* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Rename Object
#include <f32file.h>
#include <mtp/mmtpdataproviderframework.h>
#include <mtp/mmtpobjectmgr.h>
#include <mtp/cmtpobjectmetadata.h>
#include <mtp/tmtptypeuint32.h>
#include "crenameobject.h"
#include "mmmtpdplogger.h"
#include "cmmmtpdpmetadataaccesswrapper.h"
#include "crequestprocessor.h" // refer to KMmMtpRArrayGranularity
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRenameObject::NewL
// Two phase constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CRenameObject* CRenameObject::NewL( MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework,
CMmMtpDpMetadataAccessWrapper& aWrapper )
PRINT( _L( "MM MTP => CRenameObject::NewL" ) );
CRenameObject* self = new ( ELeave ) CRenameObject( aFramework, aWrapper );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
PRINT( _L( "MM MTP <= CRenameObject::NewL" ) );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRenameObject::CRenameObject
// Standard C++ Constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CRenameObject::CRenameObject( MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework,
CMmMtpDpMetadataAccessWrapper& aWrapper ) :
CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
iFramework( aFramework ),
iObjectHandles( KMmMtpRArrayGranularity ),
iWrapper ( aWrapper )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRenameObject::~CRenameObject
// destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CRenameObject::~CRenameObject()
delete iObjectInfo;
delete iRenameWaiter;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRenameObject::StartL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CRenameObject::StartL( const TUint32 aParentHandle,
const TDesC& aOldFolderName )
PRINT2( _L( "MM MTP => CRenameObject::StartL aParentHandle(0x%x), aOldFolderName(%S)" ),
aParentHandle, &aOldFolderName);
GenerateObjectHandleListL( aParentHandle );
iCount = iObjectHandles.Count();
PRINT1( _L( "MM MTP <> CRenameObject::StartL, handle count = %d" ), iCount );
if ( iCount > 0 )
// get the old/new folder full file name
GetParentSuidL( aParentHandle, aOldFolderName );
iIndex = 0;
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( status, iStatus.Int() );
PRINT( _L( "MM MTP <= CRenameObject::StartL" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRenameObject::DoCancel()
// Cancel the rename object process
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CRenameObject::DoCancel()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRenameObject::RunL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CRenameObject::RunL()
PRINT1( _L( "MM MTP => CRenameObject::RunL iIndex = %d" ), iIndex );
if ( iIndex < iCount )
if ( iFramework.ObjectMgr().ObjectL( iObjectHandles[iIndex], *iObjectInfo ) )
iOldFileName = iObjectInfo->DesC( CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid );
PRINT1( _L( "MM MTP <> CRenameObject::RunL old file name(%S)" ), &iOldFileName );
iRightPartName = iOldFileName.Right( iOldFileName.Length() - iOldFolderFullName.Length() );
PRINT1( _L( "MM MTP <> CRenameObject::RunL right part name(%S)" ), &iRightPartName );
if ( iNewFolderName.Length() + iRightPartName.Length() <= KMaxFileName )
iFileName.Append( iNewFolderName );
iFileName.Append( iRightPartName );
PRINT1( _L( "MM MTP <> CRenameObject::RunL new file name(%S)" ), &iFileName );
// update framework metadata DB
iObjectInfo->SetDesCL( CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid, iFileName );
iObjectInfo->SetUint( CMTPObjectMetaData::EObjectMetaDataUpdate, 1 );
iFramework.ObjectMgr().ModifyObjectL( *iObjectInfo );
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( status, iStatus.Int() );
if( iRenameWaiter->IsStarted() )
PRINT( _L( "MM MTP <= CRenameObject::RunL" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRenameObject::RunError
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CRenameObject::RunError( TInt aError )
if ( aError != KErrNone )
PRINT1( _L( "MM MTP <> CRenameObject::RunError with error %d" ), aError );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRenameObject::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CRenameObject::ConstructL()
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
iObjectInfo = CMTPObjectMetaData::NewL();
iNewFolderName.CreateL( KMaxFileName );
iOldFolderFullName.CreateL( KMaxFileName );
iRightPartName.CreateL( KMaxFileName );
iFileName.CreateL( KMaxFileName );
iOldFileName.CreateL( KMaxFileName );
iRenameWaiter = new( ELeave ) CActiveSchedulerWait;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRenameObject::GenerateObjectHandleListL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRenameObject::GenerateObjectHandleListL( TUint32 aParentHandle )
PRINT1( _L( "MM MTP => CRenameObject::GenerateObjectHandleListL aParentHandle(0x%x)" ), aParentHandle );
RMTPObjectMgrQueryContext context;
RArray<TUint> handles;
CleanupClosePushL( context ); // + context
CleanupClosePushL( handles ); // + handles
TMTPObjectMgrQueryParams params( KMTPStorageAll, KMTPFormatsAll,
aParentHandle );
iFramework.ObjectMgr().GetObjectHandlesL( params, context, handles );
TInt numberOfObjects = handles.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++ )
if ( iFramework.ObjectMgr().ObjectOwnerId( handles[i] ) == iFramework.DataProviderId() )
iObjectHandles.AppendL( handles[i] );
// Folder
// TODO: need to modify, should not know device dp id
if ( iFramework.ObjectMgr().ObjectOwnerId( handles[i] ) == 0 ) // We know that the device dp id is always 0, otherwise the whole MTP won't work.
GenerateObjectHandleListL( handles[i] );
while ( !context.QueryComplete() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &handles ); // - handles
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &context ); // - context
PRINT( _L( "MM MTP <= CRenameObject::GenerateObjectHandleListL" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRenameObject::GetParentSuidL
// Get the full file name of old/new folder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRenameObject::GetParentSuidL( TUint32 aHandle,
const TDesC& aFolderName )
PRINT2( _L( "MM MTP => CRenameObject::GetParentSuidL aHandle(0x%x), aFolderName(%S)" ),
aHandle, &aFolderName );
CMTPObjectMetaData* objectInfo( CMTPObjectMetaData::NewLC() ); // + objectInfo
// get the old folder suid
if ( iFramework .ObjectMgr().ObjectL( aHandle, *objectInfo ) )
iNewFolderName = objectInfo->DesC( CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid );
PRINT1( _L( "MM MTP <> CRenameObject::GetParentSuidL new folder full file name(%S)" ), &iNewFolderName );
const TInt length = iNewFolderName.Length();
TParsePtrC parentSuid( iNewFolderName.Left( length - 1 ) );
iOldFolderFullName.Append( parentSuid.DriveAndPath() );
iOldFolderFullName.Append( aFolderName ); // just name not suid
_LIT( KBackSlash, "\\" );
iOldFolderFullName.Append( KBackSlash );
PRINT1( _L( "MM MTP <> CRenameObject::GetParentSuidL = %S" ), &iOldFolderFullName );
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( objectInfo ); // - objectInfo
PRINT( _L( "MM MTP <= CRenameObject::GetParentSuidL" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRenameObject::PerformAdditionalActionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRenameObject::PerformAdditionalActionL()
PRINT( _L( "MM MTP => CRenameObject::PerformAdditionalActionL" ) );
// update MPX DB
TRAPD( err, iWrapper.RenameObjectL( iOldFileName, iFileName ) );
// should not fail for 1 file, keep it going, as folder already renamed
if ( err != KErrNone )
PRINT1( _L( "MM MTP <> CRenameObject::PerformAdditionalActionL err = %d" ), err );
PRINT( _L( "MM MTP <= CRenameObject::PerformAdditionalActionL" ) );
//end of file