* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Telephony Multimedia Service
#ifndef TMS_PROXY_H
#define TMS_PROXY_H
#include <mmfbase.h>
#include <mmfutilities.h> //for TFourCC
#include <tms.h>
#include "tmsqueuehandler.h"
#include "tmsclientserver.h"
namespace TMS {
class TMSEffect;
class TMSEffectObserver;
class TMSGlobalRouting;
class TMSGlobalRoutingObserver;
// TMSProxy class
class TMSProxy : public RSessionBase,
public MQueueHandlerObserver
IMPORT_C virtual ~TMSProxy();
* Opens a connection to the server.
* @return KErrNone if successful connection created
IMPORT_C gint Connect();
* @return The server version this session can connct to
IMPORT_C TVersion Version() const;
* Close the session to the server
IMPORT_C void Close();
IMPORT_C gint GetTMSCallSessionHandle();
IMPORT_C gint GetSupportedDecoders(RArray<TUint32>& aDecoders,
gint& aFrameSize);
IMPORT_C gint GetSupportedEncoders(RArray<TUint32>& aEncoders,
gint& aFrameSize);
// TMSGlobalRouting
IMPORT_C gint SetOutput(TMSAudioOutput output);
IMPORT_C gint GetOutput(TMSAudioOutput& output);
IMPORT_C gint GetPreviousOutput(TMSAudioOutput& output);
IMPORT_C gint GetAvailableOutputs(OutputVector& outputs);
// TMSGlobal Volume & Gain
IMPORT_C gint GetLevel(guint& level);
IMPORT_C gint GetMaxLevel(guint& level);
IMPORT_C gint SetLevel(guint level);
IMPORT_C gint GetGain(guint& level);
IMPORT_C gint GetMaxGain(guint& level);
IMPORT_C gint SetGain(guint level);
// Global notifiers
IMPORT_C gint StartDTMFNotifier();
IMPORT_C gint CancelDTMFNotifier();
IMPORT_C gint StartGlobalEffectNotifier();
IMPORT_C gint CancelGlobalEffectNotifier();
IMPORT_C gint StartRoutingNotifier();
IMPORT_C gint CancelRoutingNotifier();
// Message queue
IMPORT_C gint SetMsgQueueNotifier(TMSMsgQueueNotifierType type,
gpointer obsrvr, gpointer parent, gint clientid);
IMPORT_C gint RemoveMsgQueueNotifier(TMSMsgQueueNotifierType type,
gpointer obsrvr);
// From MQueueHandlerObserver
virtual void QueueEvent(gint aEventType, gint aError, void* user_data);
void PopulateArrayL(TMSClientServerRequest aRequest,
RArray<TUint32>& aDecoders, gint aCount);
void GetAvailableOutputsL(OutputVector& outputs);
gint AddGlobalEffectObserver(TMSEffectObserver& obsrvr,
TMSEffect& parent, gint clientid);
gint RemoveGlobalEffectObserver(TMSEffectObserver& obsrvr);
gint AddRoutingObserver(TMSGlobalRoutingObserver& obsrvr,
TMSGlobalRouting& parent, gint clientid);
gint RemoveRoutingObserver(TMSGlobalRoutingObserver& obsrvr);
gint CreateQueue(const gint aNumSlots);
void ReceiveMsgQHandlerEventsL();
TRoutingMsgBufPckg ipckg;
RPointerArray<TMSEffectObserver> iEffectsObsrvrList;
RPointerArray<TMSEffect> iEffectsParentList;
RPointerArray<TMSGlobalRoutingObserver> iRoutingObsrvrList;
RPointerArray<TMSGlobalRouting> iRoutingParentList;
// Message queue and the handler
RMsgQueue<TmsMsgBuf> iMsgQueue;
TMSQueueHandler* iMsgQHandler;
} //namespace TMS
#endif // TMS_PROXY_H
// End of file