changeset 0 8e480a14352b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:8e480a14352b
     1 Resource										Max length	Information
     2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     3 R_ENP_YOU_HAVE										8		Part of notification message body ("You have x new emails")
     4 R_ENP_NEW_MESS_SINGLE								17		Notification of single message used in editor msg body
     5 R_ENP_NEW_MESS_PLURAL								18		Notifacation of > 1 message used in editor msg body
     6 R_ENP_DETAILS_FOLLOW								35      String placed in msg body saying details follow (extended notifacation)
     7 R_ENP_HEADER_FROM									 6      From field token
     8 R_ENP_HEADER_SUBJECT								 9		Subject
     9 R_ENP_HEADER_SIZE									 6      Header size field token
    10 R_ENP_HEADER_IUID									10      Imap unique id field token
    11 R_ENP_HEADER_PUID									 9		POP3 unique id filed token
    12 R_ENP_HEADER_SID									11      Server id token
    13 R_ENP_HEADER_ATT									13      Number of attachments token
    14 R_ENP_HEADER_TO										 4      To field token
    15 R_ENP_HEADER_CC							   			 4		CC field token
    16 R_ENP_HEADER_DATE									 6      Date token
    17 R_ENP_HEADER_FLDR									 8
    18 R_ENP_HEADER_SENDER									 8
    19 R_ENP_HEADER_REPLY_TO								10