* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Harvester plugin factory
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <apmrec.h>
#include <harvesterplugin.h>
#include <mdeobject.h>
#include <harvesterdata.h>
#include "harvestereventmanager.h"
#include "harvesterpluginfactory.h"
#include "harvesterplugininfo.h"
#include "mdsutils.h"
#include "harvesterlog.h"
// for CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL
#include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerpluginresolver.h>
const TInt KCacheItemCountForEventCaching = 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHarvesterPluginFactory::CHarvesterPluginFactory() :
iBlacklist( NULL ),
iHarvesting( EFalse ),
iHarvesterEventManager( NULL )
WRITELOG( "CHarvesterPluginFactory::CHarvesterPluginFactory()" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CHarvesterPluginFactory* CHarvesterPluginFactory::NewL()
WRITELOG( "CHarvesterPluginFactory::NewL()" );
CHarvesterPluginFactory* self = new (ELeave) CHarvesterPluginFactory();
CleanupStack::PushL ( self);
self->ConstructL ();
CleanupStack::Pop ( self);
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
WRITELOG( "CHarvesterPluginFactory::~CHarvesterPluginFactory()" );
delete iLastConfirmedContainerExt;
iLastConfirmedContainerExt = NULL;
delete iLastConfirmedSupportedExt;
iLastConfirmedSupportedExt = NULL;
if (iHarvesterEventManager)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHarvesterPluginFactory::ConstructL()
WRITELOG( "CHarvesterPluginFactory::ConstructL()" );
iHarvesterEventManager = CHarvesterEventManager::GetInstanceL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetObjectDef
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHarvesterPluginFactory::GetObjectDefL( CHarvesterData& /*aHD*/, TDes& aObjectDef )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetMimeType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHarvesterPluginFactory::GetMimeType(const TDesC& aUri, TDes& aMimeType)
TPtrC extPtr;
if( MdsUtils::GetExt( aUri, extPtr ) )
RPointerArray<CHarvesterPluginInfo> supportedPlugins;
TRAP_IGNORE( GetSupportedPluginsL( supportedPlugins, extPtr ) );
for( TInt i = supportedPlugins.Count() - 1; i >=0; i-- )
CHarvesterPluginInfo* info = supportedPlugins[i];
if ( !(info->iPlugin) )
TRAPD( error, info->iPlugin = CHarvesterPlugin::NewL( info->iPluginUid ) );
if( error != KErrNone )
info->iPlugin->SetQueue( info->iQueue );
info->iPlugin->SetHarvesterPluginFactory( *this );
info->iPlugin->SetBlacklist( *iBlacklist );
info->iPlugin->GetMimeType( aUri, aMimeType );
if( aMimeType.Length() > 0 )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HarvestL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CHarvesterPluginFactory::HarvestL( CHarvesterData* aHD )
#ifdef _DEBUG
WRITELOG1("CHarvesterPluginFactory::HarvestL - aHD->Uri: %S", &aHD->Uri() );
CHarvesterPluginInfo* hpi = aHD->HarvesterPluginInfo();
if( !hpi )
SetPluginInfo( aHD );
hpi = aHD->HarvesterPluginInfo();
if ( hpi )
if ( ! hpi->iPlugin )
hpi->iPlugin = CHarvesterPlugin::NewL( hpi->iPluginUid );
hpi->iPlugin->SetQueue( hpi->iQueue );
hpi->iPlugin->SetHarvesterPluginFactory( *this );
hpi->iPlugin->SetBlacklist( *iBlacklist );
if( aHD->ObjectType() == EFastHarvest || aHD->Origin() == MdeConstants::Object::ECamera )
hpi->iQueue.InsertL( aHD, 0 );
if( !hpi->iPlugin->IsActive() )
hpi->iPlugin->SetPriority( KHarvesterPriorityHarvestingPlugin + 1 );
hpi->iQueue.AppendL( aHD );
return KErrNone;
return KErrNotFound;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetPluginInfos
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C RPointerArray<CHarvesterPluginInfo>& CHarvesterPluginFactory::GetPluginInfos()
return iHarvesterPluginInfoArray;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetBlacklist
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHarvesterPluginFactory::SetBlacklist( CHarvesterBlacklist& aBlacklist )
WRITELOG( "CHarvesterPluginFactory::SetBlacklist()" );
iBlacklist = &aBlacklist;
const TInt count = iHarvesterPluginInfoArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = count; --i >= 0; )
if( iHarvesterPluginInfoArray[i]->iPlugin )
iHarvesterPluginInfoArray[i]->iPlugin->SetBlacklist( *iBlacklist );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetupHarvesterPluginInfoL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHarvesterPluginFactory::SetupHarvesterPluginInfoL()
WRITELOG( "CHarvesterPluginFactory::SetupHarvesterPluginInfo()" );
RImplInfoPtrArray infoArray;
TCleanupItem cleanupItem( MdsUtils::CleanupEComArray, &infoArray );
CleanupStack::PushL( cleanupItem );
CHarvesterPlugin::ListImplementationsL( infoArray );
for ( TInt i = infoArray.Count(); --i >= 0; )
// Parse the MIME types and resolve plug-in's uids from infoArray to iDataTypeArray
CImplementationInformation* info = infoArray[i];
const TBufC8<KMaxFileName>& type = info->DataType();
const TBufC8<KMaxFileName>& opaque = info->OpaqueData();
TUid implUID = info->ImplementationUid();
AddNewPluginL( type, opaque, implUID );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &infoArray );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AddNewPluginL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHarvesterPluginFactory::AddNewPluginL( const TDesC8& aType,
const TDesC8& aOpaque, TUid aPluginUid )
WRITELOG( "CHarvesterPluginFactory::AddNewPluginL" );
CHarvesterPluginInfo* pluginInfo = new (ELeave) CHarvesterPluginInfo;
CleanupStack::PushL( pluginInfo );
// get file extensions
TLex8 lex( aOpaque );
while ( !lex.Eos() )
/* Tokenizing file extensions using TLex8 */
TPtrC8 extToken = lex.NextToken();
HBufC* str = HBufC::NewLC( extToken.Length() );
str->Des().Copy( extToken );
pluginInfo->iExtensions.AppendL( str );
CleanupStack::Pop( str );
// get object types
TLex8 lexObjectTypes( aType );
while ( !lexObjectTypes.Eos() )
/* Tokenizing object types using TLex8 */
TPtrC8 objectTypeToken = lexObjectTypes.NextToken();
HBufC* str = HBufC::NewLC( objectTypeToken.Length() );
str->Des().Copy( objectTypeToken );
pluginInfo->iObjectTypes.AppendL( str );
CleanupStack::Pop( str );
pluginInfo->iPluginUid = aPluginUid;
pluginInfo->iPlugin = CHarvesterPlugin::NewL( pluginInfo->iPluginUid );
pluginInfo->iPlugin->SetQueue( pluginInfo->iQueue );
pluginInfo->iPlugin->SetHarvesterPluginFactory( *this );
iHarvesterPluginInfoArray.AppendL( pluginInfo );
CleanupStack::Pop( pluginInfo );
void CHarvesterPluginFactory::GetSupportedPluginsL(
RPointerArray<CHarvesterPluginInfo>& aSupportedPlugins, const TDesC& aExt )
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( aSupportedPlugins );
const TInt pluginInfoCount = iHarvesterPluginInfoArray.Count();
TInt extCount = 0;
for ( TInt i = pluginInfoCount; --i >= 0; )
CHarvesterPluginInfo* info = iHarvesterPluginInfoArray[i];
extCount = info->iExtensions.Count();
for ( TInt k = extCount; --k >= 0; )
TDesC* ext = info->iExtensions[k];
// checking against supported plugin file extensions
const TInt result = ext->CompareF( aExt );
if ( result == 0 )
aSupportedPlugins.AppendL( info );
CleanupStack::Pop( &aSupportedPlugins );
EXPORT_C TBool CHarvesterPluginFactory::IsSupportedFileExtension( const TDesC& aFileName )
TPtrC extPtr;
if( MdsUtils::GetExt( aFileName, extPtr ) )
if( iLastConfirmedSupportedExt &&
extPtr.CompareF( iLastConfirmedSupportedExt->Des() ) == 0 )
// Extension has previously been confirmed to be
// supported file extension, no need to ask from plugins
return ETrue;
TInt pluginInfoCount = iHarvesterPluginInfoArray.Count();
TInt extCount = 0;
for ( TInt i = pluginInfoCount; --i >= 0; )
CHarvesterPluginInfo* info = iHarvesterPluginInfoArray[i];
extCount = info->iExtensions.Count();
for ( TInt k = extCount; --k >= 0; )
TDesC* ext = info->iExtensions[k];
// checking against supported plugin file extensions
TInt result = MdsUtils::Compare( *ext, extPtr );
if ( result == 0 )
delete iLastConfirmedSupportedExt;
iLastConfirmedSupportedExt = NULL;
iLastConfirmedSupportedExt = extPtr.Alloc();
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
EXPORT_C TBool CHarvesterPluginFactory::IsContainerFileL( const TDesC& aURI )
TBool isContainerFile = EFalse;
TPtrC extPtr;
if( MdsUtils::GetExt( aURI, extPtr ) )
if( iLastConfirmedContainerExt &&
extPtr.CompareF( iLastConfirmedContainerExt->Des() ) == 0 )
// Extension has previously been confirmed to be
// container file extension, no need to ask from plugins
return ETrue;
RPointerArray<CHarvesterPluginInfo> supportedPlugins;
CleanupClosePushL( supportedPlugins );
GetSupportedPluginsL( supportedPlugins, extPtr );
for( TInt i = supportedPlugins.Count() - 1; i >=0; i-- )
CHarvesterPluginInfo* info = supportedPlugins[i];
if( info->iObjectTypes.Count() > 1 )
isContainerFile = ETrue;
delete iLastConfirmedContainerExt;
iLastConfirmedContainerExt = NULL;
iLastConfirmedContainerExt = extPtr.Alloc();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &supportedPlugins );
return isContainerFile;
void CHarvesterPluginFactory::SetPluginInfo( CHarvesterData* aHD )
TPtrC extPtr;
if( MdsUtils::GetExt( aHD->Uri(), extPtr ) )
RPointerArray<CHarvesterPluginInfo> supportedPlugins;
TRAP_IGNORE( GetSupportedPluginsL( supportedPlugins, extPtr ) );
if( supportedPlugins.Count() > 0 )
CHarvesterPluginInfo* info = supportedPlugins[0];
aHD->SetHarvesterPluginInfo( info );
EXPORT_C void CHarvesterPluginFactory::SendHarvestingStatusEventL( TBool aStarted )
WRITELOG( "CHarvesterPluginFactory::SendHarvestingStatusEventL" );
const TInt pluginInfoCount = iHarvesterPluginInfoArray.Count();
TBool itemsLeft( EFalse );
TBool allPluginsOnIdle( ETrue );
for ( TInt i = pluginInfoCount; --i >= 0; )
CHarvesterPluginInfo* info = iHarvesterPluginInfoArray[i];
if( info && info->iQueue.Count() )
itemsLeft = ETrue;
if( aStarted )
// Idle state is only checked if finished event is sent
if( info && info->iPlugin && !(info->iPlugin->PluginInIdleState()) )
allPluginsOnIdle = EFalse;
if( !iHarvesting && itemsLeft && aStarted )
WRITELOG( "CHarvesterPluginFactory::SendHarvestingStatusEventL - overall started" );
iHarvesting = ETrue;
iHarvesterEventManager->SendEventL( EHEObserverTypeOverall, EHEStateStarted );
// This next line is for caching the harvester started event for observers registering
// after harvesting has already started
iHarvesterEventManager->IncreaseItemCount( EHEObserverTypeOverall, KCacheItemCountForEventCaching );
else if( iHarvesting && (!itemsLeft || allPluginsOnIdle) && !aStarted )
WRITELOG( "CHarvesterPluginFactory::SendHarvestingStatusEventL - overall finished" );
iHarvesting = EFalse;
iHarvesterEventManager->SendEventL( EHEObserverTypeOverall, EHEStateFinished );
iHarvesterEventManager->DecreaseItemCountL( EHEObserverTypeOverall, KCacheItemCountForEventCaching );
EXPORT_C void CHarvesterPluginFactory::PauseHarvester( TBool aPaused )
const TInt count = iHarvesterPluginInfoArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = count; --i >= 0; )
if( iHarvesterPluginInfoArray[i]->iPlugin && aPaused )
else if( iHarvesterPluginInfoArray[i]->iPlugin )
EXPORT_C void CHarvesterPluginFactory::GetObjectDefL( CHarvesterData* aHD, TDes& aObjectDef )
TPtrC extPtr;
if( MdsUtils::GetExt( aHD->Uri(), extPtr ) )
RPointerArray<CHarvesterPluginInfo> supportedPlugins;
CleanupClosePushL( supportedPlugins );
GetSupportedPluginsL( supportedPlugins, extPtr );
const TInt sCount = supportedPlugins.Count();
if( sCount == 1 )
CHarvesterPluginInfo* info = supportedPlugins[0];
if( info->iObjectTypes.Count() == 1 )
aObjectDef.Copy( *(info->iObjectTypes[0]) );
aHD->SetHarvesterPluginInfo( info );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &supportedPlugins );
for( TInt i = sCount - 1; i >=0; i-- )
CHarvesterPluginInfo* info = supportedPlugins[i];
if ( !(info->iPlugin) )
info->iPlugin = CHarvesterPlugin::NewL( info->iPluginUid );
info->iPlugin->SetQueue( info->iQueue );
info->iPlugin->SetHarvesterPluginFactory( *this );
info->iPlugin->SetBlacklist( *iBlacklist );
info->iPlugin->GetObjectType( aHD->Uri(), aObjectDef );
// It is possible for unmount to occure while we are waiting
// for GetObjectType to return, thus check aHD for validity
if( aHD && aObjectDef.Length() > 0 )
aHD->SetHarvesterPluginInfo( info );
else if( !aHD )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &supportedPlugins );