changeset 0 b16258d2340f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerprotocols/httpexamples/nwsswsptrhnd/CNwssWspTransportHandler.h	Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// System includes
+#include <wsp/cwsptransporthandler.h>
+#include <wsp/mwspcosessioninvoker.h>
+#include <wsp/mwspcomethodinvoker.h>
+#include <wapcli.h>
+// Local includes
+#include "cnwsswspsession.h"
+#include "mnwsswapserver.h"
+#include "mconnectioninfoprovider.h"
+#include "cnwsswspcosession.h"
+// Forward declarations
+class MWspCOPushInvoker;
+class MWspCLMethodInvoker;
+class MWspCLPushInvoker;
+	@since			7.0
+	This class provides a concrete implementation of the CWspTransportHandler
+	interface, specifically for the NWSS Rainbow 2.1 WAP Stack, which is used on
+	the Hurricane release of Symbian OS.  The present implementation supports only
+	the Connection-Oriented Session and Method services.  In the future,
+	Connectionless and Push may be added.
+	There is no real behaviour in this class.  It acts mainly as a container for
+	the objects that provide the various services.  Also, it implements a set of
+	additional Mix-in interfaces, which provide internal services to other classes
+	in the transport handler.
+	By implementing MSecurityPolicy, it can supply default policy values when the
+	WTLS handshake takes place, if a security policy plug-in is not provided by the
+	client.
+	The class owns the main WAP protocol stack server handle, RWAPServ.  It
+	provides access to this for other classes in the transport handler by
+	implementing the narrow interface MNwssWapServer.  It provides access to the
+	client's Capability Info, Session Headers and Proxy Info services by
+	implementing the MConnectionInfoProvider interface and offering it to other
+	classes in the transport handler.
+ */
+class CNwssWspTransportHandler : public CWspTransportHandler,
+								 public MNwssWapServer,
+								 public MConnectionInfoProvider
+	{
+public: // creation/deletion
+/**Factory construction of the transport handler.
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aInstantiationParams	(in) Points to a structure containing
+												 the parameters sent to the parent
+												 class constructor.
+	@return			The newly-created transport handler object.
+	@leave			KErrNoMemory.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49C0033B
+	static CNwssWspTransportHandler* NewL(TAny* aInstantiationParams);
+/** Destructor.
+	@since			7.0
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49C00286
+	virtual ~CNwssWspTransportHandler();
+public: // API methods inherited from CWspTransportHandler
+/** Query the services supported by this instantiation of the WSP
+					transport handler plug-in.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			A bit-field set of flags indicating the service supported.
+	@see			CWspTransportHandler
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BF0112
+	virtual CWspTransportHandler::TWspSupportedServices SupportedServices() const;
+/**Obtain the connection-oriented session invocation API.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			The interface to be used by a client to make invocations on the
+					connection-oriented session service.
+	@see MWspCOSessionInvoker
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BF005E
+	virtual MWspCOSessionInvoker& COSessionInvoker();
+/** Obtain the connection-oriented method invocation API.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			The interface to be used by a client to make invocations on the
+					connection-oriented transaction service.
+	@see MWspCOMethodInvoker
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BE0392
+	virtual MWspCOMethodInvoker& COTransactionInvoker();
+/** Obtain the connection-oriented push invocation API.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			The interface to be used by a client to make invocations on the
+					connection-oriented push service.
+	@see MWspCOPushInvoker
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BE02DE
+	virtual MWspCOPushInvoker& COPushInvoker();
+/** Obtain the connectionless method invocation API.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			The interface to be used by a client to make invocations on the
+					connectionless transaction service.
+	@see MWspCLMethodInvoker
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BE0229
+	virtual MWspCLMethodInvoker& CLMethodInvoker();
+/** Obtain the connectionless push invocation API.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			The interface to be used by a client to make invocations on the
+					connectionless push service.
+	@see MWspCLPushInvoker
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BE0175
+	virtual MWspCLPushInvoker& CLPushInvoker();
+	/** Get the Server Certificate for the current session.
+	@param	aServerCert A TCertInfo which will be filled with the certificate information
+	@return	An error code.  KErrNone if aServerCert has been completed, otherwise one of 
+			the system wide error codes
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C9B0947024C
+	virtual TInt ServerCert(TCertInfo& aCertInfo) const;
+private: // methods inherited from MNwssWapServer
+/**Obtain a handle for the WAP Stack server.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			The WAP Stack server session handle.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BE00AD
+	virtual RWAPServ& WapStack();
+private: // methods inherited from MConnectionInfoProvider
+/** Obtain the client's provider of proxy information.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			The interface supplied by the client through which proxy
+					information is obtained.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BD03C2
+	virtual MWspProxyInfoProvider& ProxyInfoProvider() const;
+/** Obtain the client's provider of capability information.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			The interface supplied by the client through which capability
+					information is obtained.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BD0304
+	virtual MWspCapabilityProvider& CapabilityProvider() const;
+/** Obtain the client's provider of session headers.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			The interface supplied by the client through which client
+					session headers are obtained, and to which server (i.e. proxy)
+					session headers are returned.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BD023C
+	virtual MWspSessionHeadersProvider& SessionHeadersProvider() const;
+private: // methods inherited from MSecurityPolicy
+/** Ask the client to accept or reject a certificate. Not
+					applicable to TLS, as the SSL layer does this itself.
+					The call is asynchronous, returning the result via the TRequestStatus.
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aServerCert		(in) A structure containing the certificate details.
+	@param			aStatus			(out) A status flag used to indicate errors. A value of 0 is used to indicate
+									that the cert is untrusted and 1 that it is trusted
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BC03DF
+	virtual void ValidateUntrustedServerCert(TCertInfo& aServerCert, TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
+/** Cancel a previous request to ask the client to accept or reject
+					an untrusted WTLS server certificate.
+	@since			7.0
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BC032B
+	virtual void CancelValidateUntrustedServerCert();
+/** Obtain an array of WTLS cipher suites.  Not applicable to TLS clients.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			An array of cipher suites, consisting of paired bulk encryption
+					algorithms and MAC algorithms.  The array must be ordered with
+					strongest cipher suites at the start.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BC026D
+	virtual const RArray<TWtlsCipherSuite>& GetWtlsCipherSuites();
+/** Obtain a list of TLS cipher suites.  Not applicable to WTLS
+					clients.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			An descriptor containing a list of the TLS cipher suites. Each cipher suite is a 2 byte pair
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BC01B8
+	virtual const TDesC8& GetTlsCipherSuites();
+/** Obtain the WTLS key exchange suites.  Not applicable
+					to TLS clients.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			An array of the WTLS key exchange suites.  The array must be ordered
+					with authenticating key exchange suites at the start followed by
+					anonymous key exchange suites if desired.  Within each group of keys
+					longer keys should precede shorter ones.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BC010E
+	virtual const RArray<TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite>& GetWtlsKeyExchangeSuites();
+/** Obtain arbitrary, named security policy properties, in a generic
+					'stringified' form.
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aPropertyName	(in) The policy property name.
+	@param			aPropertyValue	(out) The property value. Parsing of the value is
+									left to the caller. The caller must close the
+									RString.
+	@return			An error code: KErrNone if the property exists or KErrNotFound if
+					it doesn't.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BB02E3
+	virtual TInt GetNamedPolicyProperty(RStringF aPropertyName, RString& aPropertyValue);
+/**	Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC
+	@since			7.0
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BB0239
+	virtual void Reserved1();
+/**Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC
+	@since			7.0
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BB0199
+	virtual void Reserved2();
+private: // methods
+/** Normal constructor.  The bundled instantiation params are
+					passed to the parent class constructor. Ownership of the
+					parameters is _not_ passed across.
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aInstantiationParams	(in) The set of instantiation parameters.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BB0080
+	CNwssWspTransportHandler(TAny* aInstantiationParams);
+/** Second phase construction.  Initial allocation of class data
+					members is done here.
+	@since			7.0
+	@leave			System error codes, eg. KErrNoMemory.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BB001C
+	void ConstructL();
+private: // attributes
+	/** Session with the WAP Stack server
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BB0012
+	RWAPServ iWapStackHnd;
+	/** Adapter for Connection-Oriented WSP sessions
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BA03E6
+	CNwssWspCOSession* iWspCOSession;
+	/** Default security policy values for WTLS cipher suites
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BA03D2
+	RArray<TWtlsCipherSuite> iDefSecPolCipherSuites;
+	/** Default security policy values for WTLS key exchange suites
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C49BA03BE
+	RArray<TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite> iDefSecPolKeyExchSuite;
+	};