changeset 0 b16258d2340f
child 5 337070b4fa18
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b16258d2340f
     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description:
    15 #
    16 !/** 
    17 !HTTP String Table
    18 !@publishedAll 
    19 !@released
    20 !*/
    21 fstringtable HTTP
    22 # Internal Strings :
    23 # Are _HHH where HHH is a 3 digit hex string
    24 # Currently assigned upto 043
    27 EGET GET
    31 EPUT PUT
    33 # HTTP Versions
    34 EHttp10 HTTP/1.0
    35 EHttp11 HTTP/1.1
    36 #
    37 # Header field names
    38 #
    39 # GENERAL HTTP Headers
    40 ECacheControl Cache-Control
    41 EConnection Connection
    42 EDate Date
    43 EPragma Pragma
    44 ETransferEncoding Transfer-Encoding
    45 EUpgrade Upgrade
    46 EVia Via
    47 EWarning Warning
    48 #
    49 # REQUEST HTTP Headers
    50 EHost Host
    51 EAccept Accept
    52 EAcceptCharset Accept-Charset
    53 EAcceptEncoding Accept-Encoding
    54 EAcceptLanguage Accept-Language
    55 EAuthorization Authorization
    56 ECookie Cookie
    57 ECookie2 Cookie2
    58 EExpect Expect
    59 EFrom From
    60 EIfModifiedSince If-Modified-Since
    61 EIfMatch If-Match
    62 EIfNoneMatch If-None-Match
    63 EIfRange If-Range
    64 EIfUnmodifiedSince If-Unmodified-Since
    65 EKeepAlive	Keep-Alive
    66 EMaxForwards Max-Forwards
    67 EProxyAuthorization Proxy-Authorization
    68 ERange Range
    69 EReferer Referer
    70 EUserAgent User-Agent
    71 #
    72 #RESPONSE HTTP Headers
    73 EAcceptRanges Accept-Ranges
    74 EAge Age
    75 EETag ETag
    76 ELocation Location
    77 EProxyAuthenticate Proxy-Authenticate
    78 ERetryAfter Retry-After
    79 EServer Server
    80 ESetCookie Set-Cookie
    81 ESetCookie2 Set-Cookie2
    82 EVary Vary
    83 EWWWAuthenticate WWW-Authenticate
    84 #
    85 # ENTITIY HTTP Headers
    86 EAllow Allow
    87 EContentBase Content-Base
    88 EContentDisposition Content-Disposition
    89 EContentEncoding Content-Encoding
    90 EContentLanguage Content-Language
    91 EContentLength Content-Length
    92 EContentLocation Content-Location
    93 EContentMD5 Content-MD5
    94 EContentRange Content-Range
    95 EContentType Content-Type
    96 EExpires Expires
    97 ELastModified Last-Modified
    98 # Standard token values, enumerations or parameters defined in RFC2616 to be used in header values.
    99 #
   100 EQ q
   101 EGzip gzip
   102 ECompress compress
   103 EDeflate deflate
   104 EBytes bytes
   105 ENone none
   106 ENoCache no-cache
   107 ENoStore no-store
   108 EMaxAge max-age
   109 EMaxStale max-stale
   110 EMinFresh min-fresh
   111 ENoTransform no-transform
   112 EOnlyIfCached only-if-cached
   113 EPublic public
   114 EPrivate private
   115 EMustRevalidate must-revalidate
   116 EProxyRevalidate proxy-revalidate
   117 ESMaxAge s-maxage
   118 EClose close
   119 ECharset charset
   120 E100Continue 100-continue
   121 ETE	TE
   122 ETrailer Trailer
   123 EChunked chunked
   124 EBasic Basic
   125 EDigest Digest
   126 ERealm realm
   127 EDomain domain
   128 ENonce nonce
   129 EOpaque opaque
   130 EStale stale
   131 EAlgorithm algorithm
   132 EQop qop
   133 EAuth auth
   134 EResponse response
   135 EUri uri
   136 ECnonce cnonce
   137 ENc nc
   138 E00000001 00000001
   139 # Parameter names used internally by HTTP Client 6.2 only, in order to ease the parsing, but never transmitted
   140 EPort _000
   141 # Names of filters
   142 EAuthentication _Auth
   143 ERedirect	_Red
   144 EValidation _Val
   145 EProtocolHandler _ProtH
   146 EClient Client
   147 EHttpClientFilter	_clf
   148 ESessionHeaderFilter	_shf
   149 ECookieFilter _ckf
   150 EHttpConnectFilter	_cnf
   151 # Session connection information. Property names and values. Actual string values are unimportant since they are
   152 # only used internally
   153 EProxyUsage _001
   154 EProxyAddress _002
   155 EUseProxy _003
   156 EDoNotUseProxy _004
   157 EMaxNumTransportHandlers _005
   158 EMaxNumTransPerTranspHndlr _006
   159 EHTTPVersion _007
   160 EMaxRedirect _008
   161 EProtocol Protocol
   164 EWSP WSP
   165 # Session properties used to configure WSP capabilities
   166 EWspCapClientMessageSize _009
   167 EWspCapServerMessageSize _00A
   168 EWspCapUseAcknowledgements _00B
   169 EWspCapSupportSuspendResume _00C
   170 EWspCapMaxOutstandingRequests _00D
   171 # Session properties used to specify a proxy
   172 EWspProxyAddress _00E
   173 EWspBearer _00F
   174 EWspIp _010
   175 EWspSMS _011
   176 EWspLocalPort _012
   177 EWspRemotePort _013
   178 EWspServiceNumber _014
   179 EWspSessionType _015
   180 EWspConnectionOriented _016
   181 EWspConnectionLess _017
   182 EWspSecurity _018
   183 EWspUseWtls _019
   184 EWspDoNotUseWtls _01A
   185 # Wsp Misc properties
   186 EWspProxyConnectionTimeout _01B
   187 EWspProxyExceptionInfo _01C
   188 # Wsp transaction properties
   189 EWspRemainingSDUSize _01D
   190 EWspRemainingMessageSize _01E
   191 # Authentication information
   192 EAuthenticatedOK _01F
   193 EAuthenticationFailure _020
   194 # Values used by filters
   195 EUsername username
   196 EPassword Password
   197 EAuthenticationStatus Authentication:Status
   198 ERedirectCount	_021
   199 EProtTrans _022
   200 #Mime types
   201 EAnyAny */*
   202 ETextAny text/*
   203 ETextHtml text/html
   204 ETextPlain text/plain
   205 ETextVndWapWml text/vnd.wap.wml
   206 EApplicationOctetStream application/octet-stream
   207 EApplicationXWwwFormUrlEncoded application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   208 # Values used for cookies
   209 #
   210 ECookieName _023
   211 ECookieValue _024
   212 EPath Path
   213 EComment Comment
   214 ECommentURL CommentURL
   215 EDiscard Discard
   216 ECookiePort Port
   217 ESecure Secure
   218 EVersion Version
   219 # Values for Multi-homing properties
   220 #
   221 EHttpSocketServ _025
   222 EHttpSocketConnection _026
   223 # Value for Secure Dialog property
   224 #
   225 ESecureDialog _027
   226 EDialogPrompt _028
   227 EDialogNoPrompt _029
   228 # Transaction property for CONNECT support
   229 #
   230 ETunnel	_02A
   231 # Property name and values for pipelining support
   232 #
   233 EHttpPipelining	_02B
   234 EEnablePipelining _02C
   235 EDisablePipelining _02D
   236 # Property name an value for Cipher Suite support
   237 #
   238 ECipherSuiteValue _02E
   239 # Property name and value for pipelining batching support
   240 #
   241 EHttpBatching _2F
   242 EDoNotEnableBatching _030
   243 EEnableBatching _031
   244 EBatchingBufferSize _32
   245 # Property name and values for socket shutdown modes
   246 #
   247 ESocketShutdownMode _033
   248 ESocketShutdownNormal _034
   249 ESocketShutdownImmediate _035
   250 ESessionClosing _036
   251 #
   252 EProfile Profile
   253 EProfileDiff Profile-Diff
   254 EUAProfFilter _UaProf
   255 #
   256 # Property name for pipelining control
   257 #
   258 EMaxNumTransactionsToPipeline _037
   259 ESessionId _038
   260 #
   261 # Property name and value for disconnect notification
   262 #
   263 ENotifyOnDisconnect _03A
   264 EEnableDisconnectNotification _03B
   265 EDisableDisconnectNotification _03C
   266 #
   267 # Property to set the variable receive buffer size
   268 #
   269 ERecvBufferSize _03D
   270 #
   271 # Property to disable the optimiser for a particular transaction
   272 #
   273 EHTTPTransOptimiser _03E
   274 EEnableHTTPTransOptimiser _03F
   275 EDisableHTTPTransOptimiser _040
   276 #
   277 # NTLM authentication scheme
   278 #
   280 #
   281 # Property name and value to notify a 100-Continue response to the client application
   282 #
   283 ENotify100Continue _041
   284 EEnableNotification _042
   285 EDisableNotification _043
   286 #
   287 # Property name and value to notify send and receive timeout to client application
   288 #
   289 ESendTimeOutValue _051
   290 EReceiveTimeOutValue _052
   291 ETranspHndlrPriority _053
   292 EEnableTranspHndlrPriority _054
   293 EDisableTranspHndlrPriority _055
   294 #
   295 # Property name and value to enable strict CONNECT method header checking the HTTP Stack 
   296 #
   297 EStrictConnectHeaders _056
   298 EEnableStrictConnectHeaders _057
   299 #
   300 # Property name and value for the optimal pipelining
   301 # 
   302 EHttpOptimalPipelining _061
   303 EHttpEnableOptimalPipelining _062