* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Thread which actually performs the harvesting of the files*
#ifndef __CHARVESTERAO_H__
#define __CHARVESTERAO_H__
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include "contextengine.h"
#include "mdeharvestersession.h"
#include "harvesterplugin.h"
#include "composerplugin.h"
#include "harvesterplugininfo.h"
#include "harvesterqueue.h"
#include "reharvesterao.h"
#include "harvesterpluginfactory.h"
#include "unmounthandlerao.h"
#include "harvesteroomao.h"
#include "backupsubscriber.h"
#include "harvestermediaidutil.h"
#include "harvesterdiskspaceobserver.h"
// forward declarations
class CHarvesterBlacklist;
class MProcessOriginMapperInterface;
class COnDemandAO;
class CMdeObjectHandler;
class CHarvesterData;
class CHarvesterEventManager;
class CRestoreWatcher;
class CHarvesterServerSession;
struct TScanItem;
* Helper class to hold all property definitions
* (pointers are not owned) used in harvester AO.
class CHarvesterAoPropertyDefs : public CBase
// Common property definitions
CMdEPropertyDef* iCreationDatePropertyDef;
CMdEPropertyDef* iLastModifiedDatePropertyDef;
CMdEPropertyDef* iSizePropertyDef;
CMdEPropertyDef* iOriginPropertyDef;
CMdEPropertyDef* iItemTypePropertyDef;
CMdEPropertyDef* iTitlePropertyDef;
// Media property definitions
CMdEPropertyDef* iPreinstalledPropertyDef;
void ConstructL(CMdEObjectDef& aObjectDef);
static CHarvesterAoPropertyDefs* NewL(CMdEObjectDef& aObjectDef);
* MHarvesterStatusObserver
class MHarvesterStatusObserver
virtual void PauseReady( TInt aError ) = 0;
virtual void ResumeReady( TInt aError ) = 0;
* Harvester server active object.
* @lib harvesterblacklist.lib
class CHarvesterAO : public CActive,
public MHarvesterPluginObserver,
public MContextInitializationObserver,
public MContextSnapshotObserver,
public MMdESessionObserver,
public MBackupRestoreObserver,
public MUnmountObserver,
public MHarvesterOomObserver,
public MMdSHarvesterDiskSpaceObserver
enum TRequest
* Constructs a new harvesting thread
* @return Harvester thread implementation
static CHarvesterAO* NewL();
* Constructs a new harvesting thread and leaves the server implementation
* in the cleanup stack.
* @return Harvester thread implementation
static CHarvesterAO* NewLC();
* C++ Destructor.
virtual ~CHarvesterAO();
* Derived from MHarvesterPluginObserver - used to indicate when harvesting of a file is done
* @param aHD harvester data type
void HarvestingCompleted( CHarvesterData* aHD );
* Derived from MContextInitializationObserver - for checking Context Engine initialization
* @param aErrorCode Indicates whether Context Engine was successfully initialized
void ContextInitializationStatus( TInt aErrorCode );
* Derived from MMdESessionObserver - for checking MdE initialization status
* @param aSession MdE Session which was opened
* @param aError Error code from the opening
void HandleSessionOpened( CMdESession& aSession, TInt aError );
* Derived from MMdESessionObserver - for checking MdE session errors
* @param aSession MdE Session which was opened
* @param aError Error which has occurred
void HandleSessionError( CMdESession& aSession, TInt aError );
* Method used to pause monitor plugins
void PauseMonitoring();
* Method used to resume monitor plugins
void ResumeMonitoring();
* Standard RunL-method.
* From CActive.
void RunL();
* From CActive.
void DoCancel();
* From CActive.
* @param aError Leave error code.
* @return Always KErrNone.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
* Set next request (=state) of this active object.
* @param aRequest State enumeration.
void SetNextRequest( TRequest aRequest );
* Checks if harvester server is paused.
* @return Truth value.
TBool IsServerPaused();
* Checks whether connection to MDE has been established
* @return ETrue if connection to MDE has been made otherwise EFalse
TBool IsConnectedToMde();
* Starts a file harvest.
* @param aMessage A message containing file info (URI etc)
void HarvestFile( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Starts a file harvest.
* @param aMessage A message containing file info (URI etc)
void HarvestFileWithUID( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Register an origin value for a process.
* @param aMessage A message containing process id and origin.
void RegisterProcessOrigin( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Unregister an origin value for a process.
* @param aMessage A message containing process id.
void UnregisterProcessOrigin( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* This method is called by Context framework after context snapshot is taken
* @param aHD Harvester data type (if ErrorCode() == KErrNone - snapshot taken ok)
void ContextSnapshotStatus( CHarvesterData* aHD );
* Register a harvesting complete from server
* @param aMessage Message which was received from the client side.
* @param aSession harvester server session.
TInt RegisterHarvestComplete( const CHarvesterServerSession& aSession, const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Unregister a harvesting complete from server
* @param aMessage Message which was received from the client side.
TInt UnregisterHarvestComplete( const CHarvesterServerSession& aSession );
* Register a harvester event from server
* @param aMessage Message which was received from the client side.
void RegisterHarvesterEvent( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Unregister a harvester event from server
* @param aMessage Message which was received from the client side.
void UnregisterHarvesterEvent( const RMessage2& aMessage );
void GetLastObserverId( const RMessage2& aMessage );
// from MBackupRestoreObserver
* From MBackupRestoreObserver.
* Called by CBlacklistBackupSubscriberAO when
* Backup&Restore is backing up or restoring.
void BackupRestoreStart();
* From MBackupRestoreObserver.
* Called by CBlacklistBackupSubscriberAO when
* Backup&Restore has finished backup or restore.
void BackupRestoreReady();
// From MMdSHarvesterDiskSpaceObserver
void HandleDiskSpaceNotificationL( TDiskSpaceDirection aCrossDirection );
/** */
void HandleUnmount( TUint32 aMediaId );
void SetHarvesterStatusObserver( MHarvesterStatusObserver* aObserver );
* From MHarvesterOomObserver
void MemoryLow();
* From MHarvesterOomObserver
void MemoryGood();
TBool CheckForCameraItem( CHarvesterData* aHd, TDes& aObjectDef );
struct THarvestFileRequest
const CHarvesterServerSession& iSession;
RMessage2 iMessage;
THarvestFileRequest( const CHarvesterServerSession& aSession,
const RMessage2& aMessage ) :
iSession( aSession ),
iMessage( aMessage )
* C++ Constructor, called by NewLC()
* 2nd-phase construction, called by NewLC()
void ConstructL();
* Method used to load monitor plugins
void LoadMonitorPluginsL();
* Method used to delete monitor plugins
void DeleteMonitorPlugins();
* Method used to start monitor plugins
void StartMonitoring();
* Method used to stop monitor plugins
void StopMonitoring();
* Method used to start composer plugins
void StartComposersL();
* Method used to stop composer plugins
void StopComposers();
* Method used to delete composer plugins
void DeleteComposers();
* Method used to check whether composer plugins are active
* @return Whether all compsosers are ready
TBool IsComposingReady();
* Method used to read one harvester item from queue
void ReadItemFromQueueL();
* Method used to handle placeholder object to database
void HandlePlaceholdersL( TBool aCheck );
* Method used to check file extension and harvest file
* @param aFile File to be harvester
* @param aEventType Harveting type
* @param aTakeSnapshot Whether context snapshot should be added to metadata
void CheckFileExtensionAndHarvestL( CHarvesterData* aHD );
* Method used to pause the operation of the Harvesting thread
* @return Whether pausing of the harvesting thread succeeded
TInt PauseHarvester();
* Method used to resume the operation of the Harvesting thread
void ResumeHarvesterL();
* Signals the client observer for file harvesting was completed
* @param aClientId, RMessage2.Identity
* @param aFile, Harvested file name
* @param aErr, KErrNone, or system wide error code if exists
void HarvestCompleted( TUid aClientId, const TDesC& aUri, TInt aErr );
* Scan ROM drive (Z) in first phone boot
void BootRomScanL();
* Scan system drive (C) after partial restore
void BootPartialRestoreScanL();
static TBool IsDescInArray(const TPtrC& aSearch, const RPointerArray<HBufC>& aArray);
* Method used to scan paths for file to be harvest. This method
* removes paths from aPaths after scanning.
* @param aScanPaths scan paths
* @param aIgnorePaths ignored paths
void BootScanL( RPointerArray<TScanItem>& aScanItems,
const RPointerArray<HBufC>& aIgnorePaths,
TBool aCheckDrive );
* Checks if there are any items unharvested in harvester plugins.
* @return Whether or not there are any files to be harvested in plugin queues.
TBool UnharvestedItemsLeftInPlugins();
void PreallocateNamespaceL( CMdENamespaceDef& aNamespaceDef );
void StartThumbAGDaemon();
* Pointer to Context Engine implementation
CContextEngine* iCtxEngine;
* Pointer to Metadata Engine session
CMdESession* iMdESession;
* Pointer to Harvester Metadata Engine session
CMdEHarvesterSession* iMdEHarvesterSession;
* Harvester server internal event queue
CHarvesterQueue* iQueue;
* Blacklister of files that have failed harvesting.
CHarvesterBlacklist* iBlacklist;
* Publish & Subscribe subscriber for Backup & Restore.
* Notifies harvester server when something happens.
CBackupSubscriber* iBackupSubscriber;
* This array contains pointers to monitor plugins
RPointerArray<CMonitorPlugin> iMonitorPluginArray;
* This array contains pointers to composer plugins
RPointerArray<CComposerPlugin> iComposerPluginArray;
* Indicates whether server is paused or not
TBool iServerPaused;
* Indicator to show which task will be next to do
TRequest iNextRequest;
/** */
RArray<THarvestFileRequest> iHarvestFileMessages;
/** Re-harvester */
CReHarvesterAO* iReHarvester;
/** Flag to signal if mde session is properly initialized. */
TBool iMdeSessionInitialized;
/** Flag to signal if context engine is properly initialized. */
TBool iContextEngineInitialized;
/** Connection to file server (CheckForMoveEventL) */
RFs iFs;
/** */
CHarvesterPluginFactory* iHarvesterPluginFactory;
/** */
RPointerArray<CHarvesterData> iPHArray;
/** */
RPointerArray<CHarvesterData> iReadyPHArray;
/** */
RPointerArray<CHarvesterData> iContainerPHArray;
* Pointer to process origin mapper for registering mappings.
* Implemented by file monitor plugin.
MProcessOriginMapperInterface* iProcessOriginMapper;
/** */
COnDemandAO* iOnDemandAO;
/** */
CMdeObjectHandler* iMdeObjectHandler;
/** */
CUnmountHandlerAO* iUnmountHandlerAO;
/** */
CHarvesterEventManager* iHarvesterEventManager;
MHarvesterStatusObserver* iHarvesterStatusObserver;
CRestoreWatcher* iRestoreWatcher;
CHarvesterOomAO* iHarvesterOomAO;
// not own
CHarvesterMediaIdUtil* iMediaIdUtil;
CHarvesterAoPropertyDefs* iPropDefs;
TBool iMassMemoryIdChecked;
// Own.
CDesCArray* iCameraExtensionArray;
* Notifier for situations where free disk space runs out. Own
CMdSHarvesterDiskspaceObserverAO* iDiskFullNotifier;
TBool iRamFull;
TBool iDiskFull;
TBool iManualPauseEnabled;
TBool iFastHarvestNeeded;
TBool iHarvestingPlaceholders;
#endif //__CHARVESTERAO_H__