changeset 22 d2c4c66342f3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/deprecate/send_ui_api/inc/SendUi.h	Tue Aug 31 15:41:11 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Can be used to show "Send" list query and to create and send
+*                messages via available sending services. Created messages are
+*                sent directly or message editor is opened for editing,
+*                depending on the type of the selected service.
+#ifndef CSENDUI_H
+#define CSENDUI_H
+#include <TSendingCapabilities.h>
+class CEikMenuPane;
+class CSendUiImpl;
+class CMessageData;
+class CSendingServiceInfo;
+#define KMaxStringLength 1024;
+*  Offers "Send" pop-up list and message creation and sending services.
+*  Can be used to display "Send" list query and to create and send
+*  messages via available services. Sending services can be based
+*  on the MTM or ECom architecture. Created messages are sent
+*  directly or message editor is opened for editing, depending on
+*  the type of selected service.
+*  @lib SendUi.lib
+*  @since Series 60 3.0
+class CSendUi : public CBase
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static CSendUi* NewL();
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static CSendUi* NewLC();
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C virtual ~CSendUi();
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * Adds "Send" menu item to menupane.
+        *
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aMenuPane Menupane where the "Send" menu item should be added.
+        * @param aIndex The place of the "Send" menu item in menupane.
+        * @param aCommandId Command id for the "Send" menu item.
+        * @param aRequiredCapabilities Capabilities required by services to be
+        *        shown in "Send" list query. If no capabilities are required
+        *        (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services are
+        *        shown in "Send" list query.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C void AddSendMenuItemL(
+            CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane,
+            TInt aIndex,
+            TInt aCommandId,
+            TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices );
+        /**
+        * First displays "Send" pop-up list query and then creates the message.
+        * Editor is launched for editing the message or the message is sent
+        * directly without opening the editor. Functionality depends on the
+        * type of selected service.
+        *
+        * "Send" pop-up list query can be manipulated in three ways. All three
+        *  methods can be used or just some of those.
+        *
+        * The first option is to set the required capabilities for services.
+        * Eg. attachments supported. Sending services not matching to required
+        * capabilities are filtered away. Capabilities are defined in
+        * TSendingCapabilities.h.
+        *
+        * The second option is content based filtering. Filtering is based on
+        * the files intended to send. Those files can be set as part of message
+        * data. Filtering is done according the predefined rules.
+        * Eg. If oversized file is intended to send, MMS is filtered away from
+        * "Send" pop-up list.
+        *
+        * The third option is to set the array of service uids not wanted to
+        * be shown in list query. These sending services are filtered away
+        * even if those match to required capabilities.
+        *
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aMessageData Data for the message.
+        * @param aRequiredCapabilities Capabilities required by sending services
+        *        to be shown in "Send" pop-up list query. If no capabilities are
+        *        required (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services
+        *        are shown in "Send" pop-up list query.
+        * @param aServicesToDim Array of service uids (service uid, service 
+        *        provider's uid or service's TechnologyType) _NOT_ wanted to "Send" 
+        *        list query. 
+        *        See predefined sending service uids in SendUiConsts.h .
+        * @param aBioTypeUid BIO message type uid. Deprecated.
+        * @param aLaunchEditorEmbedded ETrue if the editor should be launched
+        *        embedded. Otherwise the editor is launched stand-alone.
+        *        Note: some services sends the messages without launching the
+        *        editor at all.
+        * @param aTitleText Title of the "Send" pop-up list query. If no title
+        *        is defined, then the localised default title "Send:" is used.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C void ShowQueryAndSendL(
+            const CMessageData* aMessageData,
+            TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices,
+            CArrayFix<TUid>* aServicesToDim = NULL,
+            TUid aBioTypeUid = KNullUid,
+            TBool aLaunchEditorEmbedded = ETrue,
+            const TDesC& aTitleText = KNullDesC );
+        /**
+        * Displays "Send" pop-up list query and returns the user selection.
+        *
+        * "Send" pop-up list query can be manipulated in three ways. All three
+        *  methods can be used or just some of those.
+        *
+        * The first option is to set the required capabilities for services.
+        * Eg. attachments supported. Sending services not matching to required
+        * capabilities are filtered away. Capabilities are defined in
+        * TSendingCapabilities.h.
+        *
+        * The second option is content based filtering. Filtering is based on
+        * the files intended to send. Those files can be set as part of message
+        * data. Filtering is done according the predefined rules.
+        * Eg. If oversized file is intended to send, MMS is filtered away from
+        * "Send" pop-up list.
+        *
+        * The third option is to set the array of service uids not wanted to
+        * be shown in list query. These sending services are filtered away
+        * even if those match to required capabilities.
+        * 
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aMessageData Data for the message. Attachments are used for
+        *        content based filtering.
+        * @param aRequiredCapabilities Capabilities required by sending services
+        *        to be shown in "Send" pop-up list query. If no capabilities are
+        *        required (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services
+        *        are shown in "Send" pop-up list query.
+        * @param aServicesToDim Array of service uids (service uid, service 
+        *        provider's uid or service's TechnologyType) _NOT_ wanted to "Send" 
+        *        list query. 
+        *        See predefined sending service uids in SendUiConsts.h .
+        * @param aTitleText Title of the "Send" pop-up list query. If no title
+        *        is defined, then the localised default title "Send:" is used.        
+        * @return Uid of the selected service (MTM or ECom). 
+        *        KNullId is returned if user selects cancel.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TUid ShowSendQueryL(
+            const CMessageData* aMessageData = NULL,
+            TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices,
+            CArrayFix<TUid>* aServicesToDim = NULL,
+            const TDesC& aTitleText = KNullDesC );
+        /**
+        * Creates the message and launches the editor for editing the message
+        * or sends the message directly without opening the editor. 
+        * Functionality depends on the type of selected service.
+        *
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aServiceUid Uid of the sending service (MTM or ECom).
+        * @param aMessageData Data for the message.
+        * @param aBioTypeUid BIO message type uid. Deprecated.
+        * @param aLaunchEditorEmbedded ETrue if the editor should be launched
+        *        embedded. Otherwise the editor is launched stand-alone.
+        *        Note: some sending services sends the messages without
+        *        launching the editor at all.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C void CreateAndSendMessageL(
+            TUid aServiceUid,
+            const CMessageData* aMessageData,
+            TUid aBioTypeUid = KNullUid,
+            TBool aLaunchEditorEmbedded = ETrue );
+        /**
+        * Validates that service is available and has required capabilities.
+        * For ex. can be used when calling application creates its own "Send"
+        * menu.
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aServiceUid Uid of the sending service (MTM or ECom).
+        * @param aRequiredCapabilities Capabilities required for the sending
+        *        service. 
+        * @return ETrue if service is available and it has required 
+        *         capabilities,otherwise EFalse.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TBool ValidateServiceL(
+            TUid aServiceUid,
+            TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities );
+        /**
+        * Returns sending capabilities of the sending service.
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aServiceUid Uid of the sending service (MTM or ECom).
+        * @param aServiceCapabilities TSendingCapabilities of the sending
+        *        service as a return value.        
+        * @return Return KErrNone if successful, or one of the system wide
+        *         errors if unsuccessful.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt ServiceCapabilitiesL(
+            TUid aServiceUid,
+            TSendingCapabilities& aServiceCapabilities );       
+        /**
+        * Can be used to check if sending of bio message is supported. Deprecated.
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aBioMessageUid Uid of the bio message.
+        * @return: Returns always EFalse
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TBool CanSendBioMessage( TUid aBioMessageUid ) const;
+        /**
+        * Populates given list with the information about services
+        * provided by specified ECom service provider.
+        * Each service provider can provide 1..n services.
+        * Ownership of the pointed objects are transfered to caller.
+        *
+        * Can be used for ex. when creating own "Send" menu, which needs to
+        * include ECom based services.
+        *
+        * NOTE: Can be used only for ECom based services, also for MTMs
+        *
+        * @since Series 60 2.8
+        * @param aServiceList Service list to be populated.
+        * @param aServiceProvider Id of the specified service provider.
+        *        KNullId means all service providers.
+        *        Service providers are defined in SendUiConsts.h
+        * @return none
+        */
+        IMPORT_C void AvailableServicesL(
+            RPointerArray<CSendingServiceInfo>& aServiceList,
+            TUid aServiceProvider = KNullUid);
+        // Menu type enumeration
+        enum TSendUiMenuType
+            {
+            ESendMenu,
+            EWriteMenu
+            };
+        /**
+        * Adds menu item of given type to menupane.
+        *
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aMenuType Type of the menu, "ESendMenu" or "EWriteMenu"
+        * @param aMenuPane Menupane where the menu item should be added.
+        * @param aIndex The place of the menu item in menupane.
+        * @param aCommandId Command id for the menu item.
+        * @param aRequiredCapabilities Capabilities required from services to be
+        *        shown in list query. If no capabilities are required
+        *        (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services are
+        *        shown in list query.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C void AddTypedMenuItemL(
+            TSendUiMenuType aMenuType, 
+            CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane,
+            TInt aIndex,
+            TInt aCommandId,
+            TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices );
+        /**
+        * Displays list query and creates message.
+        * See ShowQueryAndSendL.
+        *
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aMenuType Type of the menu, e.g. "ESendMenu" or "EWriteMenu"
+        * @param aMessageData Data for the message.
+        * @param aRequiredCapabilities Capabilities required by sending services
+        *        to be shown in "Send" pop-up list query. If no capabilities are
+        *        required (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services
+        *        are shown in "Send" pop-up list query.
+        * @param aServicesToDim Array of service uids (service uid, service 
+        *        provider's uid or service's TechnologyType) _NOT_ wanted to "Send" 
+        *        list query. 
+        *        See predefined sending service uids in SendUiConsts.h .
+        * @param aBioTypeUid BIO message type uid. Deprecated.
+        * @param aLaunchEditorEmbedded ETrue if the editor should be launched
+        *        embedded. Otherwise the editor is launched stand-alone.
+        *        Note: some services sends the messages without launching the
+        *        editor at all.
+        * @param aTitleText Title of the list query. If no title is defined,
+        *        then the localised default title is used, e.g. "Send" or 
+        *        "Write".
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C void ShowTypedQueryAndSendL(
+            TSendUiMenuType aMenuType, 
+            const CMessageData* aMessageData,
+            TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices,
+            CArrayFix<TUid>* aServicesToDim = NULL,
+            TUid aBioTypeUid = KNullUid,
+            TBool aLaunchEditorEmbedded = ETrue,
+            const TDesC& aTitleText = KNullDesC );
+        /**
+        * Displays list query and returns the user selection.
+        * See ShowSendQueryL.
+        * 
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aMenuType Type of the menu, e.g. "ESendMenu" or "EWriteMenu"
+        * @param aMessageData Data for the message. Attachments are used for
+        *        content based filtering.
+        * @param aRequiredCapabilities Capabilities required by sending services
+        *        to be shown in list query. If no capabilities are required
+        *        (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services are 
+        *        shown in list query.
+        * @param aServicesToDim Array of service uids (service uid, service 
+        *        provider's uid or service's TechnologyType) _NOT_ wanted to "Send" 
+        *        list query. 
+        *        See predefined sending service uids in SendUiConsts.h .
+        * @param aTitleText Title of the list query. If no title is defined,
+        *        then the localised default title is used, e.g. "Send" or 
+        *        "Write"
+        * @return Uid of the selected service (MTM or ECom). 
+        *        KNullId is returned if user selects cancel.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TUid ShowTypedQueryL(
+            TSendUiMenuType aMenuType, 
+            const CMessageData* aMessageData = NULL,
+            TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices,
+            CArrayFix<TUid>* aServicesToDim = NULL,
+            const TDesC& aTitleText = KNullDesC );
+        /**
+        *   Returns the technology type of a service
+        *
+        *   @since Series 60 3.0
+        *   @param aServiceId Service of interest
+        *   @return Technology type of the provided service. NULL if Mtm
+        *           service doesn't exist or service is ECOM based.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TUid TechnologyType( TUid aServiceUid ) const;
+    private:
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        CSendUi();
+        /**
+        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+        */
+        void ConstructL();
+    private:    // Data
+        // SendUi API implmentation. Owned.
+        CSendUiImpl*                        iSendUiImpl;
+    };
+#endif      // CSENDUI_H
+// End of File