changeset 0 b16258d2340f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b16258d2340f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <charconv.h>
    18 // #define __OUTPUT_WMLC	// Debug Stuff - uncomment to get wmlc output.
    20 #include <wbconverter.h>
    21 #include "WbToken.h"
    22 #include <mwbxmlconverterobserver.h>
    23 #include "WbEnum.h"
    24 #include "ByteList.h"
    26 #include <s32file.h>
    28 // Wap specific error codes defined here
    29 #include <wapengstd.h>
    31 //
    32 // Library routines
    33 //
    35 #ifndef EKA2
    36 GLDEF_C TInt E32Dll(TDllReason /*aReason*/)
    37 {
    38 	return (KErrNone);
    39 }
    40 #endif
    42 GLDEF_C void Panic (TWbxmlPanic aPanic)
    43 {
    44 	_LIT(KWbPanic,"WbxmlConverter");
    45 	User::Panic(KWbPanic ,aPanic);
    46 }
    48 //
    49 // class CWbxmlConverter - external API
    50 //
    52 const TInt KOutputBufferLength=1024;
    54 CWbxmlConverter::CWbxmlConverter(RFs& aFs)
    55 : iFs(aFs)
    56 {
    57 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CWbxmlConverter"));
    58 }
    60 EXPORT_C CWbxmlConverter* CWbxmlConverter::NewL(RFs& aFs, MWbxmlConverterObserver* aObserver)
    61 {
    62 	CWbxmlConverter* instance = NewLC(aFs, aObserver);
    63 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    64 	return instance;
    65 }
    67 EXPORT_C CWbxmlConverter* CWbxmlConverter::NewLC(RFs& aFs, MWbxmlConverterObserver* aObserver)
    68 {
    69 	CWbxmlConverter* instance = new (ELeave) CWbxmlConverter(aFs);
    70 	CleanupStack::PushL(instance);
    71 	instance->ConstructL(aObserver, NULL);
    72 	return instance;
    73 }
    75 EXPORT_C CWbxmlConverter* CWbxmlConverter::NewL(RFs& aFs, MWbxmlConverterObserver* aObserver, const TDesC* aCharacterEncoding)
    76 {
    77 	CWbxmlConverter* instance = new (ELeave) CWbxmlConverter(aFs);
    78 	CleanupStack::PushL(instance);
    79 	instance->ConstructL(aObserver, aCharacterEncoding);
    80 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    81 	return instance;
    82 }
    84 CWbxmlConverter::~CWbxmlConverter()
    85 {
    86 	delete[] iStringTable;
    87 	delete iPublicIdStr;
    88 	delete iByteList;
    89 	delete iCharsetConverter;
    90 	delete iOutputBuffer;
    92 	if( iTagStack )
    93 	{
    94 		iTagStack->Reset();
    95 		delete iTagStack;
    96 	}
    98 	if (iTagArray)
    99 	{
   100 		if (iTagArray->Count())
   101 			iTagArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   102 		delete iTagArray;
   103 	}
   104 	if (iAttArray)
   105 	{
   106 		if (iAttArray->Count())
   107 			iAttArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   108 		delete iAttArray;
   109 	}
   110 #ifdef __OUTPUT_WMLC
   111 	iWmlcFile.Close();
   112 	iWmlcFs.Close();
   113 #endif
   114 }
   116 void CWbxmlConverter::ConstructL(MWbxmlConverterObserver* aObserver, const TDesC* aCharacterEncoding)
   117 {
   118 	iObserver = aObserver;
   119 	iState = EConvertVersion;
   120 	iByteList = CByteList::NewL();
   121 	iParsing = EParseTag;
   122 	iOpenQuote = EFalse;
   124 	iTagStack = new CArrayFixFlat<TUint16>(7);
   126 	iOutputBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(KOutputBufferLength);
   128 	iCharsetConverter = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewL();
   129 	if( aCharacterEncoding != NULL )
   130 	{
   131 		HBufC8* charset = HBufC8::NewLC(aCharacterEncoding->Length());
   132 		charset->Des().Copy(*aCharacterEncoding);
   133 		iWbxmlCharset = iCharsetConverter->ConvertStandardNameOfCharacterSetToIdentifierL(*charset, iFs);
   134 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   135 	}
   136 #ifdef __OUTPUT_WMLC
   137 	_LIT(KWmlcFileName, "c:\\WmlcFile.wmlc");
   138 	User::LeaveIfError(iWmlcFs.Connect());
   139 	TInt error = iWmlcFile.Replace(iWmlcFs, KWmlcFileName, EFileWrite);
   140 	if( error != KErrNone )
   141 		User::Leave(EWapErrAccessViolation);
   142 #endif
   143 }
   145 EXPORT_C void CWbxmlConverter::ProcessDataL(HBufC8& aBuffer)
   146 {
   147 #ifdef __OUTPUT_WMLC
   148 	iWmlcFile.Write(aBuffer);
   149 #endif
   150 	iByteList->AddToListL(aBuffer);
   151 	HandleDataL();
   152 }
   154 EXPORT_C void CWbxmlConverter::CWbxmlConverter_Reserved1()
   155 {
   156 	// Must exist for Binary Compatibility
   157 }
   159 EXPORT_C void CWbxmlConverter::CommitL()
   160 {
   161 	HandleDataL();
   163 	// Document should be finished
   164 	if (iState != EConvertFinished)
   165 		User::Leave(EWapErrDocumentCorrupted);
   166 }
   169 EXPORT_C void MWbxmlConverterObserver::MWbxmlConverterObserver_Reserved1()
   170 {
   171 	// Must exist for Binary Compatibility
   172 }
   175 void CWbxmlConverter::SetNextStateL(TInt aResult, TConvertState aState)
   176 {
   177 	switch (aResult)
   178 	{
   179 	case KErrNone:
   180 		iState = aState;
   181 		break;
   182 	case KErrNotFound:
   183 		iByteList->RollBack();
   184 		break;
   185 	default:
   186 		User::Leave(EWapErrDocumentCorrupted);
   187 	}
   188 	iByteList->Commit();
   189 }
   191 TInt CWbxmlConverter::ConvertWbxmlVersionL()
   192 {
   193 	if (iByteList->Byte(&iWbxmlVersion,TRUE) != KErrNone)
   194 		return KErrNotFound;
   196 	BufferAndOutputL(KWbXmlVersion10);
   198 	return KErrNone;
   199 }
   201 TInt CWbxmlConverter::ConvertPublicIdValueL()
   202 {
   203 	TUint8 pubIDFirstByte = 0;
   204 	if( iByteList->Byte(&pubIDFirstByte,EFalse) != KErrNone )
   205 		return KErrNotFound;
   207 	if( pubIDFirstByte == 0 )
   208 	{
   209 		// The public id is in string table, index follows
   210 		iByteList->Inc(1);
   211 		if( ExtractMultiByte(&iPublicIdIndex,0) != KErrNone )
   212 			return KErrNotFound;
   213 		iPublicId = 0;
   214 	}
   215 	else
   216 	{
   217 		// "Normal" publicId, a multibyte
   218 		if (ExtractMultiByte(&iPublicId,0) != KErrNone)
   219 			return KErrNotFound;
   220 	}
   222 	return KErrNone;
   223 }
   225 TInt CWbxmlConverter::ConvertCharsetL()
   226 	{
   227 	TUint32 charsetMIB = 0;
   228 	// The chrset part of bytecode document was only introduced
   229 	// in WML 1.1.
   230 	if (iWbxmlVersion >= (TInt8) 0x01)
   231 		{
   232 		if (ExtractMultiByte(&charsetMIB,0) != KErrNone)
   233 			return KErrNotFound;
   234 		}
   236 	// if the charset wasn't already provided by HTTP, we set it according
   237 	// to the bytecode content charset
   238 	if( !iWbxmlCharset )
   239 		{
   240 		if( charsetMIB != 0 )
   241 			{
   242 			iWbxmlCharset = iCharsetConverter->ConvertMibEnumOfCharacterSetToIdentifierL(charsetMIB, iFs);
   243 			}
   245 		if( iWbxmlCharset == 0 )
   246 			{
   247 			// Patch in the most common results
   248 			switch(charsetMIB)
   249 				{
   250 				case 4:
   251 					iWbxmlCharset = KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88591;
   252 					break;
   253 				case 5:
   254 					iWbxmlCharset = KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88592;
   255 					break;
   256 				case 7:
   257 					iWbxmlCharset = KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88594;
   258 					break;
   259 				case 8:
   260 					iWbxmlCharset = KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88595;
   261 					break;
   262 				case 10:
   263 					iWbxmlCharset = KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88597;
   264 					break;
   265 				case 12:
   266 					iWbxmlCharset = KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88599;
   267 					break;
   268 				case 103:	// UTF7
   269 					iWbxmlCharset = KCharacterSetIdentifierUtf7;
   270 					break;
   271 				case 104:
   272 					iWbxmlCharset = KCharacterSetIdentifierImapUtf7;
   273 					break;
   274 				case 0:
   275 					// Default case
   276 				case 106:	// UTF8
   277 					// If the charset from bytecode was 'unknown' (0) or the converter couldn't
   278 					// match the mib number to known charset identifiers we use 
   279 					// the default charset: UTF-8
   280 					iWbxmlCharset = KCharacterSetIdentifierUtf8;
   281 					break;
   282 				default:
   283 					return KErrNotSupported;
   284 				}
   285 			}
   286 		// Now we need to inform our observer what charset we are using
   287 		HBufC8* charSetName = iCharsetConverter->ConvertCharacterSetIdentifierToStandardNameL(iWbxmlCharset, iFs);
   288 		CleanupStack::PushL(charSetName);
   289 		iObserver->HandleWbxmlEncodingUpdateL(charSetName);
   290 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();		// charSetName
   291 		}
   292 	return KErrNone;
   293 	}
   295 TInt CWbxmlConverter::ConvertStringTableL()
   296 {
   297 	if (iStringTable == NULL)
   298 	{
   299 		// Need "static" instance variable for streaming iStringTable!
   300 		if( ExtractMultiByte(&iContinue,0) != KErrNone )
   301 			return KErrNotFound;
   303 		if (iContinue == 0)
   304 			return KErrNone;
   306 		iStringTable = HBufC8::NewL(iContinue);
   307 	}
   309 	if (iContinue != 0)
   310 	{
   311 		// Note: String table is 8bit data
   312 		TUint8 byte = 0;
   313 		while (iContinue)
   314 		{
   315 			if ((iByteList->Byte(&byte,TRUE)) != KErrNone)
   316 			{
   317 				iByteList->Commit();
   318 				return KErrNotFound;
   319 			}
   321 			iStringTable->Des().Append(byte);
   322 			iContinue--;
   323 		}
   324 	}
   325 	// Ensure that string table is zero terminated
   326 	TInt length = iStringTable->Length();
   327 	if( iStringTable->Des()[length-1] != 0 )
   328 		{
   329 		// Make table one character bigger, and make sure last character is zero terminator
   330 		iStringTable = iStringTable->ReAllocL(length + 1);
   331 		iStringTable->Des().Append(0);
   332 		}
   333 	return KErrNone;
   334 }
   336 TInt CWbxmlConverter::ConvertPublicIdNameL()
   337 {
   338 	HBufC* fileName = NULL;
   340 	switch (iPublicId)
   341 	{
   342 	case KWbxmlIdIndex:
   343 		// Meaning: Followed by string table index for public id
   344 		User::Leave(EWapErrUnknownDocument);
   345 		break;
   346 	case KWbxmlIdUnknown:
   347 		// Meaning: unknown or missing
   348 		// WML spec says that unknown DTD is handled as well as possible
   349 		// so we presume it's supposed to be WML 1.1
   350 		fileName = FindTokenFileL(KWbTokenDatabaseWml11);
   351 		CleanupStack::PushL(fileName);
   352 		OpenTokenFileL(*fileName);
   353 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fileName
   355 		// Waste the publicID string received from the token file
   356 		delete iPublicIdStr;
   357 		// ...and replace it with the one from the string table
   358 		{
   359 			TPtrC8 remainderFromIndex = iStringTable->Des().Mid(iPublicIdIndex);
   360 			TInt idLen = remainderFromIndex.Locate('\0');
   361 			// We trust that the string table is properly constructed and
   362 			// contains the terminating null...
   363 			if( idLen == KErrNotFound )
   364 				return KErrNotFound;		// Ah well, Our trust was misplaced!
   365 			TPtrC8 publicIdString = remainderFromIndex.Left(idLen);
   366 			HBufC16* convertedBuffer = CharsetConvertDataL(publicIdString);
   367 			CleanupStack::PushL(convertedBuffer);
   368 			if( convertedBuffer == NULL )
   369 			{
   370 			// Conversion failed!!!
   371 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // convertedBuffer
   372 				return KErrCorrupt;
   373 			}
   374 			iPublicIdStr = HBufC8::NewL(convertedBuffer->Length());
   375 			iPublicIdStr->Des().Copy(*convertedBuffer);
   376 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // convertedBuffer
   377 		}
   378 		break;
   379 	case KWbxmlIdWta10:
   380 		// Meaning: "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WTA 1.0//EN" (WTA Event 1.0)
   381 		// WTA is not supported
   382 		User::Leave(EWapErrUnknownDocument);
   383 		break;
   384 	case KWbxmlIdWml11:
   385 		// Meaning: "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" (WML 1.1)
   386 		fileName = FindTokenFileL(KWbTokenDatabaseWml11);
   387 		CleanupStack::PushL(fileName);
   388 		OpenTokenFileL(*fileName);
   389 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fileName
   390 		break;
   391 	case KWbxmlIdWml12:
   392 		// Meaning: "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" (WML 1.2)
   393 		fileName = FindTokenFileL(KWbTokenDatabaseWml12);
   394 		CleanupStack::PushL(fileName);
   395 		OpenTokenFileL(*fileName);
   396 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fileName
   397 		break;
   398 	case KWbxmlIdSI:
   399 		// Meaning: "-//WAPFORUM//DTD SI 1.0//EN" (Push Service Indication 1.0)
   400 		fileName = FindTokenFileL(KWbTokenDatabaseSI10);
   401 		CleanupStack::PushL(fileName);
   402 		OpenTokenFileL(*fileName);
   403 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fileName
   404 		break;
   405 	case KWbxmlIdSL:
   406 		// Meaning: "-//WAPFORUM//DTD SL 1.0//EN" (Push Service Load 1.0)
   407 		fileName = FindTokenFileL(KWbTokenDatabaseSL10);
   408 		CleanupStack::PushL(fileName);
   409 		OpenTokenFileL(*fileName);
   410 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fileName
   411 		break;
   412 	default:
   413 		// Meaning: 0x05 - 0x7F recerved
   414 		// WML spec says that unknown DTD is handled as well as possible
   415 		// so we presume it's supposed to be WML 1.1
   416 		fileName = FindTokenFileL(KWbTokenDatabaseWml11);
   417 		CleanupStack::PushL(fileName);
   418 		OpenTokenFileL(*fileName);
   419 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fileName
   420 		break;
   421 	}
   423 	switch (iPublicId)
   424 		{
   425 	case KWbxmlIdWml11:
   426 		BufferAndOutputL(KWbPublicIdStartWml);
   427 		BufferAndOutputL(*iPublicIdStr); // get HBufC8&
   428 		BufferAndOutputL(KWbPublicIdEnd11);
   429 		break;
   430 	case KWbxmlIdSI:
   431 		BufferAndOutputL(KWbPublicIdStartSi);
   432 		BufferAndOutputL(*iPublicIdStr); // get HBufC8&
   433 		BufferAndOutputL(KWbPublicIdEndSI10);
   434 		break;
   435 	case KWbxmlIdSL:
   436 		BufferAndOutputL(KWbPublicIdStartSl);
   437 		BufferAndOutputL(*iPublicIdStr); // get HBufC8&
   438 		BufferAndOutputL(KWbPublicIdEndSL10);
   439 		break;
   440 	case KWbxmlIdWml12:
   441 	default:
   442 		BufferAndOutputL(KWbPublicIdStartWml);
   443 		BufferAndOutputL(*iPublicIdStr); // get HBufC8&
   444 		BufferAndOutputL(KWbPublicIdEnd12);
   445 		break;
   446 		}
   448 	return KErrNone;
   449 }
   452 void CWbxmlConverter::HandleDataL()
   453 {
   454 	TInt result = KErrNone;
   456 	do
   457 	{
   458 		switch (iState)
   459 		{
   460 		case EConvertVersion:
   461 			result = ConvertWbxmlVersionL();
   462 			SetNextStateL(result,EConvertPublicIdValue);
   463 			break;
   464 		case EConvertPublicIdValue:
   465 			result = ConvertPublicIdValueL();
   466 			SetNextStateL(result,EConvertCharset);
   467 			break;
   468 		case EConvertCharset:
   469 			result = ConvertCharsetL();
   470 			SetNextStateL(result,EConvertStringTable);
   471 			break;
   472 		case EConvertStringTable:
   473 			result = ConvertStringTableL();
   474 			SetNextStateL(result,EConvertPublicIdName);
   475 			break;
   476 		case EConvertPublicIdName:
   477 			result = ConvertPublicIdNameL();
   478 			SetNextStateL(result,EConvertData);
   479 			break;
   480 		case EConvertData:
   481 			result = ConvertDataL();
   482 			SetNextStateL(result,EConvertFinished);
   483 			break;
   484 		case EConvertFinished:
   485 			if(iOutputBuffer!=NULL && iOutputBuffer->Length())
   486 				{
   487 				// Buffer still has some data : Lose ownership to the observer
   488 				TInt returnValue = iObserver->HandleWbxmlOutputL(iOutputBuffer);	
   489 				if( returnValue != KErrNone )
   490 					User::Leave(returnValue);
   491 				iOutputBuffer = NULL;
   492 				}
   493 			return;
   494 		default:
   495 			iState = EConvertError;
   496 			return;
   497 		}
   498 	}
   499 	while (result == KErrNone && iState != EConvertFinished);
   500 }
   502 TInt CWbxmlConverter::ConvertDataL()
   503 {
   504 	// Continue streaming in the middle of string
   505 	if (iContinue != 0)
   506 	{
   507 		switch (iContinue)
   508 		{
   509 		case EGotoStreaming:
   510 			if (ConvertDataStreamingL() != KErrNone)
   511 				return KErrNotFound;
   512 			break;
   513 		case EGotoString:
   514 			if (ConvertDataStringL() != KErrNone)
   515 				return KErrNotFound;
   516 			break;
   517 		case EGotoOpaque:
   518 			if (ConvertOpaqueDataL() != KErrNone)
   519 				return KErrNotFound;
   520 			break;
   521 		}
   522 		iContinue = 0;
   523 	}
   525 	TUint32 multiByte = 0;
   526 	TUint8 byte = 0;
   528 	FOREVER
   529 	{
   530 		byte = (TUint8) -1;
   531 		if (iByteList->Byte(&byte,TRUE) != KErrNone)
   532 		{
   533 			// HACK: At the end of all data inc(1) fails and we get KErrNotFound
   534 			if (iTagIndex != 1 || byte != 1)
   535 			{
   536 				// it was real error
   537 				return KErrNotFound;
   538 			}
   540 		}
   542 		switch (byte)
   543 		{
   544 		case 0x00: // SWITCH_PAGE
   545 			// NOTE: not supported, not used in WML 1.1
   546 			// bytecode SWITCH_PAGE not implemented
   547 			iByteList->Commit();
   548 			break;
   550 		case 0x01: // END
   551 			if (iParsing == EParseTag || iParsing == EParseNot)
   552 			{
   553 				if (iParsing == EParseNot)
   554 				{
   555 					iParsing = EParseTag;
   556 				}
   558 				if (iTagIndex)
   559 				{
   560 					iTagIndex--;
   561 					TUint16 stackEntry = iTagStack->At(iTagIndex);
   562 					if( stackEntry != KWbxmlSkipLiteralEndTagMagicToken )
   563 					{
   564 						BufferAndOutputL(KWbTagStartClose);
   565 						BufferAndOutputL(*(iTagArray->At(stackEntry&~0xc0)->iBuf));
   566 						BufferAndOutputL(KWbTagEndWithContent);
   567 					}
   568 					iTagStack->Delete(iTagIndex);
   570 					// Done, get out
   571 					if (iTagIndex == 0)
   572 					{
   573 						iByteList->Commit();
   574 						return KErrNone;
   575 					}
   576 				}
   577 				else
   578 				{
   579 					// Corrupted bytecode
   580 					User::Leave(EWapErrDocumentCorrupted);
   581 				}
   582 			}
   583 			else if (iParsing == EParseAttrs)
   584 			{
   585 				iParsing = EParseTag;
   587 				if( !iRestrictedOutput )
   588 				{
   589 					if (iOpenQuote)
   590 					{
   591 						BufferAndOutputL(KWbQuote);
   592 						iOpenQuote = EFalse;
   593 					}
   594 					BufferAndOutputL(hasContent?KWbTagEndWithContent():KWbTagEndWithoutContent());
   595 				}
   596 				else
   597 					iRestrictedOutput = EFalse;
   598 			}
   599 			else
   600 			{
   601 				// default case to catch impossible errors
   602 				// Corrupted bytecode
   603 				User::Leave(EWapErrDocumentCorrupted);
   604 			}
   605 			iByteList->Commit();
   607 			// This will be true when a message is defined with attributes
   608 			// but no data
   609 			if (iTagIndex == 0)
   610 				{
   611 				return KErrNone;
   612 				}
   613 			break;
   615 		case 0x02: // ENTITY
   616 			if (ExtractMultiByte(&multiByte,0) != KErrNone)
   617 				return KErrNotFound;
   618 			OutputL(multiByte);
   619 			iByteList->Commit();
   620 			break;
   622 		case 0x40: // EXT_I_0
   623 		case 0x41: // EXT_I_1
   624 		case 0x42: // EXT_I_2
   625 			iVariable = byte;
   626 			BufferAndOutputL(KWbVariableStart);
   627 			if (ConvertDataStreamingL() != KErrNone)
   628 			{
   629 				iContinue = EGotoStreaming;
   630 				return KErrNotFound;
   631 			}
   632 			iByteList->Commit();
   633 			break;
   635 		case 0x03: // INLINE STRING
   636 			if (iParsing == EParseTag)
   637 			{
   638 				iParsing = EParseNot;
   639 			}
   641 			if (ConvertDataStreamingL() != KErrNone)
   642 			{
   643 				iContinue = EGotoStreaming;
   644 				return KErrNotFound;
   645 			}
   646 			iByteList->Commit();
   647 			break;
   649 		case 0x80: // EXT_T_0
   650 		case 0x81: // EXT_T_1
   651 		case 0x82: // EXT_T_2
   652 			iVariable = byte;
   653 			BufferAndOutputL(KWbVariableStart);
   654 			if (ConvertDataStringL() != KErrNone)
   655 			{
   656 				iContinue = EGotoString;
   657 				return KErrNotFound;
   658 			}
   659 			iByteList->Commit();
   660 			break;
   662 		case 0x83: // STR_T
   663 			if (ConvertDataStringL() != KErrNone)
   664 			{
   665 				iContinue = EGotoString;
   666 				return KErrNotFound;
   667 			}
   668 			iByteList->Commit();
   669 			break;
   671 		case 0x43: // PI
   672 			// not supported, not used in WML 1.1
   673 			// bytecode PI not implemented
   674 			iByteList->Commit();
   675 			break;
   677 		// We will ignore all the uknown tags and their attributes encoded as literals
   678 		// (LITERAL, LITERAL_C and LITERAL_CA). The content of these elements is, however,
   679 		// treated normally (unless it contains literals, too :)
   680 		case 0x04: // LITERAL
   681 			iByteList->Commit();
   682 			break;
   683 		case 0xC3: // OPAQUE
   684 			if (ConvertOpaqueDataL() != KErrNone)
   685 			{
   686 				iContinue = EGotoOpaque;
   687 				return KErrNotFound;
   688 			}
   689 			iByteList->Commit();
   690 			break;
   691 		case 0x44: // LITERAL_C
   692 		case 0xC4: // LITERAL_CA
   693 			iRestrictedOutput = ETrue;
   694 			// FLOWTHROUGH
   695 		default:
   696 			{
   697 			if (iParsing == EParseTag || iParsing == EParseNot)
   698 			{
   699 				if (iParsing == EParseNot)
   700 				{
   701 					iParsing = EParseTag;
   702 				}
   704 				if( !iRestrictedOutput )
   705 				{
   706 					BufferAndOutputL(KWbTagStart);
   708 					// tag name
   709 					BufferAndOutputL(*(iTagArray->At(byte&0x3F)->iBuf));
   710 				}
   712 				hasAttrs = (TUint8) (byte & 0x80);
   713 				hasContent = (TUint8) (byte & 0x40);
   715 				if (hasContent)
   716 				{
   717 					iTagIndex++;
   718 					if( iRestrictedOutput )
   719 						iTagStack->AppendL( KWbxmlSkipLiteralEndTagMagicToken );
   720 					else
   721 						iTagStack->AppendL( TUint16(byte) );
   722 				}
   724 				if (hasAttrs)
   725 					iParsing = EParseAttrs;
   726 				else if( !iRestrictedOutput )
   727 					BufferAndOutputL(hasContent ? KWbTagEndWithContent() : KWbTagEndWithoutContent() );
   729 				if( iRestrictedOutput && !hasAttrs )
   730 				// The content will be processed as usual. However, if we had attributes
   731 				// we shall discard them, too
   732 					iRestrictedOutput = EFalse;
   733 			}
   735 			// Attr names and values
   736 			else if( !iRestrictedOutput )
   737 			{
   740 				// starting new attribute
   741 				if (byte<128)
   742 				{
   743 					if (iOpenQuote)
   744 					{
   745 						BufferAndOutputL(KWbQuote);
   746 						iOpenQuote = EFalse;
   747 					}
   749 					// attribute name requires starting space, value not
   750 					BufferAndOutputL(KWbSpace);
   751 				}
   753 				if( byte >= iAttArray->Count() )
   754 					User::Leave(EWapErrDocumentCorrupted);
   756 				// AttrName can be either 'ALIGN="CENTER"' or 'ALIGN="'
   757 				// format and followed by several AttrValues or strings.
   758 				// We have to scan AttrName to know when quotes are open
   759 				// so that we close them no more and no less than once.
   760 				// NOTE: quotes in strings are data, not attr escaping.
   762 				if (OutputCheckQuoteL(*(iAttArray->At(byte)->iBuf)))
   763 					iOpenQuote = ETrue;
   764 			}
   765 			iByteList->Commit();
   766 			break;
   767 			}
   769 		} // switch (byte)
   771 	} // FOREVER
   772 }
   774 // Output Opaque data
   775 TInt CWbxmlConverter::ConvertOpaqueDataL()
   776 	{
   777 	iByteList->Commit();
   779 	TUint32 multiByte = 0;
   780 	if (ExtractMultiByte(&multiByte,0) != KErrNone)
   781 		return KErrNotFound;
   783 	TUint32 count = multiByte;
   784 	TUint8 byte = 0;
   785 	const TInt KBufferSegment = 20;
   786 	HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(KBufferSegment);
   788 	while (count != 0)
   789 	{
   790 		if (iByteList->Byte(&byte,TRUE) != KErrNone)
   791 		{
   792 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer
   793 			return KErrNotFound;
   794 		}
   796 		buffer->Des().Append(&byte,1);
   797 		if( buffer->Des().MaxLength() == buffer->Length() )
   798 		{
   799 			buffer = buffer->ReAllocL(buffer->Length() + KBufferSegment);
   800 			CleanupStack::Pop(); // the old buffer
   801 			CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
   802 		}
   803 		count--;
   804 	}
   806 	HBufC16* convertedBuffer = FormatDateStringL(*buffer);
   807 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer
   808 	CleanupStack::PushL(convertedBuffer);
   810 	if( convertedBuffer == NULL )
   811 	{
   812 	// We could not convert the document!
   813 	// but no one checks the return value
   814 	// so I don't care... :(
   815 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // convertedBuffer
   816 		iByteList->Commit();			// We can do nothing more with this data so dump it
   817 		return KErrCorrupt;
   818 	}
   820 	buffer = HBufC8::NewL(convertedBuffer->Length());
   821 	buffer->Des().Copy(*convertedBuffer);
   822 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // convertedBuffer
   823 	CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
   825 	BufferAndOutputL(*buffer);
   827 	iByteList->Commit();
   828 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer
   830 	FinishStringL();
   831 	iByteList->Commit();
   832 	return KErrNone;
   833 	}
   835 // OutputL bytes from streamed inline data
   836 TInt CWbxmlConverter::ConvertDataStreamingL()
   837 {
   838 	iByteList->Commit();
   840 	TUint8 byte = 0;
   841 	const TInt KBufferSegment = 20;
   842 	HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(KBufferSegment);
   844 	// Todo: optimization check how much data is already available and OutputL all at the same time
   845 	FOREVER
   846 	{
   847 		if (iByteList->Byte(&byte,TRUE) != KErrNone)
   848 		{
   849 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer
   850 			return KErrNotFound;
   851 		}
   853 		if (byte == 0)
   854 			break;
   856 		buffer->Des().Append(&byte,1);
   857 		if( buffer->Des().MaxLength() == buffer->Length() )
   858 		{
   859 			buffer = buffer->ReAllocL(buffer->Length() + KBufferSegment);
   860 			CleanupStack::Pop(); // the old buffer
   861 			CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
   862 		}
   863 	}
   865 	HBufC16* convertedBuffer = CharsetConvertDataL(*buffer);
   866 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer
   867 	CleanupStack::PushL(convertedBuffer);
   868 	if( convertedBuffer == NULL )
   869 	{
   870 	// We could not convert the document!
   871 	// but no one checks the return value
   872 	// so I don't care... :(
   873 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // convertedBuffer
   874 		iByteList->Commit();			// We can do nothing more with this data so dump it
   875 		return KErrCorrupt;
   876 	}
   878 	convertedBuffer = ReplaceCharacterEntitiesL(convertedBuffer);
   879 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // convertedBuffer, which might have been reallocated
   880 	CleanupStack::PushL(convertedBuffer); // the new converted buffer
   882 	buffer = HBufC8::NewL(convertedBuffer->Length());
   883 	buffer->Des().Copy(*convertedBuffer);
   884 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // convertedBuffer
   885 	CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
   887 	BufferAndOutputL(*buffer);
   889 	iByteList->Commit();
   890 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer
   892 	FinishStringL();
   893 	iByteList->Commit();
   894 	return KErrNone;
   895 }
   897 // OutputL bytes from internal stringtable
   898 TInt CWbxmlConverter::ConvertDataStringL()
   899 {
   900 	if( iStringTable == NULL )
   901 		// There can not be string table references withing a document that hasn't got a string table!
   902 		User::Leave(EWapErrDocumentCorrupted);
   904 	iByteList->Commit();
   906 	TUint32 multiByte = 0;
   907 	if (ExtractMultiByte(&multiByte,0) != KErrNone)
   908 		return KErrNotFound;
   910 	TInt count = 0;
   911 	while (iStringTable->Ptr()[multiByte + count] != 0)
   912 		count++;
   914 	if (!count)
   915 		return KErrNone;
   917 	if (TUint ((*iStringTable).Length()) < multiByte + count)
   918 		return KErrCorrupt;
   920 	TPtrC8 referedString = (*iStringTable).Mid(multiByte,count);
   921 	HBufC16* convertedBuffer = CharsetConvertDataL(referedString);
   922 	CleanupStack::PushL(convertedBuffer);
   923 	if( convertedBuffer == NULL )
   924 	{
   925 	// We could not convert the document!
   926 	// but no one checks the return value
   927 	// so I don't care... :(
   928 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // convertedBuffer
   929 		iByteList->Commit();			// We can do nothing more with this data so dump it
   930 		return KErrCorrupt;
   931 	}
   933 	convertedBuffer = ReplaceCharacterEntitiesL(convertedBuffer);
   934 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // convertedBuffer, which might have been reallocated
   935 	CleanupStack::PushL(convertedBuffer); // the new converted buffer
   937 	HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL(convertedBuffer->Length());
   938 	buffer->Des().Copy(*convertedBuffer);	// to 8-bit buffer...
   939 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // convertedBuffer
   940 	CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
   941 	BufferAndOutputL(*buffer);
   942 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer
   944 	FinishStringL();
   945 	iByteList->Commit();
   947 	return KErrNone;
   948 }
   950 TInt CWbxmlConverter::OpenTokenFileL(HBufC& aFileName)
   951 {
   952 	// Design note: we should ask library user to give us token file
   953 	// but since this is used only by WML 1.1, it's not our problem.
   954 	// Anyway, that's why interface is HBufC& aFileName.
   956 	if (iTagArray)
   957 	{
   958 		if (iTagArray->Count())
   959 			iTagArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   960 		delete iTagArray;
   961 		iTagArray = NULL;
   962 	}
   963 	if (iAttArray)
   964 	{
   965 		if (iAttArray->Count())
   966 			iAttArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   967 		delete iAttArray;
   968 		iAttArray = NULL;
   969 	}
   971 	//
   973 	RFileReadStream stream;
   974 	if (stream.Open(iFs,aFileName,EFileShareReadersOnly) != KErrNone)
   975 	{
   976 		User::Leave(EWapErrUnknownDocument);
   977 	}
   978 	else
   979 	{
   980 		CleanupClosePushL(stream);
   982 		HBufC8* strBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(256);
   983 		CleanupStack::PushL(strBuffer);
   984 		TInt i;
   985 		CWbxmlToken* token;
   987 		//
   988 		// PublicId
   989 		TRAPD(error,ReadTokenFileL(stream,*strBuffer));
   990 		if (error != KErrNone)
   991 			{
   992 			User::Leave(EWapErrUnknownDocument);
   993 			}
   995 		iPublicIdStr = strBuffer->AllocL();
   997 		//
   998 		// Tag tokens
   999 		iTagArray = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CWbxmlToken>(0x40);
  1000 		for (i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)
  1001 		{
  1002 			TRAP(error,ReadTokenFileL(stream,*strBuffer));
  1003 			if (error == KErrNone)
  1004 			{
  1005 				token = new (ELeave) CWbxmlToken;
  1006 				CleanupStack::PushL(token);
  1007 				token->SetTextL(*strBuffer);
  1008 				iTagArray->AppendL(token);
  1009 				CleanupStack::Pop(token);
  1010 			}
  1011 			else
  1012 			{
  1013 				User::Leave(EWapErrUnknownDocument);
  1014 			}
  1015 		}
  1017 		//
  1018 		// Attribute names
  1019 		iAttArray = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CWbxmlToken>(256);
  1020 		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
  1021 		{
  1022 			TRAP(error,ReadTokenFileL(stream,*strBuffer));
  1023 			if (error == KErrEof)
  1024 				break;
  1025 			if (error == KErrNone)
  1026 			{
  1027 				token = new (ELeave) CWbxmlToken;
  1028 				CleanupStack::PushL(token);
  1029 				token->SetTextL(*strBuffer);
  1030 				iAttArray->AppendL(token);
  1031 				CleanupStack::Pop(token);
  1032 			}
  1033 			else
  1034 			{
  1035 				User::Leave(EWapErrUnknownDocument);
  1036 			}
  1037 		}
  1039 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // strBuffer and stream
  1040 	}
  1042 	// reset iTagIndex, was used temporarily as offset variable
  1043 	iTagIndex = 0;
  1045 	return KErrNone;
  1046 }
  1048 void CWbxmlConverter::ReadTokenFileL(RFileReadStream& aStream, HBufC8& aBuffer)
  1049 	{
  1050 	// Read data from aFile into aBuffer. Skip linebreak(s), not into aBuffer
  1051 	TBuf8<1> data;
  1052 	TInt startOffset = iTagIndex;
  1053 	TPtr8 ptr = aBuffer.Des();
  1055 	// Note: Reusing class instance variable iTagIndex as file offset
  1056 	aStream.Source()->SeekL(MStreamBuf::ERead,EStreamBeginning,iTagIndex);
  1057 	FOREVER
  1058 		{
  1059 		aStream.ReadL(data,1);
  1060 		if (data[0] == '\r' || data[0] == '\n')
  1061 			{
  1062 			aStream.Source()->SeekL(MStreamBuf::ERead,EStreamBeginning,startOffset);
  1063 			aStream.ReadL(ptr,iTagIndex-startOffset);
  1064 			break;
  1065 			}
  1066 		iTagIndex++;
  1067 		}
  1069 // Consume linebreaks, which btw might be missing at last row
  1070 	FOREVER
  1071 		{
  1072 		aStream.ReadL(data,1);
  1073 		if (data[0] != '\r' && data[0] != '\n')
  1074 			break;
  1075 		iTagIndex++;
  1076 		}
  1077 	}
  1079 // Note: check wbxml specification for multibyte definition
  1080 TInt CWbxmlConverter::ExtractMultiByte(TUint32* aMultiByte, TInt aSkipHeader)
  1081 {
  1082 	if (iByteList->Inc(aSkipHeader) != KErrNone)
  1083 		return KErrNotFound;
  1085 	TUint8 byte = 0;
  1086 	*aMultiByte = 0;
  1087 	do
  1088 	{
  1089 		*aMultiByte <<= 7;
  1090 		if (iByteList->Byte(&byte,TRUE) != KErrNone)
  1091 			return KErrNotFound;
  1093 		*aMultiByte |= byte & ~0x80;
  1094 	} while (byte & 0x80);
  1096 	return KErrNone;
  1097 }
  1099 void CWbxmlConverter::FinishStringL()
  1100 {
  1101 	switch (iVariable)
  1102 	{
  1103 	case 0x00: // was not a variable
  1104 		break;
  1105 	case 0x40: // variable substitution - escaped
  1106 	case 0x80: // variable reference to string table - escaped
  1107 		BufferAndOutputL(KWbVariableEscaped);
  1108 		break;
  1109 	case 0x41: // variable substitution - unescaped
  1110 	case 0x81: // variable reference to string table - unescaped
  1111 		BufferAndOutputL(KWbVariableUnescaped);
  1112 		break;
  1113 	case 0x42: // variable substitution - no transformation
  1114 	case 0x82: // variable reference to string table - no transformation
  1115 		// FLOWTHROUGH
  1116 	default:
  1117 		BufferAndOutputL(KWbVariableNormal);
  1118 		break;
  1119 	}
  1120 	iVariable = 0;
  1121 }
  1123 HBufC16* CWbxmlConverter::FormatDateStringL(TDesC8& aData)
  1124 // Return value NULL indicates failed conversion!
  1125 // Ownership of the resulting string is passed up to caller.
  1126 {
  1127 	const TInt KDateTimePart = 7;
  1128 	enum TDateTimeParts {EYearTop, EYearBot, EMon, EDay, EHour, EMin, ESec};
  1129 	TInt dateData[KDateTimePart];
  1131 	for (TInt i = 0; i < KDateTimePart; i++)
  1132 		dateData[i] = 0;
  1134 	TInt offSet = 0;
  1135 	TInt dataLen = aData.Length();
  1137 	while (offSet < KDateTimePart && dataLen > 0)
  1138 		{
  1139 		dateData[offSet] = aData[offSet];
  1140 		offSet++;
  1141 		dataLen--;
  1142 		}
  1144 	_LIT(KDateFormat,"%2x%02x-%02x-%02xT%02x:%02x:%02xZ");
  1145 	const TInt KDateFormatLen = 20;
  1147 	TBuf16<KDateFormatLen> dateBuf;
  1148 	dateBuf.Format(KDateFormat, dateData[EYearTop], 
  1149 								dateData[EYearBot], 
  1150 								dateData[EMon], 
  1151 								dateData[EDay], 
  1152 								dateData[EHour], 
  1153 								dateData[EMin], 
  1154 								dateData[ESec]);
  1155 	return( dateBuf.AllocL() );	
  1156 }
  1158 HBufC16* CWbxmlConverter::CharsetConvertDataL(TDesC8& aData)
  1159 // Return value NULL indicates failed conversion!
  1160 // Ownership of the resulting string is passed up to caller.
  1161 {
  1162 	if( iCharsetConverter->PrepareToConvertToOrFromL(iWbxmlCharset,iFs) == CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ENotAvailable )
  1163 		return( NULL );
  1165 	HBufC* convertedString = HBufC::NewLC(aData.Length());
  1166 	TInt state = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::KStateDefault;
  1167 	TPtr16 convertedStringDes = convertedString->Des();
  1168 	TInt convertResult = iCharsetConverter->ConvertToUnicode(convertedStringDes, aData, state);
  1169 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // convertedString
  1171 	if (convertResult)
  1172 	{
  1173 		delete convertedString;
  1174 		convertedString = NULL;
  1175 	}
  1177 	return( convertedString );	
  1178 }
  1181 HBufC* CWbxmlConverter::ReplaceCharacterEntitiesL(HBufC* aString)
  1182 	{
  1183 	_LIT(KDollarRef, "$$");
  1184 	_LIT(KAmpersandRef, "&amp;");
  1185 	_LIT(KLesserRef, "&lt;");
  1186 	_LIT(KGreaterRef, "&gt;");
  1187 	_LIT(KQuoteRef, "&quot;");
  1188 	_LIT(KAposRef, "&apos;");
  1189 	_LIT(KNonBreakingSpaceRef, "&nbsp;");
  1190 	_LIT(KShyRef, "&shy;");
  1192 	// Calculate the need for extra characters to be allocated.
  1193 	// The additions to lengthExtension are subtracted by one, since the original
  1194 	// chacracter will be overwritten.
  1195 	TInt i=0;
  1196 	TInt lengthExtension = 0;	// The amount of extra characters needed
  1197 	const TText* stringPtr=aString->Ptr();
  1198 	const TDesC* ext=NULL;
  1199 	for( i=0; i < aString->Length(); i++)
  1200 		{
  1201 		switch( *stringPtr++ )
  1202 			{
  1203 			case '$':
  1204 				ext = &KDollarRef;
  1205 				break;
  1206 			case '&':
  1207 				ext = &KAmpersandRef;
  1208 				break;
  1209 			case '<':
  1210 				ext = &KLesserRef;
  1211 				break;
  1212 			case '>':
  1213 				ext = &KGreaterRef;
  1214 				break;
  1215 			case '"':
  1216 				ext = &KQuoteRef;
  1217 				break;
  1218 			case 39:
  1219 				ext = &KAposRef;
  1220 				break;
  1221 			case 160:
  1222 				ext = &KNonBreakingSpaceRef;
  1223 				break;
  1224 			case 173:
  1225 				ext = &KShyRef;
  1226 				break;
  1227 			default:
  1228 				// Normal character cause no added length
  1229 				break;
  1230 			}
  1231 		if(ext)
  1232 			{
  1233 			lengthExtension+=ext->Length()-1;
  1234 			ext=NULL;
  1235 			}
  1236 		}
  1238 	if( lengthExtension == 0 )
  1239 		return aString;
  1241 	if( aString->Des().MaxLength() < aString->Length()+lengthExtension )
  1242 		aString = aString->ReAllocL(aString->Length()+lengthExtension);
  1244 	// Do the replacement thing...
  1246 	stringPtr=aString->Ptr();
  1247 	ext=NULL;
  1249 	for( i=0; i < aString->Length(); i++, stringPtr++)
  1250 		{
  1251 		switch( *stringPtr )
  1252 			{
  1253 			case '$':
  1254 				ext=&KDollarRef;
  1255 				break;
  1256 			case '&':
  1257 				ext=&KAmpersandRef;
  1258 				break;
  1259 			case '<':
  1260 				ext=&KLesserRef;
  1261 				break;
  1262 			case '>':
  1263 				ext=&KGreaterRef;
  1264 				break;
  1265 			case '"':
  1266 				ext=&KQuoteRef;
  1267 				break;
  1268 			case 39:
  1269 				ext=&KAposRef;
  1270 				break;
  1271 			case 160:
  1272 				ext=&KNonBreakingSpaceRef;
  1273 				break;
  1274 			case 173:
  1275 				ext=&KShyRef;
  1276 				break;
  1277 			default:
  1278 				ext=NULL;
  1279 				break;
  1280 			}
  1282 		if( ext != NULL )
  1283 			{
  1284 			aString->Des().Delete(i,1);
  1285 			aString->Des().Insert(i,*ext);
  1286 			i += ext->Length()-1;  // one will be added to the counter at the end of the loop
  1287 			stringPtr += ext->Length()-1;  // one will be added to the counter at the end of the loop
  1288 			}
  1289 		}
  1291 	return( aString );
  1292 	}
  1294 // Entity output
  1295 void CWbxmlConverter::OutputL(TUint32 aSource) const
  1296 {
  1297 	TBuf8<4> buf;
  1298 	const TDesC8* data=NULL;
  1299 	// This is the dodgy bit : we need to buffer these correctly
  1300 	// We are WML specific, so we DO know about these special cases
  1301 	switch(aSource)
  1302 	{
  1303 	case '$':
  1304 		{
  1305 		// Can this be added here, too??? JOM 231199
  1306 		data = &KEntityDollar;
  1307 		}
  1308 		break;
  1309 	case '&': // ampersand &#38;&#38;
  1310 		{
  1311 		data = &KEntityAmp;
  1312 		}
  1313 		break;
  1314 	case '<': // less than &#38;&#60;
  1315 		{
  1316 		data = &KEntityLt;
  1317 		}
  1318 		break;
  1319 	case '>': // greater than &#62;
  1320 		{
  1321 		data = &KEntityGt;
  1322 		}
  1323 		break;
  1324 	case '"': // quotation mark &#34;
  1325 		{
  1326 		data = &KEntityQuot;
  1327 		}
  1328 		break;
  1329 	case 39: // apostrophe &#39;
  1330 		{
  1331 		data = &KEntityApos;
  1332 		}
  1333 		break;
  1334 	case 160: // non-breaking space &#160;
  1335 		{
  1336 		data = &KEntityNbsp;
  1337 		}
  1338 		break;
  1339 	case 173: // soft hyphen &#173;
  1340 		{
  1341 		data = &KEntityShy;
  1342 		}
  1343 		break;
  1344 	default:
  1345 		{
  1346 		buf.Append(aSource);
  1347 		data = &buf;
  1348 		}
  1349 	}
  1350 	if(data)
  1351 		BufferAndOutputL(*data);
  1352 }
  1354 TBool CWbxmlConverter::OutputCheckQuoteL(HBufC8& aSource) const
  1355 {
  1356 	TBool openQuote = EFalse;
  1358 	// Scan for quote symbol
  1359 	TInt len = aSource.Length();
  1360 	const TText8* stringPtr=aSource.Ptr();
  1361 	for (TInt i = 0; i < len; i++)
  1362 	{
  1363 		if (*stringPtr++ == '"')
  1364 			openQuote = !openQuote;
  1365 	}
  1366 	BufferAndOutputL(aSource);
  1368 	return openQuote;
  1369 }
  1371 void CWbxmlConverter::BufferAndOutputL(const TDesC8& aSource) const
  1372 	{
  1373 	// Append to buffer here and output when full
  1374 	if(aSource.Length() + iOutputBuffer->Length() > KOutputBufferLength)
  1375 		{
  1376 		// Buffer is full : Keep ownership but reset buffer length to zero
  1377 		// No point passing ownership as the observer copies the buffer
  1378 		// and then deletes it. Passing it by reference means the observer
  1379 		// copies it and we can reuse it
  1380 		TInt returnValue = iObserver->HandleWbxmlOutputL(*iOutputBuffer);
  1381 		if( returnValue != KErrNone )
  1382 			User::Leave(returnValue);
  1383 		TPtr8 ptr(iOutputBuffer->Des());
  1384 		ptr.SetLength(0);
  1385 		}
  1386 	// Check input source is smaller than buffer
  1387 	if(aSource.Length() >= KOutputBufferLength)
  1388 		{
  1389 		// We have to allocate a new buffer here and give ownership to the observer
  1390 		HBufC8* tmp = aSource.AllocLC();
  1391 		TInt returnValue = iObserver->HandleWbxmlOutputL(tmp);
  1392 		if( returnValue != KErrNone )
  1393 			User::Leave(returnValue);
  1394 		CleanupStack::Pop();
  1395 		return;
  1396 		}
  1397 	// Buffer the current output
  1398 	TPtr8 ptr = iOutputBuffer->Des();
  1399 	ptr.Append(aSource);
  1400 	}
  1402 HBufC* CWbxmlConverter::FindTokenFileL(const TDesC& aTokenFilePath) const
  1403 //
  1404 // Search drives for file specified by aTokenFilePath, and return the full path.
  1405 	{
  1406 	TFindFile finder = iFs;
  1407 	User::LeaveIfError(finder.FindByDir(aTokenFilePath, KNullDesC()));
  1409 	HBufC* fullPath = NULL;
  1410 	fullPath = finder.File().AllocL();
  1412 	return fullPath;
  1413 	}
  1416 //
  1417 // End of file
  1418 //