* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: File handler class to handle all file related requests
#include <f32file.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <apgcli.h>
#include <mpxattribute.h>
#include <DRMEventObserver.h>
#include "mpxfilescanstateobserver.h"
#include "mpxdbsyncobserver.h"
#include "mpxfileadditionobserver.h"
#include "mpxharvesterfilehandler.h"
#include "mpxmetadatascanobserver.h"
#include "mpxplaylistscanobserver.h"
#include "mpxmediatorobserver.h"
#include "mpxdiskspacewatcher.h"
#include "mpxdiskspacewatcherobserver.h"
#include "mpxfoldermonitor.h"
#include "mpxfoldermonitorobserver.h"
#include "mpxbrokenlinkcleanupobserver.h"
class CMPXFolderScanner;
class CMPXDbSynchronizer;
class CMPXMetadataScanner;
class CMPXPlaylistScanner;
class CMPXBrokenLinkCleanup;
class CMPXDiskSpaceWatcher;
class CMPXFolderMonitor;
class CMPXHarvesterDatabaseManager;
class CMPXHarvesterDB;
class CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable;
class CMPXHarvesterDbItem;
class CMPXCollectionType;
class MMPXCollectionUtility;
class MMPXCollection;
class CDRMNotifier;
* File handler class to take care of all file related operations
* @lib mpxfilehandler
* @since S60 3.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMPXHarvesterFileHandlerImp ) : public CMPXHarvesterFileHandler,
public MMPXFileScanStateObserver,
public MMPXDbSyncObserver,
public MMPXFileAdditionObserver,
public MMPXPlaylistScanObserver,
public MMPXMetadataScanObserver,
public MMPXMediatorObserver,
public MMPXDiskSpaceObserver,
public MMPXFolderMonitorObserver,
public MMPXBrokenLinkObserver,
public MDRMEventObserver
* Two-Phased Constructor
* @param aFs file server session
static CMPXHarvesterFileHandlerImp* NewL( RFs& aFs );
* Virtual destructor
virtual ~CMPXHarvesterFileHandlerImp();
protected: // From Base Class
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
void ScanL();
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
void CancelScan();
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
void HandleSystemEventL( TSystemEvent aEvent,
TInt aData );
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
CMPXMedia* AddFileL( const TDesC& aPath );
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
TInt AddFileL( CMPXMedia& aMediaProp );
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
TInt RemoveFileL( const TDesC& aPath, TBool aEndTransaction );
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
void RemoveFilesL( const MDesCArray& aFilePaths );
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
void RemoveAllFilesL();
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
void UpdateFileL( const TDesC& aFile, TInt aCollection );
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
void RenameFileL( const TDesC& aOldPath, const TDesC& aNewPath, TInt aCollection );
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
TInt FindCollectionIdL( const TDesC& aFile );
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
void RecreateDatabases();
* From CMPXHarvesterFileHandler
void CloseTransactionL();
* Get a media object for the file
* @param aPath File to add
* @return CMPXMedia object for the item pointed to by aPath
* ownership transferred
virtual CMPXMedia* GetMediaForFileL( const TDesC& aPath );
* Get Collection Uid for the file
* @param aMediaProp Media Property to add
* @return TInt collection ID for the item added
virtual TInt GetColUidForFileL( const TDesC& aPath );
* From MMPXFileScanStateObserver
void HandleScanStateCompleteL( TScanState aState, TInt aErr );
* From MMPXDbSyncObserver
void HandleSynchronizationComplete( TInt aErr );
* From MMPXFileAdditionObserver
void HandleFileAdditionL( const TDesC& aFileName,
TInt aColIndex,
TBool aPlaylist = EFalse ); //lint !e1735
* From MMPXFileAdditionObserver
void HandleOpenDriveL( TDriveNumber aDrive, const TDesC& aFolder );
* From MMPXFIleAdditionObserver
void HandleDirectoryChangedL( const TDesC& aPath );
* From MMPXFileAdditionObserver
TInt IsMediaFileL( const TDesC& aFile );
* From MMPXFileAdditionObserver
TInt IsPlaylistFileL( const TDesC& aFile );
* From MMPXFileAdditionObserver
TBool IsPathBlockedL( const TDesC& aPath );
* From MMPXMetadataScanObserver
void AddFilesToCollectionL( CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray );
* From MMPXMetadataScanObserver
void UpdatesFilesInCollectionL( CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray );
* From MMPXMediatorObserver
void HandleMediatorPathUpdatedL( CMPXMedia*& aProperty,
TUid aOldPath );
* From MMPXPlaylistScanObserver
void AddPlaylistToCollectionL( CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray );
* From MMPXPlaylistScanObserver
void UpdatePlaylistToCollectionL( CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray );
* From MMPXDiskSpaceObserver
void HandleLowDiskEvent( TInt aDrive );
* From MMPXBrokenLinkObserver
void HandleBrokenLinkL( MDesCArray& aFileArray,
RArray<TInt>& aColId ,
RPointerArray<CMPXHarvesterDB>& aDb,
TInt aCount );
* From MDRMEventObserver
void HandleEventL( MDRMEvent* aEvent );
private: // New Functions
* Parses cenrep string (KHarvesterScanPathKey)
* to get a list of scan paths
void ParseScanPathL();
* Parse cenrep string (KHarvesterContainerKey)
* for a list of containers
void ParseContainersL();
* Parses the auto scan cenrep key
* for a list of folders to automatically scan
void ParseAutoScanL();
* Refreshes scan drives so that non-existing
* drives are not scanned.
* Used add back drives that were take out because of dismount
void RefreshScanDrivesL();
* Resets the current scan directory and frees memory
void Reset();
* Handles a new item
* @param aFileName new file to add
void HandleNewItemL( const TDesC& aFileName );
* Handles broken items
void HandleBrokenItemsL();
* Handles updated items
* @param aFile file to update
void HandleUpdatedItemL( const TDesC& aFile );
* Resolves the collection UID for a file
* @param aFile file and path to a file for resolution
* @return TInt collection ID on return
TInt CollectionForExtensionL( const TDesC& aFile );
* Sets up the internal DB variables for a path
* @param aPath path to open a view to the database
void OpenDBForPathL( const TDesC& aPath );
* Final step for the refresh operation
* @param aErr error code to complete with
void DoCompleteRefreshL( TInt aErr );
* Perform a command on the collection
* @param aCommandId Id of the command
* @param aMediaAttribute TMPXAttriubte for the media payload
* @param aCollectionId collection to perform the command on
* @param aMedia the Media for the command
* @param aSync Sync operation or not. (Default ETrue)
void DoCommandL( TInt aCommandId,
TUid aCollectionId,
const TMPXAttribute& aMediaAttribute,
CMPXMedia* aMedia = NULL,
TBool aSync = ETrue );
* Remove an item to a collection
* @param aMedia, media to add
* @param aCollectionId, collection UID
void DoRemoveL( CMPXMedia* aMedia, TUid aCollectionId );
* Verifies if harvester and collection databases are in sync by comparing the number of records
* if records counts are different delete harvester db and repopulate it from collection
* @return TBool ETrue if synchronization is started, EFalse otherwise
TBool CheckDbInSyncL();
* Get a list of files with DRM flag set from the Harvester DB.
* @return list of files
RPointerArray<CMPXHarvesterDbItem>* GetDrmFilesL();
* Delayed callback function
static TInt Callback( TAny* aPtr );
* Perform the auto scan
TBool DoAutoScanL();
* Private Constructor
CMPXHarvesterFileHandlerImp( RFs& aFs );
* 2nd Phased Constructor
void ConstructL();
//helper function used inside CheckDbInSyncL
inline TInt GetTrackCountL(TDriveNumber aDrive,TInt aColDbId, TInt aColTable);
private: // data
// File scanning related
CMPXFolderScanner* iFolderScanner;
CMPXDbSynchronizer* iDbSynchronizer;
RPointerArray<CMPXDiskSpaceWatcher> iDiskMonitors;
RPointerArray<CMPXFolderMonitor> iFolderMonitors; // Multiple drives
RPointerArray<CMPXCollectionType> iSupportedTypes;
CDesCArray* iContainerTypes;
RArray<TPath> iConfiguredDrivesToScan;
RArray<TPath> iDrivesToScan;
RArray<TPath> iFilteredDrivesToScan;
RArray<TPath> iPathsToBlock;
TBool iOutOfDisk;
TBool iFilteredOutOfDisk;
// Metadata related
CMPXMetadataScanner* iMetadataScanner;
CMPXPlaylistScanner* iPlaylistScanner;
CMPXBrokenLinkCleanup* iBrokenLink;
// Session to the collection
// Only valid during a scan
MMPXCollectionUtility* iCollectionUtil;
// Database related
CMPXHarvesterDatabaseManager* iDBManager; // DB manager
CMPXHarvesterDB* iCurDB; // Current db reference
CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable* iCurTable; // owned, must delete
RPointerArray<CMPXHarvesterDbItem>* iCurList; // owned, must delete
// Misc
RFs& iFs;
RApaLsSession iAppArc;
TInt iAddedCount;
TBool iRefreshing; // Are we currently refreshing
TBool iSynchronizing; // Are we currently synchronizing
TInt iRefreshCount; // refresh reference count
CPeriodic* iIdle; // Delayed callback
RArray<TPath> iAutoScanPaths; // list of auto scanning paths
TUid iMusicCollectionId;
TUid iPodcastCollectionId;
TBool iDisablePodcasting;
TInt iCurUSBEvent;
// DRM
CDRMNotifier* iDrmNotifier;