// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).// All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".//// Initial Contributors:// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.//// Contributors://// Description://#include "CMsvCachedStore.h"#include "MSVSTORE.H"#include "MSVUTILS.H"#include <mmsvstoremanager.h>const TInt KMsvFlatBufferChunkSize=0x400;enum TCMsvCachedStorePanic { EReadingWhileCommitingStream=1, EReadingWhileCommitingStore=2, EReadingOrWritingWhileRevertingStore=3, EReadingOrWritingWhileDeleteStream=4 };_LIT(KCachedStorePanic, "CMsvCachedStore");void Panic(TCMsvCachedStorePanic aPanic) { User::Panic(KCachedStorePanic,aPanic); }class HMsvReadBuf : public TMemBuf {public: HMsvReadBuf(const TDesC8 &aBuf, CMsvCachedStore &aStore);private: virtual void DoRelease();private: CMsvCachedStore &iCachedStore; };class HMsvWriteBuf : public TBufBuf {public: static HMsvWriteBuf* NewL(TUid aUid,CMsvCachedStore& aStore);private: HMsvWriteBuf(TUid aUid,CMsvCachedStore& aStore); virtual void DoRelease(); virtual void DoSynchL();private: CBufBase* iBuf; CMsvCachedStore* iStore; TUid iUid; };const TUid KMsvEntryFile={0x10003C68};TPairedTUidHBufC8::TPairedTUidHBufC8() : iBuf(NULL) {}void TPairedTUidHBufC8::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream) const { aStream << iUid; aStream << *iBuf; }void TPairedTUidHBufC8::InternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream) { aStream >> iUid; // the 0x1000000 means that it will return KErrCorrupt // if the file says it contains a string of longer than 16 meg iBuf=HBufC8::NewL(aStream,0x1000000); }CMsvCachedStore* CMsvCachedStore::OpenL(TMsvId aId, MMsvStoreManager& aStoreManager, TBool aReadOnly) { CMsvCachedStore* me = new(ELeave) CMsvCachedStore(aId, aStoreManager); CleanupStack::PushL(me); me->ConstructL(aReadOnly); CleanupStack::Pop(me); return(me); }CMsvCachedStore::CMsvCachedStore(TMsvId aId, MMsvStoreManager& aStoreManager) : iEntryId(aId), iStoreManager(aStoreManager) { }void CMsvCachedStore::ConstructL(TBool aReadOnly) { iStreams=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPairedTUidHBufC8>(5); RFile storeFile; TInt err = iStoreManager.OpenFileStoreForRead(iEntryId, storeFile); if( err != KErrNotFound ) { if( err==KErrNone ) LoadL(storeFile); // the load takes ownership of the RFile else User::Leave(err); } else if(aReadOnly) User::Leave(err); }TInt CMsvCachedStore::Size() const { return iSize; }void CMsvCachedStore::DeleteL() {#if (defined SYMBIAN_MESSAGESTORE_HEADER_BODY_USING_SQLDB) if(iHeaderFieldList.Count()) { iStoreManager.DeleteHeaderEntryL(iMtmId, iEntryId); } #endif iStoreManager.DeleteFileStoreL(iEntryId); }#if (defined SYMBIAN_MESSAGESTORE_HEADER_BODY_USING_SQLDB)CMsvCachedStore* CMsvCachedStore::OpenL(TMsvId aId, MMsvStoreManager& aStoreManager, TBool aReadOnly,TUid aMtmId) { CMsvCachedStore* me = new(ELeave) CMsvCachedStore(aId, aStoreManager); CleanupStack::PushL(me); me->ConstructDBL(aReadOnly,aMtmId); CleanupStack::Pop(me); return(me); }void CMsvCachedStore::ConstructDBL(TBool aReadOnly,TUid aMtmId) { iStreams=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPairedTUidHBufC8>(5); RFile storeFile; TInt err = iStoreManager.OpenFileStoreForRead(iEntryId, storeFile); if(err != KErrNotFound) { if( err==KErrNone ) { LoadL(storeFile); // the load takes ownership of the RFile if(aReadOnly) isNewEntry = EFalse; else isNewEntry = ETrue; TRAP_IGNORE(LoadHeaderEntryL(aMtmId,aReadOnly)); } else { User::Leave(err); } } else { TRAPD(err2, LoadHeaderEntryL(aMtmId,aReadOnly)); if (err2 == KErrNotFound) { User::Leave(err); } } isDbStore=iStoreManager.DoesHeaderTableExist(aMtmId); }/**Assign the header Fields in to header Field list.@param aHeaderFields : CHeaderFields*@return None.*/void CMsvCachedStore::AssignL(CHeaderFields* aHeaderFields) { TUid uid = aHeaderFields->iUid; for(TInt index=0; index<iHeaderFieldList.Count(); index++) { if(iHeaderFieldList[index]->iUid == uid) { delete iHeaderFieldList[index]; iHeaderFieldList[index] = aHeaderFields; return; } } iHeaderFieldList.AppendL(aHeaderFields); }/**Get the header Fields for respective UID.@param aUid : A Uid@param aHeaderFields : CHeaderFields*&@return None.*/void CMsvCachedStore::GetHeaderL(TUid aUid, CHeaderFields*& aHeaderFields) { for(TInt index=0; index<iHeaderFieldList.Count(); index++) { if(iHeaderFieldList[index]->iUid == aUid) { aHeaderFields = iHeaderFieldList[index]; return; } } User::Leave(KErrNotFound); }/**Load the Header Entry .@param aMtmId A Mtm TUid.@return None.@internalComponent*/void CMsvCachedStore::LoadHeaderEntryL(const TUid aMtmId,TBool aReadOnly) { TRAPD (err ,iStoreManager.LoadHeaderEntryL(aMtmId, iEntryId, iHeaderFieldList)); if((err == KErrNotFound) && aReadOnly) { User::Leave(err); } if(err == KErrNotFound) { isNewEntry = ETrue; iSize = 0; } else { isNewEntry = EFalse; if(err == KErrNone) { for(TInt index=0; index<iHeaderFieldList.Count(); index++) { for(TInt i =0 ; i < (iHeaderFieldList)[index]->iFieldPairList.Count() ;i++ ) { if(((iHeaderFieldList)[index]->iFieldPairList[i]->iFieldTextValue) != NULL) iSize += (iHeaderFieldList)[index]->iFieldPairList[i]->iFieldTextValue->Length(); } } } else { User::Leave(err); } } }#endif/**The CMsvCachedStore::Remove methodRemoves the stream from the array, ignores the fact thatit might not exist.@internalAll@param aUid Stream to remove*/void CMsvCachedStore::Remove(TUid aUid) {#if (defined SYMBIAN_MESSAGESTORE_HEADER_BODY_USING_SQLDB) for(TInt index=0; index<iHeaderFieldList.Count(); index++) { if( (iHeaderFieldList)[index]->iUid == aUid ) { iHeaderFieldList.Remove(index); TRAP_IGNORE(iStoreManager.UpdateHeaderEntryL(iMtmId, iEntryId, iHeaderFieldList)); return; } } #endif DeleteStream(aUid); }/**The CMsvCachedStore::RemoveL methodRemoves a stream from the array, leaves if the stream is not found@leave @internalAll@param aUid Stream to remove*/void CMsvCachedStore::RemoveL(TUid aUid) { User::LeaveIfError(DeleteStream(aUid)); }/**The CMsvCachedStore::Revert methodReloads the array of streams from the storeignores errors that might occur.@internalAll*/void CMsvCachedStore::Revert() { TRAP_IGNORE(RevertL()); }/**The CMsvCachedStore::RevertL method Reloads the streams from the file@leave@internalAll*/void CMsvCachedStore::RevertL() { __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iReaderCount==0 && iWriterCount==0, Panic(EReadingOrWritingWhileRevertingStore)); CleanArray(); iStreams=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPairedTUidHBufC8>(5); RFile storeFile; User::LeaveIfError(iStoreManager.OpenFileStoreForRead(iEntryId, storeFile)); LoadL(storeFile); // the load takes ownership of the RFile }/**The CMsvCachedStore::Commit method Saves the current state of the stream array to the file@return error@internalAll*/TInt CMsvCachedStore::Commit() { TRAPD(error,CommitL()); return(error); }/**The CMsvCachedStore::CommitL method Saves the current state of the stream array to the file leaves with if error occurs@leave@internalAll*/void CMsvCachedStore::CommitL() { __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iWriterCount==0,Panic(EReadingWhileCommitingStore)); SaveL(); }void CMsvCachedStore::CleanArray() { if(iStreams!=NULL) { TInt count=iStreams->Count(); while(count--) delete iStreams->At(count).iBuf; } delete iStreams; iStreams=NULL; }/**The CMsvCachedStore::~CMsvCachedStore method@internalAll*/CMsvCachedStore::~CMsvCachedStore() {#if (defined SYMBIAN_MESSAGESTORE_HEADER_BODY_USING_SQLDB) iHeaderFieldList.ResetAndDestroy(); iHeaderFieldList.Close();#endif CleanArray(); }TBool CMsvCachedStore::IsNullL() const {#if (defined SYMBIAN_MESSAGESTORE_HEADER_BODY_USING_SQLDB) if(iStreams->Count()==0) { if(iHeaderFieldList.Count() ==0) { return ETrue; } else { return EFalse; } } else { return EFalse; }#else return(iStreams->Count()==0);#endif }/**The CMsvCachedStore::IsPresentL method checks to see if the stream is in the array@return ETrue if it exists EFalse if not.@internalAll@param aUid stream to check for*/TBool CMsvCachedStore::IsPresentL(TUid aUid) const {#if (defined SYMBIAN_MESSAGESTORE_HEADER_BODY_USING_SQLDB) for(TInt index=0; index<iHeaderFieldList.Count(); index++) { if(iHeaderFieldList[index]->iUid == aUid) { return ETrue; } }#endif TInt pos; if(FindStream(aUid,pos)==KErrNone) return(ETrue); else return(EFalse); }/**The CMsvCachedStore::CreateOrReplaceStreamL method If a stream is present with this id it replaces the data in that stream with aBuf, otherwise it adds a new stream with the data in aBuf@internalAll@param aUid stream id@param *aBuf data, takes ownership*/void CMsvCachedStore::CreateOrReplaceStreamL(TUid aUid, CBufBase &aBuf) { __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iReaderCount==0, Panic(EReadingWhileCommitingStream)); TInt pos; HBufC8* buffer=FlattenLC(aBuf); if(FindStream(aUid,pos)==KErrNone) { delete iStreams->At(pos).iBuf; iStreams->At(pos).iBuf=buffer; } else { TPairedTUidHBufC8 entry; entry.iUid=aUid; entry.iBuf=buffer; iStreams->InsertL(pos,entry); } CleanupStack::Pop(buffer); }HBufC8* CMsvCachedStore::FlattenLC(CBufBase &aBuf) { TInt size=aBuf.Size(); HBufC8 *buffer=HBufC8::NewLC(size); TPtr8 ptr(buffer->Des()); RDesWriteStream writer(ptr); RBufReadStream reader(aBuf); writer.WriteL(reader,size); writer.CommitL(); return(buffer); }/**The CMsvCachedStore::GetStream method If it returns with KErrNone it sets aData to point to the data in the store this id@return error code if the stream was not found@internalAll@param aUid stream id@param *&aData returned pointer to data*/HBufC8* CMsvCachedStore::GetStreamL(TUid aUid) const { TInt pos; if(FindStream(aUid, pos) != 0) User::Leave(KErrNotFound); return iStreams->At(pos).iBuf; }/**The CMsvCachedStore::FindStream method Finds the stream of id aUid, if it returns with KErrNone then pos is set to the position of the if it is not found pos is set to where is should be inserted@internalAll@param aUid@param &pos*/TInt CMsvCachedStore::FindStream(TUid aUid,TInt &pos) const { TPairedTUidHBufC8 entry; entry.iUid=aUid; TKeyArrayFix key(_FOFF(TPairedTUidHBufC8,iUid),ECmpTInt32); return(iStreams->FindIsq(entry,key,pos)); }/**The CMsvCachedStore::DeleteStream method deletes the stream with this id@return error code KErrNone unless the stream wasn't found@internalAll@param aUid the stream id to delete*/TInt CMsvCachedStore::DeleteStream(TUid aUid) { __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iReaderCount==0 && iWriterCount==0,Panic(EReadingOrWritingWhileDeleteStream)); TInt pos; TInt error=FindStream(aUid,pos); if(error==KErrNone) { delete iStreams->At(pos).iBuf; iStreams->Delete(pos); } return(error); }/**The CMsvCachedStore::LoadL methodloads the streams from a file should this create the file if it is corupt???@leave leaves if we can't find the file, if we run out of memory, if the file is corrupt@internalAll@param &aFile file to load the streams from, take ownership of the file*/void CMsvCachedStore::LoadL(RFile &aFile) { __ASSERT_DEBUG(iStreams->Count()==0,User::Invariant()); // Need to cache the file size User::LeaveIfError(aFile.Size(iSize)); RFileReadStream in(aFile); in.PushL(); TCheckedUid check; in >> check; if(check.UidType().IsValid()==EFalse) User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); if(check.UidType()[0]!=KMsvEntryFile) User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); in >> *iStreams; CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // close RFileReadStream in }/**The CMsvCachedStore::SaveL methodSaves the current state to iFileName@leave leaves if we can't replace the file, if we run out of disk space,@internalAll*/void CMsvCachedStore::SaveL() { RFile tempStoreFile; iStoreManager.OpenTempStoreFileL(iEntryId, tempStoreFile); RFileWriteStream out(tempStoreFile); out.PushL(); WriteToFileStreamL(out); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&out); // close RFileWriteStream out iStoreManager.ReplaceFileStoreL(iEntryId); // Need the size RFile storeFile; User::LeaveIfError(iStoreManager.OpenFileStoreForRead(iEntryId, storeFile)); CleanupClosePushL(storeFile); User::LeaveIfError(storeFile.Size(iSize)); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&storeFile); }void CMsvCachedStore::WriteToFileStreamL(RFileWriteStream &aOut) { TCheckedUid check(TUidType(KMsvEntryFile,KMsvEntryFile,KNullUid)); aOut << check; aOut << *iStreams; aOut.CommitL(); }EXPORT_C void RMsvReadStream::OpenL(const CMsvStore& aMsvStore, TUid aUid)/** Prepares an existing stream with UID for reading.After this function has been called, the stream can be read from with the functions provided by the RReadStream base class.@param aMsvStore The CMsvStore the stream is in. @param aUid The UID of the stream to open with read access @leave KErrNotFound There is no stream with UID aUid @leave Other Standard stream leave codes. */ { HBufC8 *buffer=aMsvStore.iStore->GetStreamL(aUid); HMsvReadBuf *tidy= new (ELeave) HMsvReadBuf(*buffer, *(aMsvStore.iStore)); Attach(tidy); }EXPORT_C void RMsvReadStream::OpenLC(const CMsvStore& aMsvStore,TUid aUid)/** Prepares an existing stream with UID for reading.After this function has been called, the stream can be read from with the functions provided by the RReadStream base class.The object is placed on the cleanup stack. @param aMsvStore The CMsvStore the stream is in. @param aUid The UID of the stream to open with read access @leave KErrNotFound There is no stream with UID aUid @leave Other Standard stream leave codes. */ { OpenL(aMsvStore,aUid); PushL(); }/**The RMsvReadStream::OpenLC methodties the read stream to a HMsvReadBuf@leave leaves if we can't find the stream@param aStore aStore is the CMsvCachedStore within which we look for the stream@param aUid id of stream to open for reading*/void RMsvReadStream::OpenLC(CMsvCachedStore& aStore,TUid aUid) { HBufC8 *buffer=aStore.GetStreamL(aUid); HMsvReadBuf *tidy= new (ELeave) HMsvReadBuf(*buffer, aStore); Attach(tidy); }HMsvWriteBuf* HMsvWriteBuf::NewL(TUid aUid,CMsvCachedStore& aStore) { HMsvWriteBuf* self=new (ELeave) HMsvWriteBuf(aUid,aStore); self->PushL(); self->iBuf=CBufSeg::NewL(KMsvFlatBufferChunkSize); CleanupStack::Pop(self); self->Set(*(self->iBuf),0); return(self); }HMsvWriteBuf::HMsvWriteBuf(TUid aUid,CMsvCachedStore& aStore) : iBuf(NULL), iStore(&aStore), iUid(aUid) { iStore->iWriterCount++; }void HMsvWriteBuf::DoRelease() { __ASSERT_DEBUG(iStore==NULL || iStore->iWriterCount>0,User::Invariant()); delete iBuf; // we decrememt the writer count if it wasn't done in DoSynchL (called if client commits) if(iStore) iStore->iWriterCount--; iStore=NULL; delete this; }void HMsvWriteBuf::DoSynchL() { // if we have already sync'd it will be null so ignore the sync if(iStore!=NULL) { __ASSERT_DEBUG(iStore->iWriterCount>0,User::Invariant()); TBufBuf::DoSynchL(); iStore->CreateOrReplaceStreamL(iUid,*iBuf); // decrement the writer count, after a commit all writes are ignored, this is the // same as other stores, also set iStore to NULL so we don't decrement the writer // count in DoRelease as well. iStore->iWriterCount--; iStore=NULL; } }HMsvReadBuf::HMsvReadBuf(const TDesC8 &aBuf,CMsvCachedStore &aStore) : iCachedStore(aStore) { TUint8* ptr=(TUint8 *)aBuf.Ptr(); Set(ptr,ptr+aBuf.Length(),ERead); aStore.iReaderCount++; }void HMsvReadBuf::DoRelease() { __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iCachedStore.iReaderCount>0,User::Invariant()); iCachedStore.iReaderCount--; delete this; }EXPORT_C void RMsvWriteStream::AssignLC(CMsvStore &aMsvStore, TUid aUid)/** Prepares a stream for writing; the object is placed on the cleanup stack. After this function has been called, the stream can be written to with the functions provided by the RWriteStream base class.If the stream does not exist, it is created.@param aMsvStore The CMsvStore the stream is in @param aUid The UID of the stream to open with write access @leave KErrAccessDenied Store is not open for writing @leave Other Standard stream leave codes */ { if (aMsvStore.iLockStatus==CMsvStore::EMsvStoreUnlocked) User::Leave(KErrAccessDenied); AssignL(aMsvStore,aUid); PushL(); }EXPORT_C void RMsvWriteStream::AssignL(CMsvStore &aMsvStore, TUid aUid)/** Prepares a stream for writing. After this function has been called, the stream can be written to with the functions provided by the RWriteStream base class.If the stream does not exist, it is created.@param aMsvStore The CMsvStore the stream is in @param aUid The UID of the stream to open with write access @leave KErrAccessDenied Store is not open for writing @leave Other Standard stream leave codes */ { if (aMsvStore.iLockStatus==CMsvStore::EMsvStoreUnlocked) User::Leave(KErrAccessDenied); Attach(HMsvWriteBuf::NewL(aUid,*(aMsvStore.iStore))); }void RMsvWriteStream::AssignLC(CMsvCachedStore &aStore, TUid aUid) { Attach(HMsvWriteBuf::NewL(aUid,aStore)); PushL(); }