// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "emstestutils.h"
#include <emsinformationelement.h>
#include <gsmumsg.h>
#include <gsmubuf.h>
#include <emsformatie.h>
#include <emssoundie.h>
#include <emsanimationie.h>
#include <emspictureie.h>
#include <emsuserpromptie.h>
#include <fbs.h>
EXPORT_C TBool EmsTestUtils::CompareEmsIE(const CEmsInformationElement& left, const CEmsInformationElement& right)
TBool retVal = EFalse;
// make sure the types, start position, and length are the same
if ((left.Identifier() == right.Identifier()) &&
(left.StartPosition() == right.StartPosition()) &&
(left.Length() == right.Length()))
case CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedTextFormatting:
const CEmsFormatIE& leftIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsFormatIE&, left);
const CEmsFormatIE& rightIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsFormatIE&, right);
retVal = (leftIE.FormatLength() == rightIE.FormatLength()) &&
(leftIE.Bold() == rightIE.Bold()) &&
(leftIE.Italic() == rightIE.Italic()) &&
(leftIE.Underline() == rightIE.Underline()) &&
(leftIE.Strikethrough() == rightIE.Strikethrough()) &&
(leftIE.Alignment() == rightIE.Alignment()) &&
(leftIE.FontSize() == rightIE.FontSize());
case CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedPredefinedSound:
const CEmsPreDefSoundIE& leftIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsPreDefSoundIE&, left);
const CEmsPreDefSoundIE& rightIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsPreDefSoundIE&, right);
retVal = (leftIE.PredefinedSound() == rightIE.PredefinedSound());
case CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedUserDefinedSound:
const CEmsSoundIE& leftIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsSoundIE&, left);
const CEmsSoundIE& rightIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsSoundIE&, right);
// returns TRUE if the melodies are identical - ie if the
// compare returns 0 and hence the NOT operator
retVal = !(leftIE.Melody()->Compare(*rightIE.Melody()));
case CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedPredefinedAnimation:
const CEmsPreDefAnimationIE& leftIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsPreDefAnimationIE&, left);
const CEmsPreDefAnimationIE& rightIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsPreDefAnimationIE&, right);
retVal = (leftIE.Animation() == rightIE.Animation());
case CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedLargePicture:
case CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedSmallPicture:
case CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedVariablePicture:
// for pictures, we can only compare the size, not the actual
// content
const CEmsPictureIE& leftIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsPictureIE&, left);
const CEmsPictureIE& rightIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsPictureIE&, right);
retVal = (leftIE.SizeInPixels() == rightIE.SizeInPixels());
case CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedUserPromptIndicator:
// for pictures, we can only compare the size, not the actual
// content
const CEmsUserPrompt& leftIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsUserPrompt&, left);
const CEmsUserPrompt& rightIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsUserPrompt&, right);
retVal = (leftIE.ObjectCount() == rightIE.ObjectCount());
case CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedLargeAnimation:
case CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedSmallAnimation:
// for animations, we can't really compare anything
retVal = ETrue;
// if we come across an unknown ID, we just return false
retVal = EFalse;
return retVal;
EXPORT_C TBool EmsTestUtils::CompareEmsMsgL(const CSmsMessage& left, const CSmsMessage& right)
TBool retVal = ETrue;
RSafeEmsArray leftAdjusted, rightAdjusted;
// Produce the adjusted ems objects so we can also compare
// segmented formatting objects
AdjustedEmsObjectsL(left, leftAdjusted);
AdjustedEmsObjectsL(right, rightAdjusted);
// make sure the number of ems objects match
if (leftAdjusted.Count() != rightAdjusted.Count())
retVal = EFalse;
// for each EMS element in left, make sure we can find another
// element in right which matches completely
for (int i = 0; i < leftAdjusted.Count(); ++i)
int j;
for (j = 0; j < rightAdjusted.Count(); ++j)
if (CompareEmsIE(*leftAdjusted[i], *rightAdjusted[j]))
// if j == right.Count(), this means we went through the entire
// array without finding a match. Hence we return FALSE
if (j == rightAdjusted.Count())
retVal = EFalse;
// if EMS objects OK, then compare text as well
if (retVal)
HBufC* leftText = ExtractSmsTextLC(left);
HBufC* rightText = ExtractSmsTextLC(right);
// do a text compare
retVal = (TPtr(leftText->Des()) == TPtr(rightText->Des()));
// pop the adjusted arrays
return retVal;
EXPORT_C const CEmsInformationElement* EmsTestUtils::FindElementL(
const CSmsMessage& msg, CSmsInformationElement::TSmsInformationElementIdentifier id)
const RPointerArray<const CEmsInformationElement>& arr =
TInt cnt = arr.Count();
for (TInt i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
if (arr[i]->Identifier() == id)
return arr[i];
return NULL;
EXPORT_C CEmsPictureIE* EmsTestUtils::CreatePictureL(TInt index)
// path of the pictures
// Create the picture object
CEmsPictureIE* picture = CreateEmsObjFromBitmapL<CEmsPictureIE>(KPicsMBM, index);
return picture;
EXPORT_C CEmsAnimationIE* EmsTestUtils::CreateAnimationL(TInt index)
// path of the animations
CEmsAnimationIE* anim = CreateEmsObjFromBitmapL<CEmsAnimationIE>(KAnimsMBM, index);
return anim;
HBufC* EmsTestUtils::ExtractSmsTextLC(const CSmsMessage& msg)
const CSmsBufferBase& buffer = msg.Buffer();
TInt bufLen=buffer.Length();
HBufC* textBuf=HBufC::NewL(bufLen);
TPtr textPtr(textBuf->Des());
return textBuf;
void EmsTestUtils::AdjustedEmsObjectsL(
const CSmsMessage& msg, RPointerArray<CEmsInformationElement>& adjusted)
// This will contain all the formatting objects of the message,
// but consolidated
RPointerArray<CEmsInformationElement> formatObjects(10);
const RPointerArray<const CEmsInformationElement>& emsObjects =
// now go through the array in the message, and copy the objects
// if they are not format objects. Format objects go in a separate
// array for consolidation
TInt i;
for (i = 0; i < emsObjects.Count(); ++i)
if (emsObjects[i]->Identifier() != CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedTextFormatting)
// otherwise, go through the format list and see if can be appended
// to an existing format object
const CEmsFormatIE* formatIE = STATIC_CAST(const CEmsFormatIE*, emsObjects[i]);
TInt j;
for (j = 0; j < formatObjects.Count(); ++j)
// check if the start position of this element equals the
// startPos + length of the other format object
CEmsFormatIE* other = STATIC_CAST(CEmsFormatIE*, formatObjects[j]);
if (formatIE->StartPosition() == other->StartPosition() + other->FormatLength() &&
formatIE->Bold() == other->Bold() &&
formatIE->Italic() == other->Italic() &&
formatIE->Underline() == other->Underline() &&
formatIE->Strikethrough() == other->Strikethrough() &&
formatIE->Alignment() == other->Alignment() &&
formatIE->FontSize() == other->FontSize())
// add the length
other->SetFormatLength(other->FormatLength() + formatIE->FormatLength());
// if we have gone to the end without appending to another element,
// then clone the element and add it to the formatObjects array
if (j == formatObjects.Count())
// Now, move all elements from the format objects into the adjusted array
for (i = 0; i < formatObjects.Count(); ++i)
// make sure array memory has been deallocated
template <class T>
T* EmsTestUtils::CreateEmsObjFromBitmapL(const TDesC& filename, TInt32 index)
// startup bitmap server
// Given a particular filename, assumed to be in C:\ or Z:\, we load
// a bitmap from the given index. The bitmap is pushed onto the
// cleanup stack
CFbsBitmap* bmp;
TParse mbfn;
bmp = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
// load the indexed bitmap, first in drive C, then drive Z
mbfn.Set(filename, &KTxtCDrive, NULL);
// did it fail?
if (bmp->Load(mbfn.FullName(), index))
// then try drive Z
mbfn.Set(filename, &KTxtZDrive, NULL);
User::LeaveIfError(bmp->Load(mbfn.FullName(), index));
// if it succeeded, then create the appropriate type
T* obj = T::NewL(*bmp);
return obj;