changeset 0 e83bab7cf002
child 3 4526337fb576
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/widgetmodel/alfwidgetmodel/src/alfvisualtemplate.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:56:02 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Visual template class for alfred widget model.
+*      This class creates and updates visual tree.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <alf/alfcontrol.h>
+#include <alf/alfbrush.h>
+#include <alf/alfvisualfactory.h>
+#include <alf/alfbrusharray.h>
+#include <utf.h>
+#include <alf/alfimagevisual.h>
+#include <alf/alftexture.h>
+#include <alf/alfenv.h>
+#include <alf/alfexceptions.h>
+#include "alf/alfperf.h"
+#include <osn/osnnew.h>
+#include <alf/ialfelement.h>
+#include "alf/alfvisualtemplate.h"
+#include "alf/alfvarianttype.h"
+#include "alf/ialfattributesetter.h"
+#include "alf/alfattributecontainer.h"
+#include "alf/alfattribute.h"
+// The number of attribute setters is usually between 1 and 5
+static const int KAttributeArrayGranularity = 4;
+static const int KContainerArrayGranularity = 4;
+namespace Alf
+    {
+struct DeleteTemplate
+    void operator()(const IAlfVisualTemplate* aTemplate) const
+        {
+        delete aTemplate;
+        }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Helper function to iterate through a visual template hierarchy and
+// investigate whether a given visual template exists in it.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool existsInHierarchy(IAlfVisualTemplate& aRoot, const IAlfVisualTemplate& aTemplate)
+    {
+    // Check the template against the root node.
+    if(&aTemplate == &aRoot)
+        {
+        return true;
+        }
+    // Iterate through all the root's children
+    for(int i = 0; i < aRoot.numChildTemplates(); ++i)
+        {
+        if(existsInHierarchy(aRoot.childTemplate(i), aTemplate))
+            {
+            return true;
+            }
+        }
+    return false;        
+    }    
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT AlfVisualTemplate* AlfVisualTemplate::create()
+    {
+    return new( EMM ) AlfVisualTemplate;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT AlfVisualTemplate* AlfVisualTemplate::create(TAlfVisualType aType)
+    {
+    return new( EMM ) AlfVisualTemplate( aType );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT AlfVisualTemplate* AlfVisualTemplate::create(TAlfLayoutType aType)
+    {
+    return new( EMM ) AlfVisualTemplate( aType );
+    }
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT AlfVisualTemplate::AlfVisualTemplate():
+    mVisualType(EAlfVisualTypeVisual),
+    mAttributeArray(KAttributeArrayGranularity),
+    mContainerArray(KContainerArrayGranularity),
+    mSelectOneChild(false),
+    mOwner(0),
+    mParent(0)
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT AlfVisualTemplate::AlfVisualTemplate(TAlfVisualType aType):
+    mVisualType(aType),
+    mAttributeArray(KAttributeArrayGranularity),
+    mContainerArray(KContainerArrayGranularity),
+    mSelectOneChild(false),
+    mOwner(0),
+    mParent(0)
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT AlfVisualTemplate::AlfVisualTemplate(TAlfLayoutType aType):
+    mVisualType(-1 - aType),
+    mAttributeArray(KAttributeArrayGranularity),
+    mContainerArray(KContainerArrayGranularity),
+    mSelectOneChild(false),
+    mOwner(0),
+    mParent(0)
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT AlfVisualTemplate::~AlfVisualTemplate()
+    {
+    mBrushArray.clear();
+    mAttributeArray.clear();
+    mContainerArray.clear();
+    // Remove this visual template from it's parent or owner
+    if(parent())
+        {
+        parent()->removeChildTemplate(*this);
+        }
+    if(owner())
+        {
+        owner()->removeVisualTemplate();
+        }
+    // Destroy child visual templates in two passes, since destructor of a child
+    // visual template could affect the content of the this visual template's child vector.
+    vector<IAlfVisualTemplate*> children(mChildren);
+    mChildren.clear();
+    for_each(children.begin(), children.end(), DeleteTemplate());
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Set the owner element.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::setOwner(IAlfElement* aOwner) throw()
+    {
+	if(aOwner != mOwner)
+	    {
+	    // Remove this visual template from it's parent. Parent and owner are
+	    // mutually exclusive properties on a visual template.
+	    if(aOwner && (parent() != 0))
+	        {
+	        parent()->removeChildTemplate(*this);
+	        }
+	    // Set the owner of this visual template.
+		mOwner = aOwner;
+	    }
+    }
+OSN_EXPORT IAlfElement* AlfVisualTemplate::owner() const throw()
+    {
+	return mOwner;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Set the name of the visual, i.e., the tag.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::setName(const char* aName)
+    {
+    mVisualName = UString(aName);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Get the name of the visual, i.e., the tag.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT const char* AlfVisualTemplate::name() const throw()
+    {
+    return mVisualName.getUtf8();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Add a child visual template.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::addChildTemplate(IAlfVisualTemplate& aChild)
+    {    
+    insertChildTemplate(aChild, mChildren.size());
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Inserts a child visual template at given index
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::insertChildTemplate(IAlfVisualTemplate& aChild, int aIndex)
+	{
+	if(!(aIndex >=0 && aIndex <= mChildren.size()))
+	    ALF_THROW(AlfException, EInvalidArrayIndex, "AlfVisualTemplate::insertChildTemplate() - Index out of bounds.");
+    // Verify that the given argument is valid
+    if(existsInHierarchy(*this, aChild))
+        {
+        ALF_THROW(AlfException, EInvalidHierarchy, "AlfVisualTemplate::insertChildTemplate() - Adding a child visual template that is already in the hierarchy.");
+        }
+    if(existsInHierarchy(aChild, *this))
+        {
+        ALF_THROW(AlfException, EInvalidHierarchy, "AlfVisualTemplate::insertChildTemplate() - Attempt to create a recursive visual template tree.");
+        }
+    if(layoutType() < 0)
+        {
+        ALF_THROW(AlfException, EInvalidHierarchy, "AlfVisualTemplate::insertChildTemplate() - Attempt to add a child visual into a non-layout visual template.");
+        }     	
+    // Insert child visual template to the array
+	mChildren.insert(mChildren.begin() + aIndex, &aChild);
+    // Remove child from previous hierarchy and add it under this visual template.
+    if(aChild.parent())
+        {
+        // Visual template cannot have a parent and owner at the same time.
+        assert(aChild.owner() == 0);
+        aChild.parent()->removeChildTemplate(aChild);        
+        }
+    if(aChild.owner())
+        {
+        // Visual template cannot have a parent and owner at the same time.
+        assert(aChild.parent() == 0);
+        aChild.owner()->removeVisualTemplate();
+        }
+    // Set a new parent for this visual template.
+    aChild.setParent(this);	
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Destroyes a child visual template at given index
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::destroyChildTemplate(int aIndex) throw()
+	{
+	// Remove and destroy a child template by the given index
+	if(aIndex >=0 && aIndex < mChildren.size())
+		{
+		IAlfVisualTemplate* child = mChildren[aIndex];				
+		removeChildTemplate(*child);
+		delete child;
+		}				
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Destroyes a child visual template.with the given name
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::destroyChildTemplate(const char* aName) throw()
+	{
+	// Search through the children for the given name.
+	for(int i = 0; i < mChildren.size() ;i++)
+    	{
+		if(!strcmp(mChildren[i]->name(), aName))
+    		{
+    		// Remove and destroy the found child visual template
+    		IAlfVisualTemplate* child = mChildren[i];
+    		removeChildTemplate(*child);
+    		delete child;
+    		}
+    	}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Get the number of child visual templates.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT int AlfVisualTemplate::numChildTemplates() const throw()
+    {
+    return mChildren.size();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Get a child visual template.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT IAlfVisualTemplate& AlfVisualTemplate::childTemplate(int aIndex) const
+    {
+    if((aIndex < 0) || (aIndex >= numChildTemplates()))
+        {
+        ALF_THROW(AlfException, EInvalidArrayIndex, "AlfVisualTemplate::childTemplate() - Index out of bounds.");
+        }
+    return *mChildren[aIndex];
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Add a new visual attribute setter. The ownership is not passed.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::addAttributeSetter(
+    IAlfAttributeSetter* aSetter, AlfAttributeContainer* aContainer )
+    {
+    mAttributeArray.resize(mAttributeArray.count()+1);
+    mContainerArray.resize(mContainerArray.count()+1);
+    mAttributeArray.insert(mAttributeArray.count(),aSetter);
+    mContainerArray.insert(mContainerArray.count(),aContainer);
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Get the number of visual attribute setters.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT int AlfVisualTemplate::numAttributeSetters() const throw()
+    {
+    return mAttributeArray.count();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Get a visual attribute setter.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT IAlfAttributeSetter& AlfVisualTemplate::attributeSetter(int aIndex) const
+    {
+    if((aIndex < 0) || (aIndex >= mAttributeArray.count()))
+        {
+        ALF_THROW(AlfException, EInvalidArrayIndex, "AlfVisualTemplate::attributeSetter() - Index out of bounds.");
+        }    
+    return *mAttributeArray[aIndex];
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description :
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT AlfAttributeContainer& AlfVisualTemplate::attributeContainer(int aIndex) const
+    {
+    if((aIndex < 0) || (aIndex >= mContainerArray.count()))
+        {
+        ALF_THROW(AlfException, EInvalidArrayIndex, "AlfVisualTemplate::attributeContainer() - Index out of bounds.");
+        }        
+    return *mContainerArray[aIndex];
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Update an existing visual tree with new values
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT CAlfVisual* AlfVisualTemplate::updateVisualTree(IAlfMap* aData, IAlfMap* aOldData, CAlfVisual& aVisual)
+    {
+    CAlfVisual* retVisual = &aVisual;
+    // Update the attributes.
+    for (int i = 0; i < mAttributeArray.count(); ++i)
+        {
+        try
+            {
+            ALF_PERF_START( perfdata, "AlfVisualTemplate-updateVisualTree-SetAttributeValue")
+            mAttributeArray[i]->setAttributeValue(aVisual, mContainerArray[i], aData);
+            ALF_PERF_STOP( perfdata, "AlfVisualTemplate-updateVisualTree-setAttributeValue")
+            }
+        catch (...)
+            {
+            ALF_THROW(AlfAttributeException,EInvalidAttributeValue,"AlfVisualTemplate")
+            }
+        }
+    // Pass to children
+    if (mChildren.size())
+        {
+        int ind = selectedChildInd( aData );
+        if (ind >= 0 && ind < mChildren.size())
+            {
+            CAlfLayout *layout = (CAlfLayout *)&aVisual;
+            int indOld = selectedChildInd( aOldData );
+            if ( ind == indOld )
+                {
+                mChildren[ind]->updateVisualTree( aData, aOldData, *layout );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                CAlfControl& c(aVisual.Owner());
+                //new visual tree is created. Replaces the current (now old) layout,
+                //which is removed from its parent and destroyed.
+                //new layout is returned from the function.
+                CAlfLayout* parentLayout = layout->Layout();
+                TInt ind = parentLayout->FindVisual(layout);
+                parentLayout->Remove(layout);
+                layout->RemoveAndDestroyAllD();
+                CAlfLayout* newLayout = (CAlfLayout *) createVisualTree(c, aData, parentLayout, ind);
+                retVisual = newLayout;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            CAlfLayout *layout = (CAlfLayout *)&aVisual;
+            for (int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); ++i)
+                {
+                mChildren[i]->updateVisualTree(aData, aOldData, layout->Visual(i));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    return retVisual;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : create a new visual tree and initialize the visuals
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT CAlfVisual* AlfVisualTemplate::createVisualTree(CAlfControl& aControl,
+        IAlfMap* aData, CAlfLayout* aParentLayout, int aLayoutIndex)
+    {
+    // create the visual
+    CAlfVisual *result = NULL;
+    CAlfLayout *layout = NULL;
+    if (!mSelectOneChild)
+        {
+        if (mVisualType < 0)
+            {
+            ALF_PERF_START( perfdata, "AlfVisualTemplate-createVisualTree-NewLayout")
+            // create layout
+            result = layout = AlfVisualFactory::NewLayoutL(
+                                  (TAlfLayoutType)(-1 - mVisualType), aParentLayout, aControl, aControl.Env());
+            ALF_PERF_STOP( perfdata, "AlfVisualTemplate-createVisualTree-NewLayout")
+            if (!result)
+                {
+                ALF_THROW(AlfVisualException,ECanNotCreateVisual,"AlfVisualTemplate")
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // create visual
+            ALF_PERF_START( perfdata, "AlfVisualTemplate-createVisualTree-NewVisual")
+            result = AlfVisualFactory::NewVisualL(
+                         (TAlfVisualType)mVisualType, aParentLayout, aControl, aControl.Env());
+            ALF_PERF_STOP( perfdata, "AlfVisualTemplate-createVisualTree-NewVisual")
+            if (!result)
+                {
+                ALF_THROW(AlfVisualException,ECanNotCreateVisual,"AlfVisualTemplate")
+                }
+            //Add the brushes to the visual
+            result->EnableBrushesL(true);
+            for (int i=0; i < mBrushArray.count(); i++)
+                {
+                result->Brushes()->AppendL(mBrushArray[i], EAlfDoesNotHaveOwnership);
+                }
+            }
+        if (aParentLayout &&
+                aLayoutIndex >= 0 && aLayoutIndex <= aParentLayout->Count())
+            {
+            //when aConstructedWithParentInformation- parameter is ETrue,
+            //no message sent to server
+            aParentLayout->Append(result, ETrue);
+            //reorder, if needed.
+            if (aLayoutIndex != aParentLayout->Count() - 1)
+                {
+                aParentLayout->Reorder(*result, aLayoutIndex);
+                }
+            }
+        aControl.Append(result);
+        if (mVisualName.isNull())
+            mVisualName = UString("");
+        result->SetTagL(TPtrC8((unsigned char*)mVisualName.getUtf8()));
+        // Set the attributes
+        for (int i = 0; i < mAttributeArray.count(); ++i)
+            {
+            try
+                {
+                ALF_PERF_START( perfdata, "AlfVisualTemplate-createVisualTree-setAttributeValue")
+                // set dirtines of all attribute in createvisualtree
+                for(int j = 0; j < mContainerArray[i]->attributeCount() ;j++ )
+                    {
+                    mContainerArray[i]->getAttribute(j).setDirty(true);
+                    }
+                mAttributeArray[i]->setAttributeValue(*result, mContainerArray[i], aData);
+                ALF_PERF_STOP( perfdata, "AlfVisualTemplate-createVisualTree-setAttributeValue")
+                }
+            catch (...)
+                {
+                ALF_THROW(AlfAttributeException,EInvalidAttributeValue,"AlfVisualTemplate")
+                }
+            }        
+        }
+    // Pass to children
+    int ind = selectedChildInd( aData );
+    if (ind >= 0 && ind < mChildren.size())
+        {
+        result = mChildren[ind]->createVisualTree(aControl, aData, aParentLayout, aLayoutIndex);
+        }
+    else if (!mSelectOneChild)
+        {
+        for (int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); ++i)
+            {
+            mChildren[i]->createVisualTree(aControl, aData, layout, i);
+            }
+        }
+    return result;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// reads and returns selected ind from data, if set. If not set returns -1.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int AlfVisualTemplate::selectedChildInd( IAlfMap* aData )
+    {
+    int ind = -1;
+    if (aData && mSelectOneChild)
+        {
+        IAlfVariantType* data = aData->item(mChildIndFieldName);
+        //field value contains index to child array.
+        //if field contains no data and template has only one
+        // child, assume it's the child wanted.
+        bool valueIsEmpty = false;
+        if (!data)
+            {
+            valueIsEmpty = true;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            switch ( data->type() )
+                {
+                case IAlfVariantType::EInt:
+                    ind = data->integer();
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        if ( valueIsEmpty && mChildren.size() == 1 )
+            {
+            ind = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    return ind;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Removes a visual template from the child array without
+// destroying the child template object.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void AlfVisualTemplate::removeChildTemplate(IAlfVisualTemplate& aChild) throw()
+    {
+    std::vector<IAlfVisualTemplate*>::iterator it = find(mChildren.begin(), mChildren.end(), &aChild);
+    if(it != mChildren.end())
+        {
+        mChildren.erase(it);
+        aChild.setParent(0);
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Returns the parent visual template object
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT IAlfVisualTemplate* AlfVisualTemplate::parent() const throw()
+    {
+    return mParent;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Set the visual type
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::setParent(IAlfVisualTemplate* aParent) throw()
+    {
+    mParent = aParent;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Set the visual type
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::setVisualType(TAlfVisualType aType)
+    {
+    mVisualType = aType;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Get the visual type
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT int AlfVisualTemplate::visualType() const throw()
+    {
+    return mVisualType;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Set the layout type
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::setLayoutType(TAlfLayoutType aType)
+    {
+    mVisualType = -1 - aType;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Get the layout type
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT int AlfVisualTemplate::layoutType() const throw()
+    {
+    return -1 - mVisualType;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Adds brush to the brush array.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::addBrush(CAlfBrush& aBrush)
+    {
+    mBrushArray.resize(mBrushArray.count()+1);
+    mBrushArray.insert(mBrushArray.count(),&aBrush);
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Get the munber of brushes
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT int AlfVisualTemplate::numBrushes() const
+    {
+    return mBrushArray.count();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : Get a Brush
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT CAlfBrush& AlfVisualTemplate::brush(int aIndex) const
+    {
+    return *mBrushArray[aIndex];
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description : puts the class in to selected child mode.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT void AlfVisualTemplate::setSelectChildMode(bool aSelectChild,
+        const UString& aChildIndFieldName )
+    {
+    mSelectOneChild = aSelectChild;
+    mChildIndFieldName = aChildIndFieldName;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class IAlfInterfaceBase.
+// Getter for interfaces provided by the visual template.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSN_EXPORT IAlfInterfaceBase* AlfVisualTemplate::makeInterface( const IfId& aType )
+    {
+    UString param(aType.mImplementationId);
+    if (param == IAlfVisualTemplate::type().mImplementationId)
+        {
+        return static_cast<IAlfVisualTemplate*>(this);
+        }
+    return NULL;
+    }
+    } //Alf