changeset 20 0ac9a5310753
equal deleted inserted replaced
19:095bea5f582e 20:0ac9a5310753
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Implementation of CEqualizerPresetsDialog class
    15 *
    16 */
    21 // INCLUDE FILES   
    22 #include <StringLoader.h>
    23 #include <akntitle.h>  
    24 #include <eikenv.h>
    25 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    26 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    27 #include <bautils.h>
    28 #include <aknenv.h> 
    29 #include <aknlists.h>
    30 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    31 #include <eikclbd.h>
    32 #include <AknIconArray.h> 
    33 #include <avkon.hrh>
    34 //LAF and Skin changes
    35 #include <AknsUtils.h>
    36 #include <e32base.h>
    37 #include <AknsConstants.h>
    38 #include <aknlayout.cdl.h>
    39 #include <featmgr.h>
    40 #include <hlplch.h>
    41 #include <AudioEqualizerUtility.h>
    42 #include <sysutil.h>
    43 #include <AknGlobalNote.h>
    44 #include <aknclearer.h>
    45 #include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
    47 #include <csxhelp/eq.hlp.hrh>
    48 #include <Equalizer.rsg>  // Contains the resource definition
    49 #include <equalizer.mbg>
    50 #include "EqualizerPrivateConstants.h"
    51 #include "EqualizerPresetsDialog.h" 
    52 #include "EqualizerPresetListArray.h" 
    53 #include "EqualizerEditingDialog.h" 
    54 #include "Equalizer.hrh"
    56 // CONSTANTS
    57 //Used during building a new preset name   
    58 _LIT( KEqrFormat, "%d)" );
    59 _LIT( KEqrZero, "0" );
    60 _LIT( KEqrParenthesis, "(" );  
    62 // Used for checking if the new preset name contains illegal characters
    63 _LIT(KEqrLessThan, "<");
    64 _LIT(KEqrGreaterThan, ">");
    65 _LIT(KEqrQuote, "\"");
    66 _LIT(KEqrBackSlash, "\\");
    67 _LIT(KEqrForwardSlash, "/");
    68 _LIT(KEqrOrSymbol, "|");
    69 _LIT(KEqrColon, ":");
    70 _LIT(KEqrAsterisk, "*");
    71 _LIT(KEqrQuestionMark, "?");
    73 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    75 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog* CEqualizerPresetsDialog::NewL()
    77 // Create instance of concrete ECOM interface implementation
    78 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 // 
    80 EXPORT_C CEqualizerPresetsDialog* CEqualizerPresetsDialog::NewL(
    81        CAudioEqualizerUtility* aAudEqUtility,
    82        TInt aCurrentActivePreset, 
    83        MEqualizerPresetActivationObserver& aEqrPresetActObserver)
    84     {
    85     CEqualizerPresetsDialog* self = new (ELeave) CEqualizerPresetsDialog(
    86         aAudEqUtility, aEqrPresetActObserver);
    87     CleanupStack::PushL(self); 
    88     self->ConstructL(aCurrentActivePreset);
    89     CleanupStack::Pop(self); 
    90     return self;
    91     }
    93 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    94 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::CEqualizerPresetsDialog(
    95 //       CAudioEqualizerUtility*& aAudEqUtility,
    96 //       MEqualizerPresetActivationObserver& aEqrPresetActObserver)
    97 // First Phase Construction
    98 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 // 
   100 CEqualizerPresetsDialog::CEqualizerPresetsDialog(
   101        CAudioEqualizerUtility* aAudEqUtility,
   102        MEqualizerPresetActivationObserver& aEqrPresetActObserver):
   104        iAudEqUtility(aAudEqUtility),
   105        iEqrPresetActObserver(aEqrPresetActObserver)
   106     {
   107     }
   109 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::ConstructL()
   111 // Second Phase Constructor
   112 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 // 
   114 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::ConstructL(const TInt aCurrentActivePreset)
   115     {
   116     //Initially set these variable to EFalse
   117     iContextSensitiveMenu = EFalse;
   118     iIgnoreKeyEvents = EFalse;
   120     iRepository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidMusicPlayerSettings);
   122     //Add the resource file
   124     // Find which drive this DLL is installed.
   125     TFileName fileName;
   126     // Get the full resource file
   127     TParse fp;
   128     // Add the resource dir
   129     fp.Set( KEqualizerResourceFileName, &KDC_APP_RESOURCE_DIR, NULL);
   130     // Get the filename with full path
   131     fileName = fp.FullName(); 
   132     //for localisation of resource file
   133     BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( iEikonEnv->FsSession(), fileName ); 
   134     iResourceFileOffset = iEikonEnv->AddResourceFileL( fileName );
   136     //Read text for preset "None" from rss file
   137     iPresetNoneText = StringLoader::LoadL(R_QTN_EQUALIZER_PRESET_NONE);
   138     iTitleText = StringLoader::LoadL(R_QTN_EQUALIZER_TITLE_TEXT);
   140     iItemArray = CEqualizerPresetListArray::NewL(iAudEqUtility, 
   141                                      aCurrentActivePreset);
   143     iItemArray->GetCurrentActivePreset(iActivePreset);
   145     CAknDialog::ConstructL(R_EQUALIZER_CONTAINER_MENUBAR);
   146     }
   148 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   149 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::~CEqualizerPresetsDialog()
   150 // Destructor
   151 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
   152 //  
   153 CEqualizerPresetsDialog::~CEqualizerPresetsDialog()
   154     {
   155     if (iResourceFileOffset)
   156         {
   157         iEikonEnv->DeleteResourceFile(iResourceFileOffset); 
   158         }
   159     delete iRepository;
   160     if (iAppTitleText)
   161         {
   162         // restore musicplayer's title
   163         CEikStatusPane* sp=iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();
   164         CAknTitlePane* tp=(CAknTitlePane*)sp->ControlL(TUid::Uid(EEikStatusPaneUidTitle));   
   165         tp->SetTextL(*iAppTitleText);        
   166 	    delete iAppTitleText;
   167         }
   168     delete iPresetNoneText;
   169     delete iTitleText;
   170     delete iItemArray;
   171     }
   173 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   174 // void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::BuildPresetNameL( TDes& aName) const
   175 // Returns free folder name
   176 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   177 //
   178 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::BuildPresetNameL( TDes& aName) const
   179     {
   180     //set name in the query box to "Preset"
   181     HBufC* defaultText = StringLoader::LoadLC(
   182         R_QTN_EQ_PRESET_DEFAULT_NAME);    
   184     TInt n(0);
   186     // Numbers start from 1
   187     TBool found( EFalse );
   188     TBuf<KMaxPresetNameLength> number;
   190     // The loop is iterated until a free folder name is found.
   191     FOREVER
   192         {
   193         found = EFalse;
   194         // Constructs a candidate for the name
   195         TBuf<KMaxPresetNameLength> newName;
   196         newName.Copy( *defaultText );
   198         if( n > 0 )
   199             // First new is without number ( New folder, New folder(01), New folder(02), ...)
   200             {
   201             // Creates the current number.
   202             number.Format( KEqrFormat, n );
   203             AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion ( number );
   205             TInt leadingZeroLength( 0 );
   206             if( n < 10 )
   207                 {
   208                 leadingZeroLength = KEqrZero().Length();
   209                 }
   211             // checks the total length of the costructed string
   212             if( ( number.Length() + newName.Length() + KEqrParenthesis().Length()
   213                   + leadingZeroLength ) > KMaxPresetNameLength )
   214                 {
   215                 User::Leave( KErrOverflow );
   216                 }
   218             // Appends the first parenthesis
   219             newName.Append( KEqrParenthesis );
   220             if( n < 10 )
   221                 {
   222                 // Appends the leading zero ( always two digits 08, 09, 10, 11,...)
   223                  TBuf< 16 > zero(KEqrZero);
   224         		AknTextUtils::DisplayTextLanguageSpecificNumberConversion( zero );
   225                 newName.Append( KEqrZero );
   226                 }
   227             newName.Append( number );
   228             }
   229         found = SearchPresetL(newName);
   231         if( found == KErrNotFound )
   232             {
   233             aName = newName;
   234             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( defaultText); 
   235             return;
   236             }
   237         n++;
   238         }   
   239     }
   241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   242 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::GetNewName(TInt aResourceId, TDes& presetName)
   243 //
   244 // This function is called to display the dialog box to get a new name
   245 // during "Raname" or "Create new"
   246 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   247 // 
   248 TBool CEqualizerPresetsDialog::GetNewNameL(const TInt aResourceId, TDes& 
   249 aPresetName) const
   250     {
   251     CAknTextQueryDialog* dlg;
   252     TBool ret = EFalse;
   254     while (1)
   255         {
   256         dlg = CAknTextQueryDialog::NewL(aPresetName); 
   257         if (dlg->ExecuteLD(aResourceId))
   258             {
   259             // Illegal characters in a preset name are < > \" \\ / | : * ?"
   261             if ( (aPresetName.FindC( KEqrLessThan ) != KErrNotFound ) ||
   262                  (aPresetName.FindC( KEqrGreaterThan ) != KErrNotFound ) ||
   263                  (aPresetName.FindC( KEqrQuote ) != KErrNotFound ) ||
   264                  (aPresetName.FindC( KEqrBackSlash ) != KErrNotFound ) ||                 
   265                  (aPresetName.FindC( KEqrForwardSlash ) != KErrNotFound ) ||
   266                  (aPresetName.FindC( KEqrOrSymbol ) != KErrNotFound ) ||
   267                  (aPresetName.FindC( KEqrColon ) != KErrNotFound ) ||                 
   268                  (aPresetName.FindC( KEqrAsterisk ) != KErrNotFound ) ||
   269                  (aPresetName.FindC( KEqrQuestionMark ) != KErrNotFound )             
   270                )
   271                 {
   272                 HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC(
   273                     R_QTN_FLDR_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS);
   274                 CAknInformationNote* note = new( ELeave ) CAknInformationNote(ETrue);
   275                 note->ExecuteLD( *text );
   276                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(text);
   277                 continue;
   278                 }
   280             TInt error = SearchPresetL(aPresetName);    
   281             if (error != KErrNotFound)
   282                 {
   283                 // display error
   284                 HBufC* label = StringLoader::LoadLC(
   285                     R_QTN_FLDR_NAME_ALREADY_USED, aPresetName );
   286                 CAknInformationNote* note = new( ELeave )
   287                                          CAknInformationNote( ETrue );
   288                 note->ExecuteLD( *label );
   289                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(label);
   290                 continue;
   291                 }
   292             // New name entered
   293             ret = ETrue;
   294             }
   295         // Break, in case user Cancels the data query or 
   296         // enters a valid name 
   297         break;
   298         }    
   299     return ret;
   300     }
   302 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   303 // TPresetName CEqualizerPresetsDialog::GetHighlightedPresetInListBox() const
   304 // This function returns the highlighted Preset in ListBox
   305 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   306 //  
   307 TPresetName CEqualizerPresetsDialog::GetHighlightedPresetInListBox() const
   308     {
   309     TInt selectedIndex = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
   310     CTextListBoxModel* model = iListBox->Model();
   311     TPresetName selectedItem(model->ItemText(selectedIndex));
   312     TPresetName highlightedPreset = 
   313              selectedItem.Right(selectedItem.Length()- iItemArray->GetPrefixLength());
   314     return highlightedPreset;  
   315     }
   317 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   318 //void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::ActivateEqrPresetL(const TInt  aIndex, 
   319 //const TDesC& aPreset)  const
   320 //
   321 //This function is used for the activation of a preset
   322 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   323 //
   324 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::ActivateEqrPresetL(const TInt aIndex, 
   325 const TDesC& aPreset) 
   326     {
   327     TInt err;
   328     // Store activated preset in central repository    
   329     SetCurrentPreset(aPreset);
   331     // Set the active preset in the equalizer item array
   332     iItemArray->SetCurrentActivePreset(aPreset);
   334     // Display Confirmation note        
   335     // As per 9.2 Spec, No activation note should be shown
   337     /*HBufC* activateNoteText = StringLoader::LoadLC(
   339     CAknConfirmationNote* dialog = new(ELeave)CAknConfirmationNote();
   340     dialog->ExecuteLD(*activateNoteText);
   341     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(activateNoteText); */
   343     // Inform the engine
   344     if (aPreset.Compare(*iPresetNoneText) == 0)            
   345         {
   346         TRAP(err, iAudEqUtility->DisableEqualizerL());                
   347         }
   348     else
   349         {
   350         TRAP(err, iAudEqUtility->ApplyPresetL(GetEngineIndexL(aPreset)));
   351         }  
   353    if(!err)
   354 	   {
   355 	   iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();
   356 	   iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw(aIndex);
   357 	   // To prevent two tickmarks from appearing sometimes
   358 	   iListBox->DrawNow(); 
   359 	   }
   360    else
   361        {
   362 	   #ifdef _DEBUG
   363        	RDebug::Print(_L("CEqualizerPresetsDialog::ActivateEqrPresetL err = %d "), err);
   364 	   #endif
   365         // To prevent multiple tickmarks from appearing 
   366         iListBox->DrawNow(); 
   367        }
   368    }
   370 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 //void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::RenameEqrPresetL(const TInt  aIndex, 
   372 //const TDesC& aPreset)  const
   373 //
   374 //This function is used for the renaming of a preset
   375 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   376 //
   377 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::RenameEqrPresetL(const TInt /*aIndex*/, 
   378 const TDesC& aPreset) 
   379     {
   380     //Check if this is an active preset
   381     TPresetName activePresetName = CurrentPreset();
   382     if (aPreset.Compare(activePresetName) == 0)            
   383        {
   384         //Display Confirmation note                 
   385         HBufC* renameText = StringLoader::LoadLC(
   386         R_QTN_EQ_NOTE_ERR_PRESET_IN_USE_NO_RENAME);               
   387         CAknErrorNote* dialog = new(ELeave)CAknErrorNote();         
   388         dialog->ExecuteLD(*renameText);
   389         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(renameText);
   390         } 
   391     else
   392         {
   393         TPresetName presetName;
   394         presetName =  aPreset;
   395         TBool nameEnteredIsFine = 
   396         GetNewNameL(R_DIALOG_TEXT_RENAME_ITEM_NAME, presetName); 
   398         if (nameEnteredIsFine)
   399             {
   400             TInt engineIndex = GetEngineIndexL(aPreset);
   401             //Update Engine
   402             iAudEqUtility->GetPresetL(engineIndex);
   403             CAudioEqualizer& audioEqualizer = iAudEqUtility->Equalizer();
   405             iAudEqUtility->ModifyPresetL(engineIndex,presetName,
   406              audioEqualizer);
   408             //Update listbox
   409             // Sort the array of user-defined presets
   410             iItemArray->UpdateSortedArrayL(); 
   411             iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex(SearchPresetL(presetName));
   412             iListBox->DrawNow();
   413             }
   414         }
   415    }
   417 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   418 // void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::EditEqrPresetL(const TInt  aIndex, 
   419 // const TDesC& aPreset)  const
   420 //
   421 // This function is used for the editing of a preset
   422 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   423 //
   424 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::EditEqrPresetL(const TInt  /*aIndex*/, 
   425 const TDesC& aPreset) 
   426     {
   427     //Set application name in the title pane to preset name.
   428     CEikStatusPane* sp=iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();
   429     CAknTitlePane* tp=(CAknTitlePane*)sp->ControlL(TUid::Uid(
   430     EEikStatusPaneUidTitle));
   431     tp->SetTextL(aPreset);
   432     TInt engineIndex = GetEngineIndexL(aPreset);
   433     //Update Engine
   434     TBool isActivePreset = (aPreset==CurrentPreset());
   436     DisplaySettingsL(iAudEqUtility, engineIndex, isActivePreset);
   437     }
   439 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   440 // void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::CreateNewEqrPresetL(TInt&  aIndex, 
   441 // TPresetName& aPreset) const
   442 //
   443 // This function is used for the creation of a new preset.
   444 // @param aIndex The index of the preset in the ListBox. This is set
   445 // to a the index in the ListBox if preset creation is successful. 
   446 // If the creation is unscuccessful, then the parameter is not changed.
   447 // @param aPreset The name of the preset created
   448 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   449 //
   450 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::CreateNewEqrPresetL(TInt&  aIndex, 
   451 TPresetName& aPreset) const
   452     {
   453     RFs fs; 
   454     User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
   455     CleanupClosePushL<RFs>( fs );
   457     if (SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(&fs,0))
   458         {
   459         ShowDiskFullNoteL(); // Phone memory full, show note
   460         }
   461     else
   462         {
   463         TPresetName presetName;
   464         BuildPresetNameL(presetName);
   466         TBool nameEnteredIsFine = GetNewNameL(R_DIALOG_TEXT_NEW_ITEM_NAME,
   467          presetName);
   469         if (nameEnteredIsFine)
   470             {
   471             //Update Engine
   472             CAudioEqualizer& audioEqualizer = iAudEqUtility->Equalizer();
   473             iAudEqUtility->CreatePresetL(presetName, audioEqualizer);
   475             //Set the level of all bands to 0.
   476             TInt numFreqBand = audioEqualizer.NumberOfBands();
   477             for (TInt i = 0; i < numFreqBand; i++)
   478                 {
   479                 audioEqualizer.SetBandLevelL(i+1, 0);
   480                 }
   482             iItemArray->UpdateSortedArrayL();            
   483             //Update AudioEqualizerUtility object, setting the level of all
   484             // bands to 0 
   485             iAudEqUtility->ModifyPresetL(GetEngineIndexL(presetName),
   486                                  presetName, audioEqualizer);
   488             //Set the focus to the new preset 
   489             iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();
   490             iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex(SearchPresetL(presetName));                 
   491             iListBox->DrawNow();
   493             aPreset = presetName;
   494             aIndex = iItemArray->MdcaCount()-1;  
   495 	          }
   496         }
   497         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   498     }
   500 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   501 //void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::DeleteEqrPresetL(const TInt  aIndex, 
   502 //const TDesC& aPreset)  const
   503 //
   504 //This function is used for the deletion of a preset
   505 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   506 //
   507 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::DeleteEqrPresetL(const TInt aIndex,
   508 const TDesC& aPreset)
   509     {
   510     //Check if this is an active preset
   511     TPresetName activePresetName = CurrentPreset();
   512     if (aPreset.Compare(activePresetName) == 0)     
   513         {
   514         //Display error note                   
   515         HBufC* renameText =
   516          StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_EQ_NOTE_ERR_PRESET_IN_USE);
   517         CAknErrorNote* dialog = new(ELeave)CAknErrorNote();
   518         dialog->ExecuteLD(*renameText);
   519         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(renameText);
   520         } 
   521     else
   522         {
   523         //Delete?\n%U" §qtn.query.common.conf.delete?
   524         HBufC* text = 
   525         StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_QUERY_COMMON_CONF_DELETE, 
   526         aPreset);
   528         // Show confirmation note
   529         CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
   530         TInt result( 
   531         dlg->ExecuteLD( R_EQUALIZER_CONFIRMATION_QUERY, *text ) );
   532         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(text); // text
   534         if ( result )
   535             {
   536             //Update Engine
   537             iAudEqUtility->DeletePresetL(GetEngineIndexL(aPreset));
   538             //Remove from listbox
   539             iItemArray->UpdateSortedArrayL();
   540             iListBox->HandleItemRemovalL();
   541             // This is to avoid the gap observed when the last entry present
   542             // in the Preset List is deleted
   543             iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw(0);
   544             //If we are at the last preset set focus to the next preset
   545             // else the previous preset
   546             if (aIndex == iItemArray->MdcaCount())
   547                 {
   548                 iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw(aIndex - 1);
   549                 }
   550             else
   551                 {
   552                 iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw(aIndex);
   553                 }
   554             iListBox->DrawNow();
   555             }
   556         }
   557     }
   559 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   560 // TInt CEqualizerPresetsDialog::GetEngineIndexL
   561 // (const TPresetName& aPresetName)
   562 //
   563 // This function is called to find the index of a preset in the list of
   564 // presets returned by CAudioEqualizerUtility::Presets()
   565 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
   566 // 
   567 TInt CEqualizerPresetsDialog::GetEngineIndexL(const TPresetName& aPresetName) const  
   568     {
   569     TInt engineIndex = KErrNotFound;
   570     TInt count;
   572     TArray<TEfAudioEqualizerUtilityPreset> presets = iAudEqUtility->Presets();
   573     TInt numPredefinedPresets = iAudEqUtility->NumberOfPreDefinedPresets();
   574     TInt numPresets = presets.Count();
   575     for (count = 0; count < numPresets; count++)
   576         {
   577         TPresetName selectedItem = iItemArray->MdcaPoint(count+1);
   578         TPresetName presetName = selectedItem.Right(
   579                             selectedItem.Length() - iItemArray->GetPrefixLength());
   582         if (((count < numPredefinedPresets) && (presetName == aPresetName))
   583             || (presets[count].iPresetName == aPresetName))
   584             {
   585             engineIndex = count;
   586             }
   587         }
   588    if (engineIndex == KErrNotFound)
   589         {
   590         // Leave if this function is called for preset "None" or a preset
   591         // which is there in the ListBox but not in the Engine.
   592         User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   593         }
   595     return engineIndex;
   596     }
   598 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   599 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::DisplaySettingsL
   600 // (CAudioEqualizerUtility *aAudEqUtility, TInt aIndex,
   601 // const TBool aIsActivePreset)) const
   602 //
   603 // This function is used to display the current equalizer settings
   604 // by creating a new dialog. The dialog can also be used for editing, etc.
   605 // of the settings.
   606 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   607 //  
   608 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::DisplaySettingsL(CAudioEqualizerUtility*
   609  aAudEqUtility, const TInt aIndex, const TBool aIsActivePreset)
   610     {
   611     TRect rect = Rect();
   613     TInt item;
   614     TPresetName preset = GetHighlightedPresetInListBox(); 
   615     iItemArray->GetPresetKeyFromLocalisedName(item, preset);
   616     iEditingDialog = CEqualizerEditingDialog::NewL(aAudEqUtility, 
   617       aIndex, rect, aIsActivePreset,iEqrPresetActObserver, item);
   618     iEditingDialog->ExecuteLD(); 
   619     iEditingDialog = NULL;    
   620     }  
   622 // --------------------------------------------------------------
   623 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::CurrentPreset()
   624 // This function is used to read the currently active preset from
   625 // the central repository
   626 // --------------------------------------------------------------
   627 //    
   628 TPresetName CEqualizerPresetsDialog::CurrentPreset() const
   629     {
   630     TInt res = 0;
   631     TPresetName preset;
   632     User::LeaveIfError(iRepository->Get(KMPlayerEqPresetId, res));
   633     iItemArray->GetLocalisedPresetNameFromKey(res,preset );
   634     return preset;   
   635     }
   637 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
   638 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::SetCurrentPreset(const TPtrC& aPreset)
   639 // This function is used to store the currently active preset into
   640 // the central repository
   641 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
   642 //     
   643 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::SetCurrentPreset(const TPresetName& aPreset)
   644     {
   645     TInt activePresetKey;
   646     iActivePreset = aPreset;
   647     iItemArray->GetPresetKeyFromLocalisedName(activePresetKey, aPreset);
   648     iEqrPresetActObserver.HandlePresetActivation(activePresetKey);
   649     }
   651 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   652 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::SearchPresetL(const TPresetName& aPreset) const
   653 // This function is used to search for a preset name in the ListBox.
   654 // It return the index of the preset, if found and KErrNotFound if not found.
   655 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   656 //       
   657 TInt CEqualizerPresetsDialog::SearchPresetL(const TPresetName& aPreset) const
   658     {
   659     TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
   660     iItemArray->UpdateSortedArrayL();
   662     for (TInt i=0; i<iItemArray->MdcaCount(); i++)
   663         {
   664         TPresetName selectedItem = iItemArray->MdcaPoint(i);
   665         TPresetName presetName = selectedItem.Right(selectedItem.Length() - iItemArray->GetPrefixLength());
   667         if (aPreset == presetName)      
   668             {
   669             ret = i;
   670             break;
   671             }
   672         }
   673     return ret;
   674     }
   676 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   677 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::SetAudioEqualizerL(CAudioEqualizerUtility* 
   678 // aAudEqUtility)
   679 // This function is used to set a new CAudioEqualizerUtility* 
   680 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   681 //    
   682 EXPORT_C void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::SetAudioEqualizerL(
   683 CAudioEqualizerUtility* aAudEqUtility)
   684     {
   685     iAudEqUtility=aAudEqUtility;
   686     if (iItemArray)
   687         {
   688         iItemArray->SetAudioEqualizer(iAudEqUtility);
   689         }	
   691     if (iEditingDialog)
   692         {
   693         iEditingDialog->SetAudioEqualizerL(iAudEqUtility);
   694         }
   697     if (iAudEqUtility)
   698         {
   699         iIgnoreKeyEvents = EFalse;
   700         }
   701     else
   702         {
   703         iIgnoreKeyEvents = ETrue; 
   704         }
   705     }
   707 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   708 // CEqualizerPresets::GetListBoxIconsL()
   709 // This function is used to load the lisitbox icons into an array
   710 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   711 //
   712 CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* CEqualizerPresetsDialog::GetListBoxIconsL() const
   713     {
   714     // Get the icon array and deleted if already exists. Memory leak error.
   715     CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* previcons = iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->IconArray();
   716     if( previcons )
   717     	{
   718     	previcons->ResetAndDestroy();
   719     	delete previcons;
   720     	previcons = NULL;
   721     	}
   723     // CGulIcon class packages two bitmaps: icon image and its mask
   724     // CAknIconArray inherits from CArrayPtrFlat
   725     CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iconList = new (ELeave) 
   726                                  CAknIconArray(KEqualizerArrayGranularity);
   727     CleanupStack::PushL(iconList);
   729     // Find which drive this DLL is installed.
   730     TFileName fileName;
   731     // Get the full resource file
   732     TParse fp;
   733     // Add the resource dir
   734     fp.Set( KIconsFilename, &KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR, NULL);
   736     // Get the filename with full path
   737     fileName = fp.FullName(); 
   739     MAknsSkinInstance* skinInstance;
   740     CFbsBitmap* newIconBmp = NULL;
   741     CFbsBitmap* newIconBmpMask = NULL;
   742     CGulIcon* newIcon = NULL;
   744     skinInstance = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
   746     //creating blank icon
   747     AknsUtils::CreateIconLC(skinInstance,KAknsIIDQgnPropEmpty,
   748                            newIconBmp,newIconBmpMask,fileName,
   749                            EMbmEqualizerEmpty13x13,
   750                            EMbmEqualizerEmpty13x13_mask);
   752     newIcon = CGulIcon::NewL(newIconBmp,newIconBmpMask);
   754     CleanupStack::Pop(2);
   755     CleanupStack::PushL(newIcon);
   756     iconList->AppendL(newIcon);
   758     CleanupStack::Pop();
   760     //creating TICK mark icon
   761     AknsUtils::CreateIconLC(skinInstance,KAknsIIDQgnPropPslnActive,
   762                            newIconBmp,newIconBmpMask,fileName,
   763                            EMbmEqualizerQgn_prop_psln_active,
   764                            EMbmEqualizerQgn_prop_psln_active_mask);
   767     newIcon = CGulIcon::NewL(newIconBmp,newIconBmpMask);
   769     CleanupStack::Pop(2);
   770     CleanupStack::PushL(newIcon);
   771     iconList->AppendL(newIcon);
   773     CleanupStack::Pop();
   775     CleanupStack::Pop(iconList);
   777     newIconBmp = NULL;
   778     newIconBmpMask = NULL;
   779     newIcon = NULL;
   781     return iconList;
   782     }    
   784 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   785 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::ExecuteLD() 
   786 //
   787 // This function is called to create a dialog
   788 // to display the preset list view of the equalizer
   789 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
   790 //  
   791 EXPORT_C TInt CEqualizerPresetsDialog::ExecuteLD()
   792     {
   793     TInt ret = CAknDialog::ExecuteLD(R_EQUALIZER_DIALOG);
   794     return ret;
   795     }
   797 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   798 // void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL(void)
   799 // This function is called just before the dialog is displayed
   800 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   801 // 
   802 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL(void)
   803     {
   805     CEikStatusPane* sp=iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();
   806     CAknTitlePane* tp=(CAknTitlePane*)sp->ControlL(TUid::Uid(
   807     EEikStatusPaneUidTitle));
   808     // Store the Application's title text
   809     iAppTitleText =  tp->Text()->AllocL(); 
   811     // Set preset name in the title pane
   812     tp->SetTextL(*iTitleText);
   814     iPreviousStatusPaneLayout = sp->CurrentLayoutResId();
   816     if ( sp )
   817         {
   818         if ( R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_USUAL != iPreviousStatusPaneLayout )
   819             {
   820             sp->SwitchLayoutL( R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_USUAL );
   821             }
   822         }
   823     iListBox= (CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox*)Control(ESelectionListControl);
   824     iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray(GetListBoxIconsL());
   826     // Set item array to listbox model
   827     iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray(iItemArray);
   828     // Item array is not owned by ListBox so it has to be freed. 
   829     iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType(ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray);        
   831     //
   832     // Create a scrollbar that will be displayed automatically
   833     // if all the items cannot be displayed on screen
   834     //
   835     iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL(ETrue);
   836     iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
   837     CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto);
   838     // Set focus to the currently active preset
   840 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   841     iListBox->SetListBoxObserver(this);
   842 #endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   843     TPresetName currentPreset = CurrentPreset();
   845     TInt cur = SearchPresetL(currentPreset);
   846     if (cur == KErrNotFound) //Some preset should always be active
   847         {
   848         User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   849         }  
   850     iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw(cur);     
   852     }
   854 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   855 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId)
   856 //
   857 // This function is called when the user presses the selection key
   858 // for displaying context sesitive menu
   859 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
   860 // 
   861 TBool CEqualizerPresetsDialog::OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId)
   862     {
   863     TBool ret = EFalse;
   864     if (aButtonId == EEikBidOk)
   865         {
   866         iContextSensitiveMenu = ETrue;
   867         DisplayMenuL();
   868         }
   869     else if (aButtonId == EAknSoftkeyBack) 
   870         {
   871         CEikStatusPane* sp=iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();
   872         CAknTitlePane* tp=(CAknTitlePane*)sp->ControlL(TUid::Uid(
   873           EEikStatusPaneUidTitle));
   875         if (iAppTitleText)
   876             {
   877              //set application name in the title pane
   878             tp->SetTextL(*iAppTitleText);        
   879             }
   880         ret = CAknDialog::OkToExitL( aButtonId ); 
   881         }
   882      else if (aButtonId == EAknSoftkeySelect) 
   883         {
   884         const TInt index = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
   885         TPresetName preset = GetHighlightedPresetInListBox();
   886         ActivateEqrPresetL(index, preset);
   887         }
   888     else  
   889         {
   890         ret = CAknDialog::OkToExitL( aButtonId );        
   891         } 
   893     if ( ret )
   894         {
   895         // Restore landscape layout
   896         CEikStatusPane* sp=iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();
   897         if( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
   898             {
   899             if ( sp && KErrNone != iPreviousStatusPaneLayout )
   900                 {
   901                 if ( sp->CurrentLayoutResId() != R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_USUAL )
   902                     {
   903                     sp->SwitchLayoutL( R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_USUAL );
   904                     }
   905                 }
   906             }
   907         else
   908             {
   909             CAknLocalScreenClearer* clearer = CAknLocalScreenClearer::NewLC( ETrue );
   910             sp->SwitchLayoutL( R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_USUAL_FLAT );
   911             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( clearer );
   912             }
   913         }
   914     return ret;
   915     } 
   917 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   918 // void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::SizeChanged()
   919 //
   920 // This function is called by the framework whenever there is a change
   921 // in the size of the control
   922 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   923 //
   924 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::SizeChanged()
   925     {
   926     TRect rect = Rect();
   927     //Getting the layout for the list box
   928     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutControl(iListBox, rect, AknLayout::list_gen_pane(1));
   929     CAknDialog::SizeChanged();
   930     }
   932 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   933 // void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground)
   934 //
   935 // Handles changes to the application 
   936 // when it switches to or from the foreground.
   937 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   938 //     
   939 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground)
   940     {
   941     if (aForeground)
   942         {
   943         CEikStatusPane* sp=iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();
   944         CAknTitlePane* tp=(CAknTitlePane*)sp->ControlL(TUid::Uid(
   945         EEikStatusPaneUidTitle));
   946         tp->SetTextL(*iTitleText);
   947         } 
   948     }
   950 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   951 // void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow)
   952 //
   953 // Responds to a change in focus.
   954 // This is called whenever the control gains or loses focus
   955 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   956 //   
   957 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::FocusChanged(TDrawNow /*aDrawNow*/)
   958 	{
   959 	iItemArray->UpdateSortedArrayL(); 
   960 	TPresetName currentPreset = CurrentPreset();
   961     iItemArray->SetCurrentActivePreset(currentPreset);
   963     if(iListBox)
   964     {
   965         iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();
   966 	}
   967 	}
   969 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   970 // void CEqualizerFreqBand::HandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType)
   971 //
   972 // This function is called by the framework whenever there is a 
   973 // change in skin or layout
   974 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   975 //
   976 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::HandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType)
   977     {
   978     if (aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange)
   979         {
   980         //Creating the icons for the new Skin
   981         iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray(GetListBoxIconsL());
   982         iListBox->HandleResourceChange(aType);    
   983         }
   985      else if (aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch)
   986         {                
   987 	    TRect rect;
   988 	    AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, rect);  	    
   989 	    SetRect(rect);
   990         }            
   992     }
   994 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::HandleResourceChange(TInt aType)
   995 	{
   996 	CAknDialog::HandleResourceChange( aType );
   997 	HandleResourceChangeL(aType);
   998 	}
  1000 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1001 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::OfferKeyEventL(
  1002 //     const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
  1003 // This function is used to handle key events
  1004 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1005 //
  1006 TKeyResponse CEqualizerPresetsDialog::OfferKeyEventL(
  1007     const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
  1008     TEventCode aType )
  1009     { 
  1010     if (iIgnoreKeyEvents)
  1011         {
  1012         return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
  1013         }
  1014     if (aType == EEventKey)
  1015         {
  1016         if (aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyBackspace)
  1017             {
  1018             // Find the preset highlighted
  1019             const TInt listBoxIndex = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
  1021             // pre-defined presets cannot be deleted.
  1022             // preset "None" is not stored in engine.
  1023             if (listBoxIndex > (TInt) 
  1024                (iAudEqUtility->NumberOfPreDefinedPresets()))
  1025                 {
  1026                 TPresetName preset = GetHighlightedPresetInListBox(); 
  1027                 DeleteEqrPresetL(listBoxIndex, preset);
  1028                 }
  1029             return EKeyWasConsumed;
  1030             }
  1031         else if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyEnter )
  1032             {
  1033             const TInt index = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
  1034             TPresetName preset = GetHighlightedPresetInListBox();
  1035             ActivateEqrPresetL(index, preset);
  1036             return EKeyWasConsumed;
  1037             }
  1038         }
  1039     return CAknDialog::OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType ); 
  1040     }
  1042 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1043 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::DynInitMenuPaneL(
  1044 //                              TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane)
  1045 //  This function is called by the EIKON framework just before it displays
  1046 //  a menu pane. Its default implementation is empty, and by overriding it,
  1047 //  the application can set the state of menu items dynamically according
  1048 //  to the state of application data.
  1049 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1050 //
  1051 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::DynInitMenuPaneL(
  1052                         TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane)
  1053     {
  1054     TPresetName selectedItem = GetHighlightedPresetInListBox(); 
  1056     TInt selectedIndex = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();     
  1057     TInt numberOfPreDefinedPresets = 
  1058     iAudEqUtility->NumberOfPreDefinedPresets();      
  1060     if ( aResourceId == R_EQUALIZER_CONTAINER_MENU)
  1061         {
  1062         //Is the menubar invoked from Options menu or selection key?
  1063         if (iContextSensitiveMenu == EFalse)
  1064             {
  1065             // The menubar is invoked from Options menu
  1066 	        iMenuBar->SetMenuType(CEikMenuBar::EMenuOptions);
  1067             // The selected preset is "None"
  1068             if (selectedItem.Compare(*iPresetNoneText) == 0)
  1069                 {
  1070                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdRename, ETrue);
  1071                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdDelete, ETrue);
  1072                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdEdit, ETrue);
  1073                 }
  1074             // The selected preset is a pre defined preset other than "None"
  1075             if (selectedIndex <= numberOfPreDefinedPresets)
  1076                 {
  1077                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdRename, ETrue);
  1078                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdDelete, ETrue);
  1079                 }
  1080             // Help should be displayed only if the feature is supported
  1081             // according to Feature Manager
  1082             if (!FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdHelp))
  1083                 {
  1084                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdHelp, ETrue);
  1085                 }
  1086             }
  1087         else
  1088             {
  1089             // The menubar is invoked from selection key
  1090 	        iMenuBar->SetMenuType(CEikMenuBar::EMenuContext);
  1091             // These Options are always hidden
  1092             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdDelete, ETrue);
  1093             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdRename, ETrue);
  1094             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdCreateNew, ETrue);
  1095             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdHelp, ETrue);
  1096             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EAknCmdExit, ETrue);
  1098             // The selected preset is "None"
  1099             if (selectedItem.Compare(*iPresetNoneText) == 0)            
  1100                 {
  1101                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdEdit, ETrue);
  1102                 }
  1103             iContextSensitiveMenu = EFalse; 
  1104             }
  1105         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdCreateNew, ETrue );
  1106         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed(EEqualizerCmdEdit, ETrue);
  1107         }
  1108    }
  1110 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  1111 // CEqualizerPresetsDialog::ProcessCommandL(TInt  aCommandId ) 
  1112 //
  1113 // This function is called to process the menubar command in a dialog
  1114 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  1115 // 
  1116 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::ProcessCommandL(TInt  aCommandId )
  1117     {
  1118     // Need to do this in all cases or menu does not disappear after
  1119     // a selection is made
  1120     CAknDialog::ProcessCommandL(aCommandId);
  1122     // Find the preset highlighted
  1123     const TInt index = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
  1124     TPresetName preset = GetHighlightedPresetInListBox(); 
  1126     switch(aCommandId)
  1127         {
  1128         case EAknCmdExit :
  1129         case EEikCmdExit :
  1130             {
  1131             iAvkonAppUi->HandleCommandL( aCommandId );
  1132             break;
  1133             }    
  1134         case EEqualizerCmdEdit:
  1135             {
  1136             EditEqrPresetL(index, preset);
  1137             break;
  1138             }
  1139         case EEqualizerCmdActivate:
  1140             {
  1141             ActivateEqrPresetL(index, preset);
  1142             break;
  1143             }
  1144         case EEqualizerCmdCreateNew:
  1145             {
  1146             TInt presetIndex = -1;
  1147             TPresetName presetName; 
  1149             CreateNewEqrPresetL(presetIndex, presetName);
  1151             if (presetIndex != -1)
  1152                 {
  1153                 // A valid preset name has been entered
  1154                 EditEqrPresetL(presetIndex, presetName);
  1155                 }   
  1156             break;   
  1157             }
  1159         case EEqualizerCmdDelete:
  1160             { 
  1161             DeleteEqrPresetL(index, preset); 
  1162             break;
  1163             }
  1165         case EEqualizerCmdRename:
  1166             { 
  1167             RenameEqrPresetL(index, preset);
  1168             break;
  1169             }
  1171         case EEqualizerCmdHelp:
  1172             {
  1173             HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL
  1174                 ( iEikonEnv->WsSession(),
  1175                  CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi()->AppHelpContextL() );
  1176             break;
  1177             }
  1179         default:
  1180             {
  1181             break;
  1182             }
  1183         }
  1184     }
  1186 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  1187 // void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::GetHelpContext( 
  1188 //            TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const
  1189 // Get help context for the control
  1190 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  1191 //         
  1192 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::GetHelpContext( 
  1193             TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const
  1194     {
  1195     aContext.iMajor = KUidEqualizer;
  1196     aContext.iContext = KEQ_HLP_LIST_VIEW;
  1197     }
  1199 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  1200 // void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::ShowDiskFullNoteL() 
  1201 // This function is used to display a note to the user if           
  1202 // memory is below critical level when creating a new preset.
  1203 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  1204 //  
  1205 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::ShowDiskFullNoteL() const
  1206     {
  1207     HBufC* message = NULL;
  1208     message = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_MEMLO_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
  1210     CAknGlobalNote* note = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
  1211     note->SetSoftkeys(R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_EMPTY);
  1212     note->ShowNoteL(/*status,*/ EAknGlobalErrorNote, *message);
  1214     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(note); // note, message
  1215     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(message); // note, message
  1216     }
  1218 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  1219 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  1220 // void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::HandleListBoxEventL 
  1221 // This function callback from MEikListBoxObserver when a listbox item           
  1222 // is double clicked using a pen input .
  1223 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  1224 //  
  1225 void CEqualizerPresetsDialog::HandleListBoxEventL(
  1226     CEikListBox* /*aListBox*/,
  1227     TListBoxEvent aEventType )
  1228     {
  1229     switch ( aEventType )
  1230         {
  1232         case EEventItemSingleClicked:
  1233 #endif
  1234         case EEventItemDoubleClicked:
  1235             {
  1236             const TInt index = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
  1237             TPresetName preset = GetHighlightedPresetInListBox();
  1238             ActivateEqrPresetL(index, preset);
  1239             break;
  1240             }
  1241         default:
  1242             break;
  1243         }
  1244     }
  1245 #endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  1246 // End of File 