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     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef __BIOOP_H__
    17 #define __BIOOP_H__
    20 #include <msvapi.h>
    23 // package buffer for progress info.
    24 typedef TPckgBuf<TBioProgress> TBioProgressBuf;
    26 // forward declarations
    27 class CBaseScriptParser2;
    30 class CBIOOperation : public CMsvOperation
    31 /** BIO client MTM Parser Active Object.
    33 The BIO client MTM Parser Active Object is responsible for parsing and processing BIO files.
    34 This activity was originally carried out in the BIO Server MTM but has been relocated to
    35 the Client MTM for Platsec capability reasons.  The parsing and processing is carried out
    36 in an Active Object rather than synchronously in order to avoid making a UI unresponsive.
    37 @internalTechnology
    38 @released
    39 */
    40 	{
    41 public:
    42 	enum TBioOperationState 
    43 		{ 
    44 		EBiooWaiting,
    45 		EBiooCreating, 
    46 		EBiooParsing, 
    47 		EBiooProcessing, 
    48 		EBiooComplete 
    49 		};
    50 	enum TBioOperation 
    51 		{ 
    52 		EBioParseOnly, 
    53 		EBioParseAndProcess, 
    54 		EBioProcess 
    55 		};
    56 	enum TBioMessageState 
    57 		{ 
    58 		EBioMsgNotParsed=0, 
    59 		EBioMsgParsed, 
    60 		EBioMsgProcessed 
    61 		};
    62 public:
    63 	static CBIOOperation* NewL(RFs aRFs, CMsvSession& aSession, CBIODatabase* aBDB, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus);
    64 	~CBIOOperation();
    65 protected:
    66 	// from CActive
    67 	virtual void RunL();
    68 	virtual void DoCancel();
    69 	virtual TInt RunError(TInt aError);
    70 public:	
    71 	// from CMsvOperation
    72 	virtual const TDesC8& ProgressL();
    73 public:
    74 	// new functions
    75 	void StartCommand(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TInt aCommand, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    76 private:
    77 	CBIOOperation(RFs aRFs, CMsvSession& aSession, CBIODatabase* aBDB, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus);
    78 	void ConstructL();
    79 	//
    80 	void ParseL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TBool aCommit);
    81 	void CreateParserL();
    82 	void StartParserL();
    83 	void ExtractMessageBodyL();
    84 	void ProcessL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
    85 	void ProcessL();
    86 private:	
    87 	RFs					iFs;
    88 	CBIODatabase*		iBioDatabase;
    89 	TRequestStatus*		iReportStatus;
    90 	TBioProgress		iProgress;
    91 	TBioProgressBuf		iProgressBuf;
    92 	TBool				iInOperation;
    93 	TUid				iUid;
    94 	TBioOperationState	iBioOperationState;
    95 	TBioOperation		iBioOperationOperation;
    96     TMsvId              iCurrentMsvId;
    97 	//
    98 	CRegisteredParserDll*	iRegisteredParserDll;
    99 	CBaseScriptParser2*	iParser;
   100 	HBufC*				iMessageBody;
   101 	CMsvEntry*			iCurrentEntry;
   102 	};
   105 #endif // __BIOOP_H__