* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Encapsulates operations on a table in the db
#include <e32base.h>
#include <mpxlog.h>
#include "mpxharvesterdbtable.h"
#include "mpxdbcommon.h"
#include "mpxharvesterdbitem.h"
const TInt KStringLength = 300;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable( RDbStoreDatabase& aDb )
: iDb( aDb ),
iState( EInvalidState )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Two-Phased Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable* CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::NewLC(
RDbStoreDatabase& aDb )
CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable* self =
new( ELeave ) CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable( aDb );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Open the Table to list all files in the db
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenAllFilesTableL()
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenAllFilesTableL <---");
// Close old view just in case
// Open all files query
// select * from files
TBuf<KDbMaxTableCreationSQLLength> query;
query.Append( KSelectAll );
query.Append( KHarvesterMainTable );
// Open the view
User::LeaveIfError( iView.Prepare( iDb, query ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iView.Evaluate() );
iState = EAllItems;
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenAllFilesTableL --->");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Open the Table to a specific directory ( drive:\\path )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenDirectoryL( const TDesC& aDirectory )
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenDirectoryL <---");
// Close old view just in case
HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewLC(KStringLength); // 255 file path + 45 for single quotes
// magic, this would break if we have >
// 45 single quotes in a file name.
TParsePtrC parse( aDirectory );
TPtr ptr = buffer->Des();
FindAndReplaceSingleQuote( parse.DriveAndPath(), ptr );
// Open all files query
// select * from files where filepath='aDirectory'
TBuf<KDbMaxTableCreationSQLLength> query;
query += KSelectAll;
query += KHarvesterMainTable;
query += KWhere;
query += KHarPathName;
query += KLike;
query += KItemBracket;
query += ptr;
query += KWildcard;
query += KItemBracket;
// Open the view
TDbQuery sqlQuery( query, EDbCompareFolded );
User::LeaveIfError( iView.Prepare( iDb, sqlQuery ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iView.Evaluate() );
iState = EDirectory;
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenDirectoryL --->");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Open the Table to a specific song view
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenItemL( const TDesC& aSongName )
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenItemL <---");
// Close old view just in case
HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewLC(KStringLength); // 255 file path + 45 for single quotes
// magic, this would break if we have > 45 single quotes in a file name.
TPtr ptr = buffer->Des();
// Open all files query
// select * from files where path='path' AND filename='aSongName'
TParsePtrC parse( aSongName );
TBuf<KDbMaxTableCreationSQLLength> query;
query += KSelectAll;
query += KHarvesterMainTable;
query += KWhere;
query += KHarFileName;
query += KEquals;
query += KItemBracket;
ptr.Copy( KNullDesC );
FindAndReplaceSingleQuote( parse.NameAndExt(), ptr );
query += ptr;
query += KItemBracket;
query += KAnd;
query += KHarPathName;
query += KEquals;
query += KItemBracket;
ptr.Copy( KNullDesC );
FindAndReplaceSingleQuote( parse.DriveAndPath(), ptr );
query += ptr;
query += KItemBracket;
// Open the view
TDbQuery sqlQuery( query, EDbCompareFolded );
User::LeaveIfError( iView.Prepare( iDb, sqlQuery ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iView.Evaluate() );
iState = EFile;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenItemL --->");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Open a table to list of files with DRM flag set.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenDrmL()
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenDrmL <---");
// Close old view just in case
HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewLC(KStringLength); // 255 file path + 45 for single quotes
// magic, this would break if we have > 45 single quotes in a file name.
TPtr ptr = buffer->Des();
// Open all files query
// select * from files where path='path' AND filename='aSongName'
TBuf<KDbMaxTableCreationSQLLength> query;
query += KSelectAll;
query += KHarvesterMainTable;
query += KWhere;
query += KHarItemDRM;
query += KEquals;
query += KOn;
// Open the view
TDbQuery sqlQuery( query, EDbCompareFolded );
User::LeaveIfError( iView.Prepare( iDb, sqlQuery ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iView.Evaluate() );
iState = EDrm;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::OpenDrmL --->");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete the item pointed to at the current row
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::DeleteItemL(TBool aEndTransaction)
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::DeleteItemL <---");
#ifdef __PRINTDB__
#endif //__PRINTDB__
if (!iDb.InTransaction())
// Safe row update
TBool found = iView.FirstL();
if( !found )
if ( aEndTransaction )
TRAPD( err, iView.DeleteL() );
if( err != KErrNone )
if ( aEndTransaction )
User::Leave( err );
if ( aEndTransaction )
// DB Compaction
struct RDbDatabase::TSize size = iDb.Size();
const TInt waterMark = 60;
if (size.iUsage <= waterMark)
MPX_DEBUG1( "Compacting DB" );
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::DeleteItemL --->");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the number of rows in the current view
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::CountL()
return iView.CountL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add an item to the table
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::AddItemL( const TDesC& aPath,
const TDesC& aFileName,
const TTime aLastModTime,
const TInt aColId,
const TBool aDRM )
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::AddItemL <---");
// Add the item into the db
iView.SetColL( KHarPathNameColumn, aPath );
iView.SetColL( KHarFileNameColumn, aFileName );
iView.SetColL( KHarModTimeColumn, aLastModTime );
iView.SetColL( KHarColDBIDColumn, aColId );
iView.SetColL( KHarDRMColumn, (TUint) aDRM );
// Safe update to database
TRAPD( err, iView.PutL() );
if( KErrNone != err )
User::Leave( err );
#ifdef __PRINTDB__
#endif //__PRINTDB__
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::AddItemL --->");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update the current row with the updated info
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::UpdateItemL( const TDesC& /*aPath*/,
const TTime aLastModTime,
const TInt aColId,
const TBool aDrm,
TBool aNewTransaction )
// Safe row update
TBool newTransaction = aNewTransaction && !iDb.InTransaction();
if ( newTransaction )
TBool valid = iView.FirstL();
if( valid )
iView.SetColL( KHarModTimeColumn, aLastModTime );
iView.SetColL( KHarColDBIDColumn, aColId );
iView.SetColL( KHarDRMColumn, (TUint) aDrm );
if( newTransaction )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
TRAPD( err, iView.PutL() );
if( err != KErrNone )
if ( newTransaction )
User::Leave( err );
if ( newTransaction )
// DB Compaction
struct RDbDatabase::TSize size = iDb.Size();
const TInt waterMark = 60;
if (size.iUsage <= waterMark)
if ( newTransaction )
MPX_DEBUG1( "Compacting DB" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update the current row with the updated info
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::UpdateItemL( const TTime aLastModTime,
const TInt aColId,
TBool aNewTransaction,
const TDesC& aPath )
// Safe row update
TBool newTransaction = aNewTransaction && !iDb.InTransaction();
if( iView.FirstL() )
if ( newTransaction )
if ( aPath != KNullDesC )
TParsePtrC parser( aPath );
iView.SetColL( KHarPathNameColumn, parser.DriveAndPath() );
iView.SetColL( KHarFileNameColumn, parser.NameAndExt() );
iView.SetColL( KHarModTimeColumn, aLastModTime );
if ( aColId != KNullUid.iUid )
iView.SetColL( KHarColDBIDColumn, aColId );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
TRAPD( err, iView.PutL() );
if( err != KErrNone )
if ( newTransaction )
User::Leave( err );
if ( newTransaction )
// DB Compaction
struct RDbDatabase::TSize size = iDb.Size();
const TInt waterMark = 60;
if (size.iUsage <= waterMark)
if ( newTransaction )
MPX_DEBUG1( "Compacting DB" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local function to cleanup an array
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void CleanupArray( TAny* item )
((RPointerArray<CMPXHarvesterDbItem>*) item )->ResetAndDestroy();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create an array representing the table that is generated
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
RPointerArray<CMPXHarvesterDbItem>* CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::CreateTableRepresentationL()
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::CreateTableRepresentationL <---");
RPointerArray<CMPXHarvesterDbItem>* array =
new (ELeave) RPointerArray<CMPXHarvesterDbItem>;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( CleanupArray, array) );
for (iView.FirstL();iView.AtRow();iView.NextL())
// Retrieve the row
CMPXHarvesterDbItem* item = new(ELeave) CMPXHarvesterDbItem();
CleanupStack::PushL( item );
// Setup the item
HBufC* filepath = ReadLongTextLC( KHarPathNameColumn );
HBufC* songname = ReadLongTextLC( KHarFileNameColumn );
item->iFile = HBufC::NewL( filepath->Length() + songname->Length() );
TPtr buf = item->iFile->Des();
buf.Append( *filepath );
buf.Append( *songname );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, filepath );
item->iLastModifiedTime = iView.ColTime( KHarModTimeColumn );
item->iColId = iView.ColInt( KHarColDBIDColumn );
item->iDrm = iView.ColUint( KHarDRMColumn );
User::LeaveIfError( array->InsertInOrderAllowRepeats( item,
CMPXHarvesterDbItem::Compare ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( item );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // cleanup
MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::CreateTableRepresentationL --->");
return array;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read out the text at the current row and at a specific column
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::ReadLongTextLC( TInt aColumn )
TInt len = iView.ColLength( aColumn );
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(len);
TPtr value( buf->Des() );
if ( len>0 )
RDbColReadStream strm;
strm.OpenLC(iView, aColumn );
strm.ReadL( value, len );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &strm );
return buf;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fixes single quote query issues
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::FindAndReplaceSingleQuote(const TDesC& aSrc,
TDes& aTrg)
TPtrC ch;
TInt srcLen = aSrc.Length();
for (TInt i = 0; i < srcLen; ++i)
ch.Set(&aSrc[i], 1);
if ( ch.CompareF(_L("'")) == 0)
#ifdef __PRINTDB__
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print out all items in the current table
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXHarvesterDatabaseTable::PrintItemsInTableL()
for (iView.FirstL();iView.AtRow();iView.NextL())
// Retrieve the row
// Print out each row
HBufC* filepath = ReadLongTextLC( KHarPathNameColumn );
HBufC* songname = ReadLongTextLC( KHarFileNameColumn );
TTime time = iView.ColTime( KHarModTimeColumn );
MPX_DEBUG4("Filepath: %S Filename:%S Time %i", filepath, songname, time.Int64() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, filepath );
#endif // __PRINTDB__