changeset 20 0e9bb658ef58
parent 0 e83bab7cf002
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/widgetmodel/alfwidgetmodel/src/alflinevisualattributesetter.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:23:18 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Implements attributesetters for linevisual.
+//widget model includes
+#include "alf/alfattributecontainer.h"
+#include "alf/alfattributevaluetype.h"
+#include "alf/alfattribute.h"
+#include "alf/alflinevisualattributesetter.h"
+#include <alf/alfvisualexception.h>
+#include <alf/alfdataexception.h>
+#include <alf/alfattributeexception.h>
+//osn includes
+#include <osn/ustring.h>
+#include <osn/alfptrvector.h>
+//alf includes
+#include <alf/alfenv.h>
+#include <alf/alflinevisual.h>
+#include <alf/alftexture.h>
+#include <alf/alfcurvepath.h>
+//dui includes
+#include "alf/attrproperty.h"
+//other includes
+#include <libc/string.h>
+#include <utf.h>
+using namespace osncore;
+using namespace duiuimodel::commonvisualattributes;
+using namespace duiuimodel::linevisualattributes;
+using namespace duiuimodel::curvepathattributes;
+namespace Alf
+    {
+static void throwIfErr ( int aErr )
+    {
+    if (aErr!=KErrNone)
+        {
+        ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException, aErr,
+                    "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter")
+        }
+    }
+class AlfLineVisualAttributeSetterImpl
+    {
+    AlfLineVisualAttributeSetterImpl();
+    ~AlfLineVisualAttributeSetterImpl();
+    // Texture manager doesn't unload the texture from memory untill Env
+    // is deleted. Hence need to unload them once attribute setter is deleted.
+    AlfPtrVector<CAlfTexture> mLoadedTextures;
+    // Env needed to access TextureManager while unloading textures.
+    CAlfEnv* mEnv;
+    };
+    {
+    // Do not delete textures here as they may be in use by the visuals
+    // that have not been deleted.
+    mLoadedTextures.setAutoDelete(false);
+    }
+    {
+    // Unload all loaded textures created by this attributesetter to free
+    // up the memory.
+    for (int i =0;i<mLoadedTextures.count();i++)
+        {
+        CAlfTexture* Texture = mLoadedTextures[i];
+        mEnv->TextureManager().UnloadTexture(Texture->Id());
+        }
+    mLoadedTextures.clear();
+    }
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter()
+    {
+    mImpl.reset(new (EMM) AlfLineVisualAttributeSetterImpl());
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::~AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter()
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets Attribute Value. Delegates based on attribute Category.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::setAttributeValue (
+    CAlfVisual &aVisual,
+    AlfAttributeContainer* aContainer,
+    IAlfMap* aData )
+    {
+    CAlfLineVisual* lineVisual = dynamic_cast<CAlfLineVisual*>( &aVisual);
+    if ( !lineVisual )
+        {
+        ALF_THROW ( AlfVisualException, EInvalidVisual, "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" )
+        }
+    CAlfCurvePath* curve = lineVisual->Path();
+    if (curve)
+        {
+        curve->Reset();
+        }
+    AlfCommonVisualAttributeSetter::setAttributeValue(aVisual,
+            aContainer, aData);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Deprecated
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT TAlfCommand* AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::createCommand (
+    CAlfVisual& /*aVisual*/,
+    AlfAttributeContainer* /*aContainer*/,
+    IAlfMap* /*aData*/,
+    int /*aTransitionTime*/,
+    CAlfVisual* /*aRefVisual*/ )
+    {
+    //deprecated
+    TAlfCommand* cmd = 0;
+    return cmd;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sends a command to Env
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::createAndSendCommands (
+    CAlfVisual& aVisual,
+    AlfAttributeContainer* aContainer,
+    CAlfVisual* aRefVisual )
+    {
+    // SetOffset in CAlfCurvePath,
+    // SetThickness,SetShadowThickness SetStartPos & SetEndPos
+    // in Line Visual can be sent as a TAlfCustomEventCommand
+    AlfCommonVisualAttributeSetter::createAndSendCommands (
+        aVisual, aContainer, aRefVisual );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets dynamic attributes to visual
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::handleDynamicAttribute (
+    CAlfVisual &aVisual,
+    AlfAttribute& aAttr,
+    AlfAttributeContainer& aContainer)
+    {
+    CAlfLineVisual* lineVisual = dynamic_cast<CAlfLineVisual*>( &aVisual);
+    if ( !lineVisual )
+        {
+        return;
+        }  
+    const char* attrName = aAttr.name();
+    if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KThickness ) )
+        {
+        TAlfTimedValue tVal((TReal32)aAttr.getSourceValue()->realValue());
+        tVal.SetTarget ((TReal32)aAttr.getTargetValue()->realValue(),
+                        (TInt) aAttr.getTime());
+        tVal.SetStyle ( aAttr.getInterpolationStyle() );
+        tVal.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (aAttr.getMappingFunctionId());
+        lineVisual->SetThickness(tVal);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KShadowThickness ) )
+        {
+        TAlfTimedValue tVal((TReal32)aAttr.getSourceValue()->realValue());
+        tVal.SetTarget ((TReal32)aAttr.getTargetValue()->realValue(),
+                        (TInt) aAttr.getTime());
+        tVal.SetStyle ( aAttr.getInterpolationStyle() );
+        tVal.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (aAttr.getMappingFunctionId());
+        lineVisual->SetShadowThickness(tVal);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KStartPos ) )
+        {
+        TAlfTimedValue tVal((TReal32)aAttr.getSourceValue()->realValue());
+        tVal.SetTarget ((TReal32)aAttr.getTargetValue()->realValue(),
+                        (TInt) aAttr.getTime());
+        tVal.SetStyle ( aAttr.getInterpolationStyle() );
+        tVal.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (aAttr.getMappingFunctionId());
+        lineVisual->SetStartPos(tVal);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KEndPos ) )
+        {
+        TAlfTimedValue tVal((TReal32)aAttr.getSourceValue()->realValue());
+        tVal.SetTarget ((TReal32)aAttr.getTargetValue()->realValue(),
+                        (TInt) aAttr.getTime());
+        tVal.SetStyle ( aAttr.getInterpolationStyle() );
+        tVal.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (aAttr.getMappingFunctionId());
+        lineVisual->SetEndPos(tVal);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KOffsetX )||!strcmp ( attrName, KOffsetY ) )
+        {
+        AlfAttribute& offsety = aContainer.getAttributeByName (
+                                    KOffsetY );
+        AlfAttribute& offsetx = aContainer.getAttributeByName (
+                                    KOffsetX );
+        //will throw if attribute is not found
+        TAlfTimedPoint offset((TReal32)offsetx.getSourceValue()->realValue(),
+                              (TReal32)offsety.getSourceValue()->realValue());
+        offset.iX.SetTarget((TReal32)offsetx.getTargetValue()->realValue(),
+                            offsetx.getTime());
+        offset.iY.SetTarget((TReal32)offsety.getTargetValue()->realValue(),
+                            offsety.getTime());
+        offset.iX.SetStyle ( offsetx.getInterpolationStyle() );
+        offset.iY.SetStyle ( offsety.getInterpolationStyle() );
+        offset.iX.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (
+            offsetx.getMappingFunctionId());
+        offset.iY.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (
+            offsety.getMappingFunctionId());
+        CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+        curve->SetOffset ( offset );
+        offsetx.setDirty(false);
+        offsety.setDirty(false);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        AlfCommonVisualAttributeSetter::handleDynamicAttribute(
+            aVisual, aAttr, aContainer);
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets static attributes to visual
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::handleStaticAttribute (
+    CAlfVisual& aVisual,
+    AlfAttribute& aAttr,
+    AlfAttributeContainer& aContainer)
+    {
+    CAlfLineVisual* lineVisual = dynamic_cast<CAlfLineVisual*>( &aVisual);
+    if ( !lineVisual )
+        {
+        return;
+        }  
+    const char* attrName = aAttr.name();
+    if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KImagePath ) )
+        {
+        TPtrC8 src;
+        src.Set((TUint8*)aAttr.stringValue().getUtf8());
+        auto_ptr<HBufC> DesC;
+        TRAPD(err1,
+            DesC.reset(CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L(src)));
+        throwIfErr(err1);
+        if (DesC.get())
+            {
+            CAlfTexture* texture = NULL;
+            TRAPD(err2,texture = &(aVisual.Env().TextureManager().
+                                   LoadTextureL( *(DesC.get()),
+                                       EAlfTextureFlagDefault,
+                                       KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId)));
+            throwIfErr(err2);
+            lineVisual->SetImage(TAlfImage(*texture));
+            mImpl->mEnv = &aVisual.Env();
+            mImpl->mLoadedTextures.resize(mImpl->mLoadedTextures.count()+1);
+            mImpl->mLoadedTextures.insert(mImpl->mLoadedTextures.count(),
+                                       texture);
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KThickness ) )
+        {
+        TAlfTimedValue val(aAttr.realValue(),0);
+        //static attribute,apply with immidiate effect
+        lineVisual->SetThickness(val);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KShadowThickness ) )
+        {
+        TAlfTimedValue val(aAttr.realValue(),0);
+        //static attribute,apply with immidiate effect
+        lineVisual->SetShadowThickness(val);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KStartPos ) )
+        {
+        TAlfTimedValue val(aAttr.realValue(),0);
+        //static attribute,apply with immidiate effect
+        lineVisual->SetStartPos(val);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KEndPos ) )
+        {
+        TAlfTimedValue val(aAttr.realValue(),0);
+        //static attribute,apply with immidiate effect
+        lineVisual->SetEndPos(val);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KAlphaMappingFunction ) )
+        {
+        // assumption:
+        // The int value-mapping function mapping is the following:
+        // 0 - KConstMappingFunction
+        // 1 - duiuimodel::nodetypes::KLinearMappingFunction
+        // 2 - KSineMappingFunction
+        // 3 - KCosineMappingFunction
+        MAlfMappingFunction* func =  this->getMappingFunction(aAttr,
+                                               lineVisual->Env());
+        if (!func)
+            {
+            ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException,
+                        EInvalidAttribute, "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter")
+            }
+        lineVisual->SetAlphaFunction(func);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KWidthMappingFunction ) )
+        {
+        //assumption:
+        //The int value-mapping function mapping is the following:
+        //0 - KConstMappingFunction
+        //1 - duiuimodel::nodetypes::KLinearMappingFunction
+        //2 - KSineMappingFunction
+        //3 - KCosineMappingFunction
+        MAlfMappingFunction* func =  this->getMappingFunction(aAttr,
+                                     lineVisual->Env());
+        if (!func)
+            {
+            ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException,
+                        EInvalidAttribute, "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter")
+            }
+        lineVisual->SetWidthFunction(func);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KColor ) )
+        {
+        if ( 4 == aAttr.getTargetValueCount() &&
+                AlfAttributeValueType::EFloat == aAttr.type(0) &&
+                AlfAttributeValueType::EFloat == aAttr.type(1) &&
+                AlfAttributeValueType::EFloat == aAttr.type(2) &&
+                AlfAttributeValueType::EFloat == aAttr.type(3))
+            {
+            TRgb color ( aAttr.realValue(0),
+                         aAttr.realValue(1),
+                         aAttr.realValue(2),
+                         aAttr.realValue(3) );
+            lineVisual->SetColor ( color );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException, EInvalidAttribute,
+                        "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter")
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KEnableLoop ) )
+        {
+        CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+        // if value is not int, then use default parameter of EnableLoop
+        if ( AlfAttributeValueType::EInt != aAttr.type() )
+            {
+            curve->EnableLoop ();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            int enableLoop = aAttr.intValue();
+            TBool flag = ETrue;
+            //Assume true for any non-zero value.
+            if ( 0 == enableLoop )
+                {
+                flag = EFalse;
+                }
+            curve->EnableLoop ( flag );
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KOrigin ) )
+        {
+        CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+        curve->SetOrigin ( aAttr.realValue() );
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KOffsetX )||!strcmp ( attrName, KOffsetY ) )
+        {
+        CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+        AlfAttribute& offsety = aContainer.getAttributeByName (
+                                               KOffsetY );
+        AlfAttribute& offsetx = aContainer.getAttributeByName (
+                                               KOffsetX );
+        //will throw if attribute is not found
+        TAlfTimedPoint offset( offsetx.realValue(), offsety.realValue());
+        curve->SetOffset ( offset );
+        offsetx.setDirty(false);
+        offsety.setDirty(false);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KLine ) )
+        {
+        CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+        // This multi-value attribute has to be filled in this order:
+        // startx,starty,endx,endy,linelength
+        if ( 5 != aAttr.getTargetValueCount())
+            {
+            ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException, EInvalidAttribute,
+                        "CAlfLineVisualLayoutAttributeSetter" );
+            }
+        float startx = this->floatOrInt( aAttr, 0 );
+        float starty = this->floatOrInt( aAttr, 1 );
+        float endx = this->floatOrInt( aAttr, 2 );
+        float endy = this->floatOrInt( aAttr, 3 );
+        float len = aAttr.realValue(4);
+        TRAPD(err1,
+              curve->AppendLineL ( TAlfRealPoint(startx,starty),
+                                   TAlfRealPoint(endx,endy),len ))
+        throwIfErr(err1);
+        }
+    else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KArc ) )
+        {
+        CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+        // This multi-value attribute has to be filled in this order:
+        // arcoriginx,arcoriginy,archorzradius,arcvertradius,
+        // arcstartangle,arcendangle,arclength
+        if ( 7 != aAttr.getTargetValueCount())
+            {
+            ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException, EInvalidAttribute,
+                        "CAlfLineVisualLayoutAttributeSetter" );
+            }
+        float originx = this->floatOrInt( aAttr, 0 );
+        float originy = this->floatOrInt( aAttr, 1 );
+        float horzradius = this->floatOrInt( aAttr, 2 );
+        float vertradius = this->floatOrInt( aAttr, 3 );
+        float startangle = aAttr.realValue(4);
+        float endangle = aAttr.realValue(5);
+        float len = aAttr.realValue(6);
+        TRAPD(err1,
+              curve->AppendArcL(TAlfRealPoint(originx,originy),
+                                TAlfRealSize(horzradius,vertradius),
+                                startangle, endangle, len))
+        throwIfErr(err1);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        AlfCommonVisualAttributeSetter::handleStaticAttribute (
+            aVisual, aAttr, aContainer);
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets dynamic attributes to visual from data
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::handleDynamicDataAttribute (
+    CAlfVisual& aVisual,
+    AlfAttribute& aAttr,
+    AlfAttributeContainer& aContainer,
+    IAlfMap* aData )
+    {
+    CAlfLineVisual* lineVisual = dynamic_cast<CAlfLineVisual*>( &aVisual);
+    if ( !lineVisual )
+        {
+        ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, ECommonError,
+                    "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" )
+        }    
+    const char* attrName = aAttr.name();
+    const char* dataField = aAttr.getDataField();
+    if ( !dataField )
+        {
+        ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, ECommonError,
+                    "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter")
+        }
+    if (!aData)
+        {
+        ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, ECommonError,
+                    "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" )
+        }
+    IAlfVariantType* data = aData->item ( UString(dataField) );
+    if (data)
+        {
+        const char* attrName = aAttr.name();
+        if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KOffsetX ) )
+            {
+            AlfAttribute& offsety = aContainer.getAttributeByName (
+                                        KOffsetY );
+            //will throw if attribute is not found
+            const char* offsetyDataField = offsety.getDataField();
+            if ( !offsetyDataField )
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, ECommonError,
+                            "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" )
+                }
+            IAlfVariantType* offsetyData = 
+                                 aData->item ( UString(offsetyDataField) );
+            if ( data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal &&
+                    offsetyData && 
+                    offsetyData->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal)
+                {
+                // The time value is in the attribute?
+                //Is it not part of data as well?
+                TAlfTimedPoint offset;
+                offset.iX.SetTarget(data->real(), aAttr.getTime());
+                offset.iX.SetStyle ( aAttr.getInterpolationStyle() );
+                offset.iX.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (
+                    aAttr.getMappingFunctionId());
+                offset.iY.SetTarget(offsetyData->real(), offsety.getTime());
+                offset.iY.SetStyle ( offsety.getInterpolationStyle() );
+                offset.iY.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (
+                    offsety.getMappingFunctionId());
+                CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+                curve->SetOffset ( offset );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KOffsetY ) )
+            {
+            //Make sure X Attribute also exists, but do nothing. Actual values
+            //will be set in the iteration that checks for KOffsetX
+            aContainer.getAttributeByName ( KOffsetX );
+            //will throw if attribute is not found
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KThickness ) )
+            {
+            if ( data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal)
+                {
+                // The time value is in the attribute?
+                // Is it not part of data as well?
+                // how is the source value stored in data? policy not clear
+                TAlfTimedValue tVal;
+                tVal.SetTarget(data->real(),(TInt) aAttr.getTime());
+                tVal.SetStyle ( aAttr.getInterpolationStyle() );
+                tVal.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (
+                    aAttr.getMappingFunctionId());
+                lineVisual->SetThickness(tVal);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }    
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KShadowThickness ) )
+            {
+            if ( data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal)
+                {
+                // The time value is in the attribute?
+                // Is it not part of data as well?
+                // how is the source value stored in data? policy not clear
+                TAlfTimedValue tVal;
+                tVal.SetTarget(data->real(),(TInt) aAttr.getTime());
+                tVal.SetStyle ( aAttr.getInterpolationStyle() );
+                tVal.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (
+                    aAttr.getMappingFunctionId());
+                lineVisual->SetShadowThickness(tVal);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }    
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KStartPos ) )
+            {
+            if ( data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal)
+                {
+                // The time value is in the attribute?
+                // Is it not part of data as well?
+                // how is the source value stored in data? policy not clear
+                TAlfTimedValue tVal;
+                tVal.SetTarget(data->real(),(TInt) aAttr.getTime());
+                tVal.SetStyle ( aAttr.getInterpolationStyle() );
+                tVal.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (
+                    aAttr.getMappingFunctionId());
+                lineVisual->SetStartPos(tVal);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }    
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KEndPos ) )
+            {
+            if ( data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal)
+                {
+                // The time value is in the attribute?
+                // Is it not part of data as well?
+                // how is the source value stored in data? policy not clear
+                TAlfTimedValue tVal;
+                tVal.SetTarget(data->real(),(TInt) aAttr.getTime());
+                tVal.SetStyle ( aAttr.getInterpolationStyle() );
+                tVal.SetMappingFunctionIdentifier (
+                    aAttr.getMappingFunctionId());
+                lineVisual->SetEndPos(tVal);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }    
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            AlfCommonVisualAttributeSetter::handleDynamicDataAttribute(
+                aVisual, aAttr, aContainer, aData);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets static attributes to visual  from data
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::handleStaticDataAttribute (
+    CAlfVisual &aVisual,
+    AlfAttribute& aAttr,
+    AlfAttributeContainer& aContainer,
+    IAlfMap* aData )
+    {
+    CAlfLineVisual* lineVisual = dynamic_cast<CAlfLineVisual*>( &aVisual);
+    if ( !lineVisual )
+        {
+        ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, ECommonError,
+                    "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" )
+        }  
+    const char* dataField = aAttr.getDataField();
+    if ( !dataField )
+        {
+        ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, ECommonError,
+                    "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" );
+        }
+    if (!aData)
+        {
+        ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, ECommonError,
+                    "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" );
+        }
+    IAlfVariantType* data = aData->item (UString( dataField) );
+    const char* attrName = aAttr.name();
+    if ( data )
+        {
+        if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KImagePath ) )
+            {
+            if (data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EString)
+                {
+                TPtrC8 src;
+                src.Set((TUint8*)data->string().getUtf8());
+                auto_ptr<HBufC> DesC;
+                TRAPD(err1,
+                  DesC.reset(CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L(src)));
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                if (DesC.get())
+                    {
+                    CAlfTexture* texture = NULL;
+                    TRAPD(err2,texture = &(aVisual.Env().TextureManager().
+                                           LoadTextureL(*(DesC.get()), 
+                                               EAlfTextureFlagDefault,
+                                               KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId)));
+                    throwIfErr(err2);
+                    lineVisual->SetImage(TAlfImage(*texture));
+                    mImpl->mEnv = &aVisual.Env();
+                    mImpl->mLoadedTextures.resize(
+                        mImpl->mLoadedTextures.count()+1);
+                    mImpl->mLoadedTextures.insert(
+                        mImpl->mLoadedTextures.count(), texture);
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }    
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KThickness ) )
+            {
+            if (data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal)
+                {
+                TAlfTimedValue val(data->real(),0);
+                //static attribute,apply with immidiate effect
+                lineVisual->SetThickness(val);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }    
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KShadowThickness ) )
+            {
+            if (data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal)
+                {
+                TAlfTimedValue val(data->real(),0);
+                //static attribute,apply with immidiate effect
+                lineVisual->SetShadowThickness(val);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }    
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KStartPos ) )
+            {
+            if (data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal)
+                {
+                TAlfTimedValue val(data->real(),0);
+                //static attribute,apply with immidiate effect
+                lineVisual->SetStartPos(val);
+                }
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KEndPos ) )
+            {
+            if (data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal)
+                {
+                TAlfTimedValue val(data->real(),0);
+                //static attribute,apply with immidiate effect
+                lineVisual->SetEndPos(val);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }    
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KAlphaMappingFunction ) )
+            {
+            //assumption:
+            //The int value-mapping function mapping is the following:
+            //0 - KConstMappingFunction
+            //1 - duiuimodel::nodetypes::KLinearMappingFunction
+            //2 - KSineMappingFunction
+            //3 - KCosineMappingFunction
+            if (data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EContainer )
+                {
+                IAlfContainer* dataContainer = data->container();
+                MAlfMappingFunction* func =
+                    this->getMappingFunctionFromContainer(dataContainer,
+                                                          lineVisual->Env());
+                if (!func)
+                    {
+                    ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException,
+                                EInvalidAttribute, "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter")
+                    }
+                lineVisual->SetAlphaFunction(func);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KWidthMappingFunction ) )
+            {
+            //assumption:
+            //The int value-mapping function mapping is the following:
+            //0 - KConstMappingFunction
+            //1 - duiuimodel::nodetypes::KLinearMappingFunction
+            //2 - KSineMappingFunction
+            //3 - KCosineMappingFunction
+            if (data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EContainer )
+                {
+                IAlfContainer* dataContainer = data->container();
+                MAlfMappingFunction* func =
+                    this->getMappingFunctionFromContainer(dataContainer,
+                                                          lineVisual->Env());
+                if (!func)
+                    {
+                    ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException,
+                                EInvalidAttribute, "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter")
+                    }
+                lineVisual->SetWidthFunction(func);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KColor ) )
+            {
+            if (data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EContainer )
+                {
+                IAlfContainer* dataContainer = data->container();
+                if ( 4 != dataContainer -> count() )
+                    {
+                    ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException,EIncompleteAttributeValues, "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter")
+                    }
+                IAlfVariantType* red = dataContainer->item ( 0 );//red
+                IAlfVariantType* green = dataContainer->item ( 1 );//green
+                IAlfVariantType* blue = dataContainer->item ( 2 );//blue
+                IAlfVariantType* alpha = dataContainer->item ( 3 );//alpha
+                if ( red && IAlfVariantType::EReal == red->type()     &&
+                        green && IAlfVariantType::EReal == green->type() &&
+                        blue && IAlfVariantType::EReal == blue->type()   &&
+                        alpha && IAlfVariantType::EReal == alpha->type() )
+                    {
+                    TRgb color ( red->real(),
+                                 green->real(),
+                                 blue->real(),
+                                 alpha->real() );
+                    lineVisual->SetColor ( color );
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException, EInvalidAttribute,
+                                "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" )
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }    
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KEnableLoop ) )
+            {
+            CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+            // if value is not bool, then use default parameter of EnableLoop
+            if ( data->type() != IAlfVariantType::EBool )
+                {
+                curve->EnableLoop ();
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                curve->EnableLoop ( data->boolean() );
+                }
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KOrigin ) )
+            {
+            CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+            if ( data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal )
+                {
+                float origin =  data->real() ;
+                curve->SetOrigin ( origin );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }    
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KOffsetX ) )
+            {
+            CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+            AlfAttribute& offsety = aContainer.getAttributeByName (
+                                        KOffsetY );
+            //will throw if attribute is not found
+            const char* offsetyDataField = offsety.getDataField();
+            if ( !offsetyDataField )
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException,
+                            ECommonError,  "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" )
+                }
+            IAlfVariantType* offsetyData = 
+                                 aData->item (UString( offsetyDataField ) );
+            if ( data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal &&
+                    offsetyData && 
+                    offsetyData->type() == IAlfVariantType::EReal)
+                {
+                TAlfTimedPoint offset( data->real(), offsetyData->real());
+                curve->SetOffset ( offset );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfDataException, EInvalidVariantDataType, "AlfLineVisualtAttributeSetter");
+                }    
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KOffsetY ) )
+            {
+            //Make sure X Attribute also exists, but do nothing.
+            //Actual values will be set in the iteration that checks for
+            //KOffsetX
+            aContainer.getAttributeByName ( KOffsetX );
+            //will throw if attribute is not found
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KLine ) )
+            {
+            CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+            //if not a container, dont proceed
+            if (!(data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EContainer))
+                {
+                return;
+                }
+            IAlfContainer* container = data->container();
+            //if all item are not present, throw
+            if (container->count() != 5)
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException, EInvalidAttribute,
+                            "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" );
+                }
+            IAlfVariantType* lineStartXvalue = container->item(0);
+            IAlfVariantType* lineStartYvalue = container->item(1);
+            IAlfVariantType* lineEndXvalue = container->item(2);
+            IAlfVariantType* lineEndYvalue = container->item(3);
+            IAlfVariantType* lineLengthvalue = container->item(4);
+            float startx = this->floatOrIntFromData( lineStartXvalue);
+            float starty = this->floatOrIntFromData( lineStartYvalue);
+            float endx   = this->floatOrIntFromData( lineEndXvalue  );
+            float endy   = this->floatOrIntFromData( lineEndYvalue  );
+            float len    = float(lineLengthvalue->real());
+            TRAPD(err1,
+                  curve->AppendLineL ( TAlfRealPoint(startx,starty),
+                                       TAlfRealPoint(endx,endy),len ))
+            throwIfErr(err1);
+            }
+        else if ( !strcmp ( attrName, KArc ) )
+            {
+            CAlfCurvePath* curve = this->getCurvePath(lineVisual);
+            //if not a container, dont proceed
+            if (!(data->type() == IAlfVariantType::EContainer))
+                {
+                return;
+                }
+            IAlfContainer* container = data->container();
+            //if all item are not present, throw
+            if (container->count() != 7)
+                {
+                ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException, EInvalidAttribute,
+                            "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" );
+                }
+            IAlfVariantType* arcOriginXValue = container->item(0);
+            IAlfVariantType* arcOriginYValue = container->item(1);
+            IAlfVariantType* archorzradiusValue = container->item(2);
+            IAlfVariantType* arcvertradiusValue = container->item(3);
+            IAlfVariantType* arcstartangleValue = container->item(4);
+            IAlfVariantType* arcendangleValue = container->item(5);
+            IAlfVariantType* arclengthValue = container->item(6);
+            float originx    = this->floatOrIntFromData( arcOriginXValue);
+            float originy    = this->floatOrIntFromData( arcOriginYValue);
+            float horzradius = this->floatOrIntFromData( archorzradiusValue);
+            float vertradius = this->floatOrIntFromData( arcvertradiusValue);
+            float startangle = float(arcstartangleValue->real());
+            float endangle   = float(arcendangleValue->real());
+            float len        = float(arclengthValue->real());
+            TRAPD(err1,
+                  curve->AppendArcL(TAlfRealPoint(originx,originy),
+                                    TAlfRealSize(horzradius,vertradius),
+                                    startangle,endangle,len))
+            throwIfErr(err1);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            AlfCommonVisualAttributeSetter::handleStaticDataAttribute(
+                aVisual, aAttr, aContainer, aData );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates and returns a toolkit defined mappping function based on the
+// attribute contents
+// assumption:
+// The int value-mapping function mapping is the following:
+// 0 - KConstMappingFunction
+// 1 - duiuimodel::nodetypes::KLinearMappingFunction
+// 2 - KSineMappingFunction
+// 3 - KCosineMappingFunction
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MAlfMappingFunction* AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::getMappingFunction(
+    AlfAttribute& aAttribute,
+    CAlfEnv& aEnv)
+    {
+    MAlfMappingFunction* func=0;
+    int intValue = aAttribute.realValue(0);
+    switch (intValue)
+        {
+        case 0:
+            {
+            if (aAttribute.getTargetValueCount() == 2)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfConstantMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                      aAttribute.realValue(1)))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfConstantMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            }
+        break;
+        case 1:
+            {
+            if (aAttribute.getTargetValueCount() == 3)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfLinearMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                      aAttribute.realValue(1),
+                                      aAttribute.realValue(2)))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else if (aAttribute.getTargetValueCount() == 2)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfLinearMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                      aAttribute.realValue(1)))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfLinearMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            }
+        break;
+        case 2:
+            {
+            if (aAttribute.getTargetValueCount() == 3)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfSineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                      aAttribute.realValue(1),
+                                      aAttribute.realValue(2)))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else if (aAttribute.getTargetValueCount() == 2)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfSineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                  aAttribute.realValue(1)))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfSineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            }
+        break;
+        case 3:
+            {
+            if (aAttribute.getTargetValueCount() == 3)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfCosineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                      aAttribute.realValue(1),
+                                      aAttribute.realValue(2)))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else if (aAttribute.getTargetValueCount() == 2)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfCosineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                  aAttribute.realValue(1)))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfCosineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            }
+        break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    return func;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates and returns a toolkit defined mappping function based on the
+// container contents
+// assumption:
+// The int value-mapping function mapping is the following:
+// 0 - KConstMappingFunction
+// 1 - duiuimodel::nodetypes::KLinearMappingFunction
+// 2 - KSineMappingFunction
+// 3 - KCosineMappingFunction
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MAlfMappingFunction* AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::
+    getMappingFunctionFromContainer(IAlfContainer* aContainer, CAlfEnv& aEnv)
+    {
+    MAlfMappingFunction* func=0;
+    if (IAlfVariantType::EInt != aContainer->item(0)->type())
+        {
+        return func;
+        }
+    switch (aContainer->item(0)->integer())
+        {
+        case 0:
+            {
+            if (aContainer -> count() == 2)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfConstantMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                  aContainer->item(1)->real()))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfConstantMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            }
+        break;
+        case 1:
+            {
+            if (aContainer -> count() == 3)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfLinearMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                      aContainer->item(1)->real(),
+                                      aContainer->item(2)->real()))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else if (aContainer -> count() == 2)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfLinearMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                  aContainer->item(1)->real()))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfLinearMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            }
+        break;
+        case 2:
+            {
+            if (aContainer -> count() == 3)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfSineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                      aContainer->item(1)->real(),
+                                      aContainer->item(2)->real()))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else if (aContainer -> count() == 2)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfSineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                  aContainer->item(1)->real()))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfSineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            }
+        break;
+        case 3:
+            {
+            if (aContainer -> count() == 3)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfCosineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                      aContainer->item(1)->real(),
+                                      aContainer->item(2)->real()))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else if (aContainer -> count() == 2)
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfCosineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv,
+                                  aContainer->item(1)->real()))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TRAPD(err1,func = CAlfCosineMappingFunction::NewL(aEnv))
+                throwIfErr(err1);
+                }
+            }
+        break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    return func;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// If the line visual already has a path set to it, it is retrived.
+// Else a new instance is created
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAlfCurvePath* AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::getCurvePath(
+    CAlfLineVisual* aLineVisual)
+    {
+    CAlfCurvePath* curve = 0;
+    if(aLineVisual)
+        {
+        curve = aLineVisual->Path();
+        if (!curve)
+            {
+            TRAPD(err1,curve = CAlfCurvePath::NewL(aLineVisual->Env()))
+            throwIfErr(err1);
+            aLineVisual->SetPath( curve, EAlfHasOwnership);
+            }
+        }
+    return curve;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Check if data in the attribute is int or float.
+// Return the value as a float value
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+float AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::floatOrInt(
+    const AlfAttribute& aAttr,
+    int aIndex)
+    {
+    if (aAttr.type(aIndex) == AlfAttributeValueType::EInt)
+        {
+        return float(aAttr.intValue(aIndex));
+        }
+    else if (aAttr.type(aIndex) == AlfAttributeValueType::EFloat)
+        {
+        return aAttr.realValue(aIndex); //will throw an exception i
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException, ECommonError,
+                    "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Check if data in the variant type is int or float.
+// Return the value as a float value
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+float AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter::floatOrIntFromData(IAlfVariantType* aData)
+    {
+    if (IAlfVariantType::EInt == aData->type())
+        {
+        return float(aData->integer());
+        }
+    else if (IAlfVariantType::EReal == aData->type())
+        {
+        return aData->real();; //will throw an exception i
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        ALF_THROW ( AlfAttributeException, ECommonError,
+                    "AlfLineVisualAttributeSetter" );
+        }
+    }
+    }// namespace Alf
+// End of file