* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class constructs SQL search clauses for MdS.*
#include <mdequery.h>
#include "mdsfindsqlclause.h"
#include "mdsfindsqlclausedef.h"
#include "mdsclausebuffer.h"
#include "mdcserializationbuffer.h"
#include "mdsquerycriteriadeserialization.h"
#include "mdsobjectdef.h"
#include "mderange.h"
#include "mdsschema.h"
#include "mdsnamespacedef.h"
#include "mdspropertydef.h"
#include "mdcquery.h"
#include "mdeinternalerror.h"
const TInt KQueryBufInitialSize = 512;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMdSFindSqlClause* CMdSFindSqlClause::NewL(CMdsSchema& aSchema)
CMdSFindSqlClause* self = NewLC(aSchema);
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMdSFindSqlClause* CMdSFindSqlClause::NewLC(CMdsSchema& aSchema)
CMdSFindSqlClause* self = new ( ELeave ) CMdSFindSqlClause(aSchema);
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ~CMdSSqlClause
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iQueryBuf;
iQueryBuf = NULL;
// doesn't own property definitions
if( iSourceObjectDefs )
delete iSourceObjectDefs;
iSourceObjectDefs = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMdSSqlClause
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMdSFindSqlClause::CMdSFindSqlClause(CMdsSchema& aSchema) :
iVariables(), iQueryBuf( NULL ), iSchema( aSchema ),
iSearchCriteria( NULL ), iSerializedBuffer( NULL ),
iUserLevel( EUserLevelNone ), iNamespaceDef( NULL ), iObjectDef( NULL ),
iSourceObjectDef ( NULL ), iSourceObjectDefs( NULL ),
iAppendToResultRow( ETrue ), iIncludeFreetexts( ETrue ),
iIncludeNotPresent( EFalse ), iNoObjectLocking( ETrue ), iPlaceholdersOnly( EFalse )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::ConstructL()
// Construct empty buffer for sql query
iQueryBuf = CMdsClauseBuffer::NewL( KQueryBufInitialSize );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEmpty );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AsText Returns sql clause
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC& CMdSFindSqlClause::AsTextL() const
return iQueryBuf->ConstBufferL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variables Query variables
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
RRowData& CMdSFindSqlClause::Variables()
return iVariables;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variables Query result row
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
RRowData& CMdSFindSqlClause::ResultRow()
return iResultRow;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Limit Query row limit
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMdSFindSqlClause::Limit()
return iSearchCriteria->iLimit;
TBool CMdSFindSqlClause::IncludesFreetexts()
return iIncludeFreetexts;
TQueryType CMdSFindSqlClause::QueryType()
return (TQueryType)iSearchCriteria->iQueryType;
TQueryResultMode CMdSFindSqlClause::ResultMode()
return (TQueryResultMode)iSearchCriteria->iQueryResultType;
RPointerArray<HBufC>& CMdSFindSqlClause::QueryFreeText()
return iFreeText;
TBool CMdSFindSqlClause::NoObjectLocking()
return iNoObjectLocking;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ObjectDef Query object definition
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMdsObjectDef* CMdSFindSqlClause::ObjectDef()
return iObjectDef;
RPointerArray<CMdsPropertyDef>& CMdSFindSqlClause::PropertyFilters()
return iPropertyFilters;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NamespaceDef Query namespace definition
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMdsNamespaceDef* CMdSFindSqlClause::NamespaceDef()
return iNamespaceDef;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateL Creates whole sql clause
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::CreateL(
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aSerializedCriteria,
TUserLevel aUserLevel )
iUserLevel = aUserLevel;
iSerializedBuffer = &aSerializedCriteria;
iSearchCriteria = CONST_CAST( TMdCSearchCriteria*,
&TMdCSearchCriteria::GetFromBufferL( aSerializedCriteria ) );
// can freetexts drop from results
if( ( iSearchCriteria->iOptimizationFlags & EContainsFreetextCondition ) == 0 )
iIncludeFreetexts = EFalse;
if( iSearchCriteria->iOptimizationFlags & EContainsNotPresentCondition )
iIncludeNotPresent = ETrue;
if( iSearchCriteria->iOptimizationFlags & EContainsObjectLocking )
iNoObjectLocking = EFalse;
if( iSearchCriteria->iOptimizationFlags & EContainsPlaceholdersOnly )
iPlaceholdersOnly = ETrue;
// get namespace def from new schema definition
iNamespaceDef = const_cast<CMdsNamespaceDef*>(iSchema.GetNamespaceByIdL(
iSearchCriteria->iNamespaceDefId ));
if ( iNamespaceDef )
iNamespaceIdDes.Num( iNamespaceDef->GetId() );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownNamespaceDef );
iObjectDef = NULL;
if( iSearchCriteria->iObjectDefId != KNoDefId )
// get object def from new schema definition
iObjectDef = CONST_CAST( CMdsObjectDef*,
iNamespaceDef->GetObjectByIdL( iSearchCriteria->iObjectDefId ) );
if ( !iObjectDef )
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownObjectDef );
iSourceObjectDef = NULL;
iSourceObjectDefs = NULL;
if ( iSearchCriteria->iObjectDefIds.iPtr.iCount > 0 )
iSourceObjectDefs = new (ELeave) RArray<TDefId>(
iSearchCriteria->iObjectDefIds.iPtr.iCount );
iSourceObjectDefs->ReserveL( iSearchCriteria->iObjectDefIds.iPtr.iCount );
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( iSearchCriteria->iObjectDefIds.iPtr.iOffset );
for( TUint32 i = 0; i < iSearchCriteria->iObjectDefIds.iPtr.iCount; i++ )
TDefId objectDefId;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( objectDefId );
iSourceObjectDefs->AppendL( objectDefId );
iSourceObjectDef = iObjectDef;
if( !iSourceObjectDefs )
// Construct beginning of the select clause
// Format: SELECT [column list/count(*)] FROM table name
// if query type is object query and freetext are included
// "GROUP BY BO.ObjectId"
if( iIncludeFreetexts )
const TInt sourceObjectDefsCount = iSourceObjectDefs->Count();
for( TInt i = 0; i < sourceObjectDefsCount; i++ )
const TDefId sourceObjectDefId = (*iSourceObjectDefs)[i];
iSourceObjectDef = CONST_CAST( CMdsObjectDef*,
iNamespaceDef->GetObjectByIdL( sourceObjectDefId ) );
if( i > 0 )
iAppendToResultRow = EFalse;
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KUnionAll );
// Construct beginning of the select clause
// Format: SELECT [column list/count(*)] FROM table name
// if query type is object query and freetext are included
// "GROUP BY BO.ObjectId"
if( iIncludeFreetexts )
// ORDER BY clause (if such exists)
// LIMIT and OFFSET clauses (if such exists)
// SQL clause must end to semicolon
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSemicolon );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendPropertyFiltersL Appends the property filters
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendPropertyFiltersL( TBool aDistinct )
if( iSearchCriteria->iPropertyFilters.iPtr.iCount > 0 )
iSearchCriteria->iPropertyFilters.iPtr.iOffset );
for ( TUint32 i = 0; i < iSearchCriteria->iPropertyFilters.iPtr.iCount; ++i )
TDefId id;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( id );
if ( !aDistinct )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KComma );
AppendColumnByPropertyDefIdL( id, KNoDefId, ETrue );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectStatementL Appends the SELECT statements
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectStatementL()
switch( iSearchCriteria->iQueryType )
case EQueryTypeObject:
case EQueryTypeRelation:
case EQueryTypeEvent:
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCASS") , KErrMdEUnknownQueryType );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownQueryType );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectCountStatementL SELECT statements for count query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectCountStatementL()
// if result rows needs to be grouped return just "1"
if( iIncludeFreetexts )
// "SELECT 1 "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelect1 );
// "SELECT count(*) "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectCount );
// expected result count
if( iAppendToResultRow )
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnUint32 ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectDistinctStatementL SELECT statements for distinct value query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectDistinctStatementL()
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectDistinct );
const TUint32 position = iSerializedBuffer->Position();
// "column name" (from property filter)
AppendPropertyFiltersL( ETrue );
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( position );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectObjectIdStatementL SELECT statements for object id query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectObjectIdStatementL()
// "SELECT BO.ObjectId "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectObjectIds );
// expected result object ID
if( iAppendToResultRow )
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTItemId ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectEventAllStatementL SELECT statements for event query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectAllFromEventStatementL()
// "SELECT * "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectAllFrom );
if( iAppendToResultRow )
// expected result Events
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTItemId ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTItemId ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTDefId ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTime ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnDes16 ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnDes16 ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectRelationAllStatementL SELECT statements for Relaltion query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectAllFromRelationStatementL()
// "SELECT * "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectAllFrom );
if( iAppendToResultRow )
// expected result Relation
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTItemId ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnUint32 ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTDefId ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTItemId ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTItemId ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnInt32 ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnInt64 ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnInt64 ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTime ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectEventItemStatementL SELECT statements for event id query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectEventItemStatementL()
// "SELECT Event + NamespaceId.EventId "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectEventIds );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KDotEventId );
if( iAppendToResultRow )
// expected result event
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTItemId ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectRealtionItemStatementL SELECT statements for Realtion id query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectRealtionItemStatementL()
//"SELECT Relation.EventId "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectRelationIds );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KDotRelationId );
if( iAppendToResultRow )
//expected result relation
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTItemId ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectObjectItemStatementL SELECT statements for object item query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectObjectItemStatementL()
if( iAppendToResultRow )
// add expected fixed "base" object's columns
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTItemId ) ); // object ID
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTDefId ) ); // object definition ID
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnUint32 ) ); // flags
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnUint32 ) ); // media ID
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnUint32 ) ); // UsageCount
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnInt64 ) ); // GUID high
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnInt64 ) ); // GUID low
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnDes16 ) ); // URI
if( iSearchCriteria->iPropertyFilters.iPtr.iCount > 0 )
// "SELECT BO...."
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectPropertyFilterBegin );
const TUint32 position = iSerializedBuffer->Position();
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( position );
// No property filters so get all properties
if( !iObjectDef )
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownObjectDef );
// "SELECT BO.* "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectAllFromBaseObject );
const TInt propCount = iObjectDef->GetAllPropertiesCount();
TBool addBaseObjectId = EFalse;
if( KBaseObjectDefId != iObjectDef->GetId() )
if( !iSourceObjectDefs )
// ",O.* "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAllFromObject );
// ",O.ObjectId"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KComma );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectObjectId );
// no filters, so add all property names
const TInt lookupObjectPropertyCount =
for( TInt i = 0; i < lookupObjectPropertyCount; i++)
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KComma );
const CMdsPropertyDef* propDef = iObjectDef->GetProperty( i );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( propDef->GetName() );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
addBaseObjectId = ETrue;
if (propCount > 0)
// add base object properties, object ID and the rest properties
for( TUint32 i = 0; i < propCount; i++ )
const CMdsPropertyDef& propDef = iObjectDef->GetPropertyColumnL( i ).iPropertyDef;
// add column for object ID when object definition is not "base" object
if( addBaseObjectId && KBaseObjectBasicValueColumnOffset < propDef.GetId() )
if( iAppendToResultRow )
// add expected column for object ID
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTItemId ) ); // object ID
addBaseObjectId = EFalse;
if( iAppendToResultRow )
// add expected columns from object
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( propDef.GetSqlType() ) );
if( addBaseObjectId )
if( iAppendToResultRow )
// add expected column for object ID
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnTItemId ) ); // object ID
if( iIncludeFreetexts )
// ",count(D.Word),sum(length(D.Word)) "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectFreeTextCountAndTotalLength );
if( iAppendToResultRow )
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnUint32 ) );
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnUint32 ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendFromForObjectL FROM statements for object query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendFromForObjectL()
// "FROM BaseObject" + namespace def id + " AS BO "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KFromBaseObject );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAsBaseObject );
// if object definitions is BaseObject
if( iSourceObjectDef && KBaseObjectDefId != iSourceObjectDef->GetId() )
// "," + object def's table + namespace def id + " AS O ON BO.ObjectId=O.ObjectId "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KComma );
AppendTableByObjectDefIdL( iSourceObjectDef->GetId() );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAsObjectOnEqual );
if( iIncludeFreetexts )
// Append free text join
// "LEFT JOIN TextSearchDictionary" + namespace def id + "
// AS D ON D.WordId IN(SELECT WordId FROM TextSearch" +
// namespace def id + " WHERE BO.ObjectId=ObjectId) "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KFreeTextLeftJoinBegin );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KFreeTextLeftJoinMiddle );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KFreeTextLeftJoinEnd );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendFromForObjectL FROM statements for Event query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendFromForEventL()
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KFromEvent );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendFromForRelationL FROM statements for Relation query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendFromForRelationL()
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KFromRealtions );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendWhereStatementL WHERE statements for query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendWhereStatementL()
// move position to begin of the root condition
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( iSearchCriteria->iRootCondition );
const TMdCLogicCondition& condition = TMdCLogicCondition::GetFromBufferL(
*iSerializedBuffer );
if( EConditionTypeLogic == condition.iConditionType )
// if root condition's child count is more than zero add where statement
if( condition.iChildConditions.iPtr.iCount > 0 )
// "WHERE("root condition")"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhere );
if( EQueryTypeObject == iSearchCriteria->iQueryType )
// remove "deleted" objects from result
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagRemoved ) );
if( EUserLevelDeviceAccess != iUserLevel )
if( iIncludeNotPresent )
// If client application doesn't have device capability limit to
// only non-confidential (confidential flag is not set)
// "(NOT Flags&?)AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagConfidential ) );
// If client application doesn't have device capability limit to
// only non-confidential (confidential flag is not set)
// and not present objects
// "(NOT Flags&?)AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagConfidential | EMdEObjectFlagNotPresent ) );
if( !iIncludeNotPresent )
// Drop not present objects
// "(NOT Flags&?)AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagNotPresent ) );
if ( EQueryTypeRelation == iSearchCriteria->iQueryType )
// add "(NOT Flags&?)AND " with not present flag
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdERelationFlagNotPresent ) );
// add "(NOT Flags&?)AND " with deleted flag
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdERelationFlagDeleted ) );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
// move position to begin of the root condition
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( iSearchCriteria->iRootCondition );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
else if( EQueryTypeObject == iSearchCriteria->iQueryType )
// remove "deleted" objects from result
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhereNotFlag );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagRemoved ) );
if( EUserLevelDeviceAccess != iUserLevel )
if( iIncludeNotPresent )
// If client application doesn't have device capability limit to
// only non-confidential (confidential flag is not set)
// "WHERE(NOT Flags&?)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlag );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagConfidential ) );
// If client application doesn't have device capability limit to
// only non-confidential (confidential flag is not set)
// and not present objects
// "WHERE(NOT Flags&?)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlag );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagConfidential | EMdEObjectFlagNotPresent ) );
if( !iIncludeNotPresent )
// Drop not present objects
// "WHERE(NOT Flags&?)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlag );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagNotPresent ) );
else if ( EQueryTypeRelation == iSearchCriteria->iQueryType )
// add "WHERE(NOT Flags&?)" with not present flag
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhereNotFlag );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdERelationFlagNotPresent ) );
// add "AND (NOT Flags&?)" with deleted flag
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlag );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdERelationFlagDeleted ) );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownConditionType );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectForObjectGroupL SELECT statements for object query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectForObjectL()
switch( iSearchCriteria->iQueryResultType )
case EQueryResultModeCount:
// Format: SELECT count(*) FROM
case EQueryResultModeDistinctValues:
// Format: SELECT "wanted property's column" FROM
case EQueryResultModeItem:
case EQueryResultModeId:
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCSeO") , KErrMdEUnknownQueryResultMode );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownQueryResultMode );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectForRelationGroupL SELECT statements for relation query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectForRelationL()
switch( iSearchCriteria->iQueryResultType )
case EQueryResultModeCount:
// Format: SELECT count(*) FROM
case EQueryResultModeItem:
// Format: SELECT * FROM // SELECT * FROM Relation
case EQueryResultModeId:
// SELECT Relation.RelationId FROM // SELECT
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCSeR") , KErrMdEUnknownQueryResultMode );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownQueryResultMode );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendSelectForEventL() SELECT statements for event query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendSelectForEventL()
switch( iSearchCriteria->iQueryResultType )
case EQueryResultModeCount:
// Format: SELECT count(*) FROM
case EQueryResultModeItem:
// Format: SELECT * FROM // SELECT * FROM Event
case EQueryResultModeId:
// SELECT EventDef.EventId FROM // SELECT EventDef.EventDefId FROM Event
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCSeE") , KErrMdEUnknownQueryResultMode );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownQueryResultMode );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConditionStatementL Recursive parsing of condition statements
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::ConditionStatementL(TBool aNegated, TAppendIn aAppendIdIn)
const TMdCCondition& condition = TMdCCondition::GetFromBufferL( *iSerializedBuffer );
TBool negated = condition.iNegated;
if( aNegated )
negated = !negated;
const TConditionType conditionType = (TConditionType)condition.iConditionType;
if( aAppendIdIn != EAppendInFalse )
if ( EConditionTypeLogic != conditionType )
if ( aAppendIdIn == EAppendInTrue )
else if (aAppendIdIn == EAppendInRelationLeft)
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationLeftObjectIdIn );
else if (aAppendIdIn == EAppendInRelationRight)
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationRightObjectIdIn );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCCo1") , KErrCorrupt );
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
// Add recursive child criteria surrounded by "("child")".
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
switch( conditionType )
case EConditionTypeLogic:
AppendLogicConditionL( negated, aAppendIdIn );
case EConditionTypeObject:
AppendObjectConditionL( negated );
case EConditionTypeProperty:
AppendPropertyConditionL( negated );
case EConditionTypePropertyIntRange:
case EConditionTypePropertyInt64Range:
case EConditionTypePropertyUintRange:
case EConditionTypePropertyRealRange:
case EConditionTypePropertyTimeRange:
AppendPropertyRangeConditionL( negated );
case EConditionTypePropertyText:
AppendPropertyTextConditionL( negated );
case EConditionTypePropertyBool:
AppendPropertyBoolConditionL( negated );
case EConditionTypeRelation:
AppendRelationConditionL( negated );
case EConditionTypeEvent:
AppendEventConditionL( negated );
default: // Unknown condition type
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCCo2") , KErrMdEUnknownConditionType );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownConditionType );
if( aAppendIdIn )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendObjectId Help method for appending object ID clause.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendObjectIdL()
if( KBaseObjectDefId == iObjectDef->GetId() )
// "BO.ObjectId"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KBaseObjectObjectId );
// "O.ObjectId"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectObjectId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendIdIn Help method for appending object,
// event or relation ID IN clause.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendIdInL()
switch( iSearchCriteria->iQueryType )
case EQueryTypeObject:
// "BO.ObjectId" or "O.ObjectId"
case EQueryTypeRelation:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationId );
case EQueryTypeEvent:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEventId );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCAII") , KErrMdEUnknownQueryType );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownQueryType );
// " IN"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KIn );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendLogicConditionL Help method for appending logic condition.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendLogicConditionL(TBool aNegated, TAppendIn aAppendIdIn)
const TMdCLogicCondition& condition = TMdCLogicCondition::GetFromBufferL(
*iSerializedBuffer );
// Add recursive all children.
for( TUint32 i = 0; i < condition.iChildConditions.iPtr.iCount; i++)
// get offset and move position to begin of child condition
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( condition.iChildConditions.iPtr.iOffset +
CMdCSerializationBuffer::KRequiredSizeForTUint32 * i );
TUint32 childOffset;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( childOffset );
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( childOffset );
// If not first add operator
if( i > 0 )
switch( condition.iOperator )
case ELogicConditionOperatorAnd:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
case ELogicConditionOperatorOr:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KOr );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCALC") , KErrMdEUnknownConditionCompareMethod );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownConditionCompareMethod );
ConditionStatementL( aNegated, aAppendIdIn );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendObjectConditionL Help method for appending object condition.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendObjectConditionL(TBool aNegated)
const TMdCObjectCondition& condition = TMdCObjectCondition::GetFromBufferL(
*iSerializedBuffer );
// "SELECT ObjectId FROM BaseObject"namespace def ID" WHERE(...)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectObjectIdFromBaseObject );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhere );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
// remove "deleted" objects from result
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagRemoved ) );
if( iPlaceholdersOnly )
// Drop non-placeholder objects
// "(Flags&?)AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagPlaceholder ) );
if( EUserLevelDeviceAccess == iUserLevel )
switch( condition.iConfidentialityLevel )
// Only non-confidential (confidential flag is not set)
// "(NOT Flags&?)AND "
case EObjectConditionLevelNormal:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagConfidential ) );
// Only confidential (confidential flag is set)
// "(Flags&?)AND "
case EObjectConditionLevelConfidential:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagConfidential ) );
case EObjectConditionLevelIgnoreConfidentiality:
// no implementation needed
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCAO1") , KErrMdEUnknownConfidentialityLevel );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownConfidentialityLevel );
// If client application doesn't have device capability limit to
// only non-confidential (confidential flag is not set)
// "(NOT Flags&?)AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagConfidential ) );
if( ( condition.iFlags & EMdEObjectFlagNotPresent ) == EFalse )
// Not present flag is not set
// "NOT(Flags&?)AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagNotPresent ) );
if( ( condition.iFlags & EMdEObjectFlagPlaceholder ) )
// Placeholder flag is not set
// "NOT(Flags&?)AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGetNotFlagAnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( EMdEObjectFlagPlaceholder ) );
if( aNegated )
// "NOT "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNotWithSpace );
// move position to begin of compare condition
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( condition.iCondition );
switch( condition.iCompareMethod )
case EObjectConditionCompareNone:
case EObjectConditionCompareId:
TItemId objectId;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( objectId );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectIdEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( objectId ) );
case EObjectConditionCompareIds:
TInt32 objectIdCount;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( objectIdCount );
if( objectIdCount == 1 )
TItemId objectId;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( objectId );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectIdEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( objectId ) );
else if( objectIdCount > 1 )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectIdIn );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
TItemId objectId;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( objectId );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KVariable );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( objectId ) );
for( TInt32 i = 1; i < objectIdCount; i++ )
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( objectId );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KCommaVariable );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( objectId ) );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
case EObjectConditionCompareGuid:
TInt64 guidHigh;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( guidHigh );
TInt64 guidLow;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( guidLow );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectGuidEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( guidHigh ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( guidLow ) );
case EObjectConditionCompareObjectDef:
TDefId objectDefId;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( objectDefId );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectDefIdEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( objectDefId ) );
case EObjectConditionCompareUsageCount:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectUsageCount );
AppendRangeL( EUint32RangeValue );
case EObjectConditionCompareUri:
TPtrC16 uriPtr = iSerializedBuffer->ReceivePtr16L();
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectUriEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( uriPtr ) );
case EObjectConditionCompareUriBeginsWith:
TPtrC16 uriPtr = iSerializedBuffer->ReceivePtr16L();
HBufC16* pattern = HBufC16::NewLC( uriPtr.Length() + 1 ); // prepare for uri%
TPtr16 modPattern = pattern->Des();
// add wildcard after URI "uri%"
modPattern.Append( uriPtr );
modPattern.Append( KWildcard );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( pattern ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( pattern );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectUriBeginsWith );
case EObjectConditionCompareUriContains:
TPtrC16 uriPtr = iSerializedBuffer->ReceivePtr16L();
HBufC16* pattern = HBufC16::NewLC( uriPtr.Length() + 2 ); // prepare for %uri%
TPtr16 modPattern = pattern->Des();
// add wildcard before and after URI "%uri%"
modPattern.Append( KWildcard );
modPattern.Append( uriPtr );
modPattern.Append( KWildcard );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( pattern ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( pattern );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectUriBeginsWith );
case EObjectConditionCompareFreeText:
TPtrC16 freetextPtr = iSerializedBuffer->ReceivePtr16L();
HBufC* freetext = freetextPtr.AllocLC();
iFreeText.AppendL( freetext );
CleanupStack::Pop( freetext );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchStart );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchWhere );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchDictionaryWhere );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEqual );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchEnd );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( freetextPtr ) );
case EObjectConditionCompareFreeTextContains:
TPtrC16 freetextPtr = iSerializedBuffer->ReceivePtr16L();
HBufC* freetext = freetextPtr.AllocLC();
iFreeText.AppendL( freetext );
CleanupStack::Pop( freetext );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchStart );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchWhere );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchDictionaryWhere );
HBufC16* pattern = HBufC16::NewLC( freetextPtr.Length() + 2 ); // prepare for %freetext%
TPtr16 modPattern = pattern->Des();
// add wildcard before and after freetext "%freetext%"
modPattern.Append( KWildcard );
modPattern.Append( freetextPtr );
modPattern.Append( KWildcard );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( pattern ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( pattern );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLike );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchEnd );
case EObjectConditionCompareFreeTextBeginsWith:
TPtrC16 freetextPtr = iSerializedBuffer->ReceivePtr16L();
HBufC* freetext = freetextPtr.AllocLC();
iFreeText.AppendL( freetext );
CleanupStack::Pop( freetext );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchStart );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchWhere );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchDictionaryWhere );
HBufC16* pattern = HBufC16::NewLC( freetextPtr.Length() + 1 ); // prepare for freetext%
TPtr16 modPattern = pattern->Des();
// add wildcard after freetext "freetext%"
modPattern.Append( freetextPtr );
modPattern.Append( KWildcard );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( pattern ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( pattern );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLike );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchEnd );
case EObjectConditionCompareFreeTextEndsWith:
TPtrC16 freetextPtr = iSerializedBuffer->ReceivePtr16L();
HBufC* freetext = freetextPtr.AllocLC();
iFreeText.AppendL( freetext );
CleanupStack::Pop( freetext );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchStart );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchWhere );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchDictionaryWhere );
HBufC16* pattern = HBufC16::NewLC( freetextPtr.Length() + 1 ); // prepare for %freetext
TPtr16 modPattern = pattern->Des();
// add wildcard before freetext "%freetext"
modPattern.Append( KWildcard );
modPattern.Append( freetextPtr );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( pattern ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( pattern );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLike );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KObjectFreeTextSearchEnd );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCAO2") , KErrMdEUnknownConditionCompareMethod );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownConditionCompareMethod );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendRangeL Help method for appending range.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendRangeL(TRangeValueType aRangeValueType)
TInt32 rangeTypeValue;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( rangeTypeValue );
const TMdERangeType rangeType = (TMdERangeType)rangeTypeValue;
TMdCValueUnion minValue;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( minValue );
TMdCValueUnion maxValue;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( maxValue );
TInt64 minIntegerValue = KMaxTInt64;
TInt64 maxIntegerValue = 0;
switch( aRangeValueType )
case EInt32RangeValue:
minIntegerValue = maxValue.iInt32;
maxIntegerValue = maxValue.iInt32;
case EUint32RangeValue:
minIntegerValue = maxValue.iUint32;
maxIntegerValue = maxValue.iUint32;
case EInt64RangeValue:
minIntegerValue = maxValue.iInt64;
maxIntegerValue = maxValue.iInt64;
switch( rangeType )
case EMdERangeTypeAny:
case EMdERangeTypeEqual:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
case EMdERangeTypeNotEqual:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNotEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
case EMdERangeTypeLess:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLess );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxIntegerValue ) );
case EMdERangeTypeLessOrEqual:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLessOrEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxIntegerValue ) );
case EMdERangeTypeGreater:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGreater );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
case EMdERangeTypeGreaterOrEqual:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGreaterOrEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
case EMdERangeTypeBetween:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KBetween );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxIntegerValue ) );
case EMdERangeTypeNotBetween:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNotBetween );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxIntegerValue ) );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCARa") , KErrMdEUnknownRangeType );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownRangeType );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendPropertyConditionL Help method for appending property condition.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendPropertyConditionL(TBool aNegated)
const TMdCPropertyCondition& condition =
TMdCPropertyCondition::GetFromBufferL( *iSerializedBuffer );
// "SELECT ObjectId FROM "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectObjectIdFrom );
TDefId objectDefId = condition.iObjectDefId;
// get object def ID for source object def if
// condition is not from "Object" def and
// (not multi object query or (multi object query and WHERE to search from
// doesn't match with WHAT to search))
if( KBaseObjectDefId != objectDefId && ( !iSourceObjectDefs ||
( iSourceObjectDefs && iSourceObjectDef && iObjectDef != iSourceObjectDef ) ) )
objectDefId = iSourceObjectDef->GetId();
AppendTableByObjectDefIdL( objectDefId );
// "WHERE(...)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhere );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
AppendColumnByPropertyDefIdL( condition.iPropertyDefId );
if( aNegated )
// If negated search objects without specified property
// " ISNULL"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KIsNull );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNotNull );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ObjectDefForPropertyCondition Helper method for getting object
// definition for property condition.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TDefId CMdSFindSqlClause::ObjectDefForPropertyCondition(TDefId aObjectDefId)
// if object def is not base object def
if( iSourceObjectDef && KBaseObjectDefId != aObjectDefId )
const CMdsObjectDef* parent = iSourceObjectDef->GetParent();
// check if property's object def belongs to
// any of source object def's parents
while( parent )
// if property's object def belongs to
// any parent, use source object def's ID
if( aObjectDefId == parent->GetId() )
return iSourceObjectDef->GetId();
// get parent's parent
parent = parent->GetParent();
return aObjectDefId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendPropertyRangeConditionL Help method for appending property
// range condition.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendPropertyRangeConditionL(TBool aNegated)
const TMdCPropertyCondition& condition =
TMdCPropertyCondition::GetFromBufferL( *iSerializedBuffer );
// "SELECT ObjectId FROM "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectObjectIdFrom );
TDefId objectDefId = ObjectDefForPropertyCondition(
condition.iObjectDefId );
AppendTableByObjectDefIdL( objectDefId );
// "WHERE(...)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhere );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
if( aNegated )
// "NOT "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNotWithSpace );
AppendColumnByPropertyDefIdL( condition.iPropertyDefId, objectDefId );
// move position to begin of compare condition
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( condition.iCondition );
TInt32 rangeTypeValue;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( rangeTypeValue );
const TMdERangeType rangeType = (TMdERangeType)rangeTypeValue;
TMdCValueUnion minValue;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( minValue );
TMdCValueUnion maxValue;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( maxValue );
TBool integerValue = ETrue;
TInt64 minIntegerValue = 0;
TInt64 maxIntegerValue = 0;
// get correct value and value's type
switch( condition.iConditionType )
case EConditionTypePropertyIntRange:
minIntegerValue = minValue.iInt32;
maxIntegerValue = maxValue.iInt32;
case EConditionTypePropertyUintRange:
minIntegerValue = minValue.iUint32;
maxIntegerValue = maxValue.iUint32;
case EConditionTypePropertyInt64Range:
case EConditionTypePropertyTimeRange:
minIntegerValue = minValue.iInt64;
maxIntegerValue = maxValue.iInt64;
case EConditionTypePropertyRealRange:
integerValue = EFalse;
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L( "MdSFCAR1" ), KErrMdEUnknownConditionType );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownConditionType );
switch( rangeType )
case EMdERangeTypeAny:
case EMdERangeTypeEqual:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEqual );
if( integerValue )
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minValue.iReal ) );
case EMdERangeTypeNotEqual:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNotEqual );
if( integerValue )
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minValue.iReal ) );
case EMdERangeTypeLess:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLess );
if( integerValue )
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxValue.iReal ) );
case EMdERangeTypeLessOrEqual:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLessOrEqual );
if( integerValue )
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxValue.iReal ) );
case EMdERangeTypeGreater:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGreater );
if( integerValue )
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minValue.iReal ) );
case EMdERangeTypeGreaterOrEqual:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGreaterOrEqual );
if( integerValue )
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minValue.iReal ) );
case EMdERangeTypeBetween:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KBetween );
if( integerValue )
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minValue.iReal ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxValue.iReal ) );
case EMdERangeTypeNotBetween:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNotBetween );
if( integerValue )
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxIntegerValue ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( minValue.iReal ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( maxValue.iReal ) );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L( "MdSFCAR2" ), KErrMdEUnknownRangeType );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownRangeType );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendPropertyTextConditionL Help method for appending property
// text condition.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendPropertyTextConditionL(TBool aNegated)
const TMdCPropertyCondition& condition =
TMdCPropertyCondition::GetFromBufferL( *iSerializedBuffer );
// "SELECT ObjectId FROM "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectObjectIdFrom );
TDefId objectDefId = ObjectDefForPropertyCondition(
condition.iObjectDefId );
AppendTableByObjectDefIdL( objectDefId );
// "WHERE(...)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhere );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
if( aNegated )
// "NOT "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNotWithSpace );
AppendColumnByPropertyDefIdL( condition.iPropertyDefId );
// move position to begin of compare condition
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( condition.iCondition );
TUint32 compareMethodValue;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( compareMethodValue );
const TTextPropertyConditionCompareMethod compareMethod =
TPtrC16 textPtr = iSerializedBuffer->ReceivePtr16L();
switch( compareMethod )
case ETextPropertyConditionCompareEquals:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( textPtr ) );
case ETextPropertyConditionCompareContains:
HBufC16* pattern = HBufC16::NewLC( textPtr.Length() + 2 ); // prepare for %text%
TPtr16 modPattern = pattern->Des();
// add wildcard before and after text "%text%"
modPattern.Append( KWildcard );
modPattern.Append( textPtr );
modPattern.Append( KWildcard );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( pattern ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( pattern );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLike );
case ETextPropertyConditionCompareBeginsWith:
HBufC16* pattern = HBufC16::NewLC( textPtr.Length() + 1 ); // prepare for text%
TPtr16 modPattern = pattern->Des();
// add wildcard after text "text%"
modPattern.Append( textPtr );
modPattern.Append( KWildcard );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( pattern ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( pattern );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLike );
case ETextPropertyConditionCompareEndsWith:
HBufC16* pattern = HBufC16::NewLC( textPtr.Length() + 1 ); // prepare for %text
TPtr16 modPattern = pattern->Des();
// add wildcard before text "%text"
modPattern.Append( KWildcard );
modPattern.Append( textPtr );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( pattern ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( pattern );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLike );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L( "MdSFCATC" ), KErrMdEUnknownConditionCompareMethod );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownConditionCompareMethod );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendPropertyBoolConditionL Help method for appending property
// bool condition.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendPropertyBoolConditionL(TBool aNegated)
const TMdCPropertyCondition& condition =
TMdCPropertyCondition::GetFromBufferL( *iSerializedBuffer );
// "SELECT ObjectId FROM "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectObjectIdFrom );
TDefId objectDefId = ObjectDefForPropertyCondition(
condition.iObjectDefId );
AppendTableByObjectDefIdL( objectDefId );
// "WHERE(...)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhere );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
if( aNegated )
// "NOT "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNotWithSpace );
AppendColumnByPropertyDefIdL( condition.iPropertyDefId );
// move position to begin of compare condition
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( condition.iCondition );
TBool boolValue;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( boolValue );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( boolValue ) );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendEventConditionL Help method for appending event
// condition for object query.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendEventConditionL(TBool aNegated)
const TMdCEventCondition& condition = TMdCEventCondition::GetFromBufferL(
*iSerializedBuffer );
if( EQueryTypeEvent == iSearchCriteria->iQueryType )
// "SELECT EventId FROM Event"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectEventIdFromEvent );
// "SELECT ObjectId FROM Event"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectObjectIdFromEvent );
// ""namespace def ID" WHERE"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhere );
// " NOT"
if( aNegated )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpaceWithNot );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
TBool firstEventCondition = ETrue;
if( condition.iEventId != KNoId )
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
// "EventId="eventId""
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEventIdEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( condition.iEventId ) );
if( condition.iEventDefId != KNoDefId )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
// "EventDefId="eventDefId""
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEventDefIdEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( condition.iEventDefId ) );
if( condition.iCreationTimeRange != KNoOffset )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
// "TimeStamp"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEventTimeStamp );
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( condition.iCreationTimeRange );
AppendRangeL( EInt64RangeValue );
if( condition.iObjectCondition != KNoOffset )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEventObjectIdIn );
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( condition.iObjectCondition );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
ConditionStatementL( EFalse, EAppendInFalse );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
if( condition.iSourceCondition != KNoOffset )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( condition.iSourceCondition );
ConditionStatementL( EFalse, EAppendInFalse );
if( condition.iParticipantCondition != KNoOffset )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( condition.iParticipantCondition );
ConditionStatementL( EFalse, EAppendInFalse );
// check event condition has URI comparsion
if( EEventConditionCompareNone != condition.iCompareMethod
&& KNoOffset != condition.iUriCondition )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
switch( condition.iCompareMethod )
case EEventConditionCompareSourceURI:
// "Source="URI""
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEventSourceEqual );
case EEventConditionCompareParticipantURI:
// "Participant="URI""
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEventParticipantEqual );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L( "MdSFCAEC" ), KErrMdEUnknownConditionCompareMethod );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownConditionCompareMethod );
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( condition.iUriCondition );
TPtrC16 eventUri = iSerializedBuffer->ReceivePtr16L();
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( eventUri ) );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendRelationConditionL Help method for appending relation
// condition for object query.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendRelationConditionL(TBool aNegated)
const TMdCRelationCondition& condition =
TMdCRelationCondition::GetFromBufferL( *iSerializedBuffer );
if( ( ERelationConditionSideLeft == condition.iObjectSide ) ||
( ERelationConditionSideRight == condition.iObjectSide ) )
if( EQueryTypeRelation == iSearchCriteria->iQueryType )
// "SELECT RelationId FROM Relations"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectRelationIdFromRelation );
if( ERelationConditionSideLeft == condition.iObjectSide )
// "SELECT LeftObjectId FROM Relations"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectLeftObjectIdFromRelation );
// "SELECT RightObjectId FROM Relations"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectRightObjectIdFromRelation );
// ""namespace def ID" "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
// "WHERE(NOT Flags&?)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhereNotFlag );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn(
EMdERelationFlagNotPresent |
EMdERelationFlagDeleted |
EMdERelationFlagGarbageDeleted ) );
if( condition.iLeftObjectCondition != KNoOffset )
// "AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
// "NOT"
if( aNegated )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNot );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
// append relation condition and left object condition
AppendRelationSideConditionL( ETrue, condition,
ETrue, condition.iLeftObjectCondition );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// append right object condition if it exists
if( condition.iRightObjectCondition != KNoOffset )
// "AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
// append only right object condition
AppendRelationSideConditionL( EFalse, condition,
EFalse, condition.iRightObjectCondition );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// append right object condition if it exists
if( condition.iRightObjectCondition != KNoOffset )
// "AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
// "NOT"
if( aNegated )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNot );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
// append relation condition and right object condition
AppendRelationSideConditionL( ETrue, condition,
EFalse, condition.iRightObjectCondition );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
else if( ERelationConditionSideEither == condition.iObjectSide )
// relation query
if( EQueryTypeRelation == iSearchCriteria->iQueryType )
// "SELECT RelationId FROM Relations"namespace def ID" "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectRelationIdFromRelation );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
// "WHERE(NOT Flags&?)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhereNotFlag );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn(
EMdERelationFlagNotPresent |
EMdERelationFlagDeleted |
EMdERelationFlagGarbageDeleted ) );
// append left object condition if it exists
if( condition.iLeftObjectCondition != KNoOffset )
// "AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
// "NOT"
if( aNegated )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNot );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
// append relation condition and left object condition
AppendRelationSideConditionL( ETrue, condition,
ETrue, condition.iLeftObjectCondition );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// append right object condition if it exists
if( condition.iRightObjectCondition != KNoOffset )
// "OR "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KOr );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
// append only right object condition
AppendRelationSideConditionL( EFalse, condition,
EFalse, condition.iRightObjectCondition );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// append right object condition if it exists
else if( condition.iRightObjectCondition != KNoOffset )
// "AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
// "NOT"
if( aNegated )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNot );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
// append relation condition and right object condition
AppendRelationSideConditionL( ETrue, condition,
EFalse, condition.iRightObjectCondition );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// append only relation conditions
// "AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
// "NOT"
if( aNegated )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNot );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
// append relation conditions
AppendRelationSideConditionL( ETrue, condition,
EFalse, KNoOffset ); // no object condition
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// object or event query
if( condition.iLeftObjectCondition != KNoOffset )
// "SELECT LeftObjectId FROM Relations"namespace def ID" "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectLeftObjectIdFromRelation );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
// "WHERE(NOT Flags&?)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhereNotFlag );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn(
EMdERelationFlagNotPresent |
EMdERelationFlagDeleted |
EMdERelationFlagGarbageDeleted ) );
// "AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
// "NOT"
if( aNegated )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNot );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
AppendRelationSideConditionL( ETrue, condition,
ETrue, condition.iLeftObjectCondition );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
if( condition.iRightObjectCondition != KNoOffset )
// " UNION "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KUnion );
// "SELECT RightObjectId FROM Relations"namespace def ID" "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectRightObjectIdFromRelation );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
// "WHERE(NOT Flags&?)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhereNotFlag );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn(
EMdERelationFlagNotPresent |
EMdERelationFlagDeleted |
EMdERelationFlagGarbageDeleted ) );
// "AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
// "NOT"
if( aNegated )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNot );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
AppendRelationSideConditionL( ETrue, condition,
EFalse, condition.iRightObjectCondition );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// "SELECT RightObjectId FROM Relations"namespace def ID" "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSelectRightObjectIdFromRelation );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
// "WHERE(NOT Flags&?)"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KWhereNotFlag );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn(
EMdERelationFlagNotPresent |
EMdERelationFlagDeleted |
EMdERelationFlagGarbageDeleted ) );
// "AND "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
// "NOT"
if( aNegated )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNot );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
AppendRelationSideConditionL( ETrue, condition,
EFalse, condition.iRightObjectCondition );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
// unknown relation condition side
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCARC") , KErrCorrupt );
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendRelationSideConditionL(
TBool aRelationConditions,
const TMdCRelationCondition& aRelationCondition,
TBool aLeftSide, TUint32 aRelationObjectConditionOffset)
TBool firstEventCondition = ETrue;
if( aRelationConditions )
if( aRelationCondition.iRelationId != KNoId )
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
// "RelationId="relationID""
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationIdEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( aRelationCondition.iRelationId ) );
if( aRelationCondition.iRelationIds.iPtr.iCount > 0 &&
aRelationCondition.iRelationIds.iPtr.iOffset != KNoOffset )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
// "RelationId IN("relationIDs")"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationIdIn );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLeftBracket );
aRelationCondition.iRelationIds.iPtr.iOffset );
TItemId relationId;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( relationId );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KVariable );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( relationId ) );
for( TInt32 i = 1; i < aRelationCondition.iRelationIds.iPtr.iCount; i++ )
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( relationId );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KCommaVariable );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( relationId ) );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRightBracket );
if( aRelationCondition.iRelationDefId != KNoDefId )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
// "RelationDefId="relationDefId""
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationDefIdEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( aRelationCondition.iRelationDefId ) );
if( aRelationCondition.iGuid != KNoOffset )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( aRelationCondition.iGuid );
TInt64 guidHigh;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( guidHigh );
TInt64 guidLow;
iSerializedBuffer->ReceiveL( guidLow );
// "RelationGuidHigh="relationGuidHigh" AND
// RelationGuidLow="relationGuidLow""
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationGuidEqual );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( guidHigh ) );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( guidLow ) );
if( aRelationCondition.iParameterRange != KNoOffset )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
// "Parameter"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationParameter );
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( aRelationCondition.iParameterRange );
AppendRangeL( EInt32RangeValue );
if( aRelationCondition.iLastModifiedDateRange != KNoOffset )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
// "LastModifiedDate"
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationLastModifiedDate );
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( aRelationCondition.iLastModifiedDateRange );
AppendRangeL( EInt64RangeValue );
// object condition on left or right side
if( aRelationObjectConditionOffset != KNoOffset )
if( firstEventCondition == EFalse )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAnd );
firstEventCondition = EFalse;
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( aRelationObjectConditionOffset );
if ( aLeftSide )
ConditionStatementL( EFalse, EAppendInRelationLeft );
ConditionStatementL( EFalse, EAppendInRelationRight );
// if there was no any condition add "empty" true condition
if( firstEventCondition )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEmptyTrue );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendTableByObjectDefIdL Help method for searching object
// definition's table, based on
// object definition's ID, and
// appending those to buffer.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendTableByObjectDefIdL(TDefId aObjectDefId)
const CMdsObjectDef* objectDef = iNamespaceDef->GetObjectByIdL( aObjectDefId );
if ( !objectDef )
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCAT1") , KErrMdEUnknownObjectDef );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownObjectDef );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( objectDef->GetName() );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( iNamespaceIdDes );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendColumnByPropertyDefIdL Help method for searching property
// definition's column, based on
// property definition's ID, and
// appending those to buffer.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendColumnByPropertyDefIdL(TDefId aPropertyDefId,
TDefId aObjectDefId, TBool aResult)
CMdsPropertyDef* propDef = NULL;
if( aObjectDefId == KNoDefId )
if ( !iObjectDef )
const CMdsObjectDef* baseObjectDef = iNamespaceDef->GetObjectByIdL(
KBaseObjectDefId );
// base object definition must always exist
if ( !baseObjectDef )
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCAC1") , KErrMdEUnknownObjectDef );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownObjectDef );
propDef = CONST_CAST( CMdsPropertyDef*,
baseObjectDef->GetPropertyByIdL( aPropertyDefId ) );
// if property definition doesn't exist in base object definition
// search from whole namespace
if ( !propDef )
propDef = CONST_CAST( CMdsPropertyDef*,
iNamespaceDef->GetPropertyL( aPropertyDefId ) );
propDef = CONST_CAST( CMdsPropertyDef*,
iObjectDef->GetPropertyByIdL( aPropertyDefId ) );
const CMdsObjectDef* objDef = iNamespaceDef->GetObjectByIdL(
aObjectDefId );
propDef = CONST_CAST( CMdsPropertyDef*,
objDef->GetPropertyByIdL( aPropertyDefId ) );
if( propDef )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( propDef->GetName() );
if( aResult )
if( iAppendToResultRow )
// expected result for property's type
iResultRow.AppendL( TColumn( propDef->GetSqlType() ) );
iPropertyFilters.AppendL( propDef );
// object definition must always exist for given property definition ID
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCAC2") , KErrMdEUnknownObjectDef );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownObjectDef );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendGroupByL Appends Group BY statements
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendGroupByL()
// if query type is object query
if ( EQueryTypeObject == iSearchCriteria->iQueryType )
switch( iSearchCriteria->iQueryResultType )
case EQueryResultModeItem:
case EQueryResultModeId:
// "GROUP BY BO.ObjectId "
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KGroupByObjectId );
case EQueryResultModeCount:
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCAGB") , KErrMdEUnknownQueryResultMode );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownQueryResultMode );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendOrderByL Appends ORDER BY statements
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendOrderByL()
if( iSearchCriteria->iQueryResultType == EQueryResultModeCount )
// No need to sort or group if only one count is returned
if( iSearchCriteria->iOrderRules.iPtr.iCount > 0 )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KOrderBy );
iSerializedBuffer->PositionL( iSearchCriteria->iOrderRules.iPtr.iOffset );
// Add recursive all children.
for( TUint32 i = 0; i < iSearchCriteria->iOrderRules.iPtr.iCount; i++)
if( i > 0 )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KComma );
const TMdCOrderRule& orderRule = TMdCOrderRule::GetFromBufferL(
*iSerializedBuffer );
switch( iSearchCriteria->iQueryType )
case EQueryTypeObject:
switch( orderRule.iOrderRule )
case EOrderRuleTypeProperty:
AppendColumnByPropertyDefIdL( orderRule.iPropertyDefId );
case EOrderRuleTypeItemID:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KBaseObjectObjectId );
case EOrderRuleTypeObjectURI:
_LIT( KQueryBaseObjectURI, "BO.URI");
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KQueryBaseObjectURI );
case EOrderRuleTypeObjectDef:
_LIT( KQueryBaseObjectDefId, "BO.ObjectDefId");
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KQueryBaseObjectDefId );
case EOrderRuleTypeUsageCount:
_LIT( KQueryBaseObjectUsageCount, "BO.UsageCount");
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KQueryBaseObjectUsageCount );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
case EQueryTypeRelation:
switch( orderRule.iOrderRule )
case EOrderRuleTypeItemID:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationId );
case EOrderRuleTypeLastModifiedDate:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationLastModifiedDate );
case EOrderRuleTypeParameterValue:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KRelationParameter );
case EOrderRuleTypeLeftObjectID:
_LIT( KQueryRelationLeftObjectId, "LeftObjectId");
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KQueryRelationLeftObjectId );
case EOrderRuleTypeRightObjectID:
_LIT( KQueryRelationRightObjectId, "RightObjectId");
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KQueryRelationRightObjectId );
case EOrderRuleTypeRelationDef:
_LIT( KQueryRelationDef, "RelationDefId");
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KQueryRelationDef );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
case EQueryTypeEvent:
switch( orderRule.iOrderRule )
case EOrderRuleTypeItemID:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEventId );
case EOrderRuleTypeCreationTime:
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KEventTimeStamp );
case EOrderRuleTypeSourceURI:
_LIT( KQueryEventSource, "Source");
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KQueryEventSource );
case EOrderRuleTypeParticipantURI:
_LIT( KQueryEventParticipant, "Participant");
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KQueryEventParticipant );
case EOrderRuleTypeTargetObjectID:
_LIT( KQueryEventObjectId, "ObjectId");
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KQueryEventObjectId );
case EOrderRuleTypeEventDef:
_LIT( KQueryEventDef, "EventDefId");
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KQueryEventDef );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCAOB") , KErrMdEUnknownQueryType );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownQueryType );
if ( !orderRule.iCaseSensitive )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KNoCaseSensitive );
if( orderRule.iAscending )
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KAsc );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KDesc );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KSpace );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendLimitAndOffsetL LIMIT and OFFSET statements
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::AppendLimitAndOffsetL()
if ( iSearchCriteria->iOffset > 0 )
// 10 is maximum length of text format TUint32
iQueryBuf->ReserveSpaceL( iQueryBuf->ConstBufferL().Length() +
2 * 10 );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLimit );
iQueryBuf->BufferL().AppendNum( iSearchCriteria->iLimit );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KComma );
iQueryBuf->BufferL().AppendNum( iSearchCriteria->iOffset );
else if ( iSearchCriteria->iLimit != KMdEQueryDefaultMaxCount )
// 10 is maximum length of text format TUint32
iQueryBuf->ReserveSpaceL( iQueryBuf->ConstBufferL().Length() +
10 );
iQueryBuf->AppendL( KLimit );
iQueryBuf->BufferL().AppendNum( iSearchCriteria->iLimit );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CopyVariablesL Copies number of variables from variable table to the
// end of the variable table
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMdSFindSqlClause::CopyVariablesL( TInt aStart, TInt aEnd )
TColumn column;
for ( TInt i(aStart); i<aEnd; ++i )
column = iVariables.Column(i);
switch( column.Type() )
case EColumnBool:
TBool v=0;
column.Get( v );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( v ) );
case EColumnInt32:
TInt32 v=0;
column.Get( v );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( v ) );
case EColumnUint32:
TUint32 v=0;
column.Get( v );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( v ) );
case EColumnTime:
TTime v(0);
column.Get( v );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( v ) );
case EColumnInt64:
TInt64 v=0;
column.Get( v );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( v ) );
case EColumnReal32:
TReal32 v=0;
column.Get( v );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( v ) );
case EColumnReal64:
TReal64 v=0;
column.Get( v );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( v ) );
case EColumnDes16:
TPtrC16 v = TPtr16((TUint16*)0, 0); //KNullPtr16;
column.Get( v );
iVariables.AppendL( TColumn( v ) );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSFCCoV") , KErrMdEUnknownPropertyType );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownPropertyType );