author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Mon, 18 Jan 2010 20:34:07 +0200
changeset 0 c53acadfccc6
child 2 b73a2e62868f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201001 Kit: 201003

* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  A class for recording and storing locations.


#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <Lbs.h>

#include "rlocationtrail.h"
#include "locationdatatype.h"
#include "cnetworkinfo.h"
#include "cpositioninfo.h"
#include "rlocationobjectmanipulator.h"

#include "mdccommon.h"
#include "mdesession.h"
#include "mdenamespacedef.h"
#include "mdeobjectdef.h"
#include "mdepropertydef.h"
#include "mderelation.h"
#include "mdequery.h"
#include "locationremappingao.h"

typedef RLocationTrail::TTrailState TLocTrailState;

class CTelephony;
class TPositionSatelliteInfo;

*  An observer interface, which is used for getting notification when the 
*  location trail's state changes.    
*  @since S60 3.1
class MLocationTrailObserver
     * This method is used to notify about location trail state changes.
    virtual void LocationTrailStateChange() = 0;
    virtual void CurrentLocation( const TPositionSatelliteInfo& aSatelliteInfo, 
    							  const CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1& aNetworkInfo,
                                  const TInt aError ) = 0;
    virtual void GPSSignalQualityChanged( const TPositionSatelliteInfo& aSatelliteInfo ) = 0;

* Location trail item class.
class TLocationTrailItem
    	TLocationData	iLocationData; // Location info & network info
        TTime           iTimeStamp;  // Time stamp.
        TLocTrailState  iTrailState; // Trail state for this item.
class MLocationAddObserver
	 * This method is used to notify about new locations added to location trail
	virtual void LocationAdded( const TLocationTrailItem& aTrailItem, 
								const TPositionSatelliteInfo& aSatellites ) = 0;

 *  Location trail collects location information periodically and stores them
 *  to an array. Stored locations may be searched by time stamp to get 
 *  a location, which corresponds to certain time.  
 *  @since S60 3.1
class CLocationRecord : public CBase,
                        public MNetworkInfoObserver,
                        public MPositionInfoObserver,
                        public MMdEQueryObserver
     * 2-phased constructor.
     * @since S60 3.1
    IMPORT_C static CLocationRecord* NewL();

     * C++ destructor.
     * @since S60 3.1
    IMPORT_C virtual ~CLocationRecord();

     * Returns the current state of the location trail.
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param aState, The current state is written to this variable.
     * @return None.
    IMPORT_C void LocationTrailState( TLocTrailState& aState );
     * Starts collecting locations from Location Acquisition API.
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param None.
     * @return None.
    IMPORT_C void StartL( RLocationTrail::TTrailCaptureSetting aCaptureSetting );
     * Stops collecting locations.
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param None.
     * @return None.
    IMPORT_C void Stop();    

     * Returns the location info, which is nearest to the given time.
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param aTime, A time stamp to get corresponding location.
     * @param aPosition, Location info is written to this param.
     * @param 
     * @return None.
    IMPORT_C void GetLocationByTimeL( const TTime aTime,
    								  TLocationData& aLocationData,
                                      /*TLocality& aPosition,
                                      CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1& aNetworkInfo,*/
                                      TLocTrailState& aState );

     * Request location info. The result is returned by calllback method.
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param None.
     * @return None.
    IMPORT_C void RequestLocationL();

     * Cancel request for location info. 
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param None.
     * @return None.
    IMPORT_C void CancelLocationRequest();
     * Get network cell id.
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param aCellId, Network cell is written into this param.
     * @return None.
    IMPORT_C void GetNetworkInfo( CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1& aNetworkInfo );
     * Set observer for notifying state changes.
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param aObserver, An interface to notify about state changes.
     * @return None.
    IMPORT_C void SetObserver( MLocationTrailObserver* aObserver );
     * Set observer (TrackLog) for notifying new locations in location trail
    IMPORT_C void SetAddObserver( MLocationAddObserver* aObserver );    
    static TInt UpdateNetworkInfo( TAny* aAny );
    IMPORT_C void CreateLocationObjectL( const TLocationData& aLocationData,
    		const TUint& aObjectId );
    IMPORT_C void LocationSnapshotL( const TUint& aObjectId );
    TItemId DoCreateLocationL( const TLocationData& aLocationData );
    TItemId CreateRelationL( const TUint& aObjectId, const TUint& aLocationId );
    IMPORT_C void SetMdeSession( CMdESession* aSession );
    IMPORT_C void SetStateToStopping();
    TTime GetMdeObjectTimeL( TItemId aObjectId );
    IMPORT_C TBool RemappingNeeded();

public: // from MNetworkInfoObserver.
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param 
     * @return 
    void NetworkInfo( const CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1 &aNetworkInfo, TInt aError );
public: // from MPositionInfoObserver    
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param 
     * @return  
    void Position( const TPositionInfo& aPositionInfo, const TInt aError );
public: // From MMdEQueryObserver

	void HandleQueryNewResults(CMdEQuery& aQuery, TInt aFirstNewItemIndex, 
			TInt aNewItemCount);
	void HandleQueryCompleted(CMdEQuery& aQuery, TInt aError);
     * Stores the location info into the array.
    void StoreLocation( /*const TPosition& aPosition, const TCourse& aCourse,*/ 
    		const TPositionSatelliteInfo& aSatelliteInfo );
     * Changes the current state. New state is published in P&S and
     * possible observer is notified.
    void SetCurrentState( TLocTrailState aState );
     * Returns the requested location via callback method, if the location
     * is valid. Otherwise new location value is requested until the value
     * is succesful, or the time out limit has been reached.
    void HandleLocationRequest( const TPositionSatelliteInfo& aSatelliteInfo /*TLocality& aPosition*/, 
                                const TInt aError );
     * C++ constructor.
     * 2nd phase constructor.
    void ConstructL();
     * Read interval value from Central repository
     * @param aKey, Key to item
     * @param aValue, Read value
    void ReadCenRepValueL(TInt aKey, TInt& aValue);
    TBool CheckGPSFix( const TPositionSatelliteInfo& aSatelliteInfo );
    void StartTimerL();

	 * A session to Metadata Engine for creating and manipulating location objects.
	CMdESession* iMdeSession;
     * An observer interface to notify about state changes.
     * Not own.
    MLocationTrailObserver* iObserver;
     * An observer interface to notify about new locations.
     * Not own.
    MLocationAddObserver* iAddObserver;    

     * An array to collect location values.
     * Own.
    RArray<TLocationTrailItem> iTrail;

     * P&S key property.
     * Own.
    RProperty iProperty;

     * Active class to get network information.
     * Own.
    CNetworkInfo* iNetworkInfo;
     * Active class to get position information.
     * Own.
    CPositionInfo* iPositionInfo;
	 * Class which handles database remapping operations
	CLocationRemappingAO* iRemapper;
    CActiveSchedulerWait   iWait;
     * Timer for capturing network info only
    CPeriodic*			   iNetworkInfoTimer;

    TLocTrailState         iState;    
    TLocationTrailItem     iNewItem;
    RLocationTrail::TTrailCaptureSetting   iTrailCaptureSetting;
    CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1		   iNetwork;

    TInt                   iMaxTrailSize;
    TInt                   iLocationCounter;
     * Interval value for location trail
    TInt iInterval;
     * Buffer size for tracklog
    TInt iBufferSize;
    TBool                  iRequestCurrentLoc;
    TBool                  iTrailStarted;
    TUint				   iLastNumberOfSatellitesUsed;
    TReal32				   iLastHDOP;
    TReal32				   iLastVDOP;
    TBool				   iLastGPSFixState;
    TInt                   iLocationDelta;
    TLocationData          iLastLocation;
    TItemId                iLastLocationId;
    TItemId iObjectId;               
    TLocationData iLocationData;
     * This query object is used to find existing locations
    CMdEObjectQuery* iLocationQuery;


// End of file.