changeset 0 b16258d2340f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/T_HttpIntegration/GT0149.h	Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// $Header$
+// GT0149 Applications Protocol Integration Test Harness
+// blank application
+// created by: mark j davey
+// mjd systems solutions ltd
+// GT0149 System Info and Defintions
+// by mjd
+#ifndef __GT0149_H__
+#define __GT0149_H__
+//	Text to welcome a user
+_LIT(KTHAWelcome, "Test Harness Application");
+//	Version Ident String
+_LIT(KTHAVersionIdent, "1.01");
+// Defined command line flags
+//  -s = script to execute 
+//  -c = console required once script executed
+//  -d = debug mode on (log to console as well)
+_LIT(KControlFlagSeparator, "-");
+_LIT(KFileNameExtensionFlag, ".");
+//	specify the required script
+_LIT(KControlFlagRequiredScript, "-s");
+//	if script specified, then provide console once completed
+_LIT(KControlFlagRequireConsole, "-c");
+//	provide console for debugging purposes (even during script)
+_LIT(KControlFlagDebugViaConsole, "-d");
+// Other Literals
+_LIT(KTxtNewLine,	"\r\n");
+_LIT(KTHAWelcomeMessage, "\r\nWelcome to the Integration Test Environment\r\n");
+// New line separator in text output
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtNewLine,			"\r\n");
+// Default command prompt
+_LIT(THA_CommandPrompt,			"THA:> ");
+// Assign characters and separators:
+_LIT(KTxtAssign,            "=");
+_LIT(KTxtAddition,          "+=");
+_LIT(KTxtSetFrom,           ":="); // +TVi
+_LIT(KTxtListSeparator,     ",");
+_LIT(KTxtCapSeparator,      ":");
+_LIT(KTxtValueSeparator,    "&");
+// Boolean values:
+_LIT(KTxtFalse,             "FALSE");
+_LIT(KTxtTrue,              "TRUE");
+//	Comparison Operator values:
+enum	TComparisonOperators
+	{
+	TCO_Equals,
+	TCO_NotEqual,
+	TCO_GreaterThan,
+	TCO_LessThan,
+	TCO_GreaterThanEq,
+	TCO_LessThanEq,
+	TCO_MaxComparisonOperators
+	};
+_LIT(KTxtEquals,						"==");
+_LIT(KTxtNotEqual,					"!=");
+_LIT(KTxtGreaterThan,				">");
+_LIT(KTxtLessThan,					"<");
+_LIT(KTxtGreaterThanEq,			">=");
+_LIT(KTxtLessThanEq,				"<=");
+_LIT(KCompResult,						"Comparison returns %d\r\n");
+// Log mode values:
+_LIT( KTxtLogALL,           "ALL");
+_LIT( KTxtLogNONE,          "NONE");
+_LIT( KTxtLogCASES,         "CASES");
+_LIT(KTxtNone,              "NONE");
+// Framework command phrases
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdRemark,				"#*");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdComment,				"//*");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdTrace,         "TRACE");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdTraceHelp,			"No help available");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdLog,           "LOG");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdVersion,				"VER");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdVersionHelp,		"Lists current THA version ident");
+//	this forces a listing of all commands defined...
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdListAll,       "?");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdListAllHelp,		"Lists all defined commands with help");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdExit,          "EXIT");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdQuit,          "QUIT");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdStop,          "STOP");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdEchoMode,      "ECHO");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdPrint,         "PRINT");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdPrintHelp,			"PRINT directs output to emulator or logfile");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdCheckMode,     "CHECK");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdPause,         "PAUSE");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdHold,          "HOLD");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdSetPrompt,     "PROMPT");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdSetPath,       "PATH");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdCall,          "CALL");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdCallHelp,			"Execute a script file");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdReturn,        "RETURN");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdLogPath,       "LOG PATH");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdLogFile,       "LOG FILE");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdEndLog,        "END LOG");
+//	to provide the ability to execute scripts from console
+//_LIT(THA_TxtCmdScript,        "SCRIPT");
+//_LIT(THA_TxtCmdScriptHelp,		"Execute a script directly. Nb setting PATH might be helpful!");
+//	variable definition
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdDefine,        "DEFINE");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdDefineHelp,    "Define variables. DEFINE <variable> or DEFINE (lists all)");
+//	new command
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdIf,						"IF");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdIfS,						"IF*");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdIfHelp,				"IF <variable OP variable>. Performs a test on operands\r\n");
+//	new command (to complement the above IF!)
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdElse,					"ELSE");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdElseHelp,			"ELSE follows a failed IF evaluation (see $LastResult$)\r\n");
+//	new command (to complement the above IF!)
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdEndIf,					"ENDIF");
+_LIT(THA_TxtCmdEndIfHelp,			"ENDIF closes an IF block\r\n");
+// Miscellaneous [e.g. CASE and SELECT] commands
+_LIT(KTxtCase,								"CASE");
+_LIT(KTxtEndCase,							"END CASE");
+_LIT(KTxtCmdSelect,						"SELECT CASES");
+// Framework command identifiers. The identifiers from 0 to the
+// TFR_KCmdCustomized - 1 have been reserved for the present and
+// future needs of the framework. Please do not overload them!!
+	{
+	THA_KCmdListAll,
+	THA_KCmdRemark,
+	THA_KCmdComment,
+	THA_KCmdExit,
+	THA_KCmdEchoMode,
+	THA_KCmdPrint,
+	THA_KCmdCheckMode,
+	THA_KCmdPause,
+	THA_KCmdHold,
+	THA_KCmdSetPrompt,
+	THA_KCmdSetPath,
+	THA_KCmdCall,
+	THA_KCmdReturn,
+	THA_KCmdLogPath,
+	THA_KCmdLogFile,
+	THA_KCmdEndLog,
+	THA_KCmdDefine,
+	THA_KCmdHelp,
+	//	these are associated with the IF command - but do not require
+	//	result to be recorded
+	THA_KCmdElse,
+	THA_KCmdEndIf,
+	THA_KCmdMaxStandard,
+	//	commands below this will have their 'result' recorded
+	THA_KCmdIf,
+	//	add new identifers above list line
+	THA_KMaxCmdCustomized
+	};
+// Maximum number of arguments is a command file call.
+// There is no point in defining this one so very big.
+// Error messages
+_LIT(KFmtErrInvalidCmd,      "Error: Invalid %S command");
+_LIT(KTxtErrNoAddition,      "Error: \"+=\" not allowed");
+_LIT(KTxtErrNoSetFrom,       "Error: \":=\" not allowed"); // +TVi
+_LIT(KTxtErrValueMissing,    "Error: Value missing");
+_LIT(KTxtErrInvalidList,     "Error: Invalid list");
+_LIT(KTxtErrInvalidText,     "Error: Invalid text (hyphen missing)");
+_LIT(KTxtErrInvalidHexa,     "Error: Invalid hexadecimal format");
+_LIT(KTxtErrInvalidBool,     "Error: Invalid value, should be FALSE or TRUE");
+_LIT(KTxtErrInvalidBool2,    "Error: Invalid value, should be FALSE, TRUE or NONE");
+_LIT(KTxtErrInvalidSessType, "Error: Invalid value, should be CO");
+_LIT(KTxtErrInvalidMethod,   "Error: Value should be GET, OPTIONS, HEAD, DELETE, TRACE, POST, PUT or number");
+_LIT(KTxtErrAliasAddr,       "Error: Alias addr must be:  [bearer] & [port] & [addr]");
+_LIT(KTxtErrItemTooLong,     "Error: Too long item");
+_LIT(KTxtErrAddCapFailed,    "Error: Capability adding failed (e.g.code page)");
+_LIT(KFmtErrRubbishAtEnd,    "Error: Rubbish at end: %S");
+_LIT(KFmtErrNameTooLong,     "Error: Too long name: %S");
+_LIT(KFmtErrInvalidName,     "Error: Invalid name: %S");
+_LIT(KFmtErrMissing,         "Error: \"%S\" missing");
+_LIT(KFmtErrInvalidNbr,      "Error: Invalid number: %S");
+_LIT(KFmtErrInvalidBearer,   "Error: Invalid bearer: %S (should be IP, SMS7, SMS, WAPSMS7, WAPSMS or ALL)");
+_LIT(KFmtErrInvalidCapName,  "Error: Unknown capability: %S");
+_LIT(KFmtErrBulkEnc,         "Error: Invalid bulk encryption algorithm: %S");
+_LIT(KFmtErrMac,             "Error: Invalid MAC algorithm: %S");
+_LIT(KFmtErrKeyAlgorithm,    "Error: Invalid key exchange algorithm: %S");
+_LIT(KFmtErrIdType,          "Error: Invalid id type: %S");
+_LIT(KTxtErrSequenceNbrMode, "Error: Invalid value, should be NOTUSED, IMPLICIT, EXPLICIT or NONE");
+_LIT(KTxtErrUnknownName,     "Error: Name does not exist");
+_LIT(KTxtWarnNameExists,     "Warning: Name already exists");
+_LIT(KTxtErrOpenFailed,      "Error: Opening session failed");
+_LIT(KFmtErrGetFile,         "Error: Failed to get file: %S"); // +TVi
+_LIT(KTxtEmpty,              "");
+_LIT(KTxtErrConnectFailed,   "Error: Connect failed");
+_LIT(THA_KErrInvalidOptr,			"Error: comparison operator [%S] is not recognized or supported\r\n");
+_LIT(THA_KErrParameterLong,		"Error: parameter [%S] is of invalid length (<1||>16)\r\n");
+// Framework's lexical terms
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtTermOn            , "ON" );
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtTermOff           , "OFF");
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtTermYes           , "YES" );
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtTermNo            , "NO");
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtTermTrue          , "TRUE" );
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtTermFalse         , "FALSE");
+// ###
+// ### Framework's messages will come come here later
+// ###
+// ### ...
+// Notification i.e. plain messages
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtMsgPressAnyKey,	"Press any key");
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtMsgRunAborted,	"- R U N  A B O R T E D -\r\n");
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtMsgRunStopped,	"- R U N  S T O P P E D -\r\n");
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtMsgIsNSU,				" is not supported");
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtMsgIsNAV,				" is not available");
+// Notification i.e. message formats
+_LIT( TFR_KFmtMsgSorryS,			"Sorry: %S");
+_LIT( TFR_KFmtMsgSorrySS,			"Sorry: %S %S");
+_LIT( TFR_KExecuteScript,			"Executing %S\r\n");
+// Error messages
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtErrPrintOflo    , "Error: too long text to print out\r\n");
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtErrRecursiveTags, "Error: recursive tag definitions?\r\n");
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtErrTooLongCmd   , "Error: command is too long to handle\r\n");
+_LIT( TFR_KTxtErrUnknownCmd   , "Error: unknown or misspelled command\r\n");
+// Error message formats
+_LIT( TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd     , "Error: illegal or misspelled %S command\r\n");
+_LIT( TFR_KFmtErrFailed     , "Error: %S failed (%d)\r\n");
+_LIT( TFR_KFmtErrParams     , "Error: erroneous %S command, bad params\r\n");
+_LIT( TFR_KFmtErrMissingParams, "Error: erroneous %S command, missing params\r\n");
+_LIT(THA_KFmtErrFileNotFound, "Error: file %S not found\r\n");
+_LIT(TFR_KInIFCmdAlready,			"Error: An IF command is already being processed [%S]\r\n");
+_LIT(THA_KFmtErrIAPVal,       "Error: [%S] is not a valid IAP value\r\n");
+// Dump file names
+// extension and default name for dump files
+_LIT(KTxtDumpFileExtension, ".dmp");
+_LIT(KTxtDumpFileDefault, "unnamed");
+_LIT(KTxtDumpFileSeparator, "-");
+#endif	//	__GT0149_H__
+//	End of File