteReal32L( iCourse );
+ aStream.WriteReal32L( iQuality );
+ aStream.WriteUint32L( iNumSatellites );
+ aStream.WriteReal32L( iHdop );
+ aStream.WriteReal32L( iVdop );
+ aStream.WriteUint32L( I64LOW( iTimeStamp.Int64() ));
+ aStream.WriteUint32L( I64HIGH( iTimeStamp.Int64() ));
+ }
+void TTrackLogItem::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream )
+ {
+ iLatitude = aStream.ReadReal64L();
+ iLongitude = aStream.ReadReal64L();
+ iAltitude = aStream.ReadReal32L();
+ TReal32 realVal;
+ realVal = aStream.ReadReal32L();
+ iCourse = realVal;
+ realVal = aStream.ReadReal32L();
+ iQuality = realVal;
+ TUint32 satellites;
+ satellites = aStream.ReadUint32L();
+ iNumSatellites = satellites;
+ realVal = aStream.ReadReal32L();
+ iHdop = realVal;
+ realVal = aStream.ReadReal32L();
+ iVdop = realVal;
+ TUint32 low( 0 );
+ TUint32 high( 0 );
+ low = aStream.ReadUint32L();
+ high = aStream.ReadUint32L();
+ TInt64 timestamp( 0 );
+ timestamp = MAKE_TINT64( high, low );
+ iTimeStamp = timestamp;
+ }