* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This is Manipulation engine to manage adding,*
#include <e32base.h>
#include "mdscommoninternal.h"
#include "mdsgarbagecollector.h"
class CMdSSchema;
class CMdsSchema;
class CMdSNotifier;
class CMdSServerSession;
class CMdSObjectLockList;
class CMdCSerializationBuffer;
class CMdSSqlObjectManipulate;
const TInt KGarbageCollectionDelay = 60; // test 1 minute
* CMdSManipulationEngine.
* Class for manipulating metadata database entries.
class CMdSManipulationEngine : public CBase, public MMdSGarbageCollectorObserver
public: // Constructors and destructors
* NewL.
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aObjectManipulate pointer to object manipulator
* @return Pointer to created CMdSManipulationEngine object.
static CMdSManipulationEngine* NewL( CMdsSchema& aSchema,
CMdSNotifier& aNotifier, CMdSObjectLockList& aLockList );
* NewLC.
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aObjectManipulate pointer to object manipulator
* @return Pointer to created CMdSManipulationEngine object.
static CMdSManipulationEngine* NewLC( CMdsSchema& aSchema,
CMdSNotifier& aNotifier, CMdSObjectLockList& aLockList );
* ~CMdSManipulationEngine.
* Destructor.
virtual ~CMdSManipulationEngine();
* Adds object to DB from serialized buffer and put a result item IDs
* to result buffer
void AddL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aResultBuffer,
const CMdSServerSession* aServerSession );
* Removes items from the database
* @param aBuffer serialized TMdCItemIds object
* @param aSuccessfulBuffer successfully removed objects
void RemoveL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aSuccessfulBuffer );
* Updates items to database
void UpdateL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aResultBuffer );
* Gets object id, object def and flags in serialization buffer.
* @param aResultBufferSize size of result buffer
* @param aUri object URI
* @param aNamespaceDefId namespace id
* @return serialization buffer that contains object id, object def id and object flags
CMdCSerializationBuffer* CheckObjectL( TInt aResultBufferSize,
const TDesC& aUri, TDefId aNamespaceDefId );
* Gets object def and flags in serialization buffer.
* @param aResultBufferSize size of result buffer
* @param aId object id
* @param aNamespaceDefId namespace id
* @return serialization buffer that contains object def id and object flags
CMdCSerializationBuffer* CheckObjectL( TInt aResultBufferSize,
TItemId aId, TDefId aNamespaceDefId );
* Gets object def and flags in serialization buffer.
* @param aResultBufferSize size of result buffer
* @param aIds list of object ids in serialization buffer
* @param aNamespaceDefId namespace id
* @return serialization buffer that contains object id, object def id and object flags for
* all objects
CMdCSerializationBuffer* CheckObjectL( TInt aResultBufferSize,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aIds, TDefId aNamespaceDefId );
* Give a reference to the manipulator object
CMdSSqlObjectManipulate& Manipulate();
* Give a reference to the manipulator object
CMdSGarbageCollector& GarbageCollector();
* Add memory card media ID
* @param aMediaId Memory card's media ID
void AddMemoryCardL(TUint32 aMediaId);
* Get the lastest memory card's media ID
* @param aMediaId Returned the latest memory card's media ID
* @leave KErrNotFound Not memory cards exist at all
void GetMemoryCardL(TUint32& aMediaId);
* Checks if memory card's with given media ID exists
* @param aMediaId memory card's media ID
* @return memory card exists or not
TBool CheckMemoryCardL(TUint32 aMediaId);
* Set media's media ID, drive and present state to DB.
* @param aMediaId media ID
* @param aMediaId drive
* @param aMediaId present state
void SetMediaL(TUint32 aMediaId, TChar aDrive, TBool aPresentState);
* Check if the media's with given media ID exist in DB and return
* drive and present state.
* @param aMediaId given media ID
* @param aMediaId drive
* @param aMediaId present state
* @return does media exist
TBool GetMediaL(TUint32 aMediaId, TChar& aDrive, TBool& aPresentState);
* Get present medias' media IDs and drives.
* @param aMediaInfoBuffer buffer where media infos are written
* @return present media count
TInt32 GetPresentMediasL(TDes8& aMediaInfoBuffer);
* Sets files object to present state.
* @param aMediaId Memory card's media ID
* @param aFileCount File count
* @param aUris Files' URIs
* @param aFileInfos Files' file infos
* @param aResults TFilePresentStates results (casted to TUint8)
void SetFilesToPresentL(TUint32 aMediaId, TUint32 aFileCount,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aUris, CMdCSerializationBuffer& aFileInfos,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aResults);
* Sets all file objects which has given media ID to not present state.
* @param aMediaId Memory card's media ID
* @param aStartUp start up not present
void SetFilesToNotPresentL(TUint32 aMediaId, TBool aStartUp);
* Removes all file objects which has given media ID and are in not
* present.
* @param aMediaId Memory card's Media ID
* @param aStartUp start up not present
void RemoveFilesNotPresentL(TUint32 aMediaId, TBool aStartUp);
* Get schema version
void GetSchemaVersionL(TInt& aMajorVersion, TInt& aMinorVersion);
* Set object to "present" state bu GUID
* @leave KErrNotFound MdE can't find object in "not present" state
* with matching GUID
void SetObjectToPresentByGuidL(
const TInt64& aGuidHigh, const TInt64& aGuidLow );
* Change a path of a media object to another.
* @param aOldPath old path
* @param aNewPath new path
void ChangePathL(const TDesC& aOldPath, const TDesC& aNewPath);
* Updates C drive media id for all objects with the old media id.
void ChangeMediaIdL();
* Updates internal mass storage media id for all objects.
void CheckMassStorageMediaIdL( const TUint32 aMediaId );
* Adds new relation definition to the DB.
* @param aNamespaceId namespace id
* @param aRelationDefName name of the new relation def
void AddRelationDefL( TDefId aNamespaceId, const TDesC& aRelationDefName );
* Adds new event definition to the DB.
* @param aNamespaceId namespace id
* @param aEventDefName name of the new event def
void AddEventDefL( TDefId aNamespaceId, const TDesC& aEventDefName );
* Set the "pending" flag for objects. The pending flag means that composing to binary is
* pending for the object.
* @param aObjectIds list of object ids
void SetPendingL(const RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds);
* Resets the "pending" flag for objects.
* @param aObjectIds list of object ids.
void ResetPendingL(const RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds);
* Gets count of objects pending.
* @param aObjectDefId type of objects
* @return count of pending objects
TInt GetPendingCountL( TDefId aObjectDefId );
* Gets ids of pending objects of type defined with aObjectDefId.
* @param aObjectDefId objects definition id
* @param aBufferSize max count of object ids in aObjectIds
* @param aObjectIds on return contains ids of pending objects
* @return 1 if there were more pending objects than could be appended to the array,
* 0 otherwise
TInt GetPendingL( TDefId aObjectDefId, TInt aBufferSize,
RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds );
TBool StartGarbageCollectionL();
private: // Constructors and destructors
* CMdSManipulationEngine.
* C++ default constructor.
* @param .
CMdSManipulationEngine( CMdsSchema& aSchema, CMdSNotifier& aNotifier,
CMdSObjectLockList& aLockList );
* ConstructL.
* 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
private: // Methods for own use
private: // Data
* Object adding, removing and modification.
* Provides DB coding.
CMdSSqlObjectManipulate* iManipulate;
* Schema
CMdsSchema& iSchema;
* Notifier
CMdSNotifier& iNotifier;
CMdSGarbageCollector* iGarbageCollector;
CMdSObjectLockList& iLockList;