changeset 0 ff3b6d0fd310
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ff3b6d0fd310
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  This file contains the header file of the CCbsDbImpTopicMessages class.
    15 *    
    16 *                This class represents the topic messages stored in the database.
    17 *
    18 */
    25 // INCLUDES
    26 #include <e32std.h>
    27 #include <s32file.h>
    28 #include "CbsCommon.h"
    31 class CCbsDbImp;
    32 class CCbsDbImpTopicList;
    33 class CCbsRecEtel;
    37 /**
    38 *   CCbsDbImpTopicMessages represents CB messages stored in persistent memory.
    39 *   CBS server has two files to accommodate messages: one for unsaved 
    40 *   and one for saved messages. "Topic messages"-stream contains information
    41 *   on whether a message is saved or not, and what is message's stream id.
    42 *   CCbsDbImpTopicMessages determines the correct data file depending on
    43 *   message's save status.
    44 *
    45 *   Changes are written to stores immediately after operations. Message cache
    46 *   iMessageList contains header information of all messages in a single topic
    47 *   at once. A call to LoadCacheL() is thus made prior to any operation to
    48 *   make sure that the appropriate topic is being used.
    49 */
    50 class CCbsDbImpTopicMessages : public CBase
    51     {
    52     public:        // New functions
    53         /**
    54         *   Creates an instance of the class.
    55         *
    56         *   @param  aTopicList          Topic list database manager
    57         *   @param  aFs                 File server session
    58         *   @return                     Pointer to the created instance
    59         */
    60         static CCbsDbImpTopicMessages* NewL( CCbsDbImpTopicList& aTopicList,
    61             RFs& aFs );
    63         /**
    64         *   Destructor.
    65         */
    66         ~CCbsDbImpTopicMessages();
    68     public:
    69         /**
    70         *   Invalidates the cache.
    71         */
    72         void InvalidateCache();
    74         /**
    75         *   Invalidates the cache if the cache contains messages of the topic.
    76         *
    77         *   @param aNumber              Number of the topic that is 
    78         *                               invalidated.
    79         */
    80         void InvalidateCacheIfTopic( const TCbsDbTopicNumber& aNumber );
    82         /**
    83         *   Creates a default topic messages stream.
    84         *
    85         *   @param  aStore              Store to which the stream is created.
    86         *   @return                     Stream identifier to the created stream
    87         */
    88         static TStreamId CreateDefaultTopicMessagesStreamL( 
    89             CStreamStore& aStore );
    91         /**
    92         *   Delete all topics messages.
    93         *
    94         *   @param  aSavedStore         Store which contains saved messages.
    95         *   @param  aUnsavedStore       Store which contains unsaved messages.
    96         *   @param  aIn                 Stream for topic messages.
    97         */
    98         static void DeleteAllTopicMessagesL( CStreamStore& aSavedStore, 
    99             CStreamStore& aUnsavedStore, RReadStream& aIn );
   101         /**
   102         *   Determines whether or not there are any locked messages in 
   103         *   the topic.
   104         *
   105         *   @param  aNumber             Number of the topic.
   106         *   @return                     Boolean value indicating if there are 
   107         *                               locked messages in topic.
   108         */
   109         TBool IsLockedMessagesInTopic( const TCbsDbTopicNumber& aNumber ) 
   110             const;
   112         /**
   113         *   Determines whether there is at least one locked message.
   114         *
   115         *   @return                     ETrue, if there's at least one locked
   116         *                               message.
   117         */
   118         TBool IsLockedMessages() const;
   120         /**
   121         *   Returns the total amount of messages the topic contains.
   122         *
   123         *   @param aNumber              Number of the topic.
   124         *   @param aCount               Returns: number of messages in given
   125         *                               topic
   126         */
   127         void GetMessageCountL( const TCbsDbTopicNumber& aNumber, 
   128             TInt& aCount );
   130         /**
   131         *   Returns message information.
   132         *
   133         *   @param aNumber              Number of the topic.
   134         *   @param aIndex               Index to the message in topic.
   135         *   @param aMessage             Returns: message information.
   136         */
   137         void GetMessageL( const TCbsDbTopicNumber& aNumber, 
   138             TInt aIndex, TCbsDbMessage& aMessage );
   140         /**
   141         *   Finds the message for given handle and returns it.
   142         *
   143         *   @param aHandle              Handle to the message.
   144         *   @param aMessage             Returns: message information.
   145         */
   146         void FindMessageByHandleL( const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aHandle, 
   147             TCbsDbMessage& aMessage );
   149         /**
   150         *   Finds the message by message key.
   151         *
   152         *   @param  aNumber             Number of the topic.
   153         *   @param  aKey                Message key to be looked for.
   154         *   @return                     Handle to the message, or KErrNotFound if no 
   155         *                               such message was found.
   156         */
   157         TInt FindMessageByKeyL( TCbsDbTopicNumber aNumber, 
   158             TCbsDbMessageKey aKey,
   159             TCbsDbMessage& aMessage );
   161         /**
   162         *   Stores the contents of the message to the buffer aContents. 
   163         *   If aContents is too small to contain the whole message
   164         *   body, the message body is truncated.
   165         *
   166         *   @param aHandle              Handle to the message.
   167         *   @param aContents            Returns: message body
   168         *   @param aSize                Number of bytes to read
   169         */
   170         void GetMessageContentsL( const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aHandle, 
   171             TPtr& aContents, TUint aSize );
   173         /**
   174         *   Deletes a message from the topic.
   175         *
   176         *   @param aHandle      Handle to the message to be deleted.
   177         *   @param  aReceiver   Receiver.
   178         */
   179         void DeleteMessageL( const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aHandle,
   180             const CCbsRecEtel& aReceiver );
   182         /**
   183         *   Creates a new message to the topic.
   184         *
   185         *   FFS critical level check is made prior to operation.
   186         *
   187         *   @param aNumber              Number of the topic to which 
   188         *                               the message is to be added.
   189         *   @param aMessage             Contains the message information 
   190         *                               (i.e., header, not body).
   191         *   @param aContents            The contents of the message.
   192         */
   193         void AddMessageL( const TCbsDbTopicNumber& aNumber, 
   194             TCbsDbMessage& aMessage, const TPtrC& aContents );
   196         /**
   197         *   Saves the message.
   198         *
   199         *   FFS critical level check is made prior to the operation.
   200         *
   201         *   @param aHandle      Handle to the message to be saved.
   202         *   @param  aReceiver   Receiver.
   203         */
   204         void SaveMessageL( const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aHandle,
   205             const CCbsRecEtel& aReceiver );
   207         /**
   208         *   Sets the message as read.
   209         *
   210         *   @param aHandle      Handle to the message to be set read.
   211         *   @param  aReceiver   Receiver.
   212         */
   213         void ReadMessageL( const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aHandle,
   214             const CCbsRecEtel& aReceiver );
   216         /**
   217         *   Updates handles of messages in the topic with the number given in
   218         *   aOldTopicNumber to match new topic number.
   219         *
   220         *   @param  aOldTopicNumber     Number of topic to be changed
   221         *   @param  aNewTopicNumber     Change handles to match this number
   222         */
   223         void UpdateHandlesOfTopicMessagesL(
   224             const TCbsDbTopicNumber& aOldTopicNumber, 
   225             const TCbsDbTopicNumber& aNewTopicNumber );
   227         /**
   228         *   Unlocks one message and then locks another message.
   229         *
   230         *   Message that is locked can not be removed. Topic that 
   231         *   contains a locked message can not be removed.
   232         *
   233         *   Note that locking status is not persistent in the sense that 
   234         *   when the power is switched off and turned on, no messages 
   235         *   are automatically locked.
   236         *
   237         *   @param aUnlock       Handle to the message to be unlocked.
   238         *   @param aLock         Handle to the message to be locked.
   239         */
   240         void LockMessageL( const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aUnlock, 
   241             const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aLock );
   243         /**
   244         *   Retrieves handles of messages that precede and succeed the message
   245         *   with handle aCurrentMsg.
   246         */
   247         void GetNextAndPrevMsgHandleL(
   248             const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aCurrentMsg,
   249             TCbsDbMessageHandle& aNextMsg, 
   250             TCbsDbMessageHandle& aPrevMsg, 
   251             TInt& aPosition);
   253         /**
   254         *   Finds message position by message handle.
   255         *
   256         *   The method leaves in case the message is not found.
   257         *
   258         *   @param  aHandle             Handle to the message to be looked for.
   259         *   @return                     The position of the message.
   260         */
   261         TInt FindMessagePositionByHandleL( 
   262             const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aMessage );        
   264     private:
   266         // The structure that represents the topic messages cache item.
   267         struct TCbsDbImpTopicMessagesCacheItem
   268             {   
   269             // The stream identifier for the message information.
   270             TStreamId iId;
   272             // Whether this message is saved or not
   273             TBool iIsSaved;
   275             // Indicates whether iMessage and iContentsId are valid.
   276             TBool iIsMessage;
   278             // Message header - valid only if iIsMessage is true.
   279             TCbsDbMessage iMessage;
   281             // Stream identifier for message body-valid if iIsMessage is ETrue
   282             TStreamId iContentsId;
   283             };
   285         typedef CArrayFixFlat< TCbsDbImpTopicMessagesCacheItem > 
   286             TCbsDbImpTopicMessagesCache;
   288         /**
   289         *   Constructor.
   290         *
   291         *   @param aTopicList           Topic list database object
   292         *   @param aFs                  File server session
   293         */
   294         CCbsDbImpTopicMessages( CCbsDbImpTopicList& aTopicList, RFs& aFs );
   296         /**
   297         *   Finalizes the construction.
   298         */
   299         void ConstructL();
   301         /**
   302         *   Adds a message.
   303         *
   304         *   @param aMessage             Contains the message information.
   305         *   @param aContents            Contains the message contents.
   306         */
   307         void DoAddMessageL( TCbsDbMessage& aMessage, const TDesC& aContents );
   309         /**
   310         *   Deletes a message.
   311         *
   312         *   @param aPosition            Position in the internal array where 
   313         *                               the message is.
   314         */
   315         void DoDeleteMessageL( TInt aPosition );
   317         /**
   318         *   Updates message information.
   319         *
   320         *   @param aId                  Stream id to which the information is
   321         *                               written.
   322         *   @param aMessage             Contains the message information.
   323         *   @param aContentsId          Contains the contents id.
   324         */
   325         void DoUpdateMessageL( const TStreamId& aId, 
   326             const TCbsDbMessage& aMessage, const TStreamId& aContentsId ) const;
   328         /**
   329         *   Sets the message read.
   330         *
   331         *   @param  aId                 Stream id to which the information is 
   332         *                               written.
   333         *   @param  aMessage            Contains the message information.
   334         *   @param  aContentsId         Stream idenfitier to the contents.
   335         */
   336         void DoReadMessageL( const TStreamId& aId, const TCbsDbMessage& aMessage, 
   337             const TStreamId& aContentsId );
   339         /**
   340         *   Deletes messages that are not supposed to be in the topic.
   341         *
   342         *   Because of message locking it is possible that there are more 
   343         *   received messages than there should be. This method tries to 
   344         *   delete this kind of message.
   345         */
   346         void DoDeleteL();
   348         /**
   349         *   Loads the cache, if it is not already loaded with this topic 
   350         *   information.
   351         *
   352         *   The method does not load any message information to the cache 
   353         *   - only what is really necessary.
   354         *
   355         *   @param aNumber              Number of the topic to be loaded 
   356         *                               to the cache.
   357         */
   358         void LoadCacheL( const TCbsDbTopicNumber& aNumber );
   360         /**
   361         *   Loads the message header to the cache.
   362         *
   363         *   Note that it is assumed that the index is in proper range! 
   364         *   And the cache is already loaded!
   365         *
   366         *   @param aIndex               The index to the message in cache.
   367         *   @param aMessage             Returns: message information.
   368         */
   369         void LoadMessageL( TInt aIndex, TCbsDbMessage& aMessage );
   371         /**
   372         *   Loads message contents (as much as it fits).
   373         *
   374         *   Save status of message is required because saved and unsaved
   375         *   messages are stored on separate files.
   376         *
   377         *   @param aContentsId          Stream identifier to the content.
   378         *   @param aContents            Returns: message body.
   379         *   @param aIsSaved             ETrue, if the message is saved.
   380 		*	@param aSize				Size of the message.
   381         */
   382         void LoadMessageContentsL( const TStreamId& aContentsId, TPtr& aContents, 
   383             TBool aIsSaved, TUint aSize ) const;
   385         /**
   386         *   Generates a new message handle.
   387         *
   388         *   @param  aNumber             Number of the topic which will contain 
   389         *                               the message.
   390         *   @return                     Returns the new message handle.
   391         */
   392         TCbsDbMessageHandle GenerateNewMessageHandle( 
   393             const TCbsDbTopicNumber& aNumber );
   395         /**
   396         *   Checks that if there are too many received messages in 
   397         *   the internal cache, then they will be deleted if they
   398         *   are not locked.
   399         *
   400         *   @return                     Boolean value indicating if some 
   401         *                               changes was made.
   402         */
   403         TBool DeleteReceivedIfNecessaryL();
   405         /**
   406         *   Deletes message by its position in the internal cache.
   407         *
   408         *   Note that after the call the internal cache won't contain 
   409         *   the item.
   410         *
   411         *   @param aPosition            The position to the message.
   412         */
   413         void DeleteMessageByPositionL( TInt index );
   415         /**
   416         *   Determines whether or not the message is locked.
   417         *
   418         *   @param  aHandle             The handle to the message.
   419         *   @return                     Boolean value indicating if 
   420         *                               the message is locked.
   421         */
   422         TBool IsMessageLocked( const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aHandle ) const;
   424         /**
   425         *   Deletes from the locked messages.
   426         *
   427         *   @param aHandle              Message to be unlocked.
   428         */
   429         void DeleteFromLocked( const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aHandle );
   431         /**
   432         *   Adds a handle to the locked messages.
   433         *
   434         *   @param aHandle              Message to be locked.
   435         */
   436         void InsertToLockedL( const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aHandle );
   438         /**
   439         *   Updates topic messages stream from the internal cache.
   440         *
   441         *   @param aDeleting            Whether the call is due to a deletion.
   442         */
   443         void UpdateTopicMessagesStreamL( TBool aDeleting );
   445         /**
   446         *   Writes topic messages stream from the internal cache.
   447         *
   448         *   @param aOut                 Stream to which data is written.
   449         */
   450         void WriteTopicMessagesStreamL( RWriteStream& aOut );
   452         /**
   453         *   Saves the message.
   454         *
   455         *   @param aMessage             The message to be saved.
   456         *   @param aItem                The cache item to the previous instance of the
   457         *                               message.
   458         *   @param aContentPtr          The contents of the message.
   459         *   @param aPosition            The position of the message in the cache.
   460         */
   461         void DoSaveMessageL( 
   462             TCbsDbMessage& aMessage,
   463             const TCbsDbImpTopicMessagesCacheItem& aItem,
   464             const TDesC& aContentPtr,
   465             TInt aPosition );
   467         /**
   468         *   Reverts any not commited file operation in data files,
   469         *   reloads cache and then leaves with aReason.
   470         *
   471         *   @param  aReason             Leave code
   472         */
   473         void RevertFileOperationL( TInt aReason );
   475         /**
   476         *   Creates a new message content stream.
   477         *
   478         *   @param aStore               Store to which the stream is created.
   479         *   @param aContents            Message content.
   480         */
   481         static TStreamId CreateMessageContentsStreamL( CStreamStore& aStore,
   482             const TDesC& aContents );
   484         /**
   485         *   Creates a new message stream.
   486         *
   487         *   @param aStore               Store to which the stream is created.
   488         *   @param aMessage             Message information.
   489         *   @param aContents            Stream identifier to the contents.
   490         */
   491         static TStreamId CreateMessageStreamL( CStreamStore& aStore, 
   492             TCbsDbMessage& aMessage, const TStreamId& aContents );
   494         /**
   495         *   Reads all cache items for a topic.
   496         *
   497         *   @param aStore               Reference to the store.
   498         *   @param aId                  Stream id to the topic messages stream.
   499         *   @param aCache               Empty cache where it is supposed that 
   500         *                               these messages are put.
   501         *   @param aSpace               Contain the amount of space for 
   502         *                               messages.
   503         */
   504         static void ReadTopicMessagesCacheItemsL( const CStreamStore& aStore, 
   505             const TStreamId& aId, 
   506             TCbsDbImpTopicMessagesCache& aCache, 
   507             TInt& aSpace );
   509         /**
   510         *   Reads necessary message information from the store.
   511         *
   512         *   @param aStore               Store that contains the information.
   513         *   @param aId                  Stream identifier to the message 
   514         *                               stream.
   515         *   @param aMessage             Contain message information.
   516         *   @param aContentsId          Contain the stream identifier to 
   517         *                               the contents.
   518         */
   519         static void ReadMessageInformationL( 
   520             const CStreamStore& aStore, 
   521             const TStreamId& aId, 
   522             TCbsDbMessage& aMessage, 
   523             TStreamId& aContentsId );
   525         /**
   526         *   Writes message information to the store.
   527         *
   528         *   @param aOut                 Stream to which data is written.
   529         *   @param aMessage             Contains the message information to be
   530         *                               written.
   531         *   @param aContentsId          Stream identifier to the contents.
   532         */
   533         static void WriteMessageInformationL( RWriteStream& aOut, 
   534             const TCbsDbMessage& aMessage, const TStreamId& aContentsId );
   536         /**
   537         *   Updates the soft notification (dialog) when unread message
   538         *   count changes.
   539         *
   540         *   @param aHandle      Handle to the message to be set as read
   541         *   @param  aReceiver   Receiver.
   542         */            
   543         void UpdateSoftNotificationL( const TCbsDbMessageHandle& aHandle,
   544            const CCbsRecEtel& aReceiver );
   546     private:
   548         // Topic list manager.
   549         CCbsDbImpTopicList& iTopicList;
   551         // Indicates whether the cache is valid or not.
   552         TBool iCacheValid;
   554         // If cache is valid, then it contains the topic handle of the 
   555         // cached topic.        
   556         TCbsDbTopicNumber iCachedTopicNumber;
   558         // If cache is valid, then it tells how many messages the stream 
   559         // can hold.        
   560         TInt iSpaceForMessages;
   562         // Own: If cache is valid, it contains some information of the 
   563         // topic messages for fast access.        
   564         TCbsDbImpTopicMessagesCache* iMessageList;
   566         // Own: handles of the locked messages.
   567         CArrayFixFlat< TCbsDbMessageHandle >* iLockedMessages;
   569         // Reference to a file server session of CCbsDbImp
   570         RFs& iFs;
   572     };
   574 #endif      //  CCBSDBIMPTOPICMESSAGES_H   
   576 // End of File