* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Active object for converting internal fileformat to GPX
#include <f32file.h>
#include <s32file.h>
#include <pathinfo.h>
#include "cgpxconverterao.h"
#include "locationmanagerdebug.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGpxConverterAO::CGpxConverterAO() : CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Standard NewL for first phase construction.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGpxConverterAO* CGpxConverterAO::NewL()
LOG( "CGpxConverterAO::NewL" );
CGpxConverterAO* self = new (ELeave) CGpxConverterAO();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2nd phase construction.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGpxConverterAO::ConstructL()
LOG( "CGpxConverterAO::ConstructL" );
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
iWriteBuf = HBufC8::NewL( KWriteBufSize );
iFormatBuf = HBufC::NewL( KWriteBufSize );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOG( "CGpxConverterAO::~CGpxConverterAO" ); // DEBUG INFO
delete iWriteBuf;
delete iFormatBuf;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From CActive.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef _DEBUG
TInt CGpxConverterAO::RunError( TInt aError )
TInt CGpxConverterAO::RunError( TInt )
LOG1( "CGpxConverterAO::RunError with error code: %d", aError );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From CActive.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGpxConverterAO::DoCancel()
LOG( "CGpxConverterAO::DoCancel" );
* Adds temp-file and possible pre-calculated boundaries
* into processing queue
void CGpxConverterAO::AddToQueueL( const TDesC& aFileName, TBoundaries* aBoundaries )
TFileName *filename = new (ELeave) TFileName(aFileName);
iBoundQueue.Append( aBoundaries );
if ( iState == EIdle )
SetState( ENextFile );
* Set next state for RunL
void CGpxConverterAO::SetState( TProcessingState aState )
LOG1( "CGpxConverterAO::SetState: %d", aState );
iState = aState;
if ( !IsActive() )
iStatus = KRequestPending;
TRequestStatus* ptrStatus = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( ptrStatus, KErrNone );
* RunL
void CGpxConverterAO::RunL()
switch( iState )
case( EIdle ):
LOG("CGpxConverterAO::RunL - EIdle");
// nothing to do here
case( ENextFile ):
LOG("CGpxConverterAO::RunL - ENextFile");
if( iFileQueue.Count() > 0 )
TInt err;
iFixLost = ETrue;
// get next temp-file from queue
iTempFile = *iFileQueue[0];
iBoundaries = iBoundQueue[0];
err = iReader.Open( iFs, iTempFile, EFileRead );
// remove from queue
iFileQueue.Remove( 0 );
iBoundQueue.Remove( 0 );
if ( err != KErrNone )
SetState( ENextFile );
TRAP( err, ReadTagIdL() );
if ( !iBoundaries )
SetState( ECrashRecovery );
SetState( EStartFile );
// everything done
SetState( EIdle );
case( ECrashRecovery ):
LOG("CGpxConverterAO::RunL - ECrashRecovery");
TRAPD( readErr, iReader >> iTempItem );
if ( readErr == KErrNone )
SetState( ECrashRecovery );
TInt err;
err = iReader.Open( iFs, iTempFile, EFileRead );
if( err != KErrNone )
SetState( ENextFile );
TRAP( err, ReadTagIdL() );
SetState( EStartFile );
case( EStartFile ):
LOG("CGpxConverterAO::RunL - EStartFile");
_LIT( KExtGPX, ".gpx" );
TParsePtrC parse( iTempFile );
TRAPD(err, GetTrackLogPathL( iGpxPath ));
iGpxFileName.Copy( parse.Name() );
iGpxFileName.Append( KExtGPX );
iGpxPath.Append( iGpxFileName );
err = iFs.MkDirAll( iGpxPath );
if ( err != KErrAlreadyExists && err != KErrNone )
User::Leave( err );
err = iGpxFile.Create(iFs, iGpxPath, EFileWrite);
if ( err != KErrNone )
err = iGpxFile.Open(iFs, iGpxPath, EFileWrite);
if ( err != KErrNone )
User::Leave( err );
iStartTime = 0;
iEndTime = 0;
SetState( EProcessing );
case( EProcessing ):
LOG("CGpxConverterAO::RunL - EProcessing");
TRAPD( readError, iReader >> iTempItem );
if ( readError == KErrNone )
if ( iStartTime == 0 )
iStartTime = iTempItem.iTimeStamp;
iEndTime = iTempItem.iTimeStamp;
SetState( EProcessing );
// no items left in file
SetState( ECloseFile );
case( ECloseFile ):
LOG("CGpxConverterAO::RunL - ECloseFile");
TReal distance( 0 );
if( iBoundaries )
distance = iBoundaries->distance;
TInt count = iObservers.Count();
for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
iObservers[i]->GpxFileCreated( iGpxPath, iTagId, distance, iStartTime, iEndTime );
delete iBoundaries;
iFs.Delete( iTempFile );
SetState( ENextFile );
* Read Tag Id from temp-file
void CGpxConverterAO::ReadTagIdL()
TUint32 low( 0 );
TUint32 high( 0 );
low = iReader.ReadUint32L();
high = iReader.ReadUint32L();
iTagId = MAKE_TINT64( high, low );
* Calculate min and max coordinates for tracklog
void CGpxConverterAO::CalculateBoundaries()
LOG("CGpxConverterAO::CalculateBoundaries start");
const TInt KMaxLat = 90;
const TInt KMinLat = -90;
const TInt KMaxLon = 180;
const TInt KMinLon = -180;
if ( !iBoundaries )
iBoundaries = new TBoundaries;
iBoundaries->minLatitude = KMaxLat;
iBoundaries->maxLatitude = KMinLat;
iBoundaries->minLongitude = KMaxLon;
iBoundaries->maxLongitude = KMinLon;
iBoundaries->distance = 0;
if( !Math::IsNaN( iTempItem.iLatitude ) && !Math::IsNaN( iTempItem.iLongitude ))
TReal32 distance;
if ( !iLastCoords )
iLastCoords = new TCoordinate( iTempItem.iLatitude, iTempItem.iLongitude );
TCoordinate tempCoord( iTempItem.iLatitude, iTempItem.iLongitude );
TLocality newCoords( tempCoord, iTempItem.iHdop );
TInt err = newCoords.Distance(*iLastCoords, distance);
if ( err == KErrNone )
delete iLastCoords;
iLastCoords = new TCoordinate( tempCoord );
iBoundaries->distance += distance;
iBoundaries->maxLatitude = Max( iBoundaries->maxLatitude, iTempItem.iLatitude );
iBoundaries->minLatitude = Min( iBoundaries->minLatitude, iTempItem.iLatitude );
iBoundaries->maxLongitude = Max( iBoundaries->maxLongitude, iTempItem.iLongitude );
iBoundaries->minLongitude = Min( iBoundaries->minLongitude, iTempItem.iLongitude );
LOG("CGpxConverterAO::CalculateBoundaries end");
* Writes header tags for GPX file
void CGpxConverterAO::WriteStartingTags()
TPtr8 writePtr = iWriteBuf->Des();
TPtr formatter = iFormatBuf->Des();
// write starting tags
writePtr.Copy( KTagXml );
writePtr.Append( KTagGpxStart );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
writePtr.Copy( KTagMetaStart );
formatter.Format( KTagName, &iGpxFileName );
writePtr.Append( formatter );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
TTime timeStamp( 0 );
TDateTime datetime = timeStamp.DateTime();
formatter.Format( KTagTimeStamp, datetime.Year(), datetime.Month() + 1, datetime.Day() + 1,
datetime.Hour(), datetime.Minute(), datetime.Second() );
writePtr.Copy( formatter );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
if ( iBoundaries )
formatter.Format( KTagBounds, iBoundaries->minLatitude, iBoundaries->minLongitude,
iBoundaries->maxLatitude, iBoundaries->maxLongitude );
writePtr.Copy( formatter );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
writePtr.Copy( KTagMetaEnd );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
writePtr.Copy( KTagTrackStart );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
* Writes single trackpoint to GPX file
void CGpxConverterAO::WriteItemToFile()
TTime timeStamp;
TPtr8 writePtr = iWriteBuf->Des();
TPtr formatter = iFormatBuf->Des();
if ( Math::IsNaN(iTempItem.iLatitude) || Math::IsNaN(iTempItem.iLongitude) )
if ( !iFixLost )
writePtr.Copy( KTagSegmentEnd );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
iFixLost = ETrue;
if ( iFixLost )
writePtr.Copy( KTagSegmentStart );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
iFixLost = EFalse;
// write single track point
// coordinates
formatter.Format( KTagTrkPointStart, iTempItem.iLatitude, iTempItem.iLongitude );
writePtr.Copy( formatter );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
// elevation
if ( !Math::IsNaN( iTempItem.iAltitude ))
formatter.Format( KTagElevation, iTempItem.iAltitude );
writePtr.Copy( formatter );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
// course
if ( !Math::IsNaN( iTempItem.iCourse ))
formatter.Format( KTagCourse, iTempItem.iCourse );
writePtr.Copy( formatter );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
timeStamp = iTempItem.iTimeStamp;
TDateTime datetime = timeStamp.DateTime();
formatter.Format( KTagTimeStamp, datetime.Year(), datetime.Month() + 1, datetime.Day() + 1,
datetime.Hour(), datetime.Minute(), datetime.Second() );
writePtr.Copy( formatter );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
if ( !Math::IsNaN( iTempItem.iAltitude ))
writePtr.Copy( KTagFix3D );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
writePtr.Copy( KTagFix2D );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
// number of satellites
formatter.Format( KTagSatellites, iTempItem.iNumSatellites );
writePtr.Copy( formatter );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
// accuracy (hdop, vdop)
if ( !Math::IsNaN( iTempItem.iHdop ))
formatter.Format( KTagHdop, iTempItem.iHdop );
writePtr.Copy( formatter );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
if ( !Math::IsNaN( iTempItem.iVdop ))
formatter.Format( KTagVdop, iTempItem.iVdop );
writePtr.Copy( formatter );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
// end track point
writePtr.Copy( KTagTrkPointEnd );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
* Close GPX file
void CGpxConverterAO::WriteClosingTags()
TPtr8 writePtr = iWriteBuf->Des();
// end segment
if ( !iFixLost )
writePtr.Copy( KTagSegmentEnd );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
// closing tags
writePtr.Copy( KTagTrackEnd );
writePtr.Append( KTagGpxEnd );
iGpxFile.Write( writePtr );
* Resolve where to save tracklog file
void CGpxConverterAO::GetTrackLogPathL( TDes& aFileName )
LOG("CGpxConverterAO::GetTrackLogPathL start");
_LIT( KPathTrackLog, "TrackLog\\" );
TFileName* path = new (ELeave) TFileName();
CleanupStack::PushL( path );
// check for memory card
*path = PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath();
TLex lex( *path );
TInt drive;
iFs.CharToDrive( lex.Get(), drive );
TVolumeInfo* volumeinfo = new (ELeave) TVolumeInfo;
TInt err = iFs.Volume( *volumeinfo, drive );
if( err != KErrNone )
LOG("CGpxConverterAO::GetTrackLogPathL - MMC not available");
*path = PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath();
delete volumeinfo;
path->Append( KPathTrackLog );
aFileName.Copy( *path );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( path );
LOG("CGpxConverterAO::GetTrackLogPathL end");
* Adds observer for GPX file creation notifications
void CGpxConverterAO::AddObserver( MGpxConversionObserver* aObserver )
iObservers.Append( aObserver );