changeset 8 3404599e4dda
parent 7 46cc8e302e43
--- a/libtelepathy/tsrc/src/telepathygabblesendmessage.cpp	Wed Mar 31 22:32:38 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:    Used for Send/Receive Test Cases
-//Include files
-#include <e32err.h>
-#include <e32const.h>
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <StifLogger.h>
-#include "telepathygabbleutils.h"
-#include "telepathygabblesendmessage.h"
-#include "telepathygabbletestdata.h"
-// function_name	: CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage
-// description     	: constructor
-// function_name	: ConstructL
-// description     	: constructor
-void CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage::ConstructL()
-// function_name	: NewL
-// description     	: NewL
-CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage* CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage::NewL()
-    {
-	CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage* self = new(ELeave) CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage;
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();    
-    CleanupStack::Pop();
-    return self;
-    }
-// function_name	:  ~CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage
-// description     	: Destructor
-    {
-    }
-// function_name	: SendMessage
-// description     	: To send a message
-TInt CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage::SendMessage( const char *contact_id, 
-													const char *message,
-													CTestData* aTestData )
-	TpChan* text_chan = NULL; //for send msg
-	TInt contact_handle;
-	GArray *handles = NULL;
-	GError* error = NULL;
-	DBusGProxy  *text_iface = NULL;
-	gpointer userdata = NULL; 
-	//get the contact handle.
-	contact_handle =  CTelepathyGabbleUtils::get_handle_from_contact(contact_id,aTestData);
-	if ( contact_handle == KErrNotFound )
-		{
-		return CTestData::EMessageSendErr;	
-		}
-	text_chan = (TpChan*)g_hash_table_find(
-								   aTestData->GetTextChannelsHT(),
-							      (GHRFunc) text_channels_find_func,
-							      &contact_handle );	 
-	//text_chan for the particular contact does not exist.
-	//New text_chan must be created.						      
-	if (text_chan == NULL)	
-		{ 
-		text_chan = tp_conn_new_channel(
-							(aTestData->GetDBusConnection()),
-							TP_CONN_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT,contact_handle, TRUE );	
-		//Insert the new text_chan to the hash table.							
-		g_hash_table_insert(
-				(aTestData->GetTextChannelsHT()),
-				g_strdup(dbus_g_proxy_get_path(DBUS_G_PROXY(text_chan))),text_chan);
-		}
-	text_iface = tp_chan_get_interface(text_chan,TELEPATHY_CHAN_IFACE_TEXT_QUARK);	
-	if( aTestData->GetTestType() == CTestData::ESendErr ||
-		aTestData->GetTestType() == CTestData::EReceive )
-		{
-		//Register the callback to get the error
-		//when the recipeint_id is invalid.
-		dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal(text_iface, "SendError",
-					G_CALLBACK(SendError_cb),
-						aTestData, NULL);	
-		}
-	if( aTestData->GetTestType() == CTestData::EReceive )
-		{
-		//Register for the receive message callback here.
-	 	dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal(text_iface, "Received",
-					(G_CALLBACK(receivedMessage_cb)),
-					aTestData, NULL);	
-		}
-	//This callback tells whether the message is sent to the server or not.
-	tp_chan_type_text_send_async( text_iface, TP_CHANNEL_TEXT_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, 
-	message,sendmessage_cb, aTestData); 
-	// user_data = this i.e. the class pointer  
-	//Run the mainloop
-	g_main_loop_run (aTestData->GetMainLoop());
-	//return the Message_sent that was updated in the callback sendmessage_cb	
-	return aTestData->GetSendRecvMsgState();
-// function_name	: ReceiveMessage
-// description     	: receive message
-TInt CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage::ReceiveMessage(   const char *contact_id,
-														const char *message,
-														CTestData* aTestData )
-	TpChan* text_chan = NULL; //for send msg
-	DBusGProxy *text_iface;
-	guint contact_handle;
-	//send msg 1
-	//For Automation, Do the send message to yourself
-	//own contact_id received from the cfg file.
-	TInt msg_status = SendMessage(contact_id,message,aTestData);
-	if( msg_status == CTestData::EMessageNotSent )
-		{
-			aTestData->GetStifLogger()->Log( _L("ReceiveMessage: Msg is not sent successfully \n") );
-		    if( aTestData->GetTestType() == CTestData::ERecvBlank )
-		    	g_main_loop_quit(aTestData->GetMainLoop()); 
-			return CTestData::EMessageNotSent;
-		}
- 	/*contact_handle =  CTelepathyGabbleUtils::get_handle_from_contact(contact_id,aTestData);
- 	text_chan = (TpChan*)g_hash_table_find(
- 					(aTestData->GetTextChannelsHT()),
-				      (GHRFunc) text_channels_find_func,
-				      &contact_handle );	
-    text_iface = tp_chan_get_interface(text_chan ,
- 	//Register for the receive message callback here.
- 	dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal(text_iface, "Received",
-				(G_CALLBACK(receivedMessage_cb)),
-				aTestData, NULL);
- 	//send msg 2
- 	//Do the send message to yourself
-	msg_status == CTestData::EMessageNotSent )
-		{
-			return CTestData::EMessageNotSent;
-		}*/
-	aTestData->GetStifLogger()->Log( _L("after : register receivedMessage_cb \n") );
-	if (aTestData->GetTestType() == CTestData::EReceive && 
-			aTestData->GetSendRecvMsgState() != CTestData::EMessageSendErr )
-	{
-		//there are two callbacks now.
-		//receivedMessage_cb and sendmessage_cb.
-		//Run the mainloop again as it was quit in the callback sendmessage_cb.
-		//the message_state is not yet MESSAGE_RECEIVED.
-		//we need to start the main loop again to get the receivedmessage_cb.
-		aTestData->GetStifLogger()->Log( _L("start mainloop if state not as EMESSAGE_RCVD \n") );
- 		g_main_loop_run (aTestData->GetMainLoop());
- 	}
-  return aTestData->GetSendRecvMsgState();
-// function_name	: sendmessage_cb
-// description     	: Callback for Send Message
-void CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage::sendmessage_cb( DBusGProxy* /*proxy*/, GError* /*error*/, gpointer userdata ) 
-	CTestData* testdata = static_cast<CTestData*> (userdata);
-	testdata->GetStifLogger()->Log( _L("inside sendmessage_cb \n") );
- 	//This is the test case for sending message to invalid userid.
- 	if ( testdata->GetTestType() != CTestData::ESendErr )
- 	{
-		testdata->SetSendRecvMsgState(CTestData::EMessageSent);
-		testdata->GetStifLogger()->Log( _L("sendmessage_cb::msg sent successfully \n") );
- 		//Quit the main loop , just for now
- 		g_main_loop_quit(testdata->GetMainLoop()); 
- 	}
- 	else if( testdata->GetTestType() == CTestData::ERecvBlank )
- 	{
- 		//Quit the main loop , just for now
- 		testdata->GetStifLogger()->Log( _L("sendmessage_cb::test case is for blank msg sending \n") );
- 		g_main_loop_quit(testdata->GetMainLoop()); 	
- 	}
- 	//otherwise send message error test case, dont quit.
-// function_name	: receivedMessage_cb
-// description     	: Callback for receive message
-void CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage::receivedMessage_cb (  DBusGProxy* /*proxy*/,
-								guint            /* message_id */,
-							   	guint            /* timestamp */,
-							    guint           /* from_handle */,
-							    guint           /* message_type */,
-							    guint           /* message_flags */,
-							    gchar           * /*message_body */,
-							    gpointer		user_data )
-	//GArray  *message_ids;
-	//GArray  *handles = NULL;
-	CTestData* testdata = static_cast<CTestData*> (user_data);
-	/*message_ids = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (guint));
-	g_array_append_val (message_ids, message_id);
-	g_array_free (message_ids, TRUE);
-	handles = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (guint32));
-	g_array_append_val (handles, from_handle);	
-	g_array_free (handles, TRUE);*/
-	testdata->GetStifLogger()->Log( _L("receivedMessage_cb::test case is for receive msg \n") );
-	if( testdata->GetTestType() == CTestData::EReceive )
-		{
-		testdata->SetSendRecvMsgState(CTestData::EMessageRecvd);
-		//Quit the main loop once the receive message callback is received. 	
-	 	g_main_loop_quit(testdata->GetMainLoop());
-		}
-// function_name	: text_channels_find_func
-// description     	: find whether the text channel 
-//										is existing given the hash table pointer
-gboolean CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage::text_channels_find_func(	gchar* /*key*/,
-									TpChan *text_channel_ht_ptr,
-									guint *contact_handle)
-	if ((text_channel_ht_ptr->handle == *contact_handle))
-	{
-		return TRUE;
-	}//else
-	return FALSE;
-void CTelepathyGabbleSendRecvMessage::SendError_cb (  DBusGProxy* /*proxy*/,
-								guint            error,
-							   	guint            /*timestamp*/,
-							    guint            /*message_type*/,
-							    gchar*           /*message_body*/,
-							    gpointer		user_data )
-	//Get the testdata
-	CTestData* testdata = static_cast<CTestData*> (user_data);
-	FILE* fp;
-	fp = fopen("c:\\testlogs.txt","a");
-	if(fp)
-	{
-		fprintf(fp,"error  code is %u", error);
-		fprintf(fp,"\n");
-		fclose(fp);
-	}
-	testdata->GetStifLogger()->Log( _L("inside SendError_cb \n") );
-	testdata->SetSendRecvMsgState(CTestData::EMessageSendErr);		
-  	//quit the main loop
-  	g_main_loop_quit(testdata->GetMainLoop());	
\ No newline at end of file