changeset 0 b16258d2340f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerprotocols/httpexamples/nwsswsptrhnd/CNwssWspCOEventDispatcher.h	Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file CNwssWspCOEventDispatcher.h
+ @warning : This file contains Rose Model ID comments - please do not delete
+// System includes
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <wapcli.h>
+// Forward declarations
+class MNwssSessionEventHandler;
+class MNwssTransactionEventHandler;
+class MNwssOomHandler;
+	@since			7.0
+	This class acts as a hub for the receipt of Connection-Oriented WSP session and
+	transaction events.  It is an Active Object, and each time the method ::Start()
+	is called, it requests an event from the NWSS WAP Stack.  Upon completion of
+	the request, the incoming event is examined, and its type (session or
+	transaction) is determined. A call-back method appropriate to the event type is
+	called on either the MNwssTransactionEventHandler or MNwssSessionEventHandler
+	interfaces that 'observes' the object.  In the case of transaction events, the
+	NWSS WAP Stack's transaction handle (a RWSPCOTrans object) is passed through
+	along with the event.
+ */
+class CNwssWspCOEventDispatcher : public CActive
+	{
+public: // methods
+    Factory construction of CNwssWspCOEventDispatcher.
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aWspSession		(in) The caller's Wap Stack CO WSP session handle.
+	@param			aSessEventHnd	(in) An interface to be used for notifications
+										 of received session events.
+	@param			aTransEventHnd	(in) An interface to be used for notifications
+										 of received transaction events.
+	@param			aOutOfMemoryHnd	(in) An interface to be used in the event of OOM occurring
+										 whilst the session or transaction event handlers were
+										 handling a WAP stack event.
+	@return			The newly constructed CNwssWspCOEventDispatcher instance.
+	@leave			System error codes, e.g. KErrNoMemory.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B90178
+	static CNwssWspCOEventDispatcher* NewL(RWSPCOConn& aWspSession,
+										   MNwssSessionEventHandler& aSessEventHnd,
+										   MNwssTransactionEventHandler& aTransEventHnd,
+										   MNwssOomHandler& aOutOfMemoryHnd);
+	Destructor.
+	@since			7.0
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B900E2
+	virtual ~CNwssWspCOEventDispatcher();
+	Start waiting for stack events.  The dispatcher goes active,
+					and will repeatedly request events from the WAP Stack, until
+					it is subsequently cancelled.
+	@since			7.0
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B9007D
+	void Start();
+private: // methods from CActive
+		Called when the active object fires, ie. its asynchronous
+					request has completed
+	@since			7.0
+	@leave			System error codes, e.g. KErrNoMemory and internal error codes
+					generated for WTLS handshake failures, see <wsperror.h>
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B803BB
+	virtual void RunL();
+		Called if RunL leaves, to allow the AO to handle the error before
+					the scheduler does
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aError	(in) The error code to be handled, which RunL() left with
+	@return			A final error code, should aError not have been handled, which the
+					active scheduler handles.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B8025D
+	virtual TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+		Cancellation protocol for the active object.  It cancels the
+					request GetNextEvent() request it keeps outstanding with the
+					WAP Stack.
+	@since			7.0
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B801B2
+	virtual void DoCancel();
+private: // methods
+	Normal constructor.  Keeps references to the supplied arguments.
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aWspSession		(in) The caller's Wap Stack CO WSP session handle.
+	@param			aSessEventHnd	(in) An interface to be used for notifications
+										 of received session events.
+	@param			aTransEventHnd	(in) An interface to be used for notifications
+										 of received transaction events.
+	@param			aOutOfMemoryHnd	(in) An interface to be used in the event of OOM occurring
+										 whilst the session or transaction event handlers were
+										 handling a WAP stack event.  
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B70324
+	CNwssWspCOEventDispatcher(RWSPCOConn& aWspSession,
+							  MNwssSessionEventHandler& aSessEventHnd,
+							  MNwssTransactionEventHandler& aTransEventHnd,
+							  MNwssOomHandler& aOutOfMemoryHnd);
+private: // attributes
+	/** The WSP Session handle.  This is not owned, opened or closed in this class.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B702AD
+	RWSPCOConn& iWspSession;
+	/** Handler for session events received at the dispatcher.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B702A1
+	MNwssSessionEventHandler& iSessEventHnd;
+	/** Handler for transaction events received at the dispatcher.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B7028D
+	MNwssTransactionEventHandler& iTransEventHnd;
+	/** Handler for out-of-memory situations.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C9B09460197
+	MNwssOomHandler& iOutOfMemoryHnd;
+	/** The event that has occured
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B70279
+	RWSPCOConn::TEvent iWspEvent;
+	/** The transaction handle on which transaction events occur
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49B70215
+	RWSPCOTrans iTransaction;
+	/** The ID of the last transaction on which an event was received
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C9B09460183
+	RWSPCOTrans::TTransID iTrId;
+	};