* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Notifier engine*
#ifndef __MDSNOTIFIER_H__
#define __MDSNOTIFIER_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include "mdscommoninternal.h"
// forward declarations
class CMdSServerSession;
class CMdSNotifyComparator;
class CMdSSchema;
class CMdCSerializationBuffer;
* A class that contains notification profiles for clients.
* The class compares events against each profile and
* triggers the client side which then calls back the observer.
class CMdSNotifier : public CBase
public: // public construction
/** static construction */
static CMdSNotifier* NewL();
static CMdSNotifier* NewLC();
/** destructor */
virtual ~CMdSNotifier();
private: // private construction
/** constructor */
/** 2nd phase constructor */
void ConstructL();
public: // methods
* An inner class for an entry in the array of listeners to
* notify for different notification profiles.Each entry
* contains the notification profiles against which to
* compare the event and the parameters required to perform
* the asynchronous notification.
class TEntry
friend class CMdSNotifier; // accessible by host
* sets the entry up for asynchronous callback
* @param aMessage the asynchronous message
* @param aRemoteSize the pointer to remote message size buffer
void SetupForCallback( RMessage2 aMessage, TInt aRemoteSizeMsgSlot );
* Whether or not this entry has an asynchronous message
* pending
TBool IsPending() { return ( iRemoteSizeMsgSlot!=KErrNotFound ); }
/** the criteria folder */
CMdCSerializationBuffer& Condition()
return *iSerializedCondition;
* Does this entry allow confidential data
* @return EFalse if not allowed
TBool AllowConfidential()
return iConfidential;
* Return the id of this entry
* @return The id
TInt Id()
return iId;
* Return the id of this entry
* @return The id
TDefId NamespaceDefId()
return iNamespaceDefId;
* Trigger a previously cached notification
* @param aCompleteCode The code to complete the message
* @param aData The data hierarchy to send to the client,
* ownership changes only if method doesn't leave
* @return none
void TriggerCachedL(TUint32 aCompleteCode, CMdCSerializationBuffer* aData);
* Get the data buffer
* @return the serialised data buffer
CMdCSerializationBuffer* GetDataBuffer();
private: // methods for host class
/** constructor */
TEntry( TInt aId, TConditionType aType,
CMdCSerializationBuffer* aSerializedBuffer,
TDefId aNamespaceDefId,
CMdSServerSession& aSession, TBool aConfidential );
* Triggers the notifier causing the observer to be
* notifier with the given code.
* @param aCompleteCode either added/removed/modified
* @param aItem the target of the event
void TriggerL( TUint32 aCompleteCode,
const RArray<TItemId>& aIdArray );
* Triggers the notifier causing the observer to be
* notifier with the given code.
* @param aCompleteCode either added/removed/modified
* @param aBuffer relation items of the event
* @param aRelationIdArray matched relation ids
void TriggerRelationItemsL( TUint32 aCompleteCode,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer,
const RArray<TItemId>& aRelationIdArray );
* Trigger a notification of a schema change
void TriggerSchema();
* The entry has currently no message active,
* wait until one is available.
void CacheL(TUint32 aCompleteCode, const RArray<TItemId>& aIdArray );
* The entry has currently no message active,
* wait until one is available.
void CacheRelationItemsL(TUint32 aCompleteCode,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer,
const RArray<TItemId>& aRelationIdArray);
* cache schema notification
void CacheL(TUint32 aCompleteCode);
* Triggers the notifier with an error code
* @param aErrorCode one of system-wide error codes
void TriggerError( TInt aErrorCode );
* Copy all IDs from the array in to the buffer
* @param aIdArray ID array
* @return new buffer
CMdCSerializationBuffer* CopyToBufferL(
const RArray<TItemId>& aIdArray);
* Copy matched relation IDs to a buffer
* @param aRelationItemsBuffer serialized items
* @param aIdArray matched IDs
* @return new buffer
CMdCSerializationBuffer* CopyItemsToBufferL(
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aRelationItemsBuffer,
const RArray<TItemId>& aIdArray);
/** id */
TInt iId;
/** type of the notification */
TUint32 iType;
/** namespace definition ID */
TDefId iNamespaceDefId;
/** actual serialized condition */
CMdCSerializationBuffer* iSerializedCondition;
* serialised id or relation items buffer.
* Used instead of iDataObject when
* sending object ids to the clients
CMdCSerializationBuffer* iDataBuffer;
/** asynchronous message */
RMessage2 iMessage;
/** pointer to remote size buffer */
TInt iRemoteSizeMsgSlot;
/** the session */
CMdSServerSession& iSession;
TBool iConfidential;
* creates a notifier entry
* @param aId id of the entry to be created
* @param aType type of the notifier (object/relation/event)
* @param aCriteria the serialized criteria to compare against
* @param aSession the session that owns the notificant
* @param aConfidential Does the session get notifications of confidential items
* @return reference to the created entry
TEntry& CreateEntryL( TInt aId, TConditionType aType,
CMdCSerializationBuffer* aSerializedBuffer, TDefId aNamespaceDefId,
CMdSServerSession& aSession, TBool aConfidential);
* finds an entry by its id, if not found leaves with KErrNotFound
* @param aId id of the entry
* @return reference to the entry found
TEntry& FindEntryL( TInt aId );
* removes a notifier entry, if not found leaves with KErrNotFound
* @param aId id of the entry to be removed
void RemoveEntryL( TInt aId );
* removes all notifier entries that belong to a certain session
* @param aSession session who's notify entries are to be removed
void RemoveEntriesBySession(const CMdSServerSession& aSession );
* notifiers that items has been added
* @param aSerializedItems serialized items
* @param aSerializedItemIds serialized item IDs
void NotifyAddedL(CMdCSerializationBuffer& aSerializedItems,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aSerializedItemIds);
* notifiers that items has been modified
* @param aSerializedItems serialized items
* @param aSerializedItemIds serialized item IDs
void NotifyModifiedL(CMdCSerializationBuffer& aSerializedItems,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aSerializedItemIds);
* notifiers that items has been modified
* @param aObjectIds object IDs
void NotifyModifiedL(const RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds);
* notifiers that objects has been set to present or not present state
* @param aPresent are object present state changed to present or not present
* @param aObjectIds object IDs
void NotifyObjectPresent(TBool aPresent, const RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds);
* notifiers that objects has been set to present or not present state
* @param aPresent are object present state changed to present or not present
* @param aObjectIds object IDs
void NotifyRelationPresent(TBool aPresent, const RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds);
* notify about removed relation items
* @param aRemovedRelations removed relations
* @param aAdditionalRemovedRelations possible additional removed relations
void NotifyRemovedRelationItemsL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer );
* Notifiers that items has been removed.
* Can be only used for default namespace.
* @param aItemIdArray modified item IDs
void NotifyRemovedL(const RArray<TItemId>& aItemIdArray);
* notifiers that items has been removed
* @param aSerializedItemIds serialized item IDs
* @param aItemIsConfidential are items confidential
void NotifyRemovedL(CMdCSerializationBuffer& aSerializedItemIds, TBool aItemIsConfidential );
void NotifySchemaAddedL();
TBool CheckForNotifier( TUint32 aNotifyTypes );
private: // data members
/** the entry array */
RArray<TEntry> iEntries;
/** the comparator */
CMdSNotifyComparator* iComparator;
TInt iDataAccessCount;
#endif // __MDSNOTIFIER_H__